else /* object purchase code begins HERE */
 * 20 Aug 95 - added multiple object purchase
 * Works perfectly with Merc2.2.
 * By Erwin Andreasen, 4u2@aarhues.dk
 * IF you use this code, *PLEASE* *SEND* *ME* *FEEDBACK*!!

        CHAR_DATA *keeper;
        OBJ_DATA *obj;
        int cost;
        char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* 2nd argument */
        int item_count = 1;          /* default: buy only 1 item */

    argument = one_argument (argument, arg2); /* get another argument, if any */

    if (arg2[0]) /* more than one argument specified? then arg2[0] <> 0 */
        /* check if first of the 2 args really IS a number */

        if (!is_number(arg))
            send_to_char ("Syntax for BUY is: BUY [number] <item>\n\r\"number\" is an optional number of items to buy.\n\r",ch);

        item_count = atoi (arg); /* first argument is the optional count */
        strcpy (arg,arg2);       /* copy the item name to its right spot */

    if ( ( keeper = find_keeper( ch ) ) == NULL ) /* is there a shopkeeper here? */

/* find the pointer to the object */
        obj  = get_obj_carry( keeper, arg );
        cost = get_cost( keeper, obj, TRUE );

    if ( cost <= 0 || !can_see_obj( ch, obj ) ) /* cant buy what you cant see */
            act( "$n tells you 'I don't sell that -- try 'list''.",keeper, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );
            ch->reply = keeper;

/* check for valid positive numeric value entered */
    if (!(item_count > 0))
            send_to_char ("Buy how many? Number must be positive!\n\r",ch);

/* can the character afford it ? */
    if ( ch->gold < (cost * item_count) )
        if (item_count == 1) /* he only wanted to buy one */
            act( "$n tells you 'You can't afford to buy $p'.",keeper, obj, ch, TO_VICT );
            char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; /* temp buffer */
            if ( (ch->gold / cost) > 0) /* how many CAN he afford? */
                sprintf (buf, "$n tells you 'You can only afford %d of those!", (ch->gold / cost));
            else /* not even a single one! what a bum! */
                sprintf (buf, "$n tells you '%s? You must be kidding - you can't even afford a single one, let alone %d!'",capitalize(obj->short_descr), item_count);

            act(buf,keeper, obj, ch, TO_VICT );
            ch->reply = keeper; /* like the character really would reply to the shopkeeper... */

        ch->reply = keeper; /* like the character really would reply to the shopkeeper... */

/* Can the character use the item at all ? */
    if ( obj->level > ch->level )
        act( "$n tells you 'You can't use $p yet'.",
            keeper, obj, ch, TO_VICT );
        ch->reply = keeper;
/* can the character carry more items? */
    if ( ch->carry_number + (get_obj_number(obj)*item_count) > can_carry_n( ch ) )
            send_to_char( "You can't carry that many items.\n\r", ch );

/* can the character carry more weight? */
    if ( ch->carry_weight + item_count*get_obj_weight(obj) > can_carry_w( ch ) )
            send_to_char( "You can't carry that much weight.\n\r", ch );

/* check for objects sold to the keeper */
    if ( (item_count > 1) && !IS_SET (obj->extra_flags,ITEM_INVENTORY))
        act( "$n tells you 'Sorry - $p is something I have only one of'.",keeper, obj, ch, TO_VICT );
        ch->reply = keeper;

/* change this to reflect multiple items bought */
    if (item_count == 1)
        act( "$n buys $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "You buy $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    else /* inform of multiple item purchase */
        char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; /* temporary buffer */

/* "buys 5 * a piece of bread" seems to be the easiest and least gramatically incorerct solution. */
        sprintf (buf, "$n buys %d * $p.", item_count);
        act (buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM); /* to char self */
        sprintf (buf, "You buy %d * $p.", item_count);
        act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR ); /* to others */

    ch->gold     -= cost*item_count;
    keeper->gold += cost*item_count;

    if ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_INVENTORY ) ) /* 'permanent' item */
        /* item_count of items */
        for ( ; item_count > 0; item_count--) /* create item_count objects */
            obj = create_object( obj->pIndexData, obj->level );
            obj_to_char( obj, ch );
    else /* single item */
        obj_from_char( obj );
        obj_to_char( obj, ch );
    } /* else */
} /* do_buy */

/   ______ _______ ____   _____   ___ __    _ ______    ____  ____   _____   /
\  |  ____|__   __|  _ \ / ____\ / _ \| \  / |  ____|  / __ \|  _ \ / ____\  \
/  | |__     | |  | |_| | |     | |_| | |\/| | |___   | |  | | |_| | |       /
/  | ___|    | |  | ___/| |   __|  _  | |  | | ____|  | |  | |  __/| |   ___ \
\  | |       | |  | |   | |___| | | | | |  | | |____  | |__| | |\ \| |___| | /
/  |_|       |_|  |_|  o \_____/|_| |_|_|  |_|______|o \____/|_| \_|\_____/  \
\                                                                            /

ftp://ftp.game.org/pub/mud      FTP.GAME.ORG      http://www.game.org/ftpsite/

 This archive came from FTP.GAME.ORG, the ultimate source for MUD resources.
