diff -rupN src/Makefile /root/test/sm/src/Makefile
--- src/Makefile	2011-04-13 11:49:10.000000000 +0400
+++ /root/test/sm/src/Makefile	2011-04-13 10:35:43.000000000 +0400
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 CC      = gcc
-C_FLAGS = -Wall -g -pedantic
+C_FLAGS = -Wall -g -pedantic -std=gnu99
 L_FLAGS = -lz -lpthread -lcrypt
 O_FILES = socket.o io.o strings.o utils.o interpret.o help.o  \
 	  action_safe.o mccp.o save.o event.o event-handler.o \
-	  list.o stack.o
+	  list.o stack.o protocol.o
 all: $(O_FILES)
 	rm -f SocketMud
diff -rupN src/action_safe.c /root/test/sm/src/action_safe.c
--- src/action_safe.c	2009-03-14 17:36:04.000000000 +0300
+++ /root/test/sm/src/action_safe.c	2011-04-13 11:19:24.000000000 +0400
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ void cmd_help(D_MOBILE *dMob, char *arg)
     text_to_mobile(dMob, "Sorry, no such helpfile.\n\r");
+/* Outdated for now due to negotiations via KaVir's handshake func */
 void cmd_compress(D_MOBILE *dMob, char *arg)
   /* no socket, no compression */
@@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ void cmd_copyover(D_MOBILE *dMob, char *
-      fprintf(fp, "%d %s %s\n",
-        dsock->control, dsock->player->name, dsock->hostname);
+      fprintf(fp, "%d %s %s %s\n",
+        dsock->control, dsock->player->name, dsock->hostname, CopyoverGet(dsock));
       /* save the player */
diff -rupN src/event-handler.c /root/test/sm/src/event-handler.c
--- src/event-handler.c	2007-10-08 18:35:10.000000000 +0400
+++ /root/test/sm/src/event-handler.c	2011-04-13 09:07:43.000000000 +0400
@@ -144,10 +144,16 @@ void init_event_queue(int section)
   else if (section == 2)
+    /* Initialize game tick*/
     event = alloc_event();
     event->fun = &event_game_tick;
     event->type = EVENT_GAME_TICK;
     add_event_game(event, 10 * 60 * PULSES_PER_SECOND);
+    /*Initialize MSDP update*/
+    event = alloc_event();
+    event->fun = &event_game_msdp_update;
+    event->type = EVENT_GAME_MSDP_UPDATE;
+    add_event_game(event, 60 * PULSES_PER_SECOND);
@@ -412,4 +418,5 @@ void init_events_socket(D_SOCKET *dSock)
   event->fun = &event_socket_idle;
   event->type = EVENT_SOCKET_IDLE;
   add_event_socket(event, dSock, 5 * 60 * PULSES_PER_SECOND);
diff -rupN src/event.c /root/test/sm/src/event.c
--- src/event.c	2007-10-08 18:37:33.000000000 +0400
+++ /root/test/sm/src/event.c	2011-04-13 12:03:31.000000000 +0400
@@ -81,3 +81,50 @@ bool event_socket_idle(EVENT_DATA *event
   return TRUE;
+/*void msdp_update( void )*/
+/* Game event to update MSDP for KaVir's plugin*/
+bool event_game_msdp_update(EVENT_DATA *event)
+  D_SOCKET *dSock;
+  int PlayerCount = 0;
+  AttachIterator(&Iter, dsock_list);
+  while ((dSock = (D_SOCKET *) NextInList(&Iter)) != NULL)
+  {
+      if (dSock->state != STATE_PLAYING)
+      {
+          continue;
+      }
+      ++PlayerCount;
+     MSDPSetString( dSock, eMSDP_CHARACTER_NAME, dSock->player->name );
+      /*
+      MSDPSetNumber( dSock, eMSDP_HEALTH, current hit points );
+      MSDPSetNumber( dSock, eMSDP_HEALTH_MAX, maximum hit points );
+      MSDPSetNumber( dSock, eMSDP_MANA, current mana );
+      MSDPSetNumber( dSock, eMSDP_MANA_MAX, maximum mana );
+      MSDPSetNumber( dSock, eMSDP_MOVEMENT, current movement points );
+      MSDPSetNumber( dSock, eMSDP_MOVEMENT_MAX, maximum movement points );
+      */
+     MSDPUpdate( dSock ); /* Flush all the dirty variables */
+  }
+  DetachIterator(&Iter);
+   /* Ideally this should be called once at startup, and again whenever
+    * someone leaves or joins the mud.  But this works, and it keeps the
+    * snippet simple.  Optimise as you see fit.
+    */
+  MSSPSetPlayers( PlayerCount );
+  /* enqueue another MSDP update in 1 second */
+  event = alloc_event();
+  event->fun = &event_game_msdp_update;
+  event->type = EVENT_GAME_MSDP_UPDATE;
+  add_event_game(event, PULSES_PER_SECOND);
+  return FALSE;
diff -rupN src/event.h /root/test/sm/src/event.h
--- src/event.h	2008-10-22 23:43:01.000000000 +0400
+++ /root/test/sm/src/event.h	2011-04-13 12:03:36.000000000 +0400
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
  * besides that, there are no restrictions
 #define EVENT_GAME_TICK         1
 /* the event prototype */
 typedef bool EVENT_FUN ( EVENT_DATA *event );
@@ -74,3 +75,5 @@ void strip_event_mobile          ( D_MOB
 bool event_mobile_save           ( EVENT_DATA *event );
 bool event_socket_idle           ( EVENT_DATA *event );
 bool event_game_tick             ( EVENT_DATA *event );
+bool event_game_msdp_update      ( EVENT_DATA *event );
diff -rupN src/interpret.c /root/test/sm/src/interpret.c
--- src/interpret.c	2002-03-09 21:49:45.000000000 +0300
+++ /root/test/sm/src/interpret.c	2011-04-13 11:02:12.000000000 +0400
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ const struct typCmd tabCmd [] =
  /* --------------------------------------------- */
   { "commands",      cmd_commands,   LEVEL_GUEST  },
-  { "compress",      cmd_compress,   LEVEL_GUEST  },
+  /*OutDated command due to KaVir's handshake func */
+/*  { "compress",      cmd_compress,   LEVEL_GUEST  },*/
   { "copyover",      cmd_copyover,   LEVEL_GOD    },
   { "help",          cmd_help,       LEVEL_GUEST  },
   { "linkdead",      cmd_linkdead,   LEVEL_ADMIN  },
diff -rupN src/mud.h /root/test/sm/src/mud.h
--- src/mud.h	2005-09-11 18:20:26.000000000 +0400
+++ /root/test/sm/src/mud.h	2011-04-13 08:55:05.000000000 +0400
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include <arpa/telnet.h>
+#include "protocol.h"
 #include "list.h"
 #include "stack.h"
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ struct dSocket
   unsigned char   compressing;                 /* MCCP support */
   z_stream      * out_compress;                /* MCCP support */
   unsigned char * out_compress_buf;            /* MCCP support */
+  protocol_t *pProtocol; /* KaVir's protocol*/
 struct dMobile
diff -rupN src/protocol.c /root/test/sm/src/protocol.c
--- src/protocol.c	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ /root/test/sm/src/protocol.c	2011-04-13 11:17:59.000000000 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2111 @@
+ Protocol snippet by KaVir.  Released into the Public Domain in February 2011.
+ This snippet was originally designed to be codebase independent, but has been 
+ modified slightly so that it runs out-of-the-box on Merc derivatives.  To use 
+ it for other codebases, just change the code in the "Diku/Merc" section below.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ Header files.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <arpa/telnet.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "protocol.h"
+ The following section is for Diku/Merc derivatives.  Replace as needed.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "mud.h"
+static void Write( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
+   if ( apDescriptor != NULL && apDescriptor->next_command[0] == '\0' )
+   {
+      if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->WriteOOB > 0 || 
+         apDescriptor->top_output == 0 )
+      {
+         apDescriptor->pProtocol->WriteOOB = 2;
+      }
+   }
+   text_to_buffer( apDescriptor, apData);
+static void ReportBug( const char *apText )
+   bug( apText, 0 );
+static void InfoMessage( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
+   Write( apDescriptor, "\t[F210][\toINFO\t[F210]]\tn " );
+   Write( apDescriptor, apData );
+ MSDP file-scope variables.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* These are for the GUI_VARIABLES, my unofficial extension of MSDP.  They're 
+ * intended for clients that wish to offer a generic GUI - not as nice as a 
+ * custom GUI, admittedly, but still better than a plain terminal window.
+ *
+ * These are per-player so that they can be customised for different characters 
+ * (eg changing 'mana' to 'blood' for vampires).  You could even allow players 
+ * to customise the buttons and gauges themselves if you wish.
