t-dependent advancement can be disabled in config.h by
  setting REQUIRE_QUESTING to 0.
- Automatic advancement (i.e. not having to go to Dirk) can
  be enabled by setting AUTO_ADVANCE to 1.
- Added "questrequired" and "autoadvance" to mudconfig command.
- The table of quest and experience points required for
  advancement is now maintained in PLAYERS_D, not Dirk.
- By default DS will now handle automatic advancement well beyond
  level 100. Note that there has been no balancing attempted
  beyond level 20. You will need to seriously adjust your mud's balance if
  you allow advancement past level 20.
- Bug fixed in quitting while invis.
- Added a cgi gateway to the built-in webserver that allows you
  to connect to the mud with a java client. To enable it:
  mudconfig http port 8001
  mudconfig http disable
  mudconfig cgi enable
  mudconfig dirlist enable
  mudconfig creweb enable
  mudconfig http enable
  Then use your browser to connect to your mud's connection page 
  (for example, http://your.muds.address.com:8001/cgi/connection.html )
  NOTE: the mud www port does not have to be 8001. Change it to
  whatever is appropriate for you.
- The dest verb now behaves like before. Desting of non-cloned
  objects by using their file names is again unsupported. This
  fixes problems with desting a singular among plurals.
- Some parsing issues in grenades fixed. They also do more
  damage, but are limited to hurting the first dozen or so people.
- Added a flash policy server. To enable, uncomment the flash_policy line
  in /secure/cfg/preload.cfg, redirect your mud server's port 843 to
  your mud port + 3 (for example 6669, if your mud is on 6666), 
  and reboot your mud. 
- Added MUDINFO_D to manage longterm intermud data (normal people 
  will not have any use for this).
- The answering machine now works again (when did this break??).
- Added ROOMS_D to keep track of the relative locations of rooms. This
  is necessary for some activities that will involve distances, such as vehicle
  combat in virtual areas.
- Added sefuns: coordinates(), calculate_coordinates(),
  room_environment(), query_windows()
- Some rooms have been moved around to accommodate conflicts with
  their coordinates.
- Only Firefox is supported with creweb. I can no longer afford to
  try to keep up with every browser's idea of how to conduct itself.
  If creweb isn't working and you aren't using Firefox, please use Firefox.
- The "noclip" command now accepts non-exit directions that have
  an entry in ROOMS_D as having a room adjacent.
- Books now do not individually hold their data, but rather cache and
  query with BOOK_D, to cut down on memory abuse and disk I/O costs.
- Fixed a bug in last_string_element() sefun that screwed up qcs doors.
- Added a zombie scroll to Oana's shop.
- General miscellaneous typo corrctions and minor bugfixes.
- Added Vega's SEASONS_D fixes.

---- 2.8.4 ---
- Released 2008-07-24
- Merged 2.9a8 into the 2.8.x line. Due to the importance of some
  security fixes, and since major changes have not yet been introduced
  in 2.9, the improvements of 2.9a8 (unreleased) and below are being
  folded into 2.8.
- Fixed odd door id problem reported by Tricky when warmbooting.
- Class data type removed from LIB_DOOR.
- Added commands: pwhere, vars
- Wizvision now lets creators see invisible creatures in a room.
- Accuracy and performance improvements to default parsing.
- Cleaned up and updated firearm code: targeting in a room full of
  corpses is improved. Wounds no longer inflict continuing damage,
  they simply interfere with player healing (NPC's heal normally).
  Unless you are skilled with firearms, shooting an npc over and
  over in rapid succession is extremely likely to miss.
- Fixed typo in PARTY_D.
- Healing is now largely dependent on whether you are hungry/thirsty,
  with some modifiers for relevant stats like strength, luck,
  and durability. Being asleep and drunk now actually do have a
  positive effect on healing, as well as having the "faith" skill.
  Overall this means healing *can* happen faster if you stay on
  top of these items and don't catch flying bullets. However, if
  you're not keeping fed and hydrated, healing will seem to have
  got slower.

---- 2.9a7 ---
- Released 2008-07-18
- Driver: MSG_NOSIGNAL more promiscuously defined.
- Driver: extra checks added to avoid obscure high-load crashes.
- Parsing problem with doors and multiple keys fixed.
- Miscellaneous minor lib fixes.
- Improvements to sefun and warmboots to better interact with call_outs.
- Added commands: defines, types
- Fixed a bug that prevented receiving damage in a wielding limb.
- Prayer parsing system updated/fixed: clerics can now perform prayers
  with targets.

---- 2.9a6 ---
- Released 2008-07-14
- Driver is now a customized FluffOS 2.12.
- Miscellaneous minor lib tweaks and fixes.
- Added command: noclip
- Fixed recursing paralysis bug in LIB_BODY.
- The netstat command now includes summary statistics.
- cardinal(), base_name(), and copy() now use efuns rather than sefuns
  for improved performance.
- The reaper now uses get_garbage() for improved performance.
- The reaper is now more aggressive about spotting and cleaning
  large garbage pileups.
- The call_out efun is now overridden with a sefun that checks
  for excessive call_outs and autoblacklists suspected problems. 
  To tune the number of permitted call_outs, modify the new 
  MAX_CALL_OUTS param in config.h. Note that objects in /secure and
  /daemon are exempted from this check.
- The update command no longer has a problem when you are mounted
  on a creature or vehicle.

---- 2.9a5 ---
- Released 2008-07-10
- Driver: Fixed segfault for SPARC.
- Minor sefun fixes.

---- 2.9a4 ---
- Released 2008-07-09
- Fixed various runtimes in IMC2_D.
- Driver: Crasher due to object ref count flip is now prevented (thx Wodan!)
- Cleaned up some disharmonies in the reaper.

---- 2.9a3 ---
- Released 2008-07-07
- Added GUARD_D and LIB_GUARD to allow npc's to guard exits,
  objects, and people without having to edit the room. For examples,
  see /realms/template/area/npc/fighter.c and /domains/campus/npc/kim.c
- Driver: Added fix by Kalinash that avoids a crasher when dealing
  with unloading blank files.
- The gag and mute commands can now accept keywords to indicate
  whether you only want to mute/gag local channels or remote channels.
- The reaper now exempts http sockets.
- New defines daemon can identify things defined in standard includes.
  Example: eval return DEFINES_D->GetDefine("ADMIN_EMAIL")

---- 2.9a1 ---
- Released 2008-06-15
- Fixed periodic check of preloaded objects.
- The command "resurrect" now also works on npc's.
- Added verbs for firearms: load, unload.
- Added verbs for chairs: swivel, rock.
- Driver (under Linux only) : Added enhancements by Kalinash that avoid
  SIGPIPE crashes under heavy load and mass disconnections (thx dude).
- Driver: Added fixes by Kalinash that avoid segfaults under
  extreme loads (woo Kali again!).
- Periodic check added to STARGATE_D to clear "stuck" gates.
- Spells are now in /powers/spells, to accommodate new systems
  of powers such as psi and physical feats.
- Added smokable items: LIB_PIPE, LIB_CIGAR.
- Driver: fixed up plurals for "remains" and "glasses".
- Fixed name banishing in admintool.
- Player teaching fixed up. For now, only spells are teachable.
- Improved handling of corpse and severed limb id's.
- Creators retain their selected title upon reviving from death.
- Hazardous materials lab now requires players to solve a riddle
  before letting them in.

