Nope, but if you get a day when you want a real challenge, please support the Amiga ANSI codes :-D
Actually, I was thinking of pressing 1,000 hot needles on my skin at once to see if the resulting burn would have the shape of a butterfly. But your suggestion is a close second.
30 Aug, 2013, Hades_Kane wrote in the 142nd comment:
Votes: 0
If someone is still running a copy of Final Fantasy Compendium, it's world map is background color heavy. I'll see if I can't dig up if it is running somewhere for testing.
And if it's not, I have a copy I did have running for a bit I can boot up for you to test with.
31 Aug, 2013, Hades_Kane wrote in the 143rd comment:
Votes: 0
Ok, you can connect to FFC through : 5000
I think you start on the world map, or close to it… run around that a bit and it uses a lot of background color.
When you think you don't have any more use for that being up, let me know so I can shut it down :)
Ok, you can connect to FFC through : 5000
I think you start on the world map, or close to it… run around that a bit and it uses a lot of background color.
When you think you don't have any more use for that being up, let me know so I can shut it down :)
Thanks, the map is working now. Do you know if the game has examples where background and foreground colors are set simultaneously? If not, then you can take it down now.
MCCP2 is now supported. Stream passes through the proxy and is decompressed in the client, which should be optimal.
02 Sep, 2013, Rarva.Riendf wrote in the 148th comment:
Votes: 0
Still as gorgeous and mccp works fine indeed. But seems like I have a new bug to report :)
What is your name, brave soul? V <——- where does that V come from ???
And a request:when I quit (I mean type quit to get disconnected) in order to connect another char as an example, you need to relaunch the client. If you type a bad password though you will reconnect automatically.
Oh and another request: MXP tags are underscored AND colored by default. Either make it optionnal or by default I think it should only be underscored. Forcing coloration kinda breaks the mud intended look. (I know I know other clients do it as well…I still think it is a bad idea)
All we need now is background 256 colors working and client is pretty much PERFECT :)
Can you test background 256 and let me know how it looks? It would take me some time to put together a test on my game. If you have a good way, let me know.
And, yeah, wait till you see the mapping plugin before talking about perfection :)
Plamzi: Did you look for, or at any, of the existing javascript code out there that does terminal emulation and similar things? I ask wanting to know, with regard to working out the best approach to doing my own future web interface to my own MUD.
Plamzi: Did you look for, or at any, of the existing javascript code out there that does terminal emulation and similar things? I ask wanting to know, with regard to working out the best approach to doing my own future web interface to my own MUD.
TBH, I'm not going to do anything about VT100 myself, but someone could wrap the above code in a new plugin that replaces the regular ScrollWindow. I think that's part of the power of this kind of setup–you can customize as much as you want while still taking advantage of what is already there.
I was meaning more in general, not just emulation of specific terminals. Take for example vt100.js, it does the basic display with 256 colours I believe, taking the building a table of div-based cells and assigning properties to each. So even if I wasn't interested in vt100 specifically, it's a good starting point for getting a terminal to display. I'm assuming you just rolled your own everything? From telnet negotiation to ansi escape code parsing?
Is your code checked into a public repo anywhere I can pull it and examine it offline?
Also, given that this is a project that benefits the community, would you want to put something in Imaginary Realities with regard to it?
I was meaning more in general, not just emulation of specific terminals. Take for example vt100.js, it does the basic display with 256 colours I believe, taking the building a table of div-based cells and assigning properties to each. So even if I wasn't interested in vt100 specifically, it's a good starting point for getting a terminal to display. I'm assuming you just rolled your own everything? From telnet negotiation to ansi escape code parsing?
I don't think I'd get very far if I was rolling my own everything. I've used all that I know about that moves this project closer to its goals.
In this particular case, I don't see a 256-color map in the vt100.js code. I did a basic google search for something already there but Scandum was quick to help me out, and since the actual logic behind handling color codes is fairly simple, I just wrote it.
Sometimes that's a good idea because: a) I can leverage code that I know is already on the page, like jQuery and Bootstrap. b) There's other code already changing the markup of the displayed formatted text, e. g. the MXP plugin, so it helps to know how the different plugins play together.
There's always a judgment call involved when you're using someone else's code, and the considerations are different in each case.
As for writing my own negotiations, I thought it was quicker to add them myself since they are MUD-specific anyway. I can't imagine that a library would have helped there in a way that would justify making the page heavier, and responsiveness potentially slower.
To explain why VT100 is not a priority for me: I want the portal app to propel some MUDs to think beyond the telnet terminal and to help make MUDs relevant again as a "cloud gaming" option. So, instead of cursor movements and drawing at cursor positions, I'd like to offer game admins a set of easy-to-use UI objects, as a platform SDK does. Examples include custom windows for redirecting certain output, modal popups, multiple-choice pickers (with HTML support), windows displaying content in an iframe (e. g. your help files). Most of these you can already see in the Bedlam web app–I'm just opening them up. The app is running in a browser, so the focus is on presenting the user with interactions that will feel natural to a wide audience.
Is your code checked into a public repo anywhere I can pull it and examine it offline?
Maybe soon. Sooner if someone actually wants to collaborate. Right now, I'm focused on bringing new features quickly. You can examine all the client code in your browser. When you register to the site, you can look at examples of plugins that run on top of the core, and write your own.
Flexible and well-commented plugin that builds a tabbed box for redirecting all kinds of input. Ideal for chat. The example uses RegEx to capture a dozen channels.
Display your own content (e. g. web-based help files or a who is online list) in a UI window. Supports easy adding of a hide / show icon to the main window. Supports refreshing the content (e. g. polling a who list) at a given interval. New features:
* You can now list a game in progress that can be left in an unpublished state. You will be the only one who sees it listed in Game Center.
* UI windows snap to one another. Window management improvements.
* New event hooks for more plugin options. Improvements to core plugins for ease of use, and for adding control icons to the Scroll View toolbar.
09 Sep, 2013, Idealiad wrote in the 158th comment:
Actually, I was thinking of pressing 1,000 hot needles on my skin at once to see if the resulting burn would have the shape of a butterfly. But your suggestion is a close second.