+ */
+static const char s_Button1[] = "Help\ahelp";
+static const char s_Button2[] = "Look\alook";
+static const char s_Button3[] = "Score\ahelp";
+static const char s_Button4[] = "Equipment\aequipment";
+static const char s_Button5[] = "Inventory\ainventory";
+static const char s_Gauge1[]  = "Health\ared\aHEALTH\aHEALTH_MAX";
+static const char s_Gauge2[]  = "Mana\ablue\aMANA\aMANA_MAX";
+static const char s_Gauge3[]  = "Movement\agreen\aMOVEMENT\aMOVEMENT_MAX";
+static const char s_Gauge4[]  = "Exp TNL\ayellow\aEXPERIENCE\aEXPERIENCE_MAX";
+static const char s_Gauge5[]  = "Opponent\adarkred\aOPPONENT_HEALTH\aOPPONENT_HEALTH_MAX";
+ MSDP variable table.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Macros for readability, but you can remove them if you don't like them */
+#define NUMBER_READ_ONLY           false, false, false, false, -1, -1,  0, NULL
+#define NUMBER_READ_ONLY_SET_TO(x) false, false, false, false, -1, -1,  x, NULL
+#define STRING_READ_ONLY           true,  false, false, false, -1, -1,  0, NULL
+#define NUMBER_IN_THE_RANGE(x,y)   false, true,  false, false,  x,  y,  0, NULL
+#define BOOLEAN_SET_TO(x)          false, true,  false, false,  0,  1,  x, NULL
+#define STRING_WITH_LENGTH_OF(x,y) true,  true,  false, false,  x,  y,  0, NULL
+#define STRING_WRITE_ONCE(x,y)     true,  true,  true,  false, -1, -1,  0, NULL
+#define STRING_GUI(x)              true,  false, false, true,  -1, -1,  0, x
+static variable_name_t VariableNameTable[eMSDP_MAX+1] = 
+   /* General */
+   { eMSDP_SERVER_ID,        "SERVER_ID",        STRING_READ_ONLY }, 
+   /* Character */
+   { eMSDP_AFFECTS,          "AFFECTS",          STRING_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_HEALTH,           "HEALTH",           NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_LEVEL,            "LEVEL",            NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_RACE,             "RACE",             STRING_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_CLASS,            "CLASS",            STRING_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_MANA,             "MANA",             NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_MANA_MAX,         "MANA_MAX",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_WIMPY,            "WIMPY",            NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_PRACTICE,         "PRACTICE",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_MONEY,            "MONEY",            NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_MOVEMENT,         "MOVEMENT",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_HITROLL,          "HITROLL",          NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_DAMROLL,          "DAMROLL",          NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_AC,               "AC",               NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_STR,              "STR",              NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_INT,              "INT",              NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_WIS,              "WIS",              NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_DEX,              "DEX",              NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_CON,              "CON",              NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_STR_PERM,         "STR_PERM",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_INT_PERM,         "INT_PERM",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_WIS_PERM,         "WIS_PERM",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_DEX_PERM,         "DEX_PERM",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_CON_PERM,         "CON_PERM",         NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   /* Combat */
+   /* World */
+   { eMSDP_AREA_NAME,        "AREA_NAME",        STRING_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_ROOM_NAME,        "ROOM_NAME",        STRING_READ_ONLY }, 
+   { eMSDP_ROOM_VNUM,        "ROOM_VNUM",        NUMBER_READ_ONLY }, 
+   /* Configurable variables */
+   { eMSDP_CLIENT_ID,        "CLIENT_ID",        STRING_WRITE_ONCE(1,40) }, 
+   { eMSDP_PLUGIN_ID,        "PLUGIN_ID",        STRING_WITH_LENGTH_OF(1,40) }, 
+   { eMSDP_UTF_8,            "UTF_8",            BOOLEAN_SET_TO(0) }, 
+   { eMSDP_SOUND,            "SOUND",            BOOLEAN_SET_TO(0) }, 
+   { eMSDP_MXP,              "MXP",              BOOLEAN_SET_TO(0) }, 
+   /* GUI variables */
+   { eMSDP_BUTTON_1,         "BUTTON_1",         STRING_GUI(s_Button1) }, 
+   { eMSDP_BUTTON_2,         "BUTTON_2",         STRING_GUI(s_Button2) }, 
+   { eMSDP_BUTTON_3,         "BUTTON_3",         STRING_GUI(s_Button3) }, 
+   { eMSDP_BUTTON_4,         "BUTTON_4",         STRING_GUI(s_Button4) }, 
+   { eMSDP_BUTTON_5,         "BUTTON_5",         STRING_GUI(s_Button5) }, 
+   { eMSDP_GAUGE_1,          "GAUGE_1",          STRING_GUI(s_Gauge1) }, 
+   { eMSDP_GAUGE_2,          "GAUGE_2",          STRING_GUI(s_Gauge2) }, 
+   { eMSDP_GAUGE_3,          "GAUGE_3",          STRING_GUI(s_Gauge3) }, 
+   { eMSDP_GAUGE_4,          "GAUGE_4",          STRING_GUI(s_Gauge4) }, 
+   { eMSDP_GAUGE_5,          "GAUGE_5",          STRING_GUI(s_Gauge5) }, 
+   { eMSDP_MAX,              "", 0 } /* This must always be last. */
+ MSSP file-scope variables.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static int    s_Players = 0;
+static time_t s_Uptime  = 0;
+ Local function prototypes.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static void Negotiate            ( descriptor_t *apDescriptor );
+static void PerformHandshake     ( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char aCmd, char aProtocol );
+static void PerformSubnegotiation( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char aCmd, char *apData, int aSize );
+static void ParseMSDP            ( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData );
+static void ExecuteMSDPPair      ( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apVariable, const char *apValue );
+static void ParseATCP            ( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData );
+static void SendMSSP             ( descriptor_t *apDescriptor );
+static char *GetMxpTag           ( const char *apTag, const char *apText );
+static const char *GetAnsiColour ( bool_t abBackground, int aRed, int aGreen, int aBlue );
+static const char *GetRGBColour  ( bool_t abBackground, int aRed, int aGreen, int aBlue );
+static bool_t IsValidColour      ( const char *apArgument );
+static bool_t MatchString        ( const char *apFirst, const char *apSecond );
+static bool_t PrefixString       ( const char *apPart, const char *apWhole );
+static bool_t IsNumber           ( const char *apString );
+ ANSI colour codes.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static const char s_Clean       [] = "\033[0;00m"; /* Remove colour */
+static const char s_DarkBlack   [] = "\033[0;30m"; /* Black foreground */
+static const char s_DarkRed     [] = "\033[0;31m"; /* Red foreground */
+static const char s_DarkGreen   [] = "\033[0;32m"; /* Green foreground */
+static const char s_DarkYellow  [] = "\033[0;33m"; /* Yellow foreground */
+static const char s_DarkBlue    [] = "\033[0;34m"; /* Blue foreground */
+static const char s_DarkMagenta [] = "\033[0;35m"; /* Magenta foreground */
+static const char s_DarkCyan    [] = "\033[0;36m"; /* Cyan foreground */
+static const char s_DarkWhite   [] = "\033[0;37m"; /* White foreground */
+static const char s_BoldBlack   [] = "\033[1;30m"; /* Grey foreground */
+static const char s_BoldRed     [] = "\033[1;31m"; /* Bright red foreground */
+static const char s_BoldGreen   [] = "\033[1;32m"; /* Bright green foreground */
+static const char s_BoldYellow  [] = "\033[1;33m"; /* Bright yellow foreground */
+static const char s_BoldBlue    [] = "\033[1;34m"; /* Bright blue foreground */
+static const char s_BoldMagenta [] = "\033[1;35m"; /* Bright magenta foreground */
+static const char s_BoldCyan    [] = "\033[1;36m"; /* Bright cyan foreground */
+static const char s_BoldWhite   [] = "\033[1;37m"; /* Bright white foreground */
+static const char s_BackBlack   [] = "\033[1;40m"; /* Black background */
+static const char s_BackRed     [] = "\033[1;41m"; /* Red background */
+static const char s_BackGreen   [] = "\033[1;42m"; /* Green background */
+static const char s_BackYellow  [] = "\033[1;43m"; /* Yellow background */
+static const char s_BackBlue    [] = "\033[1;44m"; /* Blue background */
+static const char s_BackMagenta [] = "\033[1;45m"; /* Magenta background */
+static const char s_BackCyan    [] = "\033[1;46m"; /* Cyan background */
+static const char s_BackWhite   [] = "\033[1;47m"; /* White background */
+ Protocol global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+protocol_t *ProtocolCreate( void )
+   int i; /* Loop counter */
+   /* Called the first time we enter - make sure the table is correct */
+   static bool_t bInit = false;
+   if ( !bInit )
+   {
+      bInit = true;
+      for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+      {
+         if ( VariableNameTable[i].Variable != i )
+         {
+            ReportBug( "MSDP: Variable table does not match the enums in the header.\n" );
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = malloc(sizeof(protocol_t));
+   pProtocol->WriteOOB = 0;
+   pProtocol->bNegotiated = false;
+   pProtocol->bBlockMXP = false;
+   pProtocol->bTTYPE = false;
+   pProtocol->bNAWS = false;
+   pProtocol->bCHARSET = false;
+   pProtocol->bMSDP = false;
+   pProtocol->bATCP = false;
+   pProtocol->bMSP = false;
+   pProtocol->bMXP = false;
+   pProtocol->b256Support = eUNKNOWN;
+   pProtocol->ScreenWidth = 0;
+   pProtocol->ScreenHeight = 0;
+   pProtocol->pMXPVersion = strdup("Unknown");
+   pProtocol->pLastTTYPE = NULL;
+   pProtocol->pVariables = malloc(sizeof(MSDP_t*)*eMSDP_MAX);
+   for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+   {
+      pProtocol->pVariables[i] = malloc(sizeof(MSDP_t));
+      pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bReport = false;
+      pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bDirty = false;
+      pProtocol->pVariables[i]->ValueInt = 0;
+      pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString = NULL;
+      if ( VariableNameTable[i].bString )
+      {
+         if ( VariableNameTable[i].pDefault != NULL )
+            pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString = strdup(VariableNameTable[i].pDefault);
+         else if ( VariableNameTable[i].bConfigurable )
+            pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString = strdup("Unknown");
+         else /* Use an empty string */
+            pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString = strdup("");
+      }
+      else if ( VariableNameTable[i].Default != 0 )
+      {
+         pProtocol->pVariables[i]->ValueInt = VariableNameTable[i].Default;
+      }
+   }
+   return pProtocol;
+void ProtocolDestroy( protocol_t *apProtocol )
+   int i; /* Loop counter */
+   for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+   {
+      free(apProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString);
+      free(apProtocol->pVariables[i]);
+   }
+   free(apProtocol->pVariables);
+   free(apProtocol->pLastTTYPE);
+   free(apProtocol->pMXPVersion);
+   free(apProtocol);
+void ProtocolInput( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char *apData, int aSize, char *apOut )
+   static char CmdBuf[MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER+1];
+   static char IacBuf[MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER+1];
+   bool_t bIacMode = false;
+   int CmdIndex = 0;
+   int IacIndex = 0;
+   int Index;
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   for ( Index = 0; Index < aSize; ++Index )
+   {
+      /* If we'd overflow the buffer, we just ignore the input */
+      if ( CmdIndex >= MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER || IacIndex >= MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER )
+      {
+         ReportBug("ProtocolInput: Too much incoming data to store in the buffer.\n");
+         return;
+      }
+      /* IAC IAC is treated as a single value of 255 */
+      if ( apData[Index] == (char)IAC && apData[Index+1] == (char)IAC )
+      {
+         if ( bIacMode )
+            IacBuf[IacIndex++] = (char)IAC;
+         else /* In-band command */
+            CmdBuf[CmdIndex++] = (char)IAC;
+         Index++;
+      }
+      else if ( bIacMode )
+      {
+         /* End subnegotiation. */
+         if ( apData[Index] == (char)IAC && apData[Index+1] == (char)SE )
+         {
+            Index++;
+            bIacMode = false;
+            IacBuf[IacIndex] = '\0';
+            if ( IacIndex >= 2 )
+               PerformSubnegotiation( apDescriptor, IacBuf[0], &IacBuf[1], IacIndex-1 );
+            IacIndex = 0;
+         }
+         else
+           IacBuf[IacIndex++] = apData[Index];
+      }
+      else if ( apData[Index] == (char)27 && apData[Index+1] == '[' && 
+         isdigit(apData[Index+2]) && apData[Index+3] == 'z' )
+      {
+         char MXPBuffer [1024];
+         char *pMXPTag = NULL;
+         int i = 0; /* Loop counter */
+         Index += 4; /* Skip to the start of the MXP sequence. */
+         while ( Index < aSize && apData[Index] != '>' && i < 1000 )
+         {
+            MXPBuffer[i++] = apData[Index++];
+         }
+         MXPBuffer[i++] = '>';
+         MXPBuffer[i] = '\0';
+         if ( ( pMXPTag = GetMxpTag( "CLIENT=", MXPBuffer ) ) != NULL )
+         {
+            /* Overwrite the previous client name - this is harder to fake */
+            free(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString);
+            pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString = strdup(pMXPTag);
+         }
+         if ( ( pMXPTag = GetMxpTag( "VERSION=", MXPBuffer ) ) != NULL )
+         {
+            const char *pClientName = pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString;
+            free(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_VERSION]->pValueString);
+            pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_VERSION]->pValueString = strdup(pMXPTag);
+            if ( MatchString( "MUSHCLIENT", pClientName ) )
+            {
+               /* MUSHclient 4.02 and later supports 256 colours. */
+               if ( strcmp(pMXPTag, "4.02") >= 0 )
+               {
+                  pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+                  pProtocol->b256Support = eYES;
+               }
+               else /* We know for sure that 256 colours are not supported */
+                  pProtocol->b256Support = eNO;
+            }
+            else if ( MatchString( "CMUD", pClientName ) )
+            {
+               /* CMUD 3.04 and later supports 256 colours. */
+               if ( strcmp(pMXPTag, "3.04") >= 0 )
+               {
+                  pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+                  pProtocol->b256Support = eYES;
+               }
+               else /* We know for sure that 256 colours are not supported */
+                  pProtocol->b256Support = eNO;
+            }
+            else if ( MatchString( "ATLANTIS", pClientName ) )
+            {
+               /* Atlantis supports XTerm 256 colours, but it doesn't 
+                * yet have MXP.  However MXP is planned, so once it responds 
+                * to a <VERSION> tag we'll know we can use 256 colours.
