LPLib (For lack of a better name)
+——> CDLib (Genesis LPMud)
+——> Heaven7 (LDMud)
+——> TMI (The Mud Institute)
+—–> TMI-2
| |
| +—-> Lima
| |
| +—-> TMI-3
+—–> Nightmare –> Dead Souls 1 –> Dead Souls 2
+—–> Discworld
+——> CDLib (Genesis LPMud) (4 muds)
+——> Heaven7 (LDMud) (1 mud)
+——> TMI (The Mud Institute)
+—–> TMI-2
| |
| +—-> Lima (6 muds)
| |
| +—-> LPUniversity Mudlib (1 mud)
+—–> Nightmare
| |
| +—-> Dead Souls 1 –> Dead Souls 2
| |
| +—-> Marantha (0 muds)
| |
| +—-> Foundation (0 muds)
+—–> Discworld
+—-> Skylib (1 mud)
+—-> Final Realms (1 mud)
+——> CDLib (Genesis LPMud) (4 muds)
+——> Morgengrauen (Genesis LPMud)
+——> NannyLib (LPMud 2.4.5)
+——> NewMoon (LPMud 2.4.5)
+——> Heaven7 (Amylaar LPMud 3.2.x or LDMud) (1 mud)
+——> Tublib (LDMud) (1 mud)
+——> TMI (The Mud Institute - MudOS)
+—–> Basis (The Mud Institute - MudOS)
+—–> TMI-2
| |
| +—-> Lima (6 muds)
| |
| +—-> LPUniversity Mudlib (1 mud)
+—–> Nightmare III
| |
| +—-> Dead Souls 1 –> Dead Souls 2
| |
| +—-> Merantha (0 muds)
| |
| +—-> Foundation (0 muds)
| |
| +—–> Nightmare IV
+—–> Discworld (MudOS + FluffOS)
+—-> Skylib (1 mud)
+—-> Final Realms (1 mud)
+——> Melville
+——> LPMOO
+——> Gurbalib
+——> Phantasmal
I created a basic tree of LPMuds by driver a while ago: - I assume that tree is more or less correct. Also, is an alike tree like structure possible for mudlibs?
I also wonder, what exactly is the difference between LPC and an LP driver? If they are separate entities, what is the difference?