31 Aug, 2006, Tyche wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
I created a pastebin. The id is #194. My questions are…

Where did it go?
How do I associate it with something?
How do I view a directory of them?

Confused by this new-fangled technology. ;-)
31 Aug, 2006, Justice wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
Well, I'm unsure on how to get a directory of pastebin items.

However, if you type "194" into the view box, it'll bring it up. Would be neat if you could generate a link to use in forums/code comments and descriptions.

You posted an itoa function?
31 Aug, 2006, Conner wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
That would be a really good idea.. Davion, Samson, or Asylumius, how much trouble would it be to add a line to the pastebin viewer's header that shows a link to that given pastebin for posting and such?
31 Aug, 2006, kiasyn wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
you can cheat and do a:
http://mudbytes.net/index.php?a=pastebin... of the pasebin>
31 Aug, 2006, Conner wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
That works, Kiasyn, though not sure why your link shows up with …iew, all that's missing is &s=v, so the whole link would be http://mudbytes.net/index.php?a=pastebin...; Still wouldn't hurt if there was a way to bring up a listing of the available pastebins.. apparently there are at least 195 of them now. Maybe we could get a table of contents style listing of the available pastebins that showed the author, subject, and ID number?

Edit: Strange, it changes that &s=v to a … on me too, sorry Kiasyn, thought it had been something you'd done, but apparently it's just that the forum doesn't like to display links that lengthy. *shrug*
31 Aug, 2006, Guest wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Yeah, the forum code is set to trim long links down because they tend to cause real trouble when you get something monstrously large with no line breakage and it ends up messing up the table widths.

Anyway. As for the pastebin itself. It's more or less just a place for you to throw something in real quick to share with others. It's meant to serve as a kind of quick whiteboard. When your paste is submitted, the "Continue" link you're given can be copied as the link to it if you intend to use it to show others. Like this one I just threw up: http://www.mudbytes.net/index.php?a=past...

Pastebin entries have no organizational structure beyond just being there. But we can probably toss in some kind of "last 5 pastebin submissions" or something for the curious folks. One should also keep in mind that pastebin stuff is meant to be temporary and will be cleaned out from time to time.
01 Sep, 2006, Conner wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
That's kind of cool that it does that, I just wasn't expecting it. :lol:

I suppose even a "last 5 pastebin submissions" would be kind of cool.. Dare I ask how temporary? Would a pastebin submission last as long as it's associated post or file submission or what have you? I know that if you click view on a code submission I'd expect that to only last until you close that viewing, but if someone uses it to explain something in a post, should they also copy it to the post itself with code tags after?
01 Sep, 2006, Tyche wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
A list with the subject titles would be useful. Even better a quick search box. If there's 197 pastes out there, I'm wondering what I'm missing. And like Conner asked "How temporary do you mean?".

I've actually used something like this before on the Ruby mailling list though the term "pastebin" was new to me. They had some problems with spammers though and had hundreds of adverts. There was no access control though, so I don't think you'll have a spamming problem here.

Anyway this might be just as or more useful than the repository. ;-)
09 Sep, 2006, Tyche wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
I noticed my pastebins are gone. So it's like a week temporary then.
Which would be more useful… Snippets submitted to the repository or forum messages with [[code]] tags.
09 Sep, 2006, Davion wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
They got removed because we recently (yesterday) got switched over to a new server. Some of you may have noticed me breaking things while finalizing the switch :). Pastebin was one of the broken things! Anyways, what will end up happening in the future is user pastes will stay, and the cached versions of files in the repository will slowly be removed. New updates to the pastebin should come in the next couple weeks. I'm pretty sure we have an update coming, but I doubt the mods will make it in this one.