4.3.4 - 01 Jun 08:
 Damage spells now have a +/- 10% randomness. It's pretty boring seeing the exact same damage all the time!
 strcat and the old safe_strcat were replaced with a newer xcat, along the lines of xprintf.
 When using 'long <str>' on an obj or mob it will auto-newline. No more need to $edit to add it.
 Moved most things to xprintf by Darien. It will log (to file and in-game) what overflows a buffer and the exact location in the code. Some things couldn't move, yet, as they rely on sprintf returning an int.
 Fixed a rare permanent loop issue in IMC.
 Fixed autoquest to ignore imms.
 Added an autodig feature for builders to automatically dig out exits while walking if enabled.
 Added Runter's bitmask system. This is not in active use yet, but I will be moving things to it slowly.
 Imms now see the vnum of mobs and objs while in the builder.
 Updated every mob in the game to have an appropriate race.
 Fixed a minor log inconsistency and imms now see mob races in addition to player races.
 Added 3 new player/npc races and 1 npc race.
 'rlist' will now display a data sheet per race with 'rlist <abbr>'.
 The race table has a new bool of has_money for configuring races that drop cash when they die (stop giving rats gold!).
 Changed load_obj() to not randomize the level if an obj is level 1 (was messing up newbie school gear).
 Mobs now take 8 hours to fill up on gold rather than 2.
 Removed the old has_exp_fix checks as they no longer apply.
 The imcrefresh routine goes off at midnight (game time) to help keep the mud connected to IMC. Only works if autoconnect is turned on.
4.3.3 - 24 May 08:
 Minor helpfile updates.
 Removed some duplicate code in bust_a_prompt() and added some new options.
 GCC4 fix in PUT_FREE; things compile cleanly once again!
 Updated max vnums to ~1.6bil. It can probably go higher, but really, do people need more?
 Removed rolling for stats from char creation. You now assign your own stats up to racial maximums.
 Added a commented block to comm.c for IP binding if it's ever needed.
 Removed quest_points from ch_data, moved everything to utilize the unused one in pc_data.
 Added statraise to raise permenant stats based on a request from Jawzith at the forums.
 Consolidated helps and system areas.
 Added checks in load_objects(), load_mobiles(), and load_rooms() to log if a vnum is out of range for the area it is in when loaded.
 Removed the silly immskll struct, commands should be handled via trust, not imtlset (now gone).
 Updated default prompt and 'prompt all' to something more user friendly.
 Added char_exists() func for future use to see if a pfile is valid.
4.3.2 - 21 May 08:
 Fixed race_table to properly correlate preferred class order between values.
 Updated user CPU seconds logging to match the rest of the log.
 Default quest item ranges are now correct out of the box.
 Removed references of pcdata->index as it seemed to be a duplicate of pcdata->order to hold class orders. Updated the base Creator pfiles along with this.
 Fixed a minor color issue in IMC, and hooked it to ACK!MUD monitor system.
 Properly re-ordered remorts to better reflect base classes.
 Updated the IMC2 client to IMC2 Freedom CL-2.1a.