+                */
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+               pProtocol->b256Support = eYES;
+            }
+         }
+         if ( ( pMXPTag = GetMxpTag( "MXP=", MXPBuffer ) ) != NULL )
+         {
+            free(pProtocol->pMXPVersion);
+            pProtocol->pMXPVersion = strdup(pMXPTag);
+         }
+         if ( strcmp(pProtocol->pMXPVersion, "Unknown") )
+         {
+            Write( apDescriptor, "\n" );
+            sprintf( MXPBuffer, "MXP version %s detected and enabled.\r\n", 
+               pProtocol->pMXPVersion );
+            InfoMessage( apDescriptor, MXPBuffer );
+         }
+      }
+      else /* In-band command */
+      {
+         if ( apData[Index] == (char)IAC )
+         {
+            switch ( apData[Index+1] )
+            {
+               case (char)SB: /* Begin subnegotiation. */
+                  Index++;
+                  bIacMode = true;
+                  break;
+               case (char)DO: /* Handshake. */
+               case (char)DONT:
+               case (char)WILL:
+               case (char)WONT: 
+                  PerformHandshake( apDescriptor, apData[Index+1], apData[Index+2] );
+                  Index += 2;
+                  break;
+               case (char)IAC: /* Two IACs count as one. */
+                  CmdBuf[CmdIndex++] = (char)IAC;
+                  Index++;
+                  break;
+               default: /* Skip it. */
+                  Index++;
+                  break;
+            }
+         }
+         else
+            CmdBuf[CmdIndex++] = apData[Index];
+      }
+   }
+   /* Terminate the two buffers */
+   IacBuf[IacIndex] = '\0';
+   CmdBuf[CmdIndex] = '\0';
+   /* Copy the input buffer back to the player. */
+   strcat( apOut, CmdBuf );
+const char *ProtocolOutput( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData, int *apLength )
+   static char Result[MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER+1];
+   const char MSP[] = "!!";
+   const char MXPStart[] = "\033[1z<";
+   const char MXPStop[] = ">\033[7z";
+   const char LinkStart[] = "\033[1z<send>\033[7z";
+   const char LinkStop[] = "\033[1z</send>\033[7z";
+   bool_t bTerminate = false, bUseMXP = false, bUseMSP = false;
+   int i = 0, j = 0; /* Index values */
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol == NULL || apData == NULL )
+      return apData;
+   /* Strip !!SOUND() triggers if they support MSP or are using sound */
+   if ( pProtocol->bMSP || pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_SOUND]->ValueInt )
+      bUseMSP = true;
+   for ( ; i < MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER && apData[j] != '\0' && !bTerminate && 
+      (*apLength <= 0 || j < *apLength); ++j )
+   {
+      if ( apData[j] == '\t' )
+      {
+         const char *pCopyFrom = NULL;
+         switch ( apData[++j] )
+         {
+            case 'n':
+               pCopyFrom = s_Clean;
+               break;
+            case 'r': /* dark red */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F200");
+               break;
+            case 'R': /* light red */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F500");
+               break;
+            case 'g': /* dark green */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F020");
+               break;
+            case 'G': /* light green */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F050");
+               break;
+            case 'y': /* dark yellow */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F220");
+               break;
+            case 'Y': /* light yellow */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F550");
+               break;
+            case 'b': /* dark blue */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F002");
+               break;
+            case 'B': /* light blue */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F005");
+               break;
+            case 'm': /* dark magenta */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F202");
+               break;
+            case 'M': /* light magenta */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F505");
+               break;
+            case 'c': /* dark cyan */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F022");
+               break;
+            case 'C': /* light cyan */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F055");
+               break;
+            case 'w': /* dark white */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F222");
+               break;
+            case 'W': /* light white */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F555");
+               break;
+            case 'o': /* dark orange */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F520");
+               break;
+            case 'O': /* light orange */
+               pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, "F530");
+               break;
+            case '(': /* MXP link */
+               if ( !pProtocol->bBlockMXP && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt )
+                  pCopyFrom = LinkStart;
+               break;
+            case ')': /* MXP link */
+               if ( !pProtocol->bBlockMXP && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt )
+                  pCopyFrom = LinkStop;
+               pProtocol->bBlockMXP = false;
+               break;
+            case '<':
+               if ( !pProtocol->bBlockMXP && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt )
+               {
+                  pCopyFrom = MXPStart;
+                  bUseMXP = true;
+               }
+               else /* No MXP support, so just strip it out */
+               {
+                  while ( apData[j] != '\0' && apData[j] != '>' )
+                     ++j;
+               }
+               pProtocol->bBlockMXP = false;
+               break;
+            case '[':
+               if ( tolower(apData[++j]) == 'u' )
+               {
+                  char Buffer[8] = {'\0'}, BugString[256];
+                  int Index = 0;
+                  int Number = 0;
+                  bool_t bDone = false, bValid = true;
+                  while ( isdigit(apData[++j]) )
+                  {
+                     Number *= 10;
+                     Number += (apData[j])-'0';
+                  }
+                  if ( apData[j] == '/' )
+                     ++j;
+                  while ( apData[j] != '\0' && !bDone )
+                  {
+                     if ( apData[j] == ']' )
+                        bDone = true;
+                     else if ( Index < 7 )
+                        Buffer[Index++] = apData[j++];
+                     else /* It's too long, so ignore the rest and note the problem */
+                     {
+                        j++;
+                        bValid = false;
+                     }
+                  }
+                  if ( !bDone )
+                  {
+                     sprintf( BugString, "BUG: Unicode substitute '%s' wasn't terminated with ']'.\n", Buffer );
+                     ReportBug( BugString );
+                  }
+                  else if ( !bValid )
+                  {
+                     sprintf( BugString, "BUG: Unicode substitute '%s' truncated.  Missing ']'?\n", Buffer );
+                     ReportBug( BugString );
+                  }
+                  else if ( pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_UTF_8]->ValueInt )
+                  {
+                     pCopyFrom = UnicodeGet(Number);
+                  }
+                  else /* Display the substitute string */
+                  {
+                     pCopyFrom = Buffer;
+                  }
+                  /* Terminate if we've reached the end of the string */
+                  bTerminate = !bDone;
+               }
+               else if ( tolower(apData[j]) == 'f' || tolower(apData[j]) == 'b' )
+               {
+                  char Buffer[8] = {'\0'}, BugString[256];
+                  int Index = 0;
+                  bool_t bDone = false, bValid = true;
+                  /* Copy the 'f' (foreground) or 'b' (background) */
+                  Buffer[Index++] = apData[j++];
+                  while ( apData[j] != '\0' && !bDone && bValid )
+                  {
+                     if ( apData[j] == ']' )
+                        bDone = true;
+                     else if ( Index < 4 )
+                        Buffer[Index++] = apData[j++];
+                     else /* It's too long, so drop out - the colour code may still be valid */
+                        bValid = false;
+                  }
+                  if ( !bDone || !bValid)
+                  {
+                     sprintf( BugString, "BUG: RGB %sground colour '%s' wasn't terminated with ']'.\n", 
+                        (tolower(Buffer[0]) == 'f') ? "fore" : "back", &Buffer[1] );
+                     ReportBug( BugString );
+                  }
+                  else if ( !IsValidColour(Buffer) )
+                  {
+                     sprintf( BugString, "BUG: RGB %sground colour '%s' invalid (each digit must be in the range 0-5).\n", 
+                        (tolower(Buffer[0]) == 'f') ? "fore" : "back", &Buffer[1] );
+                     ReportBug( BugString );
+                  }
+                  else /* Success */
+                  {
+                     pCopyFrom = ColourRGB(apDescriptor, Buffer);
+                  }
+               }
+               else if ( tolower(apData[j]) == 'x' )
+               {
+                  char Buffer[8] = {'\0'}, BugString[256];
+                  int Index = 0;
+                  bool_t bDone = false, bValid = true;
+                  ++j; /* Skip the 'x' */
+                  while ( apData[j] != '\0' && !bDone )
+                  {
+                     if ( apData[j] == ']' )
+                        bDone = true;
+                     else if ( Index < 7 )
+                        Buffer[Index++] = apData[j++];
+                     else /* It's too long, so ignore the rest and note the problem */
+                     {
+                        j++;
+                        bValid = false;
+                     }
+                  }
+                  if ( !bDone )
+                  {
+                     sprintf( BugString, "BUG: Required MXP version '%s' wasn't terminated with ']'.\n", Buffer );
+                     ReportBug( BugString );
+                  }
+                  else if ( !bValid )
+                  {
+                     sprintf( BugString, "BUG: Required MXP version '%s' too long.  Missing ']'?\n", Buffer );
+                     ReportBug( BugString );
+                  }
+                  else if ( !strcmp(pProtocol->pMXPVersion, "Unknown") || 
+                     strcmp(pProtocol->pMXPVersion, Buffer) < 0 )
+                  {
+                     /* Their version of MXP isn't high enough */
+                     pProtocol->bBlockMXP = true;
+                  }
+                  else /* MXP is sufficient for this tag */
+                  {
+                     pProtocol->bBlockMXP = false;
+                  }
+                  /* Terminate if we've reached the end of the string */
+                  bTerminate = !bDone;
+               }
+               break;
+            case '!': /* Used for in-band MSP sound triggers */
+               pCopyFrom = MSP;
+               break;
+            case '\0':
+               bTerminate = true;
+               break;
+            default:
+               break;
+         }
+         /* Copy the colour code, if any. */
+         if ( pCopyFrom != NULL )
+         {
+            while ( *pCopyFrom != '\0' && i < MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER )
+               Result[i++] = *pCopyFrom++;
+         }
+      }
+      else if ( bUseMXP && apData[j] == '>' )
+      {
+         const char *pCopyFrom = MXPStop;
+         while ( *pCopyFrom != '\0' && i < MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER)
+            Result[i++] = *pCopyFrom++;
+         bUseMXP = false;
+      }
+      else if ( bUseMSP && j > 0 && apData[j-1] == '!' && apData[j] == '!' && 
+         PrefixString("SOUND(", &apData[j+1]) )
+      {
+         /* Avoid accidental triggering of old-style MSP triggers */
+         Result[i++] = '?';
+      }
+      else /* Just copy the character normally */
+      {
+         Result[i++] = apData[j];
+      }
+   }
+   /* If we'd overflow the buffer, we don't send any output */
+   if ( i >= MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER )
+   {
+      i = 0;
+      ReportBug("ProtocolOutput: Too much outgoing data to store in the buffer.\n");
+   }
+   /* Terminate the string */
+   Result[i] = '\0';
+   /* Store the length */
+   if ( apLength )
+      *apLength = i;
+   /* Return the string */
+   return Result;
+/* Some clients (such as GMud) don't properly handle negotiation, and simply 
+ * display every printable character to the screen.  However TTYPE isn't a 
+ * printable character, so we negotiate for it first, and only negotiate for 
+ * other protocols if the client responds with IAC WILL TTYPE or IAC WONT 
+ * TTYPE.  Thanks go to Donky on MudBytes for the suggestion.
