31 Jan, 2012, Quietus wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
I have a circlemud that I worked on for a number of years, that I recently dusted off and attempted to compile.

Evidently what used to make a clean compile caused gcc to now wag it's angry fist at me. Started to work my way through the various errors, until I got to dg_comm.c and noticed that this might be more effort that I first thought.

dg_comm.c:140:30: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
dg_comm.c:150:29: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
dg_comm.c:158:29: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Is there anyone alive and around that has experience trying to get 3.0 working on a recent Ubuntu? I know there's some working circle derivative codebases. I just hope it's something that can be fixed with sed, and not hours comparing sources line by line.
31 Jan, 2012, Rarva.Riendf wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
This comes from stuff like this
else if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c = '\t') <- c = '\t'

And most of what gcc barf warning on now is most likely typos that it did not care about before. Most likely bugs that went under the radar as most of the time it can be in test that only sligthy modify the end result.
31 Jan, 2012, Sharmair wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Taking a look at some code I have, the problem might be with
some lines like:
(char_data *)otokens[i] =

where you are tring to cast (the (char_data*) in this case) the
left side of the assignment (the =). Try removing the cast
from the lines and see how that works.
31 Jan, 2012, Quietus wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
Sharmair said:
Taking a look at some code I have, the problem might be with
some lines like:
(char_data *)otokens[i] =

where you are tring to cast (the (char_data*) in this case) the
left side of the assignment (the =). Try removing the cast
from the lines and see how that works.

Yeah, the thing is those left hands casts were done all over the place in diku derived code from the 80's. It's not just one or two lines I'd have to move the cast over with. Fix those, I imagine there's quite a few other gcc surprises awaiting!

I wonder if I built a vm with the old gcc and glib and compiled, if it would run or coredump on a modern box. Not like diku code does anything particularly fancy. Might be an easier option.
01 Feb, 2012, Quietus wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Well I grabbed a beer and dove head-first into pico.

Took me about an hour to clean up all the various exceptions and get it to compile. Still a ton of warnings. Evidently gcc doesn't think too kindly of our development patterns a decade ago!

I'll clean it up a bit more and put it up on this site's repository for posterity. Great mud with a lot of features.

-Currency system (copper/gold/plat)
-Mounting system (boats, horses, chairs, carts, etc)
-Flexible quest system (Anything DG can be a quest, not just kill monster/fetch item. Multi-task quests)
-Weapon proficiency system
-Conversion and inclusion of Copper]Well I grabbed a beer and dove head-first into pico.

Took me about an hour to clean up all the various exceptions and get it to compile. Still a ton of warnings. Evidently gcc doesn't think too kindly of our development patterns a decade ago!

I'll clean it up a bit more and put it up on this site's repository for posterity. Great mud with a lot of features.

-Currency system (copper/gold/plat)
-Mounting system (boats, horses, chairs, carts, etc)
-Flexible quest system (Anything DG can be a quest, not just kill monster/fetch item. Multi-task quests)
-Weapon proficiency system
-Conversion and inclusion of Copper]['s worldfiles for one huge world.
01 Feb, 2012, Vigud wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
But does it let you modify the code on the fly?
01 Feb, 2012, Quietus wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Vigud said:
But does it let you modify the code on the fly?

No, but I don't think I would like that much outside of limited things such as Oasis. I had a rather rigorous development and testing approach when I was running it live. Seat of the pants hasn't been my style since around 1982 or so!
02 Feb, 2012, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
Just for curiosities sake, why Circle 3.0? Doesn't 3.1 offer better coding standards and bug-fixes?
Not to mention 3.5 or TBA. I'm asking because usually people have good reasons for their choice in a code-base.

I have always felt closest to ROM because that's what I learned first. However, SMAUG seems to be superior in more
ways than one.

Of course, if I had it to do over again, I would have started with SMAUGFuss or something cleaner than ROM.
Just thought I would ask.
03 Feb, 2012, Sharmair wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
Vigud said:
But does it let you modify the code on the fly?

Depends on if it has the quite common for circleMUDs DGscripts installed.
03 Feb, 2012, Quietus wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
JohnnyStarr said:
Just for curiosities sake, why Circle 3.0? Doesn't 3.1 offer better coding standards and bug-fixes?

It started as a circle 3.0, but I remember hand patching most all of 3.1 into the game. I don't remember doing so fondly, as it was quite a task.

In terms of your mention of SMAUG, I prefer to build up my own systems rather than retrofit a mud that already has everything. Circle was clean, minimal and perfect for what I wanted. Other than major subsystems such as DG and Oasis, I tended to roll my own bones rather than hand patch in someone else's. Things generally worked out better.

I uploaded the codebase, but while it's pending approval I'll host it so you can look around. port 4000
24 Feb, 2012, Fizban wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
Quietus said:
In terms of your mention of SMAUG, I prefer to build up my own systems rather than retrofit a mud that already has everything. Circle was clean, minimal and perfect for what I wanted. Other than major subsystems such as DG and Oasis, I tended to roll my own bones rather than hand patch in someone else's. Things generally worked out better.

Agreed. Is the main reason if I were to make a MUD I'd start with tbaMUD. Being familiar with it of course is part of the reason, but moreso than that is the clean-slate feeling that neither SMAUG or ROM offer.
(TbaMUD if you haven't checked it out is basically the continuation of circleMUD but with a different development team, same core goal though of leaving the actual "game" as bare-bones as possible that circleMUD was though unlike the CWG codebases (CircleMUD With Goodies, think circle, but more complete game out of the box like ROM and SMAUG).
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