04 Nov, 2006, kiasyn wrote in the 1st comment:
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Talon is now open and available on mudbytes.net port 2000.

What is Talon?
Talon is more or less a mini MUD. You can connect to it and use the IMC network if you don't have access to it on your MUD yet, or want to try it before installing.

How can I use it?
Connect to it like you would any MUD (mudbytes.net:2000) and you're in! Choose a name with the name command (name Kiasyn, to change your name to Kiasyn for example). Use 'imcchanlist' to see the list of channels and imclisten <channel name> (or all) to start listening in. Talking works like any normal channel, <chan> <message>. IMC also has support for emotes. You can use these with <chan> ,<emote>.

For more information, see http://www.kiasyn.com/talon/