+ */
+void ProtocolNegotiate( descriptor_t *apDescriptor )
+   static const char DoTTYPE [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO, TELOPT_TTYPE, '\0' };
+   Write(apDescriptor, DoTTYPE);
+ Copyover save/load functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+const char *CopyoverGet( descriptor_t *apDescriptor )
+   static char Buffer[64];
+   char *pBuffer = Buffer;
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol != NULL )
+   {
+      sprintf(Buffer, "%d/%d", pProtocol->ScreenWidth, pProtocol->ScreenHeight);
+      /* Skip to the end */
+      while ( *pBuffer != '\0' )
+         ++pBuffer;
+      if ( pProtocol->bNAWS )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'N';
+      if ( pProtocol->bMSDP )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'M';
+      if ( pProtocol->bATCP )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'A';
+      if ( pProtocol->bMSP )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'S';
+      if ( pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'X';
+      if ( pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'C';
+      if ( pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_UTF_8]->ValueInt )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'U';
+      if ( apDescriptor->out_compress )
+         *pBuffer++ = 'Z'; 
+  }
+   /* Terminate the string */
+   *pBuffer = '\0';
+   return Buffer;
+void CopyoverSet( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol != NULL && apData != NULL )
+   {
+      int Width = 0, Height = 0;
+      bool_t bDoneWidth = false;
+      int i; /* Loop counter */
+      for ( i = 0; apData[i] != '\0'; ++i )
+      {
+         switch ( apData[i] )
+         {
+            case 'N':
+               pProtocol->bNAWS = true;
+               break;
+            case 'M':
+               pProtocol->bMSDP = true;
+               break;
+            case 'A':
+               pProtocol->bATCP = true;
+               break;
+            case 'S':
+               pProtocol->bMSP = true;
+               break;
+            case 'X':
+               pProtocol->bMXP = true;
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt = 1;
+               break;
+            case 'Z':
+               compressStart(apDescriptor, TELOPT_MCCP);
+               break;
+            case 'C':
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+               break;
+            case 'U':
+               pProtocol->bCHARSET = true;
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_UTF_8]->ValueInt = 1;
+               break;
+            default:
+               if ( apData[i] == '/' )
+                  bDoneWidth = true;
+               else if ( isdigit(apData[i]) )
+               {
+                  if ( bDoneWidth )
+                  {
+                     Height *= 10;
+                     Height += (apData[i] - '0');
+                  }
+                  else /* We're still calculating height */
+                  {
+                     Width *= 10;
+                     Width += (apData[i] - '0');
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      /* Restore the width and height */
+      pProtocol->ScreenWidth = Width;
+      pProtocol->ScreenHeight = Height;
+      /* If we're using MSDP or ATCP, we need to renegotiate it so that the 
+       * client can resend the list of variables it wants us to REPORT.
+       *
+       * Note that we only use ATCP if MSDP is not supported.
+       */
+      if ( pProtocol->bMSDP )
+      {
+         char WillMSDP [] = { (char)IAC, (char)WILL, TELOPT_MSDP, '\0' };
+         Write(apDescriptor, WillMSDP);
+      }
+      else if ( pProtocol->bATCP )
+      {
+         char DoATCP [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO, (char)TELOPT_ATCP, '\0' };
+         Write(apDescriptor, DoATCP);
+      }
+      /* Ask the client to send its MXP version again */
+      if ( pProtocol->bMXP )
+         MXPSendTag( apDescriptor, "<VERSION>" );
+   }
+ MSDP global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void MSDPUpdate( descriptor_t *apDescriptor )
+   int i; /* Loop counter */
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+   {
+      if ( pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bReport )
+      {
+         if ( pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bDirty )
+         {
+            MSDPSend( apDescriptor, (variable_t)i );
+            pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bDirty = false;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+void MSDPSend( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, variable_t aMSDP )
+   char MSDPBuffer[MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH+1] = { '\0' };
+   if ( aMSDP > eMSDP_NONE && aMSDP < eMSDP_MAX )
+   {
+      protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+      if ( VariableNameTable[aMSDP].bString )
+      {
+         /* Should really be replaced with a dynamic buffer */
+         int RequiredBuffer = strlen(VariableNameTable[aMSDP].pName) + 
+            strlen(pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->pValueString) + 12;
+         if ( RequiredBuffer >= MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, 
+               "MSDPSend: %s %d bytes (exceeds MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH of %d).\n", 
+               VariableNameTable[aMSDP].pName, RequiredBuffer, 
+               MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH );
+            ReportBug( MSDPBuffer );
+            MSDPBuffer[0] = '\0';
+         }
+         else if ( pProtocol->bMSDP )
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, "%c%c%c%c%s%c%s%c%c", 
+               IAC, SB, TELOPT_MSDP, MSDP_VAR, 
+               VariableNameTable[aMSDP].pName, MSDP_VAL, 
+               pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->pValueString, IAC, SE );
+         }
+         else if ( pProtocol->bATCP )
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, "%c%c%cMSDP.%s %s%c%c", 
+               IAC, SB, TELOPT_ATCP, 
+               VariableNameTable[aMSDP].pName, 
+               pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->pValueString, IAC, SE );
+         }
+      }
+      else /* It's an integer, not a string */
+      {
+         if ( pProtocol->bMSDP )
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, "%c%c%c%c%s%c%d%c%c", 
+               IAC, SB, TELOPT_MSDP, MSDP_VAR, 
+               VariableNameTable[aMSDP].pName, MSDP_VAL, 
+               pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->ValueInt, IAC, SE );
+         }
+         else if ( pProtocol->bATCP )
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, "%c%c%cMSDP.%s %d%c%c", 
+               IAC, SB, TELOPT_ATCP, 
+               VariableNameTable[aMSDP].pName, 
+               pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->ValueInt, IAC, SE );
+         }
+      }
+      /* Just in case someone calls this function without checking MSDP/ATCP */
+      if ( MSDPBuffer[0] != '\0' )
+         Write( apDescriptor, MSDPBuffer );
+   }
+void MSDPSendPair( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apVariable, const char *apValue )
+   char MSDPBuffer[MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH+1] = { '\0' };
+   if ( apVariable != NULL && apValue != NULL )
+   {
+      protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+      /* Should really be replaced with a dynamic buffer */
+      int RequiredBuffer = strlen(apVariable) + strlen(apValue) + 12;
+      if ( RequiredBuffer >= MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
+      {
+         if ( RequiredBuffer - strlen(apValue) < MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, 
+               "MSDPSendPair: %s %d bytes (exceeds MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH of %d).\n", 
+               apVariable, RequiredBuffer, MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH );
+         }
+         else /* The variable name itself is too long */
+         {
+            sprintf( MSDPBuffer, 
+               "MSDPSendPair: Variable name has a length of %d bytes (exceeds MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH of %d).\n", 
+               RequiredBuffer, MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH );
+         }
+         ReportBug( MSDPBuffer );
+         MSDPBuffer[0] = '\0';
+      }
+      else if ( pProtocol->bMSDP )
+      {
+         sprintf( MSDPBuffer, "%c%c%c%c%s%c%s%c%c", 
+            IAC, SB, TELOPT_MSDP, MSDP_VAR, apVariable, MSDP_VAL, 
+            apValue, IAC, SE );
+      }
+      else if ( pProtocol->bATCP )
+      {
+         sprintf( MSDPBuffer, "%c%c%cMSDP.%s %s%c%c", 
+            IAC, SB, TELOPT_ATCP, apVariable, apValue, IAC, SE );
+      }
+      /* Just in case someone calls this function without checking MSDP/ATCP */
+      if ( MSDPBuffer[0] != '\0' )
+         Write( apDescriptor, MSDPBuffer );
+   }
+void MSDPSetNumber( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, variable_t aMSDP, int aValue )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol != NULL && aMSDP > eMSDP_NONE && aMSDP < eMSDP_MAX )
+   {
+      if ( !VariableNameTable[aMSDP].bString )
+      {
+         if ( pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->ValueInt != aValue )
+         {
+            pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->ValueInt = aValue;
+            pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->bDirty = true;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+void MSDPSetString( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, variable_t aMSDP, char *apValue )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol != NULL && apValue != NULL )
+   {
+      if ( VariableNameTable[aMSDP].bString )
+      {
+         if ( strcmp(pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->pValueString, apValue) )
+         {
+            free(pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->pValueString);
+            pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->pValueString = strdup(apValue);
+            pProtocol->pVariables[aMSDP]->bDirty = true;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ MSSP global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void MSSPSetPlayers( int aPlayers )
+   s_Players = aPlayers;
+   if ( s_Uptime == 0 )
+      s_Uptime = time(0);
+ MXP global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+char *MXPCreateTag( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char *apTag )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol != NULL && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt && 
+      strlen(apTag) < 1000 )
+   {
+      static char MXPBuffer [1024];
+      sprintf( MXPBuffer, "\033[1z%s\033[7z", apTag );
+      return MXPBuffer;
+   }
+   else /* Leave the tag as-is, don't try to MXPify it */
+   {
+      return apTag;
+   }
+void MXPSendTag( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char *apTag )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol != NULL && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt && 
+      strlen(apTag) < 1000 )
+   {
+      char MXPBuffer [1024];
+      sprintf(MXPBuffer, "\033[1z%s\033[7z\r\n", apTag );
+      Write(apDescriptor, MXPBuffer);
+   }
+ Sound global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void SoundSend( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apTrigger )
+   const int MaxTriggerLength = 128; /* Used for the buffer size */
+   if ( apDescriptor != NULL && apTrigger != NULL )
+   {
+      protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+      if ( pProtocol != NULL && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_SOUND]->ValueInt )
+      {
+         if ( pProtocol->bMSDP || pProtocol->bATCP )
+         {
+            /* Send the sound trigger through MSDP or ATCP */
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, "PLAY_SOUND", apTrigger );
+         }
+         else if ( strlen(apTrigger) <= MaxTriggerLength )
+         {
+            /* Use an old MSP-style trigger */
+            char Buffer[MaxTriggerLength+10];
+            sprintf( Buffer, "\t!SOUND(%s)", apTrigger );
+            Write(apDescriptor, Buffer);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ Colour global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+const char *ColourRGB( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apRGB )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor ? apDescriptor->pProtocol : NULL;
+   if ( pProtocol && pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_ANSI_COLORS]->ValueInt )
+   {
+      if ( IsValidColour(apRGB) )
+      {
+         bool_t bBackground = (tolower(apRGB[0]) == 'b');
+         int Red = apRGB[1] - '0';
+         int Green = apRGB[2] - '0';
+         int Blue = apRGB[3] - '0';
+         if ( pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt )
+            return GetRGBColour( bBackground, Red, Green, Blue );
+         else /* Use regular ANSI colour */
+            return GetAnsiColour( bBackground, Red, Green, Blue );
+      }
+      else /* Invalid colour - use this to clear any existing colour. */
+      {
+         return s_Clean;
+      }
+   }
+   else /* Don't send any colour, not even clear */
+   {
+      return "";
+   }
+ UTF-8 global functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+char *UnicodeGet( int aValue )
+   static char Buffer[8];
+   char *pString = Buffer;
+   UnicodeAdd( &pString, aValue );
+   *pString = '\0';
+   return Buffer;
+void UnicodeAdd( char **apString, int aValue )
+   if ( aValue < 0x80 )
+   {
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)aValue;
+   }
+   else if ( aValue < 0x800 )
+   {
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0xC0 | (aValue>>6));
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0x80 | (aValue & 0x3F));
+   }
+   else if ( aValue < 0x10000 )
+   {
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0xE0 | (aValue>>12));
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0x80 | (aValue>>6 & 0x3F));
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0x80 | (aValue & 0x3F));
+   }
+   else if ( aValue < 0x200000 )
+   {
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0xF0 | (aValue>>18));
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0x80 | (aValue>>12 & 0x3F));
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0x80 | (aValue>>6 & 0x3F));
+      *(*apString)++ = (char)(0x80 | (aValue & 0x3F));
+   }
+ Local negotiation functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static void Negotiate( descriptor_t *apDescriptor )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor->pProtocol;
+   if ( pProtocol->bNegotiated )
+   {
+      char RequestTTYPE   [] = { (char)IAC, (char)SB,   TELOPT_TTYPE, TELOPT_SEND, (char)IAC, (char)SE, '\0' };
+      char DoNAWS         [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO,   TELOPT_NAWS,      '\0' };
+      char DoCHARSET      [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO,   TELOPT_CHARSET,   '\0' };
+      char WillMSDP       [] = { (char)IAC, (char)WILL, TELOPT_MSDP,      '\0' };
+      char WillMSSP       [] = { (char)IAC, (char)WILL, TELOPT_MSSP,      '\0' };
+      char DoATCP         [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO,   (char)TELOPT_ATCP,'\0' };
+      char WillMSP        [] = { (char)IAC, (char)WILL, TELOPT_MSP,       '\0' };
+      char DoMXP          [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO,   TELOPT_MXP,       '\0' };
+/* Put this back if your mud already supports MCCP.*/
+      char WillMCCP       [] = { (char)IAC, (char)WILL, TELOPT_MCCP,      '\0' };
+      /* Request the client type if TTYPE is supported. */
+      if ( pProtocol->bTTYPE )
+         Write(apDescriptor, RequestTTYPE);
+      /* Check for other protocols. */
+      Write(apDescriptor, DoNAWS);
+      Write(apDescriptor, DoCHARSET);
+      Write(apDescriptor, WillMSDP);
+      Write(apDescriptor, WillMSSP);
+      Write(apDescriptor, DoATCP);
+      Write(apDescriptor, WillMSP);
+      Write(apDescriptor, DoMXP);
+/* Put this back if your mud already supports MCCP.*/
+      Write(apDescriptor, WillMCCP);
+   }
+static void PerformHandshake( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char aCmd, char aProtocol )
+   bool_t bResult = true;
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor->pProtocol;
+   switch ( aProtocol )
+   {
+      case (char)TELOPT_TTYPE:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)WILL )
+         {
+            if ( !pProtocol->bNegotiated )
+            {
+               /* Negotiate for the remaining protocols. */
+               pProtocol->bNegotiated = true;
+               pProtocol->bTTYPE = true;
+               Negotiate(apDescriptor);
+            }
+         }
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)WONT )
+         {
+            if ( !pProtocol->bNegotiated )
+            {
+               /* Still negotiate, as this client obviously knows how to 
+                * correctly respond to negotiation attempts - but we don't 
+                * ask for TTYPE, as it doesn't support it.
