26 Nov, 2008, Kayle wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Just when I thought I was finished making aesthetic changes to my site, I ran through all the browsers available to me on my system, (Firefox 3, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and :shudder: IE7), to my dismay IE didn't render the menus. A quick look at the menu.js file revealed the problem and that was remedied. But now, IE is doing something that I'd almost rather it still not run the menus properly. If you go to this link in both your favorite non-IE browser and then again in IE7, you'll be able to pick out the problem fairly quickly.

In a non-IE browser, the Navigation section, the Eridanus section, and the Stats section render properly, with correct spacing, and where required, split evenly in a two column text layout.

In IE7 (I don't know about IE6 because with 7 installed I can't install 6. -.-), it's all crushed together, and where it's supposed to be two columns it's a single column.

If blocking IEs access to my site wouldn't cost me 70% of the internet audience, I'd gladly do it, but sadly, it'll cost me about 70% of the internet market, and that's a rather substantial number, so I'd prefer to get this to work. Please… please tell me someone out there has a way to fix this….? :cry:
26 Nov, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
the easiest way to fix it would be to kidnap bill gates's dog or something and threaten to cook it and serve it to some hungry ethiopian kid unless he stops being a douche-bag and fixes internet explorer, windows vista, and basically everything else he has come out with. this is something i can assist you with, especially the cooking part, i took home-ec in highschool. the java stuff is outside my field of expertise however so along those lines i'm unable to help.
26 Nov, 2008, Guest wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
It's much too late now to blame Bill Gates or to threaten his dog over it. You'll need to direct your righteous anger at Steve Balmer instead. You can rest assured though his response would be along the lines of "70% of the internet can't be wrong!"
26 Nov, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
not wront per say, just un-informed and because web developers continue to try to make their sites work with it, the regular schmucks aren't motivated to get something that works better because they likely don't know there's anything wrong with ie. macintosh is doing a good job of a smear campaign against windows vista right now but someone really needs to attack IE.
26 Nov, 2008, Scandum wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
If it's a mud site IE has (according to my own data) a share of 34.1% for Windows users, and a share of 17.9% when including all operating systems.
26 Nov, 2008, Davion wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Just under 20% of our users use IE and a little over 70% use FF. The rest is spread out. We even have someone using netfront to access our ol' site :). Wonder how that looks…
26 Nov, 2008, Kayle wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
All these numbers are fascinating.. but how do i fix the issue? :P
28 Nov, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
lol gotta love a little thread-jack once in a while, especially when davion participates :evil:
28 Nov, 2008, Fizban wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
Davion said:
Just under 20% of our users use IE and a little over 70% use FF. The rest is spread out. We even have someone using netfront to access our ol' site :). Wonder how that looks…

Sweet, that leaves me in the 10% using neither. I generally use Opera, but also Chrome every now and then. Both are faster than FF and beat it in just about every technical aspect I can fathom so I see no need for FF.
28 Nov, 2008, Zenn wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
Only problem I have with Chrome is that if you accidentally close down the browser, your 700MB download that's at 681/700 is discontinued, with no option to resume it like in Firefox.
28 Nov, 2008, Kayle wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
This has all been fascinating to discuss the different browsers, but it still doesn't help me with my problem.
28 Nov, 2008, Ssolvarain wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
Could just run a filter that directs people to a "stop using IE" page, if they're using it, and let everyone else proceed to the main page. IE crunches everything, and a fix is to not use it :P
29 Nov, 2008, Davion wrote in the 13th comment:
Votes: 0
Well Kayle, honestly there's not much you can do, other than hack at it till you get it to work under IE7, then, apply some sort of browser hack (QSF has a couple so just look around.) Also, validating your XHTML is always a good start.
29 Nov, 2008, Keberus wrote in the 14th comment:
Votes: 0
Just throwing this out there, what would happen if you put in breaks after each item?
<a href="/index.php?a=page&p=3&d=2">World Overview</a><br>

Wouldn't be suprised if you didn't already try that though, just thought I'd try to be helpful.
29 Nov, 2008, elanthis wrote in the 15th comment:
Votes: 0
There is NOTHING you can do to deal with IE. No amount of threatening Microsoft is going to help, either. They'd be tickled pink if every single user of the Internet upgraded to the latest IE, but they can't even get people to keep up with the latest version of Windows. (Which, sadly, is partly where there are still many people using IE6 – all the ****ing idiots still running Win 9x instead of XP or Vista. Or the people still running XP pre-SP1.)

So far as the problem… what's with that "height: 1% /* IE Hack */" in your CSS? That looks relevant to the side nav, and it looks a lot like the height or line-height is screwed up.

When dealing with these kinds of problems, the general approach (when you have to deal with IE) is to rmove all your CSS, and then add it back declaration-by-declaration, until you find the one that makes it go from "worky" to "blowy-upy."
29 Nov, 2008, Kayle wrote in the 16th comment:
Votes: 0
Do I need to remove all the CSS or just the portions dealing with the navigation area?
29 Nov, 2008, elanthis wrote in the 17th comment:
Votes: 0
If removing just the navigation bits is enough, then rock on.
29 Nov, 2008, Kayle wrote in the 18th comment:
Votes: 0
Alright, I'll start with just the navigation stuff, while I work on that, maybe you can help me with another small issue.

I have these two function that I use to open a pair of forms so people will be able to apply to be an immortal, or offer a review of a current immortal from the website. And I want the new window to hide the address bar so they can't just open the page normally. But no matter what I do, it doesn't hide the address, just makes it so you can't change it.

function loadApp() {
var loadApp =

function loadReview() {
var loadReview =

The script works fine in IE, FF, and Chrome, (well, while displaying the address) and Safari and Opera don't do anything. Any insight?

[Edit:] To add a return after the '', in the code, so it didn't screw with the overflow stuff.
29 Nov, 2008, Kayle wrote in the 19th comment:
Votes: 0
Ok, So it wasn't in the navigation CSS, so it got me curious, so I set it up so that if it's not IE, to use the menu script. If it is IE, don't use the menu script. Without the menu script running, everything formats properly. None of the links are crushed and it all formats properly, just without the collapsing menus. So that makes me wonder, could something in the mootools library be screwing with it?

(I really don't want to have to go through all 859 lines of CSS :( )
29 Nov, 2008, elanthis wrote in the 20th comment:
Votes: 0
The menu script might be doing something goofy, like dynamically changing the CSS for certain elements in a bad way. When you say that you removed the script, did you just remove the actual JS, or the CSS that goes with it? If leaving the CSS is fine but the JS makes it break, then you might need to look over the JS to see if it's doing something stupid with dynamic CSS.

Debugging stuff in IE is hard, unfortunately, and I'm not nearly so useful with CSS as I am with JavaScript. We pay big bucks for our professional design team to deal with CSS and layout issues. They just pay me to make those nice designs actually do stuff. ;)

So far the address bar thing in your popup windows, that is entirely by design. Allowing sites to hide the address bar makes it so that sites can popup windows that pretend to be from a different site (like the user's bank, paypal account, etc.) or from another Windows app, and the user has no easy way to tell or check the actual domain of the popup. The Safari failure is a known bug, and I'd assume the Opera failure is as well. Something about having to open the window, then changing the URL of the window afterwards.

Honestly, using a popup is gross. The sooner browsers just disable the damn things the better. You can do what you want in far more professional-looking ways. You might as well put blinking text and a marquee on your site if you're going to rely on popups for anything.
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