12 Feb, 2009, Mabus wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
You spend fifteen minutes trying to figure why you cannot cast a Double as a long, only to realize you used "(Long)x" rather then "(long)x"…
26 Feb, 2009, Guest wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
…. you spend another 15 minutes posting to a forum wondering why your spolier tags refuse to work - only to have someone point out it's spelled spoiler.
27 Feb, 2009, The_Fury wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
you have 6 hours of labs back to back without a break, and just going to the toilet will mean you will fall behind in the work. I have seen so many rocks so far this morning that they all look the same.
27 Feb, 2009, Dean wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
… you post something in a thread entitled "You know its been a long day.."
27 Feb, 2009, Guest wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
… your 130MB upload turns out to be missing 5 files in the archive. After you let the public trash your bandwidth overnight because the mod hosting site was fubar.
27 Feb, 2009, Zenn wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
You stare at your MUD at 1 AM, trying to remember how to make a give_prog and utterly failing.

28 Feb, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
heh samson, that spoiler problem happens to me pretty frequently but only in coding, never on forums has it been a problem for me. But problems like that are what cause about 80 percent of my failed compiles. Either I transpose two letters, or I accidentally put an extra character in because my fingers are long and I'm on a laptop with a compact keyboard. I guess the reason it never happens on forums is because my browser puts a little red line under problems like that.

And Zenn, to solve that problem I tend to just put the project aside for a minute and play a game of solitaire or something real quick. By the time I get frustrated with playing solitaire I've usually remembered how to do what it was I forgot before. Give it a try some time.