+                */
+               pProtocol->bNegotiated = true;
+               pProtocol->bTTYPE = false;
+               Negotiate(apDescriptor);
+            }
+         }
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_NAWS:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)WILL )
+            pProtocol->bNAWS = true;
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)WONT )
+            pProtocol->bNAWS = false;
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_CHARSET:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)WILL )
+         {
+            char charset_utf8 [] = { (char)IAC, (char)SB, TELOPT_CHARSET, 1, ' ', 'U', 'T', 'F', '-', '8', (char)IAC, (char)SE, '\0' };
+            Write(apDescriptor, charset_utf8);
+            pProtocol->bCHARSET = true;
+         }
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)WONT )
+            pProtocol->bCHARSET = false;
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_MSDP:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)DO )
+         {
+            pProtocol->bMSDP = true;
+            /* Identify the mud to the client. */
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, "SERVER_ID", MUD_NAME );
+         }
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)DONT )
+            pProtocol->bMSDP = false;
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_MSSP:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)DO )
+            SendMSSP( apDescriptor );
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)DONT )
+            ; /* Do nothing. */
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+/* Put this back if your mud already supports MCCP. */
+      case (char)TELOPT_MCCP:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)DO )
+            compressStart(apDescriptor, TELOPT_MCCP);
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)DONT )
+            compressEnd(apDescriptor, TELOPT_MCCP, FALSE);
+         else // Anything else is invalid.
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_MSP:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)DO )
+            pProtocol->bMSP = true;
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)DONT )
+            pProtocol->bMSP = false;
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_MXP:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)WILL )
+         {
+            /* Enable MXP. */
+            const char EnableMXP[] = { (char)IAC, (char)SB, TELOPT_MXP, (char)IAC, (char)SE, '\0' };
+            Write(apDescriptor, EnableMXP);
+            /* Create a secure channel, and note that MXP is active. */
+            Write(apDescriptor, "\033[7z");
+            pProtocol->bMXP = true;
+            pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_MXP]->ValueInt = 1;
+         }
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)WONT )
+            pProtocol->bMXP = false;
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_ATCP:
+         if ( aCmd == (char)WILL )
+         {
+            /* If we don't support MSDP, fake it with ATCP */
+            if ( !pProtocol->bMSDP );
+            {
+               pProtocol->bATCP = true;
+               /* Identify the mud to the client. */
+               MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, "SERVER_ID", MUD_NAME );
+            }
+         }
+         else if ( aCmd == (char)WONT )
+            pProtocol->bATCP = false;
+         else /* Anything else is invalid. */
+            bResult = false;
+         break;
+      default:
+         bResult = false;
+   }
+static void PerformSubnegotiation( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char aCmd, char *apData, int aSize )
+   protocol_t *pProtocol = apDescriptor->pProtocol;
+   switch ( aCmd )
+   {
+      case (char)TELOPT_TTYPE:
+         if ( pProtocol->bTTYPE )
+         {
+            /* Store the client name. */
+            const int MaxClientLength = 64;
+            char ClientName[MaxClientLength+1];
+            int i = 0, j = 1;
+            for ( ; apData[j] != '\0' && i < MaxClientLength; ++j )
+            {
+               if ( isprint(apData[j]) )
+                  ClientName[i++] = apData[j];
+            }
+            ClientName[i] = '\0';
+            /* Store the first TTYPE as the client name */
+            if ( !strcmp(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString, "Unknown") )
+            {
+               free(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString);
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString = strdup(ClientName);
+            }
+            /* Cycle through the TTYPEs until we get the same result twice, or 
+             * find ourselves back at the start.
+             * 
+             * If the client follows RFC1091 properly then it will indicate the 
+             * end of the list by repeating the last response, and then return 
+             * to the top of the list.  If you're the trusting type, then feel 
+             * free to remove the second strcmp ;)
+             */
+            if ( pProtocol->pLastTTYPE == NULL || 
+               (strcmp(pProtocol->pLastTTYPE, ClientName) && 
+               strcmp(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString, ClientName)) )
+            {
+               char RequestTTYPE [] = { (char)IAC, (char)SB, TELOPT_TTYPE, TELOPT_SEND, (char)IAC, (char)SE, '\0' };
+               const char *pStartPos = strstr( ClientName, "-" );
+               /* Store the TTYPE */
+               free(pProtocol->pLastTTYPE);
+               pProtocol->pLastTTYPE = strdup(ClientName);
+               /* Look for 256 colour support */
+               if ( pStartPos != NULL && MatchString(pStartPos, "-256color") )
+               {
+                  /* This is currently the only way to detect support for 256 
+                   * colours in TinTin++, WinTin++ and BlowTorch.
+                   */
+                  pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+                  pProtocol->b256Support = eYES;
+               }
+               /* Request another TTYPE */
+               Write(apDescriptor, RequestTTYPE);
+            }
+            if ( PrefixString("Mudlet", ClientName) )
+            {
+               /* Mudlet beta 15 and later supports 256 colours, but we can't 
+                * identify it from the mud - everything prior to 1.1 claims 
+                * to be version 1.0, so we just don't know.
+                */ 
+               pProtocol->b256Support = eSOMETIMES;
+               if ( strlen(ClientName) > 7 )
+               {
+                  ClientName[6] = '\0';
+                  free(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString);
+                  pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_ID]->pValueString = strdup(ClientName);
+                  free(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_VERSION]->pValueString);
+                  pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_VERSION]->pValueString = strdup(ClientName+7);
+                  /* Mudlet 1.1 and later supports 256 colours. */
+                  if ( strcmp(pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_CLIENT_VERSION]->pValueString, "1.1") >= 0 )
+                  {
+                     pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+                     pProtocol->b256Support = eYES;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            else if ( MatchString(ClientName, "EMACS-RINZAI") )
+            {
+               /* We know for certain that this client has support */
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS]->ValueInt = 1;
+               pProtocol->b256Support = eYES;
+            }
+            else if ( MatchString(ClientName, "MUSHCLIENT") || 
+               MatchString(ClientName, "CMUD") || 
+               MatchString(ClientName, "ATLANTIS") || 
+               MatchString(ClientName, "KILDCLIENT") || 
+               MatchString(ClientName, "TINTIN++") || 
+               MatchString(ClientName, "TINYFUGUE") )
+            {
+               /* We know that some versions of this client have support */
+               pProtocol->b256Support = eSOMETIMES;
+            }
+            else if ( MatchString(ClientName, "ZMUD") )
+            {
+               /* We know for certain that this client does not have support */
+               pProtocol->b256Support = eNO;
+            }
+         }
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_NAWS:
+         if ( pProtocol->bNAWS )
+         {
+            /* Store the new width. */
+            pProtocol->ScreenWidth = (unsigned char)apData[0];
+            pProtocol->ScreenWidth <<= 8;
+            pProtocol->ScreenWidth += (unsigned char)apData[1];
+            /* Store the new height. */
+            pProtocol->ScreenHeight = (unsigned char)apData[2];
+            pProtocol->ScreenHeight <<= 8;
+            pProtocol->ScreenHeight += (unsigned char)apData[3];
+         }
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_CHARSET:
+         if ( pProtocol->bCHARSET )
+         {
+            /* Because we're only asking about UTF-8, we can just check the 
+             * first character.  If you ask for more than one CHARSET you'll 
+             * need to read through the results to see which are accepted.
+             *
+             * Note that the user must also use a unicode font!
