16 Jan, 2009, Zeno wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Anyone else trying out Windows 7? Installed it today (dual boot with XP) and it's been pretty nice.

Only one issue up so far:
[EDIT] Resolved with http://www.sevenforums.com/system-securi...

Probably will continue to use this until the beta expires.

Installed and working without issues:

Desktop: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/5103/zenow7pw6.png
16 Jan, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
windows 7? I thought they were still promoting Vista… I guess they decided to put something else out since everybody except me has complaints about vista. Why am I the only person who has never had vista crash on him?
16 Jan, 2009, Zeno wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Hm looks like I have DX11. Running Team Fortress 2 quite well.
16 Jan, 2009, Fizban wrote in the 4th comment:
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Igabod said:
windows 7? I thought they were still promoting Vista… I guess they decided to put something else out since everybody except me has complaints about vista. Why am I the only person who has never had vista crash on him?

My laptop gave me BSOD everytime I coughed near it for months.
16 Jan, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
I haven't seen the dread blue screen since 1999 on any computer I owned. The work computers however are a different story. And they run XP! Go figure.

[edit to add] tap on glass and save my ass, or as most people know it, knock on wood.
16 Jan, 2009, quixadhal wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
I've never had vista crash on me…. because I won't waste my time installing it. :)

Every game I have runs just fine on XP, from Dwarf Fortress to WoW to Fallout 3. I see no reason to "upgrade" to something that takes even MORE memory to run, hasn't been tested as well or as long, and wastes more of my CPU on stupid desktop eye candy. If I won't touch vista, I sure won't go anywhere near "Windows 7".
16 Jan, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 7th comment:
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I didn't have the option of XP, the laptop I bought came with vista on it already and I haven't had any problems with it so I've seen no need to downgrade. I got rid of all the useless crap it came with the day I bought it so that's not a problem for me. And I haven't had any memory problems either. As far as games go, the only one I've had problems with performance of was Empire Earth 3 but those problems didn't start till after I installed Oblivion on my computer for some reason. Even after I uninstalled Oblivion EE3 gave me problems. I wasn't too fond of EE3 anyway though so I don't play it anymore. After the first couple days of playing it I got bored with it.
16 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 8th comment:
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Oblivion and Vista do not get along well at all if you allow it to install to the default location. It shouldn't have disrupted other games, but I suppose nothing's impossible.

I can't fathom any good reason to switch to Vista or Windows 7. XP has served me well and as long as it continues to do so I'll not be giving it up.
16 Jan, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 9th comment:
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I haven't been having any problems with Oblivion itself other than the fact that it got boring too but that happened after several months of playing nothing but that. Other than that though Oblivion runs smoothly and quickly on my computer. Even with the graphics slightly lower than max. It'll handle maxed out graphics fine too but it gets hot and it's a laptop so I dropped it down a little and no heat problems.
16 Jan, 2009, Zeno wrote in the 10th comment:
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16 Jan, 2009, tphegley wrote in the 11th comment:
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Windows 7 is actually much better performance wise and is more of a shoot off of XP then vista. It has vista stuff in it, but it has been improved. Reactions from the beta have already said that Windows 7 is a much better OS then Vista even though it's still a beta version. I know of a few people who have already installed it on their comp and says its better then XP and vista. *shrug*

I certainly won't get vista, but when Windows 7 comes out I don't think I'll mind getting it when I buy a new computer. As for right now, yes I stay with XP…and maybe a little ubuntu..heh.
16 Jan, 2009, Pedlar wrote in the 12th comment:
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From what I understand, they are no longer supporting Vista, but now gonna run with the ball on Windows 7 instead, since Vista is full of bugs that there too lazy to fix, and are now gonna try and make a profit off 7
16 Jan, 2009, Dean wrote in the 13th comment:
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I must be one of the few people whom have never had anything go wrong with Vista. :D
16 Jan, 2009, Scandum wrote in the 14th comment:
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I've said all along that Vista was released to make some money and force the market to upgrade their hardware for the next major release.
16 Jan, 2009, tphegley wrote in the 15th comment:
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Scandum said:
I've said all along that Vista was released to make some money and force the market to upgrade their hardware for the next major release.

Windows 7 isn't as resource heavy as Vista is. They've made better improvements so it isn't the hog that Vista is/was.

But I guess Microsoft has a history of this…aka Windows ME, a total mess, quickly followed by XP.
16 Jan, 2009, Pedlar wrote in the 16th comment:
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yea, Windows 7 is much less intesive, its min ram req is 1gb apposed to Vistas up the ass requirement :D
16 Jan, 2009, Zeno wrote in the 17th comment:
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Vista min RAM = 512 MB.
7 min RAM = 1GB.

16 Jan, 2009, Pedlar wrote in the 18th comment:
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hm, i read somewhere Vista was 1gb+ min req
16 Jan, 2009, Scandum wrote in the 19th comment:
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Most pre-build systems come with 2 gb of ram nowadays, so it's no longer much of an issue except for laptops.
16 Jan, 2009, Kayle wrote in the 20th comment:
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my laptop has 2gb of ram..