06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
So, since yesterday, I'd had some trouble loading TMC. At first, I figured something might just be wrong with my connection, but every other site on the web would load just fine, and in fact was loading faster than usual. So next, I assumed it might be something with the servers instead, but everyone else was able to load TMC with no problems. Today, I decided to try using a proxy service and it appears as though I've been IP banned.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4

So, what do you guys think? With the new avatar, my assumption is pretty obvious.
06 Jul, 2007, Guest wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
Seems kind of silly if you ask me. Isn't this the same kind of crap we just went through in the last year with Kyndig banning people for no good reason?
06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Of course it's silly! I thrive on silliness. Why else would I be posting?

But honestly, part of me can't help but be curious as to why. I haven't been active on TMC for a good, long while, and can't recall ever having used anything else hosted on a Wolfpaw server. Of course, wondering aloud about it here won't do any good.
06 Jul, 2007, Cratylus wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
What is the motivation behind the ban? Why do you think he did it?

It seems unlikely to me. Dale strikes me as the sort of person that would
ban you if he feels it's right in the blink of an eye, but would at least tell you
about it.

Anyway, Wolfpaw's servers recently went through upgrade and overhaul
and stuff. Wouldn't surprise me if there was a connection.


I didn't get a chance to read your last post…apparently you can't
think of a reason for it. Why assume evil? Did you even ask him?
06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Could be. But why me specifically, then? What I was getting at while wondering aloud is the fact that, to my knowledge, I haven't been involved enough with anything over there to warrant a ban.

Edit: I never assumed anything about evil. I was originally hoping someone could point out a technical problem I might have overlooked and the whole thing would be a misunderstanding on my part.

Another edit, since I forgot to add this: As for contacting him, I don't plan to bother, for two reasons. First off, if I actually HAVE been banned without any notification, what do you think the odds are I'll get a response anyway? And secondly, if it's just a technical error that came about during the upgrade, which I hadn't thought of before, having not known about the upgrade, I figure it'll be ironed out on its own shortly.
06 Jul, 2007, Conner wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Midboss said:
So, what do you guys think? With the new avatar, my assumption is pretty obvious.

Well, while I fail to see the connection between your avatar and anything else here, I suspect that the problem is that weird little rectangle on the bottom left edge of your screen shots, obviously you've acquired a severe virus on your computer, I believe that one's known to be distributed by some group out of Redmond, Washington… :tongue:
06 Jul, 2007, Guest wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Well if it's a technical problem it's an awfully selective one. Can't reach it direct, but going through a proxy service doesn't work? Have you tried going back at different times?

TMC seems to be working fine for me right now.
06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
Samson said:
Can't reach it direct, but going through a proxy service doesn't work? Have you tried going back at different times?

No no, the proxy service works fine at all times, and everyone I've asked has no problem no matter what time I ask them at. It's only if it's my own IP that I can't access it, but I'm willing to be open to even the most incredibly slim of possibilities, since I've learned not to jump the gun.

Conner said:
Well, while I fail to see the connection between your avatar and anything else here …

It says "perma banned" in the background.
06 Jul, 2007, Cratylus wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
I had a similar thing happen to me a while back, trying to remember
what site it was. Oh yeah, ruthlessreviews. It kept denying me, over
and over, which was weird, since I'd been able to access it before,
and I never posted there or anything. I tried using a different computer
and browser, and voila, it worked fine.

To this day I dunno what the deal was, but I didn't take it into my
head that people were banning me intentionally. Whether it's
internet goblins, intarweb cookies, misbehaving firewalls, etc
ad nauseam, I think there's plenty to investigate and reason to
ask before leaping to an accusation. IMO.

06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
Cratylus said:
Whether it's
internet goblins, intarweb cookies, misbehaving firewalls, etc
ad nauseam, I think there's plenty to investigate and reason to
ask before leaping to an accusation. IMO.

