# TeensyMud configuration file
# Note that command line options will override the same named option
# in this configuration file.  The default configuration is named
# 'config.yaml' and can only be overridden on the command line.
# version:: 2.10.0
# date::    06/25/2006

### Storage configuration section

# Name of the database without extension 'dbtype' will determine it.
dbfile: db/world

# Type of database
# Valid values are: :yaml, :gdbm, :sdbm, :dbm, :xml, :sqlite, :sqlite3
dbtype: :yaml

# Cache sizes for dbm type databases
cache_width: 23
cache_depth: 7

# Cache sizes for sqlite (Number of 1K pages)
cache_size: 1000

# If you change this to false you must explicitly mark objects as
# changed when you use read accessors that modify the object. Write
# accessors are automatically safe.  No affect with yaml store.
# Ex.! - uses read accessor but modifies receiver
safe_read: true

# This turns property into attr_accessor 
props_are_accessors_only: false

### Network configuration section

### Main server configuration

# The port to use for the telnet interface to the game
server_port: 4000

# Type of service 
# Valid values are
#     :server  - run reactor as server (default)
#     :client  - run reactor as client
server_type: :server

# Service io handler
# Valid values are
#     :sockio  - use sockio as io handler (default)
#     :lineio  - use lineio as io handler
#     :packetio  - use packetio as io handler
server_io: :sockio

# Filters to use on this service
# Valid values are
#     :filter  - attach dummy filter
#     :debugfilter - attach debug filter (default)
#     :telnetfilter - attach telnet filter (default)
#     :colorfilter - attach color filter (default)
#     :terminalfilter - attach terminal filter
# Order is important here.
  - :debugfilter
  - :telnetfilter
  - :terminalfilter
  - :colorfilter

# Desired negotiation for the service
# Valid values are
#     :sga - suppress go ahead
#     :echo - server will do echoing
#     :naws - negotiate about window size
#     :ttype - negotiate terminal type
#     :zmp - negotiate zmp protocol
#     :binary - binary stream
#     :eorec - end of record support
  - :sga
#  - :eorec
  - :echo
  - :naws
  - :ttype
  - :zmp

### Engine configuration section

# not used - should set $VERBOSE?
verbose: false

# tracing on - sllooooow
trace: false

# starting location for characters
home: 1

# command interfaces to load (in order)
  - teensy
  - tiny
  - bmud

  - objects

# account system
# true - Account has multiple Characters
# false - Account is associated with one Character
account_system: false

# Max number of characters per account
character_limit: 10

# allow guest accounts
# guest accounts are not saved - names are "Guest #<acctid>" 
guest_accounts: true

### Utility configuration section

# Where the server log resides
logfile: logs/server.log
