18 Oct, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
i haven't actually used MCCP since dystopia 1.0 had an experience bonus for using it, but i've been fiddling around with a copy of dystopia 1.0 (just cause i miss playing the old dystopia) and was wondering where i can download it now days. the site i originally got it from doesn't exist anymore. i looked around the code repository here and unfortunately couldn't find it.
18 Oct, 2008, Guest wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
There were never a whole lot of downloadable patches for MCCP regardless of codebase. The archive I have of the old randomly.org pages never had much beyond one for DOTD and some client side patches that wouldn't do much good for servers. That's probably why no such patches ever made it into the repository. They likely didn't exist, or nobody knew about them.
18 Oct, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
so where can i get the one that was on the dystopia website years ago? thats really the only version i need.
18 Oct, 2008, Guest wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
Sorry. I don't know where that particular file can be found now. I never had any reason to visit the Dystopia website.
18 Oct, 2008, Kline wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Two available for GW derivs right here: http://www.dystopiamud.dk/snippets.php
18 Oct, 2008, elanthis wrote in the 6th comment:
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It's also pretty damn trivial to just do it yourself.

It's basically just a couple extra TELNET code handlers and slap in zlib in the output routine. Maybe 20-40 lines of code. A little more if you want the best compression and don't already have output buffering.
18 Oct, 2008, Kjwah wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
SocketMUD has both MCCP v1 and v2 implemented in it. It shouldn't be too hard(I don't think) to port it to a different base.
19 Oct, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
i'm not looking for snippets to install it into the mud, i've got dystopia 1.0 and it is already installed, i'm talking about the program i need to run to get the mccp bonus exp on dystopia.
19 Oct, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0

What exactly is it that you're looking for? You want a MUD client that is MCCP enabled? Every post up till now made it look like you were trying to install MCCP into a codebase…
20 Oct, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
i'm looking for the program that has to be run alongside the client to gain the exp bonus in dystopia, i don't know exactly how it works, i just remember that i had to download something, run that, then in my client i set the address field to localhost and the port to whatever port the mud was running on. i've got a mud client that is mccp enabled already (zmud). if anybody remembers playing dystopia when it was still a new mud then they should know what i'm talking about.
20 Oct, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
I think you must be referring to a proxy that can talk MCCP that sits in between the server and a client that can't use MCCP.

I would suggest that you just use a client that supports MCCP – apparently you have one already –, enable it, and see if that solves your problem. If your client supports MCCP, you shouldn't need any other program to talk MCCP. If your XP bonus comes from something else, you'll have to figure out what that something else is before knowing where to even start looking. Your question is somewhat underspecified so it's hard to help more. :wink:

It sounds like you have the source to the MUD, have you tried looking at it to see under what condition it gives the bonus?
20 Oct, 2008, Vassi wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
That exp thing sounds…shady =(

Maybe you're looking for that MCCP proxy? But from what I understand that thing was only if your client didn't support MCCP and you wanted to use it anyway. Link at the bottom of this page to what I'm talking about: http://mccp.smaugmuds.org/clients.html

Edit: I was beated by three minutes =(
20 Oct, 2008, quixadhal wrote in the 13th comment:
Votes: 0
That does sound shady. Does the player get to compile it themselves, so they know it isn't sitting there watching their keyboard stream for "intresting" patterns?

The whole point of using MCCP is to minimize bandwidth. Running a second client alongside that does "something" would be counter-productive.

Smells like a scam to me.
20 Oct, 2008, Davion wrote in the 14th comment:
Votes: 0
I think he's interested in a snippet for Dystopia that allows his players to gain exp bonuses if they have MCCP turned on and are using it.
20 Oct, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 15th comment:
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quixadhal said:
The whole point of using MCCP is to minimize bandwidth. Running a second client alongside that does "something" would be counter-productive.

Running a proxy on the same host wouldn't affect bandwidth negatively at all, and it lets you provide MCCP to clients that don't support it. I agree that it is completely pointless if your client already supports MCCP.

And fully agreed that it sounds kind of funky…
22 Oct, 2008, Igabod wrote in the 16th comment:
Votes: 0
the proxy sounds exactly like what i'm talking about, it was originally downloaded directly from the dystopia website (i think) so i didn't have any worries about it "spying" on me or anything. turns out the zmud i have (4.62) does not have mccp support so i still need the proxy cause i'm pretty set on using zmud 4.62 (the later versions have a crappy interface imho. sorry my question was kinda vague, i don't really know much about the subject so i did the best i could. i appreciate all the answers, and would like to know if somebody can point me to where i can find that proxy. i would make my own but im sure my coding knowledge isn't quite that good. i only know c/c++ and basic and both of those were self-taught so i'm sure i don't have the knowledge required.
22 Oct, 2008, Kjwah wrote in the 17th comment:
Votes: 0
Well, it used to be at mudproxy.dk however, that is down. Maybe you could email the author(Brian Graversen) and see if he could send you a copy?

His site is: http://www.hairyfeet.dk/
22 Oct, 2008, Vassi wrote in the 18th comment:
Votes: 0
i appreciate all the answers, and would like to know if somebody can point me to where i can find that proxy.

The link I pasted earlier in the thread has a direct download for a zip file containing source and binary(for windows)