20 Jul, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Alright, I'm trying to startup a teensymud so that I can get a feel for how things work on that mud before I actually look into trying to make sense of the code. The problem is that starting up the mud isn't going to be a simple matter of unzipping it and typing irb tmud.rb.

I am totally unfamiliar with teensymud so I don't even know what it's supposed to look like when it starts up correctly, but whatever the case I'm definitely not seeing it here. Here's what I get when I type irb tmud.rb. It's quite long so I'll just put the part that seems to be the problem. If that's not enough lemme know and I'll post the rest.

tmud.rb(main):076:0* ###########################################################################
tmud.rb(main):077:0* # This is start of the main driver.
tmud.rb(main):078:0* ###########################################################################
tmud.rb(main):080:0* if $0 == __FILE__
tmud.rb(main):081:1> begin
tmud.rb(main):082:2* $cmdopts = get_options
tmud.rb(main):083:2> $cmdopts.each do |key,val|
tmud.rb(main):084:3* Configuration.instance.options[key] = val
tmud.rb(main):085:3> end
tmud.rb(main):087:2* Engine.instance.run
tmud.rb(main):088:2> end
tmud.rb(main):089:1> end
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (YamlStore) Loading world…
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (YamlStore) Database 'db/world.yaml' loaded…highest id = 1.
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (Command) Loading commands…
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (Command) Done.
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (World) Starting Timer…
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (World) World initialized.
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (EventManager) Event manager starting…
09-07-20 03:26:44 [ INFO] (Engine) Booting server on port 4444
09-07-20 03:26:44 [FATAL] (Acceptor) Caught Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument
./lib/network/acceptor.rb:39:in `setsockopt'
./lib/network/acceptor.rb:39:in `init'
./lib/network/reactor.rb:83:in `start'
./lib/engine/engine.rb:98:in `run'
tmud.rb:87:in `irb_binding'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'
09-07-20 03:26:44 [FATAL] (Engine) Engine failed in run
09-07-20 03:26:44 [FATAL] (Engine) Caught RuntimeError: Unable to start server
./lib/engine/engine.rb:98:in `run'
tmud.rb:87:in `irb_binding'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'
=> [#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0xb7ca34d0 @level=2, @mutex=#<Mutex:0xb7ca346c>, @out=#<IO:0xb7cf855c>, @formatter=#
<Log4r::PatternFormatter:0xb7ca3e94 @pattern="%d [%5l] (%c) %M", @date_method=nil, @depth=7, @date_pattern="%y-%m-%d
%H:%M:%S">, @name="stderr">, #<Log4r::FileOutputter:0xb7c974dc @level=1, @mutex=#<Mutex:0xb7c8dfb8>, @out=#
<File:logs/server.log>, @formatter=#<Log4r::PatternFormatter:0xb7ca3e94 @pattern="%d [%5l] (%c) %M", @date_method=nil,
@depth=7, @date_pattern="%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S">, @filename="logs/server.log", @trunc=false, @name="server">]
tmud.rb(main):091:0* tmud.rb(main):091:0> igabod@mud:~/tmud-2.10.0$
20 Jul, 2009, Metsuro wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
irb is more of like a testing app I guess you could say? you should try rub tmud.rb, remember the string example we tried in irb it returned everything the way it saw, not the way we wanted it to work. So like I said try running it with ruby tmud.rb and see what that says.

Edit: Btw did you install the eventmachine gem, if not it wont work if you try to call parts of a package you dont have.
20 Jul, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
I don't know what is installed, this is on a server not my personal computer. I tried ruby and it said it was an invalid command. I'll talk to my server admin and ask about eventmachine.
20 Jul, 2009, Tyche wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
If they've got irb installed they have ruby installed.
It's likely they are using a name with a suffix like ruby18 or ruby19 to differentiate versions of ruby.
TeensyMud runs on 1.8.x versions of ruby.

The bug and fix for the invalid setsockopt argument are documented here:
20 Jul, 2009, Igabod wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Thanks Tyche.