01 Aug, 2009, Koron wrote in the 21st comment:
Votes: 0
Maybe his Draconians are not the same as yours.
01 Aug, 2009, KaVir wrote in the 22nd comment:
Votes: 0
Koron said:
Maybe his Draconians are not the same as yours.

I believe the OP's mud is based on DragonLance.
02 Aug, 2009, Xrakisis wrote in the 23rd comment:
Votes: 0
my save.c file has races as follows..

fprintf (fp, "Race %s~\n", pc_race_table[ch->race].name);

ch->race = race_lookup ("human");

/* initialize race */
if (found)
int i;

if (ch->race == 0)
ch->race = race_lookup ("human");

ch->size = pc_race_table[ch->race].size;
ch->dam_type = 17; /*punch */

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (pc_race_table[ch->race].skills[i] == NULL)
group_add (ch, pc_race_table[ch->race].skills[i], FALSE);
// ch->detection = ch->detection|race_table[ch->race].det;
ch->affected_by = ch->affected_by | race_table[ch->race].aff;
ch->imm_flags = ch->imm_flags | race_table[ch->race].imm;
ch->res_flags = ch->res_flags | race_table[ch->race].res;
ch->vuln_flags = ch->vuln_flags | race_table[ch->race].vuln;
ch->form = race_table[ch->race].form;
ch->parts = race_table[ch->race].parts;

KEY ("Race", ch->race, race_lookup (fread_string (fp)));

and lookup.c

/* returns race number */
int race_lookup (const char *name)
int race;

for (race = 0; race_table[race].name != NULL; race++)
if (LOWER (name[0]) == LOWER (race_table[race].name[0])
&& !str_prefix (name, race_table[race].name))
return race;

return 0;

Should i be trying to use race_lookup in my becomedragon function?
02 Aug, 2009, Koron wrote in the 24th comment:
Votes: 0
As long as no races before the dragons are removed, using just the number is fine.
03 Aug, 2009, Xrakisis wrote in the 25th comment:
Votes: 0
Ok i feel like a dumbass.. i forgot to increment MAX_PC_RACE.. its working now.. im gonna have to work on nanny.. should be smooth sailing…
11 Aug, 2009, Elervan wrote in the 26th comment:
Votes: 0
I believe the codebase shattered dreams does this concept. Should be under the diku->merc->rom->rot->subservers category. You could look into seeing how it was done on there. I could be wrong, I know the spinoff Malicious bliss is based on the SD codebase and it allows the dragon races to "evolve" after so having so many kills, alignment and level.
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