---- 2.8.2 ---
- Released 2008-06-25
- Bundled driver is now Kalinash-improved.
- Empty log dirs made non-empty to handle fileroller better.
- query_os_type() fixed.

---- 2.8.1 ---
- Released 2008-06-05
- Fixed a bug in IMC2 that made all muds connect with the same name.
- Fixed inelegant handling of alcohol levels and their reporting.
- Newbie level checking is now more uniform across the lib.
- The "stop" verb can now be used to stop fighting.
- Missing /open directory added.
- Driver: source now compiles ok on Cygwin. (thanks, Tricky!)

---- 2.8 ---
- Released 2008-06-01
- Cleanup of debug statements.
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed mangled enters display in obvious exits.

---- 2.7a28 ---
- Released 2008-06-01
- Various missing init()'s in Ylsrim & Praxis fixed. Note: those
  are still unsupported areas, just kept for historical reasons. They
  may eventually be dropped from the distribution.
- Driver: FluffOS updated to handle being compiled with DEBUG defined.
- Driver: Address server errors are now suppressed by default ( ADDRFAIL_NOTIFY 
  in comm.c )
- New commands: godmode, wizvision, annoyblock.
- Warmboots are now even more thorough in their recursive loading.
- Bug in player description fixed.
- Finger daemon no longer divulges player email addresses except
  to arches (top level admins).
- Whispering now happens in your "current language", not
  your native language.
- eventMoveLiving() merged for both npc's and interactives in LIB_LIVING.
  Odd messages from this function in LIB_STARGATE fixed.
- Input now checked for non-alphabet characters before being
- Global emotes can now be added by non-admin creators, if they are
  members of the EMOTES group.

---- 2.7a27 ---
- Released 2008-05-15
- Fixed a crasher when reading zero-length files.
- Driver: Fixed a crasher when some command actions fail to return properly.
- The SetInventory refill now will replenish inventory when
  some is missing, not just when all is gone. For an example, see
  the new weapons rack in /domains/default/room/arena.c
- The blackjack table now uses "stand pat" rather than "stand" for
  ending the game. This avoids amusing problems with physical posture.

---- 2.7a26 ---
- Released 2008-05-04
- Added sefun: containers()
- Sentients can now be asked about things, for example, 
  "ask dirk about leveling". Example: /domains/town/npc/dirk.c
- Added commands: praces, removeclasses, addclasses
- The new CLASS_SELECTION option in config.h controls whether
  new players are asked to select a class when they create their
  character. Disabled by default. To enable: mudconfig selectclass yes
- Fixed some odd defaults in class definition files.
- Fixed a bug in questing that failed to award quest points.
- XP for kills is now shared among party members if they
  are in the same room as the kill.

---- 2.7a25 ---
- Released 2008-04-24
- Added periodic cleanup of channel mappings in the i3 router to
  prevent peculiar runtimes when running for a long time.
- Fixed channel banning in the i3 router.
- The web server now handles POSTS where the boundary gets
  split in separate packets (this caused mysterious hangs when
  uploading some files but not others).

---- 2.7a24 ---
- Released 2008-04-16
- Creweb chanlogs now listed in "last modified" order.
- Virtual rooms now destructed on warm boots.
- Added day/night descs to outdoor town locations.
- Important npc's in town are now set to respawn after
  60 seconds, if killed or moved. See the SetInventory directive
  in /domains/town/room/tavern.c for an example.

---- 2.7a23 ---
- Released 2008-04-07
- Warm boots no longer hang people in the process
  of editing files. 
- Various fixes to warm boots.
- Fixed bug in strings.c that broke QCS.
- Tells between invis cre's now behave more sensibly.

---- 2.7a22 ---
- Released 2008-03-30
- Fixed runtime in unknown INTERMUD_D packet handling.
- Fixed runtime in creweb logfile reading of empty files.
- Creators can now cast any spell known to SPELLS_D. Their
  default spell level is extremely high.
- LIB_QUEST changes: variable name has been changed and is now
  a mapping rather than a class. Quest-specific functions moved
  out of LIB_PLAYER and into LIB_QUEST. RemoveQuest() is now
  an option.
- Dummy object handling improved...the church elevator should
  now work somewhat better.
- Taking over your char from a new session now logs in /log/enters.
- Added commands: warmboot, userload
- Windows users: FluffOS file operations tend to take a dramatically
  longer time to complete on Windows than on UNIX. A warmboot, while
  not disconnecting the users, may hang them for several minutes
  such that they may consider it a "crash" of some sort.

---- 2.7a20 ---
- Released 2008-03-26
- Chan logs viewing added to creweb.
- The "muds" channel is no longer added to creators by default.
- The jade ring, powered scout armor, and training dummy now use TYPES_D
  to work out the received damage type.

---- 2.7a19 ---
- Released 2008-03-23
- SERVICES_D now accurately reports current ports for active services.
- Locate requests now adequately hide invis players.
- The who command no longer counts color codes in title length.
- The blow that kills a creature in combat is now more correctly displayed.
- Fixed a parsing bug in dummy items that reported oddly abbreviated names.
- Fixed various problems with the timing of combat messages.
- Fixed bug in "hist tell"

---- 2.7a18 ---
- Released 2008-03-23
- Added sefun: telnet_privp()
- Added commands: unvirt, telnet (user must be in the TELNET group)
- Added TYPES_D to help decipher type names from their integer/bitshifted
  designation: eval return TYPES_D->eventCalculateTypes("armor",196608)
- Doors are now knockable and yelling from the opposite side of a
  closed door is audible.
- Fixed a bug in intermud-3 tells that allowed you to send tells
  to disconnected muds.
- "muds" channel added to report connecting and disconnecting muds.
- "intermud" channel added to report finger, who, and locate requests.
- wild_card() no longer an lfun, consolidated as a sefun.
- Fixed problem in user_path() that caused recursion problems due
  to the new "builder" player type.
- Added mouth types to races.
- Purged instances of the class data type from RACES_D.

---- 2.7a16 ---
- Released 2008-03-16
- Bundled driver is now a customized FluffOS 2.11

---- 2.7a14 ---
- Released 2008-03-13
- Added example of an environmental suit: /domains/default/armor/scoutsuit.c
- Modified firearms code to include rifles: /domains/town/weap/m16rifle.c
- NPC's now try to shoot weapons they're wielding, if they're loaded.
- Removed out of date faqs.
- Tweaks and fixes to room, rocketpack, and position code.
- Fixed module id bug in Yautja wrist computer.
- eventDescribeEnvironment() moved to /lib/events/describe.c in order
  to consolidate player/npc behavior, and to simplify things for people
  wanting to customize room appearance.

