This is EmberMUD.  It has been derived from ROM 2.3 (Rivers of MUD) by
Alander (Russ Taylor).  The differences between stock ROM 2.3 code and
the current version of EmberMUD may be found in the Changelog file in
the base EmberMUD directory.  Also read the README.rom and README.merc
files in that directory.

Please read the file EmberMUD.license in the doc subdirectory before
using this program.

The majority of coding for EmberMUD has been done by the three person 
team of Zak, Zane, and Thexder.  Real name and contact information for
these people can be found in the EmberMUD.license file in the doc

 Shield Block and Lore are still incomplete.  Maybe if Russ finishes them
 for ROM 2.4, we'll port them over.  We're not sure what he meant to do
 with them in the first place.
 The OLC code was taken from The Isles MUD v1.1, and modified by others,
 including us.  Regretably, the original authors' names have been lost.
 The MOBProg code is by the original Merc authors, I believe.  It was
 incorporated into Merc 2.2 by them, and is here by some miracle of
 science. <G> (Thanks Thex, good job).
 Several new system functions and player commands/skills/spells have been
 taken from Russ's ROM 2.4 beta code.  The final decision on how much of
 ROM 2.4 we're going to incorporate still hasn't been made.  In any case,
 thank you Russ for keeping your code public.
 Thank you everyone on the merc and rom mailing lists.  Thexder captures
 every bit of code you guys post to the lists, although we rarely use any
 of it.  It does spark ideas for us, and for that we are gratefull.
To wind up:
 If you're using this code, drop us a line.  We'd like to know about your
 MUD!  If you're modifying this code, let us know what you're doing.  Maybe
 we'll incorporate it into a future release of our own.  Are you having
 trouble getting some new idea to work?  We can probably help.  In short,
 don't be a stranger.  We gave out our email addresses for a reason. <G>