+             */
+            if ( apData[0] == TELOPT_ACCEPTED )
+               pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_UTF_8]->ValueInt = 1;
+         }
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_MSDP:
+         ParseMSDP( apDescriptor, apData );
+         break;
+      case (char)TELOPT_ATCP:
+         ParseATCP( apDescriptor, apData );
+         break;
+      default: /* Unknown subnegotiation, so we simply ignore it. */
+         break;
+   }
+ Local MSDP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static void ParseMSDP( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
+   char Variable[MSDP_VAL][MAX_MSDP_SIZE+1] = { {'\0'}, {'\0'} };
+   char *pPos = NULL, *pStart = NULL;
+   while ( *apData )
+   {
+      switch ( *apData )
+      {
+         case MSDP_VAR: case MSDP_VAL:
+            pPos = pStart = Variable[*apData++-1];
+            break;
+         default: /* Anything else */
+            if ( pPos && pPos-pStart < MAX_MSDP_SIZE )
+            {
+               *pPos++ = *apData;
+               *pPos = '\0';
+            }
+            if ( *++apData )
+               continue;
+      }
+      ExecuteMSDPPair( apDescriptor, Variable[MSDP_VAR-1], Variable[MSDP_VAL-1] );
+      Variable[MSDP_VAL-1][0] = '\0';
+   }
+static void ExecuteMSDPPair( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apVariable, const char *apValue )
+   if ( apVariable[0] != '\0' && apValue[0] != '\0' )
+   {
+      if ( MatchString(apVariable, "SEND") )
+      {
+         bool_t bDone = false;
+         int i; /* Loop counter */
+         for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX && !bDone; ++i )
+         {
+            if ( MatchString(apValue, VariableNameTable[i].pName) )
+            {
+               MSDPSend( apDescriptor, (variable_t)i );
+               bDone = true;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      else if ( MatchString(apVariable, "REPORT") )
+      {
+         bool_t bDone = false;
+         int i; /* Loop counter */
+         for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX && !bDone; ++i )
+         {
+            if ( MatchString(apValue, VariableNameTable[i].pName) )
+            {
+               apDescriptor->pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bReport = true;
+               apDescriptor->pProtocol->pVariables[i]->bDirty = true;
+               bDone = true;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      else if ( MatchString(apVariable, "LIST") )
+      {
+         if ( MatchString(apValue, "COMMANDS") )
+         {
+            char MSDPCommands[] = "LIST REPORT SEND";
+            if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP )
+            {
+               int i; /* Loop counter */
+               for ( i = 0; MSDPCommands[i] != '\0'; ++i )
+               {
+                  if ( MSDPCommands[i] == ' ' )
+                     MSDPCommands[i] = MSDP_VAL;
+               }
+            }
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, "COMMANDS", MSDPCommands );
+         }
+         else if ( MatchString(apValue, "LISTS") )
+         {
+            if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP )
+            {
+               int i; /* Loop counter */
+               for ( i = 0; MSDPCommands[i] != '\0'; ++i )
+               {
+                  if ( MSDPCommands[i] == ' ' )
+                     MSDPCommands[i] = MSDP_VAL;
+               }
+            }
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, "LISTS", MSDPCommands );
+         }
+         /* Split this into two if some variables aren't REPORTABLE */
+         else if ( MatchString(apValue, "VARIABLES") || 
+            MatchString(apValue, "REPORTABLE_VARIABLES") )
+         {
+            const char Separator[] = { apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP ? MSDP_VAL : ' ', '\0' };
+            char MSDPCommands[MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER] = { '\0' };
+            int i; /* Loop counter */
+            for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+            {
+               if ( !VariableNameTable[i].bGUI )
+               {
+                  /* Add the separator between variables */
+                  if ( MSDPCommands[0] != '\0' )
+                  {
+                     if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP )
+                        strcat( MSDPCommands, Separator );
+                  }
+                  /* Add the variable to the list */
+                  strcat( MSDPCommands, VariableNameTable[i].pName );
+               }
+            }
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, apValue, MSDPCommands );
+         }
+         else if ( MatchString(apValue, "CONFIGURABLE_VARIABLES") )
+         {
+            const char Separator[] = { apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP ? MSDP_VAL : ' ', '\0' };
+            char MSDPCommands[MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER] = { '\0' };
+            int i; /* Loop counter */
+            for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+            {
+               if ( VariableNameTable[i].bConfigurable )
+               {
+                  /* Add the separator between variables */
+                  if ( MSDPCommands[0] != '\0' )
+                  {
+                     if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP )
+                        strcat( MSDPCommands, Separator );
+                  }
+                  /* Add the variable to the list */
+                  strcat( MSDPCommands, VariableNameTable[i].pName );
+               }
+            }
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, "CONFIGURABLE_VARIABLES", MSDPCommands );
+         }
+         else if ( MatchString(apValue, "GUI_VARIABLES") )
+         {
+            const char Separator[] = { apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP ? MSDP_VAL : ' ', '\0' };
+            char MSDPCommands[MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER] = { '\0' };
+            int i; /* Loop counter */
+            for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+            {
+               if ( VariableNameTable[i].bGUI )
+               {
+                  /* Add the separator between variables */
+                  if ( MSDPCommands[0] != '\0' )
+                  {
+                     if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->bMSDP )
+                        strcat( MSDPCommands, Separator );
+                  }
+                  /* Add the variable to the list */
+                  strcat( MSDPCommands, VariableNameTable[i].pName );
+               }
+            }
+            MSDPSendPair( apDescriptor, apValue, MSDPCommands );
+         }
+      }
+      else /* Set any configurable variables */
+      {
+         int i; /* Loop counter */
+         for ( i = eMSDP_NONE+1; i < eMSDP_MAX; ++i )
+         {
+            if ( VariableNameTable[i].bConfigurable )
+            {
+               if ( MatchString(apVariable, VariableNameTable[i].pName) )
+               {
+                  if ( VariableNameTable[i].bString )
+                  {
+                     /* A write-once variable can only be set if the value 
+                      * is "Unknown".  This is for things like client name, 
+                      * where we don't really want the player overwriting a 
+                      * proper client name with junk - but on the other hand, 
+                      * its possible a client may choose to use MSDP to 
+                      * identify itself.
+                      */
+                     if ( !VariableNameTable[i].bWriteOnce || 
+                        !strcmp(apDescriptor->pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString, "Unknown") )
+                     {
+                        /* Store the new value if it's valid */
+                        char Buffer[VariableNameTable[i].Max+1];
+                        int j; /* Loop counter */
+                        for ( j = 0; j < VariableNameTable[i].Max && *apValue != '\0'; ++apValue )
+                        {
+                           if ( isprint(*apValue) )
+                              Buffer[j++] = *apValue;
+                        }
+                        Buffer[j++] = '\0';
+                        if ( j >= VariableNameTable[i].Min )
+                        {
+                           free(apDescriptor->pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString);
+                           apDescriptor->pProtocol->pVariables[i]->pValueString = strdup(Buffer);
+                        }
+                     }
+                  }
+                  else /* This variable only accepts numeric values */
+                  {
+                     /* Strip any leading spaces */
+                     while ( *apValue == ' ' )
+                        ++apValue;
+                     if ( *apValue != '\0' && IsNumber(apValue) )
+                     {
+                        int Value = atoi(apValue);
+                        if ( Value >= VariableNameTable[i].Min && 
+                           Value <= VariableNameTable[i].Max )
+                        {
+                           apDescriptor->pProtocol->pVariables[i]->ValueInt = Value;
+                        }
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ Local ATCP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static void ParseATCP( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
+   char Variable[MSDP_VAL][MAX_MSDP_SIZE+1] = { {'\0'}, {'\0'} };
+   char *pPos = NULL, *pStart = NULL;
+   while ( *apData )
+   {
+      switch ( *apData )
+      {
+         case '@': 
+            pPos = pStart = Variable[0];
+            apData++;
+            break;
+         case ' ': 
+            pPos = pStart = Variable[1];
+            apData++;
+            break;
+         default: /* Anything else */
+            if ( pPos && pPos-pStart < MAX_MSDP_SIZE )
+            {
+               *pPos++ = *apData;
+               *pPos = '\0';
+            }
+            if ( *++apData )
+               continue;
+      }
+      ExecuteMSDPPair( apDescriptor, Variable[MSDP_VAR-1], Variable[MSDP_VAL-1] );
+      Variable[MSDP_VAL-1][0] = '\0';
+   }
+ Local MSSP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define MAX_MSSP_BUFFER 4096
+static void SendMSSP( descriptor_t *apDescriptor )
+   char MSSPBuffer[MAX_MSSP_BUFFER];
+   char MSSPPair[128];
+   int SizeBuffer = 3; /* IAC SB MSSP */
+   int i; /* Loop counter */
+   char VarPlayers[32], VarUptime[32];
+   sprintf( VarPlayers, "%d", s_Players );
+   sprintf( VarUptime, "%d", (int)s_Uptime );
+   /* Before updating the following table, please read the MSSP specification:
+    *
+    * http://tintin.sourceforge.net/mssp/
+    *
+    * It's important that you use the correct format and spelling for the MSSP 
+    * variables, otherwise crawlers may reject the data as invalid.
+    */
+   MSSP_t MSSPTable[] =
+   {
+      /* Required */
+      { "NAME",               MUD_NAME },   /* Change this in protocol.h */
+      { "PLAYERS",            VarPlayers }, /* Automatically calculated */
+      { "UPTIME" ,            VarUptime },  /* Automatically calculated */
+      /* Generic */
+      { "CRAWL DELAY",        "-1" },
+      { "HOSTNAME",           "" },
+      { "PORT",               "" },
+      { "CODEBASE",           "" },
+      { "CONTACT",            "" },
+      { "CREATED",            "" },
+      { "ICON",               "" },
+      { "IP",                 "" },
+      { "LANGUAGE",           "" },
+      { "LOCATION",           "" },
+      { "MINIMUM AGE",        "" },
+      { "WEBSITE",            "" },
+      /* Categorisation */
+      { "FAMILY",             "" },
+      { "GENRE",              "" },
+      { "GAMEPLAY",           "" },
+      { "STATUS",             "" },
+      { "GAMESYSTEM",         "" },
+      { "INTERMUD",           "" },
+      { "SUBGENRE",           "" },
+      /* World */
+      { "AREAS",              "0" },
+      { "HELPFILES",          "0" },
+      { "MOBILES",            "0" },
+      { "OBJECTS",            "0" },
+      { "ROOMS",              "0" },
+      { "CLASSES",            "0" },
+      { "LEVELS",             "0" },
+      { "RACES",              "0" },
+      { "SKILLS",             "0" },
+      /* Protocols */
+      { "ANSI",               "1" },
+      { "MCCP",               "0" },
+      { "MCP",                "0" },
+      { "MSP",                "1" },
+      { "MXP",                "1" },
+      { "PUEBLO",             "0" },
+      { "VT100",              "0" },
+      { "XTERM 256 COLORS",   "1" },
+      /* Commercial */
+      { "PAY TO PLAY",        "0" },
+      { "PAY FOR PERKS",      "0" },
+      /* Hiring */
+      { "HIRING BUILDERS",    "0" },
+      { "HIRING CODERS",      "0" },
+      /* Extended variables */
+      /* World */
+      { "DBSIZE",             "0" },
+      { "EXITS",              "0" },
+      { "EXTRA DESCRIPTIONS", "0" },
+      { "MUDPROGS",           "0" },
+      { "MUDTRIGS",           "0" },
+      { "RESETS",             "0" },
+      /* Game */
+      { "ADULT MATERIAL",     "0" },
+      { "MULTICLASSING",      "0" },
+      { "NEWBIE FRIENDLY",    "0" },
+      { "PLAYER CITIES",      "0" },
+      { "PLAYER CLANS",       "0" },
+      { "PLAYER CRAFTING",    "0" },
+      { "PLAYER GUILDS",      "0" },
+      { "EQUIPMENT SYSTEM",   "" },
+      { "MULTIPLAYING",       "" },
+      { "PLAYERKILLING",      "" },
+      { "QUEST SYSTEM",       "" },
+      { "ROLEPLAYING",        "" },