---- 2.7a13 ---
- Released 2008-03-09
- Added commands: position, var, variables, cconv, cwgconv.
- Added sample virtual planet composed of sea bottom area,
  underwater area, surface area, sky area, and outer space.
- Updated the sconv command to convert Smaug areas more sanely.
- Added verbs: swim, kneel.
- Rapid death occurs when air-breathing creatures are deprived of oxygen.
- Added a breathing device for exploring non-air environments:
- Added a rocket pack for traveling in space. Do NOT "activate" it in
  space or you will accelerate out of control. "boost" only, for example
  "boost +x+z" then to stop: "boost -x-z"
- Stargates added underwater and in outer space for convenient exploration.
  Beware fatal anoxia.

---- 2.7a12 ---
- Released 2008-03-03
- IMC2 now supports who requests and tells. "imc2 tell joe@dead_souls_joe hello!"
- Driver workaround implemented for strip_colours() problem.
- Channels can now accept filters. The two built-in filters are colorize and morse
  example: cre|colorize hello there! 
  This is not encouraged for use on intermud. CHANNEL_PIPES must be enabled.
- Builder-generated items fixed up to limit cheating.
- Added sefuns string_colors_old() and dbz_colors()
- Inheritables for living creatures modified to limit cheating by builders.
- MASTER_D can now accept some wildcards in read.cfg.
- Fixed up various lib systems that previously did not expect players to
  have home directories.
- The source command will now accept the $N token in source files as a representation
  of the player's key name.
- Added RESOLV_D to handle internet name lookups and caching. Use the "resolve" command
  to look up names.
- Modified WGET_D to be more generic, added "wget" command for downloading arbitrary
  files from the intertubes.

---- 2.7a9 ---
- Released 2008-02-18
- Added sefuns: efuns(), sefuns(), efun_exists(), sefun_exists(), estatep().
- Build-specific verbs and commands moved to builders/ directories.
- Updated memcheck.
- Added commands: arealist, areaclone, areagoto.
- Modified QCS verbs to better handle non-creator builders.
- Added terminal_color() efun to the driver that behaves the
  way the FluffOS 2.7 terminal_colour() used to work.
- Added support for the class data type in the identify() sefun.
- Builders now have a workroom and sample areas after logging in
  after their addition to the builder group.
- NPC's in builder estates do not give XP when killed and do not deal damage to non-
  estate NPC's.
- Items in builder estates are not worth money in shops.
- Weapons in builder estates are ineffective against normal opponents.
- Armor in builder estates affords little protection.

---- 2.7a5 ---
- Released 2008-02-10
- Added CreWeb system to allow web editing. See: help creweb
- Added sefuns: unpinkfish(), repinkfish(), socket_ip(), builderp(), web_translate().
- The mudconfig command can now change the port numbers for inet servers.

---- 2.7a1 ---
- Released 2008-01-18
- No lib changes.
- Bundled driver is now a slightly modified FluffOS 2.9.

---- 2.6.4 ---
- Released 2008-05-16
- Fixed a parsing bug in dummy items that reported oddly abbreviated names.
- Fixed a crasher when reading zero-length files.
- Driver: Fixed a crasher when some command actions fail to return properly.
- Dummy object handling improved: church elevator should work ok.
- Command for liveupgrades improved for stability.
- Fixed some broken defaults in class files.

---- 2.6.2 ---
- Released 2008-01-06
- Fixed some confusing behavior with ":" and ";" as emote characters
  in CHAT_D, as well as some confusing channel renaming.
- Fixed security bug that allowed an unprivileged creator access to privileged files.
- The goto command now handles virtual rooms.
- The sefun singular_array() is now just another name for distinct_array(),
  and scramble_array() has been added.
- Doors can now be externally called to open or close and will behave properly.
- Armor worn on multiple limbs now does not automatically move to the severed limb.

---- 2.6.1 ---
- Released 2007-12-27
- IMC2 emotes now display better (Thanks, Tricky!)
- Fix to addemote command with the -edit parameter (Thanks, Alecksy!)
- IMC2 passwords are now stored in /secure/include/config.h
- Miscellaneous tidying up of GetEnters() (Thanks, Raudhrskal!)
- mudconfig command now handles imc2 password changing.
- grep command is somewhat less restrictive now.
- Fixed odd "feature" in LIB_PAGER that ignored an array argument with only one element
  (Fixes things such as blank nickname and screwy help index output).
- GetMaxHealthPoints() can no longer report below 1. This prevents some situations (such as
  multiple infections) that cause player to die over and over again.

---- 2.6 ---
- Released 2007-11-15
- Minor fixes to tellers.
- Miscellaneous cleanup of commented-out code.

---- 2.5a25 ---
- Released 2007-11-14
- Implemented MudOS v22.2b14 behavior into uncompressed read_file operations
  in FluffOS to avoid a potential crasher.
- INTERMUD_D no longer uses the class data type.
- LIB_READ is now more economical on disk i/o.
- Fixed a recursion bug in check_user() in MASTER_D.
- Creators can now follow/lead each other.
- LIB_LEAD no longer uses the class data type.
- answers_to() has been buffed up to better handle complex adjectives.
- Injury/damage when lockpicking fails now limited to prehensile limbs.
- New properties added to QCS: SetPolyglot, SetPreventGet, SetPreventPut,
  SetPreventDrop, SetDestructOnDrop.
- LIB_WORN_STORAGE now saves its copen/closed state across logins.
- Fixed parsing problem when using multiple adjectives in get/put operations.
- Error messages when a container is closed now make more sense.
- LIB_INTERFACE changed to avoid puking when the user is sent unusually
  large strings (e.g. "help modify").
- Bug in LIB_PAGER callback function fixed.
- Default reset interval is now 2 hours.
- Fixed a misleading message when giving multiple objects to an overloaded living.
- Added sample "pre-boobytrapped" objects: /domains/town/weap/boobytrap_dagger.c ,
  amd /domains/town/armor/boobytrap_ring.c
- Further fixes for conflicts in the shooting system.
- Fixed a problem with guest logins.

---- 2.5a23 ---
- Released 2007-11-09
- COMPAT BUSTER: Objects that used to inherit LIB_DUMMY for special
  invisible-but-manipulable functionality (see: http://dead-souls.net/ds-creator-faq.html#2.62 )
  now need to inherit LIB_BASE_DUMMY instead, to avoid nomask problems
  with shadow hooks.
- Fixes to shadows to better handle calls to nonexistent shadowed objects.
- Jade ring now autoprotects when worn, and cannot be worn by players unless they are
  in the TEST group.
- Most bearsuit bugs fixed. However, a disguised player can be detected by another clever
  player with some persistence and simple commands. The point is not foolproof
  anonymity, but a bit of fun. Creators can very easily detect disguised players
  using the command: scan here
- The grep command now prevents you from victimizing the mud with
  an excessive recurse.
- The clone command will now try to figure out a nearby matching object
  to clone if it doesn't find the file you specify.
- Ammunition and ammo case bugs fixed. 
- "cd ~-" and "cd -" will both now change to your previous working dir.
- Added commands: morse, unmorse
- The Healers Guild now sells poison antidote and claritin.
- Added verb: show
- Fixed verb/item conflict when two people in the same room try to shoot each other.
- The heal command now does a more thorough job of it.
- Germs no longer get dropped on login.
- LIB_PAGER now uses mappings rather than classes, and been fixed a bit.

