This directory contains documentation on various aspects of the game.


ACTIONS.DOC       - Description of the 'social action' system.
COMBAT.DOC        - Out of date
COMM.DOC          - The game-to-player communications system, most important
                    the act() procedure.
DATABASE.DOC      - The format of the most important data files.
DBSUP.DOC         - Detailed information on each field in database.doc
DEFS.DOC          - Important document on what rules should be followed
                    when creating a part of the world, to avoid complete
HANDLER.DOC       - Descriptions of most of the basic 'database handling'
                    procedures, found in handler.c
INTERPRETER.DOC   - ?? Out of date
LEVELS.DOC        - Out of date
LICENSE.DOC       - The conditions under which this game is distributed.
MACRO.DOC         - Descriptions of the macros used in the game code.
NEWSTRUCT.DOC     - Out of date
RUNNING.DOC       - Directions for running the game.
SHOPS.DOC         - Brief doc on how to build shop files in lib/
SKILLS.DOC        - Out of date
SPELL_INFO.DOC    - Doc on spells, especially how damage is calculated
SPELLS.DOC        - Out of date
TIME.DOC          - How time is in DikuMud compared to real world.
VALUES.DOC        - The 4 generic values for items, described in detail.


All other stuff has been added by jdb.     

.h files for the constants which are handy for creating monsters, and
objects, etc.

AdminHints.doc gives some info on adjusting things already in the game.