This is an event engine made to allow things to take time!
So you don't do something lame like make the code change (ie. players hitpoints increase)
then wait_state them so they can't use it (while others who
aren't frozen can.) The code changes can happen in real time.

The functional in game code (a print event) is -very- basic
and is used as a -very- simple example. I've done many things
with this code at it's core, I've provided a few examples in

        You have two choices. You can use the 'install.txt' to install it.
	or you can use the patch file. To execute the patch file. Copy event.patch
        to your src directory and type 'patch < event.patch'. This was patched up
	against ROM24B6 compiled under GCC4. After the patch has finished, fix up
	all the failed patching, then move event.c to the src directory and make clean.

If you have any questions, just ask! or on AIM at DavionKalhen