24 Feb, 2011, Tyche wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
KaVir said:
Tonitrus said:
I'd very much like a copy as well please Tyche, if you're willing to share. I've asked several times for an "ignore" feature, and at one point it looked like it might be added, but by now I'm willing to try pretty much anything short of painting TipEx on the screen.

Install GreaseMonkey addon into Firefox.

Save the following as something.user.js
// ==UserScript==
// @name MudBytes Skin
// @include http://www.mudbytes.net/*
// ==/UserScript==

var troll_list = [ "TrollOne", "Fu Man Chu" ]

// remove ichat box
var ichatbox = document.getElementById("ichat_recent");
if (ichatbox)

// remove smilies in edit window
var smilies = document.getElementById("quicksmilies");
if (smilies)

var tabledata_ary = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
for(var i = tabledata_ary.length - 1; i >= 0; i–){
// removes posts of users in troll_list
if (tabledata_ary[i].className == "posterinfo") {
if (tabledata_ary[i].innerHTML.match(new RegExp(troll_list.join("|"),"i"))) {
} // removes quotes of users in troll_list
else if (tabledata_ary[i].className == "post") {
var post_ary = tabledata_ary[i].getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var j = post_ary.length - 1; j >= 0; j–) {
if (post_ary[j].className == "quotebox") {
if (post_ary[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML.match(new RegExp(troll_list.join("|"),"i"))) {
post_ary[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML = "Troll said :";
post_ary[j].childNodes[1].innerHTML = "Something";
} // removes social network buttons at bottom of post
else if (tabledata_ary[i].className == "postbottom") {
var postbottom_ary = tabledata_ary[i].getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var k = postbottom_ary.length - 1; k >= 0; k–) {
if (postbottom_ary[k].className == "addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style") {

Drag the file and drop it on the browser window.

Edit: I thought I spawned this into Web Related forum. Can't delete. Please move.