---- 2.5a21 ---
- Released 2007-11-05
- Improvements to router code.
- Added basic support for boobytraps. Verbs are: boobytrap and disarm. Lib
  trap object can be found at: /domains/town/obj/needle_trap.c
  Finding boobytraps is done with the command: search
- Re-enabled support for lockpicking tools. See /domains/town/obj/lockpick.c
- Added missing race files.
- Fixed append_line() sefun.
- Added ReadDir and ReadFuns events.
- Fixed log rotation problem in snooper object.
- IMC2 daemon reloading should no longer spam stdout with "Done."
- IMC2 connectivity can now be enabled/disabled with the mudconfig command.

---- 2.4.6 ---
- Released 2007-11-04
- Bundled driver is now FluffOS.
- users() sefun override properly fixed.

---- 2.5a19 ---
- Released 2007-10-31
- Enabling/disabling the logging of remote or local channels can now
  be done with the mudconfig command.
- rwho now defaults to i3. imc2 can be specified. See "help rwho"
- Ping interval now changed to about 5 minutes. Now configurable
  with the mudconfig command.
- The help command now defaults to displaying command help, if the
  argument to "help" is under multiple categories. The additional
  categories are listed in the command output as well.
- Added commands: file, wizroll, roll, inherits
- Added sefun: roll()
- Tidied up get_object() to fail gracefully if necessary.
- New  or newly working lib objects/events: LIB_ROLL, LIB_DIE (for dice), LIB_VEHICLE
- Added sample vehicles in /domains/default/vehicles: hoverpod and strider
  Vehicles are still *experimental* and under development!
- The command showtree will now try to resolve the most sensible local object,
  if it can't find a file with the name you specify.
- Miscellaneous cleanup of loose tc()'s.

---- 2.5a18 ---
- Released 2007-10-27
- Win32 FluffOS executable problems fixed, and the current windows
  driver is now FluffOS.
- Compile time compat fixes added for Wolfpaw hosts.

---- 2.5a16 ---
- Released 2007-10-24
- FluffOS code altered to compile on Win32, but the included binary
  is still MudOS.
- Added Shadyman's updated Tim@TimMUD IMC2 code (see: help imc2 )
- Fixed very confusing behavior when adding a player-usable race
  with admintool if the race file was set to PLAYER_RACE.
- The users() sefun override now is optimized for FluffOS. It works
  fine on MudOS for back-compatibility, but less efficiently.
- FluffOS code and compilation options somewhat modified to get
  around minor compatibility issues.

---- 2.5a15 ---
- Bundled driver is now FluffOS.

---- 2.5a14 ---
- Tightened up last_string_element() sefun.
- Router improvements: a) IRN nodes now reset a peer's connection
  if no data is received within a set time. b) IP's put on the blacklist
  for having the wrong password are now automatically removed
  from the blacklist after a set time (default 1 week).
- Router fix: a bug that had the router sending mudlist updates to the
  wrong muds has been fixed.

---- 2.5a13 ---
- Released 2007-10-12
- Removed command: where
- Modified users() sefun override to avoid a crasher under mysterious 
- Added SEFUN_PLURALIZE to config.h, to allow the sefun override of
  the driver's pluralize() efun.
- Added command: rot
- Fixed driver problem that stopped compile at malloc.c (stole the
  fix from FluffOS!)
- Fixed driver problem that made timekeeping fail (ualarm).
- Keepalive pinger object no longer requires you to be actually idle.
- WARNING: Vehicles do not work yet. Do not be sad if you find what
  looks like vehicle code that doesn't work
- Bonus object works properly now.
- Miscellaneous fixes to i3 router code.
- Libtest bot script fixed up.
- Fixed a problem in the users() sefun that mysteriously hosed
  64-bit Linux installs.

---- 2.4.4 ---
- Released 2007-10-12
- Miscellaneous minor bugfixes.
- Fixed driver problem that stopped compile at malloc.c (stole the
  fix from FluffOS!)
- Fixed driver problem that made timekeeping fail (ualarm).
- Bonus object works properly now.
- Fixed a problem in the users() sefun that mysteriously hosed
  64-bit Linux installs.

---- 2.5a12 ---
- Released 2007-06-24
- Nailed some really pesky router crashers involving null socket owner
  object references.
- Added sefuns: morse(), unmorse().
- Added an automatic Morse coder/decoder system to channels. To encode
  messages, make the first word of the message be: ^encode

---- 2.5a11 ---
- Released 2007-06-23
- Various broken table objects (eg the Orc Shaman's altar) fixed.
- The jade ring no longer makes reporting npc's invulnerable.
- Numerous fixes and updates to IRN system in router code.
- Various broken worn storage items fixed.

---- 2.5a10 ---
- Released 2007-06-19
- Removed a channel bug introduced in a8 that prevents the use of renamed
  channels like ds, intergossip, etc.
- i3who now works properly for invis users.
- Router now retires muds that haven't connected in a week from the mudlist.

---- 2.5a9 ---
- Released 2007-06-15
- Fixed a peculiar crasher in the router when running under Linux.

---- 2.5a8 ---
- Released 2007-06-15
- Added Set/GetMatching() to LIB_ID so that individual items
  can choose not to be "object matched".
- Intermud status sign should now work for reals.
- Added a shadow management system, so that objects can receive multiple
  shadows and remove them individually if necessary.
- New test character tool: /domains/default/armor/jade_ring.c allows you
  to receive detailed information about damage you receive, where, how
  much before protection, and how much after protection. It can also make
  you immune from damage, and can be used to force creatures to report
  their damage to you in a similar way.
- Added command: mem
- IRN tested and confirmed to work well with 4 nodes.
- Router fix: Sending a message on a channel a mud wasn't listening to now
  enables the channel for the mud *and* sends the message.
- Router fix: if a mud tries to connect with the same name as another
  mud, and from a different address, the currently connected mud is 
  notified. This serves two purposes: alerting a mud to a potential
  problem, and triggering a reset of the socket if it's actually zombied.

---- 2.5a7 ---
- Released 2007-06-02
- Improved IRN multi-peer support.
- Fixed various router runtimes and improved IRN data integrity.
- The bear costume now effectively disguises a player in most
  ways and they truly appear to be a bear. A shadow is used for this purpose.
- Modified driver to approach POSIX setitimer() compliance.
- 100% merged Windows and UNIX driver code.
- Added calendar information to the mudtime command.
- The race of a creature is now automatically added to its id array.
- Added ChangeLevel to sanely manage the advancement of skills
  and stats when a creature's level changes. The stat and skill "class"
  now dictates when stat and skill level is increased. When the
  new player level is divisible by 3, for example, and the stat class
  is three, then the stat is increased by 1.
- Added checks for TEST group membership to autosave and auto-quit.
- Implemented workaround to runtime error when moving into a room
  with many objects (caused by a buggy new parser feature).
- Fixed bug in /lib/body.c that caused an erroneous eventFall() where
  eventCollapse() was called for.

