18 Dec, 2011, syriac wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0

I wanted to take a minute to tell everyone about The Final Challenge. TFC is
a fantastic MUD that has been around for nearly 20 years! TFC is a highly
evolved, interesting and fun experience. The player community is very tight
knit as most of us have known each other for over a decade. The immortal staff
is very active and always willing to help. As the name implies, TFC is full of
challenges. There are great quests, multiclassing, god lead followings and so
much more. Stop by and check it out today! If you give it a chance, you're
bound to fall in love just like I did over 10 years ago. How many games can you
say you've been playing for over 10 years? This place is special, and new faces
are always welcomed.

telnet - tfcmud.com port 4000
website http://tfcmud.com
wiki — http://wiki.tfcmud.com
forums – http://forums.tfcmud.com
twitter - http://twitter.com/tfcmud

15 Jan, 2012, syriac wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
To piggy back on my previous post we're still looking to see some new faces, but also we'd like to get feedback from players who are brand new about what is good and what is bad about our newbie system.
15 Jan, 2012, KaVir wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
syriac said:
To piggy back on my previous post we're still looking to see some new faces, but also we'd like to get feedback from players who are brand new about what is good and what is bad about our newbie system.

Most newbies quit within a few minutes of connecting to a new mud, so you need to grab their attention pretty quickly. Asking them to read and agree to ten policy help files before playing is pretty rough.

Also, while I don't mind giving my email address once I know I'm going to stay, I don't like giving it when I first connect. You make it optional (which is fine), but if no email is given during character creation it can never be set again.

I was a bit confused by the "clear red potions" I started with, as there was no indication of what they did - quaffing them revealed they were potions of recall, but for newbie gear it would have been helpful if they'd been labeled.

It also took me a while to realise that I could type "config -exact" to switch on abbreviations. Any reason why that isn't the default setting?

Other than that the game seems polished, and the member of staff online was very helpful, giving me tips and offering to show me around. Seven newbie help files was a bit overwhelming, but the website guide has some good information on it.
15 Jan, 2012, syriac wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
Thank you for the feedback KaVir! You made some great points that I'll bring up. Especially in regards to config -exact and labels of items. As far as lengthy policy, I suppose it has become that way after a MUD that has been online for almost 20 years now and dealing with every possible scenario :P There may be ways to deliver that info in a more easy to digest manner though.
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