I thought I already covered that this was posted as a question, not an outright accusation, although I admit I already have a pretty firm belief as to what's going on. Another possibility could be that my IP just happens to fall into a range that was intentionally banned, though I wasn't intended as a target for said ban.
06 Jul, 2007, Conner wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
Midboss said:
Conner said:
Well, while I fail to see the connection between your avatar and anything else here …

It says "perma banned" in the background.

Ah, guess I hadn't looked closely enough. *shrug*

Cratylus said:
Whether it's
internet goblins, intarweb cookies, misbehaving firewalls, etc
ad nauseam,

Actually, all those sound pretty plausible to me, especially the cookies notion. Have you wiped your TMC related cookies and tried again yet?
06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
Just did, and to no avail.
06 Jul, 2007, Cratylus wrote in the 13th comment:
Votes: 0
I thought I already covered that this was posted as a question, not an outright accusation

Language is a funny thing, isn't it. I could, for example, claim I didn't say
you *did* accuse anyone of anything, since my post didn't explicitly specify it was
you I was talking about.

But of course I was talking about you. I didn't need to be explicit because
conversations have context that informs their meaning, and I assumed (apparently
correctly) that you were smart enough to get it.

I suppose you could claim that your posts do not contain an accusation,
and are strictly questions. I'm going to assume that is not what you are claiming,
since that's either an insult to the intelligence of the readers, or a devastating
attack on your grasp of rhetoric. Or both.

By your own admission you believed you were singled out for a ban, and
you came here to talk about it. Maybe the word "accuse" has some sort of
undesirable baggage for you, but it seems pretty clear that accusing Dale
of banning you is what you've been up to in this thread, whether you like
the word or not.

The effect of stating you believe he did something against you and asking for input is
not different from "accusing" him of doing something and asking for input.

06 Jul, 2007, Conner wrote in the 14th comment:
Votes: 0
:shrug: Then my next best guess would be to try purging your netbios/dns cache or else wait it out for another day or two and see if it's a problem at TMC that Andy manages to get resolved on his own. :sad:

On the other hand, perhaps someone else here would have another suggestion?
06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 15th comment:
Votes: 0
Crat, I admitted I had a pretty firm belief that it was intentional, but I was asking (though it might not have been clear) not for input about being banned, but for suggestion as to what else might be the cause. Which I've been getting, and trying what remedies have been suggested. If you want to turn this into a flame thread, I'd kindly ask you to just ignore it and go away.

You see, I want to be proven wrong on this.
06 Jul, 2007, Conner wrote in the 16th comment:
Votes: 0
Cratylus said:
The effect of stating you believe he did something against you and asking for input is
not different from "accusing" him of doing something and asking for input.

Can't we leave the hostilities to other sites and just accept that he didn't mean to address it as an accusation but simply phrased it poorly due to being under duress due to being unable to directly reach one of his favorite sites. :wink: Thus we could then focus on combining the talents of all the great minds here to see if we can figure out what Midboss might be able to try from his own end to resolve the problem.. even if that ends up with the final course being to drop an email to Icculus asking for assistance from that end? :shrug:
06 Jul, 2007, Cratylus wrote in the 17th comment:
Votes: 0
k sry

06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 18th comment:
Votes: 0
Thank you, it's much appreciated.
06 Jul, 2007, Fizban wrote in the 19th comment:
Votes: 0
Another possibility could be that my IP just happens to fall into a range that was intentionally banned, though I wasn't intended as a target for said ban.

That's the most logical answer in my opinion. I've communicated with Icculus via email, and messages on TMCNET multiple times, and never found him to be anything but professional. I've communicated with Dale via IM and at various MUD related events and have also always found him to be ultimately professional. I don't believe either one is the type to ban someone for some obscure reason and then not even notify the person banned.
06 Jul, 2007, Midboss wrote in the 20th comment:
Votes: 0
Yeah, once it occurred to me it seemed like a very likely explanation. Though there are still people who hold grudges against me *coughmijutsaicough* and could have been trying to get me banned through whatever means, which is what made it seem possible or even probable. I think I'll stick with the "side-effect of a range ban" explanation.

But I'm keeping the new avatar. It's spiffy.
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