+      { "TRAINING SYSTEM",    "" },
+      { "WORLD ORIGINALITY",  "" },
+      /* Protocols */
+      { "ATCP",               "1" },
+      { "MSDP",               "1" },
+      { "SSL",                "0" },
+      { "UTF-8",              "1" },
+      { "ZMP",                "0" },
+      { NULL, NULL } /* This must always be last. */
+   };
+   /* Begin the subnegotiation sequence */
+   sprintf( MSSPBuffer, "%c%c%c", IAC, SB, TELOPT_MSSP );
+   for ( i = 0; MSSPTable[i].pName != NULL; ++i )
+   {
+      int SizePair;
+      /* Retrieve the next MSSP variable/value pair */
+      sprintf( MSSPPair, "%c%s%c%s", MSSP_VAR, MSSPTable[i].pName, 
+         MSSP_VAL, MSSPTable[i].pValue );
+      /* Make sure we don't overflow the buffer */
+      SizePair = strlen(MSSPPair);
+      if ( SizePair+SizeBuffer < MAX_MSSP_BUFFER-4 )
+      {
+         strcat( MSSPBuffer, MSSPPair );
+         SizeBuffer += SizePair;
+      }
+   }
+   /* End the subnegotiation sequence */
+   sprintf( MSSPPair, "%c%c", IAC, SE );
+   strcat( MSSPBuffer, MSSPPair );
+   /* Send the sequence */
+   Write( apDescriptor, MSSPBuffer );
+ Local MXP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static char *GetMxpTag( const char *apTag, const char *apText )
+   static char MXPBuffer [64];
+   const char *pStartPos = strstr(apText, apTag);
+   if ( pStartPos != NULL )
+   {
+      const char *pEndPos = apText+strlen(apText);
+      pStartPos += strlen(apTag); /* Add length of the tag */
+      if ( pStartPos < pEndPos )
+      {
+         int Index = 0;
+         /* Some clients use quotes...and some don't. */
+         if ( *pStartPos == '\"' )
+            pStartPos++;
+         for ( ; pStartPos < pEndPos && Index < 60; ++pStartPos )
+         {
+            char Letter = *pStartPos;
+            if ( Letter == '.' || isdigit(Letter) || isalpha(Letter) )
+            {
+               MXPBuffer[Index++] = Letter;
+            }
+            else /* Return the result */
+            {
+               MXPBuffer[Index] = '\0';
+               return MXPBuffer;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   /* Return NULL to indicate no tag was found. */
+   return NULL;
+ Local colour functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static const char *GetAnsiColour( bool_t abBackground, int aRed, int aGreen, int aBlue )
+   if ( aRed == aGreen && aRed == aBlue && aRed < 2)
+      return abBackground ? s_BackBlack : aRed >= 1 ? s_BoldBlack : s_DarkBlack;
+   else if ( aRed == aGreen && aRed == aBlue )
+      return abBackground ? s_BackWhite : aRed >= 4 ? s_BoldWhite : s_DarkWhite;
+   else if ( aRed > aGreen && aRed > aBlue )
+      return abBackground ? s_BackRed : aRed >= 3 ? s_BoldRed : s_DarkRed;
+   else if ( aRed == aGreen && aRed > aBlue )
+      return abBackground ? s_BackYellow : aRed >= 3 ? s_BoldYellow : s_DarkYellow;
+   else if ( aRed == aBlue && aRed > aGreen )
+      return abBackground ? s_BackMagenta : aRed >= 3 ? s_BoldMagenta : s_DarkMagenta;
+   else if ( aGreen > aBlue )
+      return abBackground ? s_BackGreen : aGreen >= 3 ? s_BoldGreen : s_DarkGreen;
+   else if ( aGreen == aBlue )
+      return abBackground ? s_BackCyan : aGreen >= 3 ? s_BoldCyan : s_DarkCyan;
+   else /* aBlue is the highest */
+      return abBackground ? s_BackBlue : aBlue >= 3 ? s_BoldBlue : s_DarkBlue;
+static const char *GetRGBColour( bool_t abBackground, int aRed, int aGreen, int aBlue )
+   static char Result[16];
+   int ColVal = 16 + (aRed * 36) + (aGreen * 6) + aBlue;
+   sprintf( Result, "\033[%c8;5;%c%c%cm", 
+      '3'+abBackground,      /* Background */
+      '0'+(ColVal/100),      /* Red        */
+      '0'+((ColVal%100)/10), /* Green      */
+      '0'+(ColVal%10) );     /* Blue       */
+   return Result;
+static bool_t IsValidColour( const char *apArgument )
+   int i; /* Loop counter */
+   /* The sequence is 4 bytes, but we can ignore anything after it. */
+   if ( apArgument == NULL || strlen(apArgument) < 4 )
+      return false;
+   /* The first byte indicates foreground/background. */
+   if ( tolower(apArgument[0]) != 'f' && tolower(apArgument[0]) != 'b' )
+      return false;
+   /* The remaining three bytes must each be in the range '0' to '5'. */
+   for ( i = 1; i <= 3; ++i )
+   {
+      if ( apArgument[i] < '0' || apArgument[i] > '5' )
+         return false;
+   }
+   /* It's a valid foreground or background colour */
+   return true;
+ Other local functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static bool_t MatchString( const char *apFirst, const char *apSecond )
+   while ( *apFirst && tolower(*apFirst) == tolower(*apSecond) )
+      ++apFirst, ++apSecond;
+   return ( !*apFirst && !*apSecond );
+static bool_t PrefixString( const char *apPart, const char *apWhole )
+   while ( *apPart && *apPart == *apWhole )
+      ++apPart, ++apWhole;
+   return ( !*apPart );
+static bool_t IsNumber( const char *apString )
+   while ( *apString && isdigit(*apString) )
+      ++apString;
+   return ( !*apString );
diff -rupN src/protocol.h /root/test/sm/src/protocol.h
--- src/protocol.h	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ /root/test/sm/src/protocol.h	2011-04-13 08:55:05.000000000 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+ Protocol snippet by KaVir.  Released into the Public Domain in February 2011.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef PROTOCOL_H
+#define PROTOCOL_H
+ Set your MUD_NAME, and change descriptor_t if necessary.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define MUD_NAME "Unknown MUD"
+typedef struct dSocket descriptor_t;
+ Symbolic constants.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define SNIPPET_VERSION                1 /* Helpful for debugging */
+#define MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER            2048
+#define MAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH            2048
+#define MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER              8192
+#define TELOPT_SEND                    1
+#define TELOPT_ACCEPTED                2
+#define TELOPT_REJECTED                3
+#define TELOPT_TTYPE                   24
+#define TELOPT_NAWS                    31
+#define TELOPT_CHARSET                 42
+#define TELOPT_MSDP                    69
+#define TELOPT_MSSP                    70
+#define TELOPT_MCCP                    86 /* This is MCCP version 2 */
+#define TELOPT_MSP                     90
+#define TELOPT_MXP                     91
+#define TELOPT_ATCP                    200
+#define MSDP_VAR                       1
+#define MSDP_VAL                       2
+#define MAX_MSDP_SIZE                  100
+#define MSSP_VAR                       1
+#define MSSP_VAL                       2
+#define UNICODE_MALE                   9794
+#define UNICODE_FEMALE                 9792
+#define UNICODE_NEUTER                 9791
+ Types.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef enum
+   false, 
+   true
+} bool_t;
+typedef enum
+   eUNKNOWN, 
+   eNO, 
+   eYES
+} support_t;
+typedef enum
+   eMSDP_NONE = -1,            /* This must always be first. */
+   /* General */
+   /* Character */
+   eMSDP_RACE, 
+   eMSDP_MANA, 
+   eMSDP_AC, 
+   eMSDP_STR, 
+   eMSDP_INT, 
+   eMSDP_WIS, 
+   eMSDP_DEX, 
+   eMSDP_CON, 
+   /* Combat */
+   /* World */
+   /* Configuration */
+   eMSDP_UTF_8, 
+   eMSDP_MXP, 
+   /* GUI variables */
+   eMSDP_BUTTON_1, 
+   eMSDP_BUTTON_2, 
+   eMSDP_BUTTON_3, 
+   eMSDP_BUTTON_4, 
+   eMSDP_BUTTON_5, 
+   eMSDP_GAUGE_1, 
+   eMSDP_GAUGE_2, 
+   eMSDP_GAUGE_3, 
+   eMSDP_GAUGE_4, 
+   eMSDP_GAUGE_5, 
+   eMSDP_MAX                   /* This must always be last */
+} variable_t;
+typedef struct
+   variable_t   Variable;      /* The enum type of this variable */
+   char        *pName;         /* The string name of this variable */
+   bool_t       bString;       /* Is this variable a string or a number? */
+   bool_t       bConfigurable; /* Can it be configured by the client? */
+   bool_t       bWriteOnce;    /* Can only set this variable once */
+   bool_t       bGUI;          /* It's a special GUI configuration variable */
+   int          Min;           /* The minimum valid value or string length */
+   int          Max;           /* The maximum valid value or string length */
+   int          Default;       /* The default value for a number */
+   const char  *pDefault;      /* The default value for a string */
+} variable_name_t;
+typedef struct
+   bool_t       bReport;       /* Is this variable being reported? */
+   bool_t       bDirty;        /* Does this variable need to be sent again? */
+   int          ValueInt;      /* The numeric value of the variable */
+   char        *pValueString;  /* The string value of the variable */
+} MSDP_t;
+typedef struct
+   const char  *pName;         /* The name of the MSSP variable */
+   const char  *pValue;        /* The value of the MSSP variable */
+} MSSP_t;
+typedef struct
+   int       WriteOOB;         /* Used internally to indicate OOB data */
+   bool_t    bNegotiated;      /* Indicates client successfully negotiated */
+   bool_t    bBlockMXP;        /* Used internally based on MXP version */
+   bool_t    bTTYPE;           /* The client supports TTYPE */
+   bool_t    bNAWS;            /* The client supports NAWS */
+   bool_t    bCHARSET;         /* The client supports CHARSET */
+   bool_t    bMSDP;            /* The client supports MSDP */
+   bool_t    bATCP;            /* The client supports ATCP */
+   bool_t    bMSP;             /* The client supports MSP */
+   bool_t    bMXP;             /* The client supports MXP */
+   support_t b256Support;      /* The client supports XTerm 256 colors */
+   int       ScreenWidth;      /* The client's screen width */
+   int       ScreenHeight;     /* The client's screen height */
+   char     *pMXPVersion;      /* The version of MXP supported */
+   char     *pLastTTYPE;       /* Used for the cyclic TTYPE check */
+   MSDP_t  **pVariables;       /* The MSDP variables */
+} protocol_t;
+ Protocol functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: ProtocolCreate
+ *
+ * Creates, initialises and returns a structure containing protocol data for a 
+ * single user.  This should be called when the descriptor is initialised.
+ */
+protocol_t *ProtocolCreate( void );
+/* Function: ProtocolDestroy
+ *
+ * Frees the memory allocated by the specified structure.  This should be 
+ * called just before a descriptor is freed.
+ */
+void ProtocolDestroy( protocol_t *apProtocol );
+/* Function: ProtocolNegotiate
+ *
+ * Negatiates with the client to see which protocols the user supports, and 
+ * stores the results in the user's protocol structure.  Call this when you 
+ * wish to perform negotiation (but only call it once).  It is usually called 
+ * either immediately after the user has connected, or just after they have 
+ * entered the game.
+ */
+void ProtocolNegotiate( descriptor_t *apDescriptor );
+/* Function: ProtocolInput
+ *
+ * Extracts any negotiation sequences from the input buffer, and passes back 
+ * whatever is left for the mud to parse normally.  Call this after data has 
+ * been read into the input buffer, before it is used for anything else.
+ */
+void ProtocolInput( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char *apData, int aSize, char *apOut );
+/* Function: ProtocolOutput
+ *
+ * This function takes a string, applies colour codes to it, and returns the 
+ * result.  It should be called just before writing to the output buffer.
+ * 
+ * The special character used to indicate the start of a colour sequence is 
+ * '\t' (i.e., a tab, or ASCII character 9).  This makes it easy to include 
+ * in help files (as you can literally press the tab key) as well as strings 
+ * (where you can use \t instead).  However players can't send tabs (on most 
+ * muds at least), so this stops them from sending colour codes to each other.
+ * 
+ * The predefined colours are:
+ * 
+ *   n: no colour (switches colour off)
+ *   r: dark red                        R: bright red
+ *   g: dark green                      G: bright green
+ *   b: dark blue                       B: bright blue
+ *   y: dark yellow                     Y: bright yellow
+ *   m: dark magenta                    M: bright magenta
+ *   c: dark cyan                       C: bright cyan
+ *   w: dark white                      W: bright white
+ *   o: dark orange                     O: bright orange
+ * 
+ * So for example "This is \tOorange\tn." will colour the word "orange".  You 
+ * can add more colours yourself just by updating the switch statement.
+ * 
+ * It's also possible to explicitly specify an RGB value, by including the four 
+ * character colour sequence (as used by ColourRGB) within square brackets, eg:
+ * 
+ *    This is a \t[F010]very dark green foreground\tn.
+ *    
+ * The square brackets can also be used to send unicode characters, like this:
+ * 
+ *    Boat: \t[U9973/B]
+ *    Rook: \t[U9814/C]
+ * 
+ * For example you might use 'B' to represent a boat on your ASCII map, or a 'C' 
+ * to represent a castle - but players with UTF-8 support would actually see the 
+ * appropriate unicode characters for a boat or a rook (the chess playing piece).
+ * 
+ * The exact syntax is '\t' (tab), '[', 'U' (indicating unicode), then the decimal 
+ * number of the unicode character (see http://www.unicode.org/charts), then '/' 
+ * followed by the ASCII character/s that should be used if the client doesn't 
+ * support UTF-8.  The ASCII sequence can be up to 7 characters in length, but in 
+ * most cases you'll only want it to be one or two characters (so that it has the 
+ * same alignment as the unicode character).