---- 2.4.2 ---
- Released 2007-04-23
- New subcommands added to liveupgrade: revert and alpha.
- Various security exposures mitigated.
- Fixed CanGet() bug in LIB_CHAIR (Thanks, K'Azdean).
- The new mkdir_recurse() sefun allows liveupgrade to handle recursively creating 
  directories if needed.
- Fixed a bug in sample virtual areas that made travel nw, sw, or se take
  you to the wrong place.
- CALL_OUT_LOGGING has been reworked to be less vile and it now breaks
  few things, if any.
- Added an automapper. See: help automap
- Added Smaug area conversion utility, found in /secure/obj/converter_smaug.c
- A player's start room can now be a virtual room or a 
  cloned object (e.g. a mount).
- Fixed a problem with sending a string to eventDie() as an argument.
- Beefed up get_stack() sefun.
- Added virtual area to wiz labs for mounted combat testing.
- Added 3d virtual sky area to mounted combat arena.
- Fixed various problems with sky-based 3d virtual areas such as
  falling through multiple rooms, flying up more than one room, etc.
- The "source" command now takes the -q flag to indicate queuing, rather than
  immediate execution. This allows creators to be subject to the maximum
  number of commands per second limit but still be able use sourcing.
- The object matching code used to step on objects. For example, if your room had
  a "bar" as a SetItem, and a barstool as an inventory item, and OBJECT_MATCHING
  was enabled, then "exa bar" would actually return the barstool's long desc.
  This has now been fixed.
- The LastLocation property in players now handles cloned environments (e.g. mounts)
  and the return command also now deals with them correctly.
- Fixed a bug in eventDescribeEnvironment() that prevented riders from 
  seeing living creatures in a room when issuing the command: look
- Fixed bug in npc's that made mounted riders hear spoken messages more than once.
- Fixed another carry leak in containers. Containers now update their
  environments' CarriedMass.
- Fixed bug in LIB_BONUS that allowed the dropping/putting/getting of the 
  invisible bonus object.
- Fixed bug in LIB_POTION that failed to set the effect's duration.
- LIB_CLEAN will no longer dest inheritables in the /lib/ directory. This 
  avoids a situation where the inherits() efun returns confusing information.
- FILE_D now does a daily recompilation of the mud files list.
- Mounts are now set to resist room resets, so that one's loot doesn't
  get unloaded from memory just because they left their horse alone too long.
- The encre command now moves a player's estate to her creator homedir.
- The suicide command now removes a creator's directory or a player's estate
  and moves it to the /secure/save/decre directory.
- SetAttackable can now take a function as an argument. See /domains/town/npc/lars.c
  for an example.
- A bug in SetAttackable that allowed players to be attacked when a string
  was set as an argument is fixed.
- A bug in QCS that prevented deleting rooms with relative "customdefs" defines
  has been fixed.
- "restore here" now works.
- Fixed typo in Chapter 8 of the Admin Guide.

---- 2.4.1 ---
- Released 2007-03-21
- The display of obvious exits can be over the desc in brackets
  or under the desc in text form, depending on the NM_STYLE_EXITS 
  setting in config.h. This can be configured with: mudconfig nmexits [on|off]
- Added Diku-style equipment (eq) command.
- It's now possible to use two-letter emotes on channels, and one may
  use "channel:" syntax as well as "channelemote", eg: "cre: foo"
- Added age check to login for COPPA compliance (Technically this is
  not necessary since COPPA applies to commercial enterprises, but
  I'm adding it on general principle).
- Fixed nonsensical parsing bug in LIB_COMMAND.
- Liveupgrade will now create a dir if necessary.
- Rooms missing from /std added.

---- 2.4 ---
- Improved security in WGET_D.

---- 2.3a20 ---
- convert_ascii no longer uses a broken (and slow) lookup table. It 
  also now has a reverse counterpart, convert_into_ascii.
- Fixed a null array in LIB_MOUNT that hosed up some non-mount npc's.
- Added defaultdomain subcommand to the mudconfig command, so that
  you can make your new domain the default one for the mud with the 
  command: mudconfig defaultdomain /domains/MySpiffyArea
- The domaincreate command now adds all the rooms necessary to make a
  domain work as a default domain.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to be attacked by other players
  despite PK and SetAttackable safeguards.
- Fixed a broken add_action in jennybot that emulated a broken verb.
- The liveupgrade command has been revamped to avoid a crasher (!!!) and 
  no longer requires multiple "liveupgrade all" entries. Just one will do.
- WGET_D is now throttled to prevent overwhelming the network.
- REMOTEPOST_D is now more aggressive about retiring old failed mail to avoid 
  idle OOB objects from constantly loading.
- Fixed bug in goto that broke using a string as an argument.

---- 2.3a19 ---
- Released 2007-03-13
- Further simplified parsing: it is no longer necessary to "put book on table" or
  "give sword to fighter". You can now "put book table" and "give sword fighter".
  issue brutish stuff like: "gi bo 2 fi 3" instead of "give the second book to the third fighter".
  The older syntax still works, of course.
- To emulate Diku behavior, the lib will now accept number.object syntax, eg: "gi 2.bo 3.fi"
- Fixed an excessively ugly error message generated by issuing certain non-alphabetic characters as the
  first char in a command.
- Fixed a parsing bug in OLD_STYLE_PLURALS that tried to incorrectly index the command line array.
- The commands goto and people have been updated to handle mounted players.
- Events that occur on mounts are now properly communicated to the mount's environment,
  and vice versa.
- When your mount engages in combat, the messages are no longer confusing.
- Fixed last major obstacle to http liveupgrades. Files should no longer get mangled in-transit.

---- 2.3a18 ---
- Released 2007-03-12
- If OLD_STYLE_PLURALS is defined in config.h, commands will be translated
  from "drop book 2" format to "drop 2nd book" format automatically.
- Added SetNoCondition() to living things. If you don't like indications of
  health on an npc, make it SetNoCondition(1) and its health status will not
  report on looking at it. This will also work on players. If you want this to
  be the default behavior for players, add a call to SetNoCondition in connect.c.
- Added Set/GetAttackable to LIB_LIVING, so that npc's can be made immune
  to players' standard attacks. Note that your mud may still contain special
  weapons or spells that can trick the npc into fighting, so you may also want to
  set the npc to not pick fights, using SetPacifist(1)
- Names of invis players are now scrambled when they make rwho requests,
  so that the target mud does not know who has queried it.
- Invis admins now correctly receive pings/tells/rwho's/etc.
- When mounted, you can now "ride s" rather than "ride south".
- The copy verb now deals with custom defines more sanely.
- It is now possible to create rooms not linked to anything, with the create command.
  Example: create room none newroom1.c
- The decre command no longer freezes the target.
- Ping daemon does not try to ping when intermud is disabled.
- Added sefuns: convert_newline, clean_newline_file, to deal with http file corruption.
- WGET_D now correctly handles receipt of newlines in files.

