Sender  Xylak~
Date    Sat May  1 03:01:55 1999~
To      Donje~
Subject Pirate Clan~
Voting 0
Yesvotes ~
Novotes ~
Abstentions ~
We talked briefly about my clan proposal, I thought I would explain a

little more for you, to try and convince you.  Well The Shrekian would be

more of a Reclusive clan, only coming from one planet, not a clan to

dominate the world.  The Clan would revolve around Space Battles, Ships,

and Piracy.  The Shrekian would have only one Planet, Hades, in the Hades

System.  From that planet as their stronghold they would plunder and

pillage other planets.  Now this is excellent RP in my opinion so plz plz

give it a thought.  I would also be a good leader I think, I have a lot of

experience leading clans on SWR base codes.  Whether it was Arsenic

leading the NR 7 months ago, or Acrux leading the empire, or even Nomads,

I have the experience, for I have played this code longer then most. 
