28 Jun, 2006, Tyche wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
TeensyMUD 2.10.0 released

TeensyMUD is a mud server written in Ruby.
This is startup mud system with most of the low-level infrastructure
already in place.

All you have to do is write a game for it.

Get it at http://teensymud.kicks-ass.org where you'll also find a support
forum, support wiki, and subversion repository.

This is a fairly minor release just to get back into the groove.
There have been database changes though.

New features in this release

* Exits are now first class objects.
* Fixed some serious errors in the networking subsystem.
* Included updated sample databases from the original TinyMud and DikuMud.

Features since version 2.9.0

* Support for SQLite 2 and 3 database back ends.
* Accounts are now first class core objects.
* Support for multiple characters per account and guest accounts
* Create/update time stamping added to database for objects.
* Objects support TinyMush-like success/fail messages in response to trigger
script return values.
* Security based on roles - admin and builder roles
* Support for Telnet EOREC option.
* A line editor (@edit) for editing object fields, scripts and system messages.
* More smart client detection for vt-xxx/xterm terminals.
* Pretty prompt for vtxxx/xterm clients.
* More vtxxx functions supported in TML markup.
* @show command to display object properties.
* @gc command to run garbage collection
* Multiplexed single-threaded network driver using Acceptor/Reactor and
Observer patterns
* Correct standard TELNET protocol implementation
* Supports TELNET NAWS, TTYPE, ECHO, SGA, and BINARY options
* VT-52/100/102/220 support
* Partial xterm support
* ZMP protocol support
* Client detection (15+ clients tested so far)
* Includes TeensyClient an vt-xxx/xterm capable client for testing.
* Fully persistent virtual world
* DBM, GDBM, SDBM and YAML supported database back ends
* Includes database load and dump utilities
* Configurable object caching support for disk-based databases
* Automatic persistent properties for objects
* Object ownership
* Event-driven system with first class game objects communicating via events
* Supports room-based system currently with unlimited exits
* Command based online creation
* Offline creation in YAML
* Color and VT-100 highlighting support for builders using TML
* Dynamic layered command interface
* Currently supports chat, say and emote communication commands
* Currently supports player movement, inventory, get and drop commands
* Help system
* Password encryption
* Runtime extensible commands. Add new commands without rebooting.
* Trigger script programming using Boolean expressions (ala Tiny*) and FARTS
* AOP-like cuts for PRE and POST event trigger processing
* Supports multiple persistent and variable timers
* Regression test suite included
* Customizable class level logging support
* Global configuration file support
* API documentation included
* Support forum and wiki
* Portable - runs on Unix, OS/X, Windows
* Liberal license