---- 2.3a15 ---
- The liveupgrade command has a check now so that trying to "liveupgrade apply" while
  downloads are in progress will fail.
- Unique objects are now dropped when a player leaves the game whether or
  not the mud is set to default inventory retention.
- The sefun print_long_string() now deletes its temp file when done.
- Mounts updated and improved: short and long  descs include riders, room messages are relayed
  to riders, and riders can be examined, among other enhancements. Some messages, such
  as combat messages, are still a little confusing.
- The initfix verb now fails reasonably for virtual rooms.
- Non-meat creatures behave somewhat more sensibly now when shot.
- Fixed a null cwd error on first admin login.
- It is now possible to force room inventory to respawn every X seconds. By passing an
  array in SetInventory, an item can be respawned if it is missing. See the example
  in /domains/default/room/wiz_hall.c , which is set to check every 10 seconds to
  see if the tree is there. If it is not, it will respawn one copy of it.
- The who command no longer counts Pinkfish code in its character count for title length,
  so you may have a diferent color for every letter of your 50 character long title,
  if you absolutely positively MUST.
- Added a LIB_BANK as a wrapper for tellers, like LIB_SHOP for vendors. It's now possible
  to just "balance" and "deposit all" rather than "ask zoe for balance" and "ask zoe to
  deposit all".
- Added command "speakcolor" to set the color in which you receive spoken messages (if,
  for example, you dislike people saying things in cyan).

---- 2.3a14 ---
- Fixed runtime in lead/follow code with SetEnters.
- Fixed bug that prevented followers from following through a SetEnter.
- Made some important changes to the liveupgrade system to handle
  unusual exceptions.

---- 2.3a13 ---
- The liveupgrade command now defaults to http connections to the dead-souls.net site,
  which is orders of magnitude faster and more secure than oob, as well as more
  reliable and efficient.
- Implemented shutdown packet in router. If the delay time is less than
  7 days, it just disconnects the mud. Otherwise it deletes the mud's info.
- Router connections with a sufficiently large number of password failures
  are automatically blacklisted.
- Removed muds are now properly synced on IRN.
- Intermud passwords now use 9 digits.
- Dead Souls now handles Tricky's ping-req and ping-reply packets.
- Network room is less spammy on reconnects.
- Arch/wiz room intermud status is now updated in realtime. The status indicated is always current.
- Fixed chanlist problem in router.
- MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SECOND now also applies to creators.
- Modified router and router command to add functionality. See: help router
- Router now periodically sifts through sockets and discards router sockets
  not currently associated with a connected mud.
- Fixed problem in validate() in PLAYERS_D.

---- 2.3a11 ---
- Replying to intermud mail now works.
- Fixed spurious error message in mudconfig command.
- Added basic Inter Router Networking support to router code.
- Fixed bizarre exit message if you're not standing and you go home.

---- 2.3a10 ---
- Released 2007-02-15
- Added intermud mail support.
- Fixed $P in prompt.
- Added security fixes to router.
- Abstracted the connection code from the everything-else code in the
  router, so that modifications can be made without having to drop muds.
- Moved people command to /secure so admins can see each other.
- Invis admins no longer generate connection messages when logging in or out.
- Fixed mv command.
- Creators can now sleep.
- Telling to a sleeping person now generates a warning.

---- 2.3a9 ---
- Released 2007-01-30
- Fixed bug that prevented players who idled out while editing from
  being booted.
- Sending a tell to an NPC no longer runtimes.
- Closed up various exploit vectors with overrides of efuns.
- Null groups no longer hose MASTER_D.
- Fixed spurious error message in mv command.
- Added the "prompt" command, with which you can now customize dynamic prompts.
- Added wimpy status to env command.
- Fixed some bugs and an exploit in mail code.
- Creators can no longer snoop by default. To make snooping available
  to a creator, add her to the SNOOPER group. She will then be able to snoop
  players, but not creators. To let her snoop creators, you'll need to
  promote her to assistant admin, or edit valid_snoop() in /secure/sefun/sefun.c .
- Added inews to the default creator channel list.
- Fixed grievous carry leak in containers.
- Fixed some null error messages when default parsing is enabled.
- Fixed a runtime with default parsing enabled.
- Fixed error message when giving something to an overloaded creature.
- Added verbs: activate, deactivate, install, uninstall.
- Added wrist computer as an example of an object that has functions
  added to it without shadows. See /domains/default/armor/wristcomp.c
  and /domains/default/obj/module_cloak.c
- Only one LIB_OOB ob is created for a full liveupgrade.
- You can now do a liveupgrade from behind a firewall: opening
  your oob port is no longer necessary.
- Fixed flashlight bug.
- Fixed elevator button/dummy object bug.
- System channels are added to players on login if they're missing. This
  corrects a problem with login announcements on upgraded muds.
- First admin logins now may choose between four genders.
- Shortest command matching is now shortest *unique* command matching, to
  avoid accidentally executing the wrong command.
  LIVEUPGRADE_SERVER to mudconfig command.
- The wizlist command generates an updated cre list regardless of whether
  the mud is upgraded or at its native rev.
- Implemented LIB_ROOM fix suggested by Memrosh.

---- 2.3a5 ---
- Released 2007-01-19
- Added OOB support.
- Added liveupgrade system. See: help liveupgrade

