Installation for Merc
If you have not done so, read the IMCInstall.txt

1. In your Makefile, below the main list of L_FLAGS,
   include the following:

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
IMC = 1

   Then directly below the list of O_FILES, add the following:
   [Note: BSD users - put a period in front of the word ifdef, and in front of the word endif]

ifdef IMC
   O_FILES := imc.o sha256.o $(O_FILES)

2. Open merc.h and locate the following code:

#define PULSE_PER_SECOND	    4

   Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
   #include "imc.h"

   Locate your pc_data struct

   Add the following to the end of it:

#ifdef IMC
    IMC_CHARDATA *imcchardata;

3. Open interp.c and locate the following section:

if ( !check_social( ch, command, argument )

   Add the following condition to whatever series of ifchecks exist there:

#ifdef IMC
	&&   !imc_command_hook( ch, command, argument )

4. Open comm.c and locate the following in main() :

   If your mud uses copyover, at the top of main(), below:

   struct timeval now_time;
   bool fCopyOver = !TRUE;


#ifdef IMC
   int imcsocket = -1;

   A. If your mud uses copyover/hotboot, find this section( it may not look EXACTLY like this, adjust as needed ):
	If your mud does NOT use copyover/hotboot, move to B.

      if( argv[2] && argv[2][0] )
         fCopyOver = TRUE;
         control = atoi( argv[3] );
         fCopyOver = FALSE;

   Change it to read as( while adjusting as needed ):

      if( argv[2] && argv[2][0] )
         fCopyOver = TRUE;
         control = atoi( argv[3] );
#ifdef IMC
	   imcsocket = atoi( argv[4] );
         fCopyOver = FALSE;

   This next part is somewhat tricky. If copyover_recover is called in db.c as is the usual case in
   most default installs, you need to place the following BEFORE the boot_db call. If it is listed
   somewhere here in comm.c, the following needs to be placed ABOVE it. Either way, imc_startup needs
   to be called BEFORE copyover_recover or your mud WILL crash every time you do a copyover.

#ifdef IMC
   /* Initialize and connect to IMC2 */
   imc_startup( FALSE, imcsocket, fCopyOver );

   B. If your mud is NOT using copyover/hotboot:

      Locate the following:

#if defined(unix)
    control = init_socket( port );
    boot_db( );
    sprintf( log_buf, "Merc is ready to rock on port %d.", port );
    log_string( log_buf );

   Add the following beneath that:

#ifdef IMC
    imc_startup( FALSE, -1, FALSE );


   Then further down in main(), locate the following:

    while ( descriptor_list )
	close_socket( descriptor_list );

   Add the following beneath that:

#ifdef IMC
SERVER_DATA *server;
extern SERVER_DATA *first_server;
        for( server = first_server; server; server = server->next )
  imc_shutdown(FALSE, server);

   Then in game_loop(), locate the following:

	 * Autonomous game motion.
	update_handler( );

   Directly ABOVE that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC

5. Open save.c and locate fread_char:


	case 'L':
	    KEY( "Level",	ch->level,		fread_number( fp ) );
	    KEY( "LongDescr",	ch->long_descr,		fread_string( fp ) );

   *ABOVE* that, add:

      case 'I':
#ifdef IMC
	 if( ( fMatch = imc_loadchar( ch, fp, word ) ) )

   Then in fwrite_char, locate:

    fprintf( fp, "End\n\n" );

   Directly ABOVE that, add:

#ifdef IMC
    imc_savechar( ch, fp );

   Then in load_char_obj(), locate the following:

    found = FALSE;
    fclose( fpReserve );

    /* parsed player file directories by Yaz of 4th Realm */
    /* decompress if .gz file exists - Thx Alander */

   Directly ABOVE that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
    imc_initchar( ch );

6. Open db.c

   Locate free_char:

   Under the following block of code:

	free_string( ch->pcdata->pwd		);
	free_string( ch->pcdata->bamfin		);
	free_string( ch->pcdata->bamfout	);
	free_string( ch->pcdata->title		);


#ifdef IMC
	imc_freechardata( ch );

7. For users of copyover/hotboot ONLY:

   Locate do_copyover.

   In the variable declarations, add another bufX[100], where X is the next number in line.

   Then just before the buffers for the execl call are
   allocated, add the following:

#ifdef IMC

   Then right before the execl call, add the following, where X is the same number in the
   new declaration you just made:

#ifdef IMC
   if( this_imcmud )
      snprintf( bufX, 100, "%d", this_imcmud->desc );
      strncpy( bufX, "-1", 100 );
   strncpy( bufX, "-1", 100 );

   Then you need to add your new buffer to the execl call. So if you have this:

    execl( EXE_FILE, "smaug", buf, "hotboot",  buf2, buf3, (char *)NULL );

   It needs to become:

    execl( EXE_FILE, "smaug", buf, "hotboot",  buf2, buf3, bufX, (char *)NULL );

   Again being sure to change "X" to the right number.
   Keep in mind copyover implementations vary widely among muds and you may need to
   make some additional adjustments.

7b. Envy 2.2 ONLY:

Go back to save.c, and locate the following in fread_char:

            sprintf( buf, "fread_char: Unknown key '%s' in pfile.", word );
            bug( buf, 0 );
            fread_to_eol( fp );

   Directly ABOVE that, add:

#ifdef IMC
      else if( imc_loadchar( ch, fp, word ) )

7c. NiMud 4 ONLY:

For the db.c section, apply the changes to free_char in mem.c

In imc.c, under the #ifdef IMCMERC section near the top, change:

#include "merc.h"


#include "mud.h"

7d. EOS2 ONLY:

In imc.c, function imclog, find:

   log_string( buf );

Replace with:

   log_string( buf, CHANNEL_LOG, -1 );

In imc.c again, find:

/* Generic send_to_char type function to send to the proper code for each codebase */
void imc_to_char( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   char buf[LGST*2];

   snprintf( buf, LGST*2, "%s\033[0m", color_itom( txt, ch ) );
#if defined(IMCSMAUG)
   send_to_char_color( buf, ch );
#elif defined(IMCCIRCLE)
      send_to_char( buf, ch );
      send_to_char( ch, "%s", buf );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );

Replace it with:

/* Generic send_to_char type function to send to the proper code for each codebase */
void imc_to_char( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   char buf[LGST*2];

   snprintf( buf, LGST*2, "%s\033[0m", color_itom( txt, ch ) );
#if defined(IMCSMAUG)
   send_to_char_color( buf, ch );
#elif defined(IMCCIRCLE)
      send_to_char( buf, ch );
      send_to_char( ch, "%s", buf );
   send_to_char( AT_WHITE, buf, ch );

Noting the AT_WHITE added to the last send_to_char statement.

In imc.c once again, above imc_find_social, add:

SOCIAL_DATA *find_social( const char *command )
   SOCIAL_DATA *pSocial;

   for( pSocial = social_first;pSocial;pSocial = pSocial->next )
      if( command[0] == pSocial->name[0] && !imcstr_prefix( command, pSocial->name ) )
         return pSocial;
   return NULL;

In imccfg.h under the #ifdef for IMCMERC, add:

   #define SMAUGSOCIAL

Return to the main IMC.txt file and continue where you left off.

7e. Mindcloud 2:

In imccfg.h, under the #ifdef section for IMCMERC, find:

   #define CH_IMCRANK(ch)           (title_table[(ch)->class][(ch)->level][(ch)->sex == SEX_FEMALE ? 1 : 0])

Replace with:

   #define CH_IMCRANK(ch)           (IS_IMMORTAL((ch)) ? "Immortal" : "Player" )