+ * 
+ * Finally, this function also allows you to embed MXP tags.  The easiest and 
+ * safest way to do this is via the ( and ) bracket options:
+ *    
+ *    From here, you can walk \t(north\t).
+ * 
+ * However it's also possible to include more explicit MSP tags, like this:
+ * 
+ *    The baker offers to sell you a \t<send href="buy pie">pie\t</send>.
+ * 
+ * Note that the MXP tags will automatically be removed if the user doesn't 
+ * support MXP, but it's very important you remember to close the tags.
+ */
+const char *ProtocolOutput( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData, int *apLength );
+ Copyover save/load functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: CopyoverGet
+ *
+ * Returns the protocol values stored as a short string.  If your mud uses 
+ * copyover, you should call this for each player and insert it after their 
+ * name in the temporary text file.
+ */
+const char *CopyoverGet( descriptor_t *apDescriptor );
+/* Function: CopyoverSet
+ *
+ * Call this function for each player after a copyover, passing in the string 
+ * you added to the temporary text file.  This will restore their protocol 
+ * settings, and automatically renegotiate MSDP/ATCP.
+ * 
+ * Note that the client doesn't recognise a copyover, and therefore refuses to 
+ * renegotiate certain telnet options (to avoid loops), so they really need to 
+ * be saved.  However MSDP/ATCP is handled through scripts, and we don't want 
+ * to have to save all of the REPORT variables, so it's easier to renegotiate.
+ * 
+ * Client name and version are not saved.  It is recommended you save these in 
+ * the player file, as then you can grep to collect client usage stats.
+ */
+void CopyoverSet( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData );
+ MSDP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: MSDPUpdate
+ *
+ * Call this regularly (I'd suggest at least once per second) to flush every 
+ * dirty MSDP variable that has been requested by the client via REPORT.  This 
+ * will automatically use ATCP instead if MSDP is not supported by the client.
+ */
+void MSDPUpdate( descriptor_t *apDescriptor );
+/* Function: MSDPSend
+ *
+ * Send the specified MSDP variable to the player.  You shouldn't ever really 
+ * need to do this manually, except perhaps when debugging something.  This 
+ * will automatically use ATCP instead if MSDP is not supported by the client.
+ */
+void MSDPSend( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, variable_t aMSDP );
+/* Function: MSDPSendPair
+ *
+ * Send the specified strings to the user as an MSDP variable/value pair.  This 
+ * will automatically use ATCP instead if MSDP is not supported by the client.
+ */
+void MSDPSendPair( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apVariable, const char *apValue );
+/* Function: MSDPSetNumber
+ *
+ * Call this whenever an MSDP integer variable has changed.  The easiest 
+ * approach is to send every MSDP variable within an update function (and 
+ * this is what the snippet does by default), but if the variable is only 
+ * set in one place you can just move its MDSPSend() call to there.
+ * 
+ * You can also this function for bools, chars, enums, short ints, etc.
+ */
+void MSDPSetNumber( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, variable_t aMSDP, int aValue );
+/* Function: MSDPSetString
+ *
+ * Call this whenever an MSDP string variable has changed.  The easiest 
+ * approach is to send every MSDP variable within an update function (and 
+ * this is what the snippet does by default), but if the variable is only 
+ * set in one place you can just move its MDSPSend() call to there.
+ */
+void MSDPSetString( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, variable_t aMSDP, char *apValue );
+ MSSP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: MSSPSetPlayers
+ *
+ * Stores the current number of players.  The first time it's called, it also 
+ * stores the uptime.
+ */
+void MSSPSetPlayers( int aPlayers );
+ MXP functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: MXPCreateTag
+ *
+ * Puts the specified tag into a secure line, if MXP is supported.  If the user 
+ * doesn't support MXP they will see the string unchanged, meaning they will 
+ * see the <send> tags or whatever.  You should therefore check for support and 
+ * provide a different sequence for other users, or better yet just embed MXP 
+ * tags for the ProtocolOutput() function.
+ */
+char *MXPCreateTag( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char *apTag );
+/* Function: MXPSendTag
+ *
+ * This works like MXPCreateTag, but instead of returning the string it sends 
+ * it directly to the user.  This is mainly useful for the <VERSION> tag.
+ */
+void MXPSendTag( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, char *apTag );
+ Sound functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: SoundSend
+ *
+ * Sends the specified sound trigger to the player, using MSDP or ATCP if 
+ * supported, MSP if not.  The trigger string itself is a relative path and 
+ * filename, eg: SoundSend( pDesc, "monster/growl.wav" );
+ */
+void SoundSend( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apTrigger );
+ Colour functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: ColourRGB
+ *
+ * Returns a colour as an escape code, based on the RGB value provided.  The 
+ * string must be four characters, where the first is either 'f' for foreground 
+ * or 'b' for background (case insensitive), and the other three characters are 
+ * numeric digits in the range 0 to 5, representing red, green and blue.
+ * 
+ * For example "F500" returns a red foreground, "B530" an orange background, 
+ * and so on.  An invalid colour will clear whatever you've set previously.
+ * 
+ * If the user doesn't support XTerm 256 colours, this function will return the 
+ * best-fit ANSI colour instead.
+ * 
+ * If you wish to embed colours in strings, use ProtocolOutput().
+ */
+const char *ColourRGB( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apRGB );
+ Unicode (UTF-8 conversion) functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Function: UnicodeGet
+ *
+ * Returns the UTF-8 sequence for the specified unicode value.
+ */
+char *UnicodeGet( int aValue );
+/* Function: UnicodeAdd
+ *
+ * Adds the UTF-8 sequence for the specified unicode value onto the end of the 
+ * string, without adding a NUL character at the end.
+ */
+void UnicodeAdd( char **apString, int aValue );
+#endif // PROTOCOL_H
diff -rupN src/socket.c /root/test/sm/src/socket.c
--- src/socket.c	2008-10-22 23:40:23.000000000 +0400
+++ /root/test/sm/src/socket.c	2011-04-13 11:59:21.000000000 +0400
@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@ void GameLoop(int control)   
       /* Is there a new command pending ? */
       if (dsock->next_command[0] != '\0')
+          /* KaVir's plugin*//*
+          if ( dsock->pProtocol != NULL )
+              dsock->pProtocol->WriteOOB = 0;*/
         /* figure out how to deal with the incoming command */
@@ -354,6 +358,10 @@ bool new_socket(int sock)
     else sock_new->lookup_status++;
+  /* KaVir's plugin*/
+/*  sock_new->pProtocol = ProtocolCreate();*/
+  ProtocolNegotiate(sock_new);
   /* negotiate compression */
   text_to_buffer(sock_new, (char *) compress_will2);
   text_to_buffer(sock_new, (char *) compress_will);
@@ -400,6 +408,9 @@ void close_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock, bool 
   else if (dsock->player)
+  /*KaVir's plugin*/
+  ProtocolDestroy( dsock->pProtocol );
   /* dequeue all events for this socket */
   AttachIterator(&Iter, dsock->events);
   while ((pEvent = (EVENT_DATA *) NextInList(&Iter)) != NULL)
@@ -421,6 +432,9 @@ bool read_from_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock)
   int size;
   extern int errno;
+  static char temporary_buffer[MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER];
+  temporary_buffer[0] = '\0';
   /* check for buffer overflows, and drop connection in that case */
   size = strlen(dsock->inbuf);
@@ -436,13 +450,13 @@ bool read_from_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock)
     int sInput;
     int wanted = sizeof(dsock->inbuf) - 2 - size;
-    sInput = read(dsock->control, dsock->inbuf + size, wanted);
+    sInput = read(dsock->control, temporary_buffer + size, wanted);
     if (sInput > 0)
       size += sInput;
-      if (dsock->inbuf[size-1] == '\n' || dsock->inbuf[size-1] == '\r')
+      if (temporary_buffer[size-1] == '\n' || temporary_buffer[size-1] == '\r')
     else if (sInput == 0)
@@ -458,7 +472,8 @@ bool read_from_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock)
       return FALSE;
-  dsock->inbuf[size] = '\0';
+  temporary_buffer[size] = '\0';
+  ProtocolInput( dsock, temporary_buffer, size, dsock->inbuf );
   return TRUE;
@@ -584,8 +599,12 @@ void text_to_buffer(D_SOCKET *dsock, con
+  txt = ProtocolOutput( dsock, txt, &length );  /* KaVir's plugin */
+  if ( dsock->pProtocol->WriteOOB > 0 )         /* KaVir's plugin */
+      --dsock->pProtocol->WriteOOB;             /* KaVir's plugin */
   /* always start with a leading space */
-  if (dsock->top_output == 0)
+  if (dsock->top_output == 0 && !dsock->pProtocol->WriteOOB)
     dsock->outbuf[0] = '\n';
     dsock->outbuf[1] = '\r';
@@ -787,6 +806,10 @@ void next_cmd_from_buffer(D_SOCKET *dsoc
   if (dsock->inbuf[size] == '\0')
+  /* KaVir's plugin*/
+  if ( dsock->pProtocol != NULL )
+    dsock->pProtocol->WriteOOB = 0;
   /* copy the next command into next_command */
   for ( ; i < size; i++)
@@ -850,7 +873,10 @@ bool flush_output(D_SOCKET *dsock)
     return TRUE;
   /* bust a prompt */
-  if (dsock->state == STATE_PLAYING && dsock->bust_prompt)
+  /* KaVir's plugin*/
+  if ( dsock->pProtocol->WriteOOB ) /* <-- Add this, and the ";" and "else" */
+        ; /* The last sent data was OOB, so do NOT draw the prompt */
+    else if (dsock->state == STATE_PLAYING && dsock->bust_prompt)
     text_to_buffer(dsock, "\n\rSocketMud:> ");
     dsock->bust_prompt = FALSE;
@@ -963,6 +989,8 @@ void handle_new_connections(D_SOCKET *ds
         log_string("New player: %s has entered the game.", dsock->player->name);
         /* and into the game */
+        /* KaVir's plugin*/
+        MXPSendTag( dsock, "<VERSION>" );
         dsock->state = STATE_PLAYING;
         text_to_buffer(dsock, motd);
@@ -995,6 +1023,10 @@ void handle_new_connections(D_SOCKET *ds
           /* and let him enter the game */
           dsock->state = STATE_PLAYING;
+          /* KaVir's plugin*/
+          MXPSendTag( dsock, "<VERSION>" );
           text_to_buffer(dsock, "You take over a body already in use.\n\r");
           /* strip the idle event from this socket */
@@ -1052,6 +1084,8 @@ void clear_socket(D_SOCKET *sock_new, in
   sock_new->player         =  NULL;
   sock_new->top_output     =  0;
   sock_new->events         =  AllocList();
+  sock_new->pProtocol = ProtocolCreate();
 /* does the lookup, changes the hostname, and dies */
diff -rupN src/utils.c /root/test/sm/src/utils.c
--- src/utils.c	2009-03-14 17:27:03.000000000 +0300
+++ /root/test/sm/src/utils.c	2011-04-13 11:22:31.000000000 +0400
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ void copyover_recover()
   FILE *fp;
   char name [100];
   char host[MAX_BUFFER];
+  char telneg[MAX_BUFFER];
   int desc;
   log_string("Copyover recovery initiated");
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ void copyover_recover()
   for (;;)
-    fscanf(fp, "%d %s %s\n", &desc, name, host);
+    fscanf(fp, "%d %s %s %s\n", &desc, name, host, telneg);
     if (desc == -1)
@@ -158,6 +159,9 @@ void copyover_recover()
     dsock->hostname     =  strdup(host);
     AttachToList(dsock, dsock_list);
+    /* KaVir's plugin */
+    CopyoverSet(dsock, telneg);
     /* load player data */
     if ((dMob = load_player(name)) != NULL)