---- 2.3a1 ---
- Released 2006-12-29
- Fixed null errors in wield verb.
- DEFAULT_PARSING now works correctly. If you have two keys and two tables,
  "put key on table" will put a key on a table without causing
  an "ambiguous parsing" error.
- Added sefuns: atomize_string, atomize_array.
- Setting OBJECT_MATCHING in /secure/include/config.h to 1 will enable
  "shortest matching name" behavior, so that "zap di" is equivalent
  to "zap dirk".
- Setting COMMAND_MATCHING in /secure/include/config.h to 1 will enable
  "shortest matching command" behavior, so that "upd here" is equivalent
  to "update here".
- Added command: qed.
- Setting BARE_EXITS in /secure/include/config.h to 1 will now let you
  use "north" and "cabin" as valid movement commands, rather than "go north"
  and "enter cabin".
- "afk" property is now removed on login.
- Extra description strings from GetAffectLong() no longer duplicate if
  you're carrying multiples of an item.
- Modified races so that non-meat lifeforms don't leave rotting meat corpses.
- Added passive-mode support to ftp server ( contributed by Duuk @ Haven ).
- Added code to prevent "bad alternate router data" bug that tends
  to knock muds off the router.
- Added "neutral" (aka hermaphrodite, aka intersex) and "none" to 
  user-selectable gender choices (Not applicable to first admin).
- Lower case mudlib names now work in mudlist.
- Probability lab bugs have been fixed. Charly and Charles now save
  their persistent data in a sensible way.
- "copy /obj/room.c" now works for non-admins.
- Fixed up some issues with the dsversion command.
- Added sefun: chunk_string(), groups(), query_intermud_ip().
- Added commands: wizlock, wizunlock, wizlist.
- Added commands: gag, mute.
- Fixed another paradox condition in the router where a mud could be
  simultaneously connected AND disconnected, causing reconnection problems.
  A periodic check for this condition will clear it every 15 minutes or so.
- Added command: flee.
- New creators are polyglottized by default.
- inet, ftp, http, and rcp services can now be configured with mudconfig.
- The router room is now the server monitoring room. Admins may now use
  that room selectively to monitor traffic on the following services:
  ftp, http, rcp, i3 (router). They can be monitored in any combination,
  and the messages are in different colors to help distinguish between them
  when multiple service monitoring occurs.
- The netstat command now lists the correct FD's.
- Reverted default MALLOC to something that fancy new 64 bit computers like.
- Retooled inet/server subsystem to accommodate RCP, added creremote
  and LIB_REMOTE to the extra/ dir of the distribution, as well as instructions.
- Recompiled Windows driver to match current unix standard config.
- Finally (I hope) nailed that pesky router connection problem.
- Fixed bug in LIB_LOCK that prevented carried, lockable objects from working right.
- "unsnoop" and "unsnoop all" now work.
- Cleaned unwatched players from "snoopreport".
- /log/catch messages now have time stamps.
- Fixed errors/typos in groupmod and mudconfig help text.
- There is an error in the help file for groupmod. It should look like this:
  Syntax: groupmod [-a|-r] GROUP NAME 
          groupmod [-c|-d] GROUP
- Fixed a bug in grep that made it choke and halt on binary files. It still
  chokes, but it continues grepping after reporting the runtime.
- "decre" no longer removes all channels. Note that testing encre and
  decre repeatedly on the same character will probably generate problems eventually.
- Added LOCAL_TIME parameter to config.h. Some OS'es use UTC and offsets for
  timekeeping, others use a "local time" setting. Rather than try to play offset
  games and fail miserably, this setting is meant to address that.
- Added "mudconfig" command to enable the convenient changing of some config.h parameters.
- LIB_CONNECT now checks CFG_IP_UNRESTRICT as well as SAME_IP_MAX to determine
  if the connection should be permitted. This allows you to specify ip's that
  are immune from "max connection" restrictions. 
- LIB_CONNECT now checks each incoming connection to determine whether it
  is the last known ip of a SECURE user. If it is, the connection
  is permitted regardless of SAME_IP_MAX.
- It is now possible to use the "home" command to go to other
  creators' workrooms.
- GetPlayerList(), GetCreatorList(), and GetUserList() in PLAYERS_D can now be trusted
  to provide correct information (for new installs).
- It is now possible to get player data from users that are logged off, by specifying the variable
  to the player daemon. For example: eval return PLAYERS_D->GetPlayerData("cratylus","Properties")
- Beefed up groupmod to handle group adding/deleting, and enable (some) use by ASSIST.
- Added command: groupmod.
- Added commands: pause, unpause. Used to remove/restore commands
  from a player with behavior problems.
- Recurring reboots can now be disabled in config.h with DISABLE_REBOOTS.
- Added command "chancolors" to toggle seeing colored channel messages. This is
  to limit the annoyingness of people who add pinkfish color codes
  to their channel messages.
- Fixed a problem in LIB_SHOOT that prevented targeting specific
  victims, as well as a runtime bug when shooting things in your inventory.
- Fixed a runtime in CHAT_D that mishandled unknown chans.
- If EVENTS_LOGGING is set in config.h, new events added to the
  EVENTS_D will be logged to /log/secure/events.
- If CALL_OUT_LOGGING is set in config.h, call_outs not created by
  privileged objects are logged (There shouldn't be any need to
  log call_outs initiated from within /secure). call_outs originating
  in /daemon are not logged either, due to the size of the resulting
  log growing too quickly.
- Initiating flight while resting on furniture no longer corrupts
  a creature's short desc.
- Fixed bug where "look at thing on blah" let you look at
  the thing even if it was invis.
- Fixed bug in LIB_NPC that revealed carried invisible objects.
- Commented out annoying addr_init error in driver that spams
  STDERR when running on Solaris.
- tc() now also prints to STDOUT.
- SetItems() now works properly in tangible items (eg Orcslayer).
- Fixed problem with out-of-sequence messages using TalkResponse 
  in sentients.
- Fixed incorrect behavior during automated reloads.
- Fixed an incorrect inherited call in LIB_CHAIR.
- local_options now has "ref" defined as a reserved word. This allows
  the use of "ref" as a keyword for passing variables by reference,
  instead of by value. For an example, see /domains/default/obj/pass_example.c
- Fixed bug in router code that created problems when muds
  originating from the same ip connected and reconnected.
- Added commands: files, doctool, showfuns, createfix, findfun,
  pk, find, chanremove, chancreate.
- Got rid of confusing null long desc on doors when initfixed or reloaded.
- Got rid of a null error message in reply command when the target 
  is missing.
- Fixed problem in help daemon that prevented race help from displaying.
- Revolvers reimplemented.
- Driver options now output verbose warnings about inherited function
  conflicts and unused variables if you use local_options.debug at
  compile time.
- Eliminated various function conflicts in lib files.
- Isolated unused variables in /lib file function arguments with
  true() and false().
- true() and false() now can take any number of arguments, and always
  return 1 and 0, respectively.
- Fixed bug in "home" command. 
- mudos.cfg now has a time to swap value of 0, to disable
  swapping. I've seen now more than one driver crash due to
  a swap bug, and I'm not sure what the problem is, so until I do
  know, swapping will be disabled by default.
- Added RELOAD_D for objects that need to somehow get
  themselves reloaded without incurring recursion problems.
- ROUTER_D now resets every 25 hours or so.
- The banish command now has an "-s" option to banish offensive
  substrings from names.
- Corrected problem in addraces command that distorted which races
  could be used by players.
- Modified make_workroom so that newbie creators who hose their
  workroom can "restore workroom" without first having backed it up.
- Fixed bug in snoop command that caused bizarre situation when
  snooping yourself using your capitalized name.
- "X looks around" and "checks possessions" messages are now suppressed
  in meeting rooms.
- Fixed reporting of object mass so that both the mass of the container
  and its contents are returned. This corrects a LIB_MOUNT error.
- Fixed archaic parse_* lines in some verbs that interfered with VERBS_D.
- Fixed "say to".
- Added new features to each race file.
- The findfun command no longer fails with timeouts and it executes
  extremely fast due to the use of the new daemons.
- Fixed QCS bug that prevented adding includes.
- Added features to races: body type, size, average mass, whether they can
  swim, and what they breathe.
- New daemon: FILE_D, traverses the lib hierarchy, compiles
  a list of all files, and maintains the cached data for querying.
  Full refreshes of the data happen relatively quickly, in under
  a minute, and does not lag the mud much.
- New daemon: FUNCTION_D, uses FILE_D to determine inheritable lib
  filenames, then queries each for the names of functions defined.
  Full refreshes of this data happen slowly, several minutes
  or longer. However, the mud is not much lagged during this process
  except while processing very large files (e.g. /lib/body.c).
- Fixed "first admin bug" that failed to add channels.
- Implemented emotes bugfix provided by Aransus.
- Modified the template realm somewhat. There are now flask examples,
  and each wiz gets their own toychest, rather than using one default file for all.
- Added to QCS: Set/AddTerrainType, SetDefaultLanguage.
- Added room terrain types.
- Non-DS code no longer needs ::create() in the create() fun to work.
- Campus meeting room no longer blocks teleports.
- Added stable with mountable horse south of the town schoolhouse.
  "mount horse" and "dismount".
- Mounts must now be befriended before being mounted. To end your
  ownership, "abandon" the mount.
- Fixed QCS bug when running in Windows that turned '\n' into '/n'
- Added DEFAULT_PARSING to config.h. If this is set to 1, commands
  that normally fail with an ambiguity error ("Which X do you mean?")
  will instead default to the first eligible object. 
- Fixed problem on i3 router that caused muds to share fd's.
- Added MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SECOND to config.h to enable a cap on scripters.
  This affects players only.
- Fixed race-based skills. See http://dead-souls.net/ds-creator-faq.html#2.45
- Added LIB_FLASK (for canteens, coffee cups, etc). Flasks can
  now be filled at the town's riverbank and at the shore.
- Added verbs: pour, fill, empty.
- Removed encre/decre from admintool. It was goofy and dangerous.
- Added SetActionsMap() to LIB_ROOM, to enable room actions with variable
  frequencies. The old SetAction() method also still works.
- Added RETAIN_ON_QUIT define in config.h, and SetRetain() and GetRetain()
  to LIB_PERSIST. Any object that returns 1 on GetRetain() is retained
  across logons, regardless of RETAIN_ON_QUIT. Any object that return 0
  on GetRetain() is removed on quit, regardless of RETAIN_ON_QUIT. Changing
  RETAIN_ON_QUIT requires a reload of every object, or a restart of the mud.
- Added sample potions to /domains/town/meals and to Oana's magic shop.
- Empty bottles now behave properly across logons.
- cp and mv now take -f as a flag to force overwriting.
- Removed channels (except admin ones) stay removed.
- Fixed double-logging in channel messages.
- Recompiled windows binary with new options and fixed socket_efuns.
- Added well-door system.
- Changed stat command to handle economies that do not have gold.
- Idle times now report in a human readable format.
- SERVICES_D: unk-src error now triggers an INTERMUD_D reload.
- Router verified to accept over 400 separate mud connections.
- Default connection mud for the telnet room is now Dead Souls Demo.
- Added cambot to conference room.
- Added commands: files, doctool, showfuns, createfix, findfun, pk.
- Fixed a sockets bug in the driver (thanks to Zac@StarMUD)
- Removed intergossip as a default enabled channel. Added dchat
  as a default enabled channel.- Added Nimrod's recursive/numbered grep enhancements.
- Added numerous back-compat funs and obs for TMI-2 porting.
- Added numerous back-compat funs and obs for Nightmare 3 porting.
- Added daemons: ESTATES_D, ALCHEMIST_D (materials properties).
- Router admin commands will now also take ip+port.
- It is now possible to mudlist, rwho, and tell to a mud using its
  ip address+port. For example: rwho 6666
- The muffing commands now also affect tells. "earmuff Tatianna" will
  prevent you from hearing channel messages *and* tells from tatianna.
  You can also muff ip address + port, example:
  earmuff @ 3000
- "tell history" now provides a limited history of your tell messages.
- Fixed a problem adding currencies with admintool when there are
  fewer than 3 existing currencies.
- Reverted to the old Nightmare calendar: mud time of day and sky
  events should make more sense now.
- Added SAME_IP_MAX define in config.h, to help limit bot spam/abuse.
  Default limit is 4 connections per IP.
- Fixed login problems in bots.
- Raised ulimit in start script to 1024.
- Dying creatures can no longer be observed to remove armor and weapons.
- Ludicrously long environment descriptions no longer break
  when displayed.
- "alias foo" no longer removes the "foo" alias, it merely displays
  it. To remove that alias, the new way is:
  unalias foo
- New players are 100% proficient in the language Common, and it
  is set as their default language.
- You may now "speak in LANGUAGE" to set your default "say" language
  to what you specify. To make it so that "say foo" comes out in Rigellian:
  speak in rigellian
  say foo
- Creators don't lose stamina when moving around while invis.
- Added sefuns check_string_length and print_long_string to handle
  Strings Of Unusual Size.
- Removed call_outs from PING_D.
- Added DeadMan switch to PING_D.
- Added logon notification channel <connections>.
- Added A_CUSTOM as an all-purpose armor type that can be worn
  on most body parts.
- Enhanced channel and event logging to the router.
- Fixed potential channel spoof and channel admin problems
  in the router.
- Modified various commands to deal with Load-Addled Game Syndrome.
- Modified LIB_BOOK to avoid tedious reload on init().
- Added player bots for load testing (tested on Linux with
  approx 250 player bots, all active, with no noticeable lag
  on a crappy 1.2GHz laptop).
- Beefed up the router command.
- Character creation now does not save the playerfile until
  the entire creation process has completed.
- Made AUTO_WIZzing a choice for the user, rather than
  truly automatic.
- Added privacy field to template workroom.
- Added LIB_MESSAGES fix suggested by Memrosh.
- Fixed a LastLocation bug in LIB_PLAYER.
- Fixed shadow bug in the remote control.
- Added catch_tell room to arch area.
- Fixed reaper bug that destructed shadows.
- Fixed a bug in room messages during eventMoveLiving().
- Added Praxis domain.
- Fixed customdefs issue in QCS with files in /domains.
- Added FILE_D.
- Fixed carry leak in arches during shutdown.
- Fixed save problem in arches during shutdown.
- COMPAT BUSTER: changed GetCustomPath and GetCustomCommand
  to query_custom_path and query_custom_command.
- Cleaned up strange formatting error in old sefun docs.
- Added sefun: query_local_functions.

---- 2.1.1 ---
- Released 2006-09-27
- Fixed a bug in chat.c that sent comms on new local channels to
  the router (!!).
- Fixed "return" command bug and various travel message bugs
- Eliminated savefile data leak in admins on shutdown.
- Fixed overly aggressive reaper that killed shadows.
- Admintool security flaw has been removed by removing encre and  decre from its menu.
- It's no longer possible to screw up admintool by removing too
  many currencies at once.
- Updated verbs/commands: reload, gauge.
- "Can't drop things in a no-teleport room" bug fixed.
- Default channel removed: intergossip.
- Default channel added: dchat.
- Players can no longer use the force command.

---- 2.1 ---
- Released 2006-07-12
- Fixed relative include problem in QCS.
- Fixed memcheck.
- Added vis and invis to list of customizable messages with the
  message command.
- Fixed bug in ls command with the -b flag.
- Fixed index problems in chat.c with class channels.
- Fixed a problem when looking at dummy items (e.g. buttons and doors).
- Fixed color code problem in the arch room screen.
- Fixed problem in look verb that caused problems looking at
  objects that inherit LIB_DUMMY. Tons of thanks to Daelas for this save.
- Unused debug lines removed, general cleanup of ugly
  or unnecessary comments.
- Miscellaneous tightening up of domain objects such as lowering
  the max health of newts, etc.
- Miscellaneous tidying up of lib logic, such as preventing the
  fly command to commence flight whether already flying or not.
o The blackjack table is officially on the "I'm not fixing it" list.
  It is left as an example of game code, but you are warned that
  it contains some subtle and not-so-subtle errors in its calculations.
o addr_server.exe win32 binary removed, due to bugginess. Since
  it hasn't been working for a while, and it was only noticed by
  a bugtester, it's going away until post-2.1
o A peculiarity in grammar with multiple corpses can be seen. This is
  partly due to a MudOS idiosyncracy which will be addressed in the future.
o In some cases combat events appear slighly out of order. This
  will be addressed in a rewrite of combat objects in the future.