#AREA	{ 5 90} The Prison          Flar~

the gatekeeper~
The gatekeeper is here snoozing on the job.
The gatekeeper is underpayed overweight and not too bright. He snores very loudl
y and occasionally rubs his chin. Well better kill him now I guess.
2|64 0 0 S
6 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the rat~
The rat sits on its haunches here, thinking about its next meal.
The rat looks as if it hasn't eaten in days....it contemplates eating YOU!
64 65536 0 S
5 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Prison Guard~
the Prison Guard~
The Prison Guard stands here keeping an eye out for unruly behavior.
The Guard is a highly trained specialist in torture and hand to hand combat. Sel
ectively chosen from the ranks of cityguards he is the best of the elite.
4|64 0 0 S
65 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Prison Worker~
the Prison Worker~
The Prison Worker is here working as little as possible.
The Prison Worker looks almost exactly like a janitor you have seen in Midgaard!
4|64 8|32|512 0 S
9 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Cell Guard~
the Cell Guard~
The Cell Guard stands here, he is staring icily at you.
The Cell Guard is one tough dude, outfitted to keep anything prisoner in. And fo
r that matter anyone not wanted out! He is about 7'8'' and towers above you.
2|64 128 100 S
65 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the prisoner~
The prisoner stands here, his will broken.
The prisoner has been doing hard time for a while. He has the haggard look of an
 inmate with nothing to lose.
64 0 0 S
33 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the cockroach~
The huge black cockroach skitters about.
The huge black cockroach looks as if it must eat alot of food to support that hu
ge body. It is at least 2 feet long. Do you have some bug spray?
64 0 500 S
8 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
a flunky~
A flunky skulks about waiting for some orders.
The flunky is the lowest ranking scum of the prison. He is a shame to all. kinda
 makes ya want to put him out of his misery.
64|128 0 0 S
13 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Stoned Guard~
the stoned guard~
The mob stands here, completely clueless.
The guard looks as if he has had a little too much to smoke after work today. He
 must have eyes but all you can see are slits with puffy bloodshot teary......we
ll you get the idea.
2|64|128 256 0 S
44 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the gangster~
The gangster is here yelling orders to his flunkies.
Sadly the gangster was caught not paying taxes to the mayor.
4|64|128 0 0 S
23 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Brad Warden~
Brad the Warden~
Brad the Warden is here contemplating the death and execution of another prisone
Brad the Warden looks like the all Midgaard guy. Voted most likely to succeed by
 his class on the Campus he was turned down at job after job. Finally he found o
ne he can really get into, the torture and murder of the weak. Brad loves to lus
t after Trixie
. And after looking at him you notice he has a preferance for women's clothing.
64 128|1048576 0 S
84 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Trixie the secretary~
Trixie sits here dreaming about Brad the Warden.
She looks like your average, everyday, dumb, closed minded secretary. Great body
. No mind. And a great set of.....paper clips.
2 0 1000 S
40 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
Steve maintenance man~
Steve the maintenance man~
Steve the maintenance man is here doing a whole lot of nothing.
Steve is a career maintenance man. He likes to put new pinups on the wall, he li
kes to order supplies from Terry and he HATES to work. All of which is quite evi
dent. in this room
2|64 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Butch helper~
Butch the helper~
Butch the helper is here doing all of Steve's work.
Butch is a young lad with all the enthusiasm that ignorance can provide. He work
s long and hard to keep this prison in working order.
64 0 0 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Wendy Cook~
Wendy the Cook~
Wendy stands here dreaming up a beautiful meal for all the inmates.
Wendy is a gorgeous young lady with flowing long auburn hair wrapped into a loos
e hairnet. She brings her light and salvation to work with her everyday.....Her 
son Jacob.
2|64 128|8192 1000 S
90 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
Steam Monster~
A steam monster~
A swirl of mist is wafting about here.
The Steam Monster is glittering although there is no light. It swirls about and 
about almost charming you in the process......
2|32|64 8 0 S
30 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
Larry armsmaster~
Larry the armsmaster~
Larry the armsmaster is here, wanting to sell you some armor.
Larry is not the best paid person in here so he supplements his income with a li
ttle on the side buying and selling.
2|64 0 0 S
75 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Thomas weaponmaster~
Thomas the weaponmaster~
Jimmy the weaponmaster is here selling his goods.
Jimmy the weaponmaster is an old cell guard who has become an expert at all the 
weapons at his diposal. The next step in his career was to become the weaponsmas
ter. Unfortunately he has to resort to selling arms to pay the rent.
2|64 0 0 S
76 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
slice bologna~
(processed aura) a slice of bologna~
[processed aura] a slice of bologna is here mouldering.
You look at the slice of bologna and it curls itself into a tube and skitters aw
2|64 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Muslim cleric~
The Muslim Cleric~
A muslim cleric is here, giving you peace and a sense of well being.
The Muslim Cleric is from a different reality that has been thrust into this tim
e and place. He makes do with the clothes on his back and the hope that more and
 more worthy people like you will come and visit.
2|64|512|1024 128|8192 1000 S
150 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
towel boy~
the towel boy~
The towel boy stands here with his back to the wall.
What an awful job the boy has, he has to watch these people drudge in and out of
 the shower all day long. But he keeps a few handy items on hand.
2|64 512|8192 0 S
5 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
The Executioner~
The Executioner stands here waiting to kill.
An ageless demon with no face and no soul.....he is feared by all but he is real
ly just a lonely lost being. All he really wants is a friend for eternity.
2|64 512|8192 -1000 S
100 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
The Black thing~
A black thing is here.
You stare at the center of the black mass but all you can see is a rainbow of co
lors swirling from the outside to the inside....swirling...swirling....
2|32|64 512 0 S
40 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
A huge Bronze Dragon~
A huge bronze Dragon is snoozing here with one eye open looking at you!
Since you are a lesser being than Mnemoth you cannot comprehend what you see her
64 2|8|32|128|512|32768|1048576 1000 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Terry ~
Terry the salesman~
Terry the salesman is here pitching a product.
Terry is a young guy who works for Environmental Chemical Corporation. He sells 
Chemicals to Steve in the prison maintenance. He also likes to stroll the ground
s and flirt with Wendy his wife.
4|128 128 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1

gate key~
a gate key~
A metal key rests here.~
18 2 1|16384
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
gate key~
This key obviously goes to a large rusty gate DOH!~
short sword~
a short sword~
A short sword rests here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 10 15 11 
5 0 0
18 1
19 1
pack of cigarettes~
a pack of cigarettes~
A pack of smokes have been dropped here carelessly.~
9 2|16 1|16384
6 1 6 11 
5 0 0
2 -2
18 2
smokes cigarettes pack~
The surgeon General warns that smoking may be harmful to your health~
Trojan wrapper~
a used condom wrapper~
A piece of crinkled foil rests here.~
13 128 1
0 1 6 11 
20 0 0
soap rope~
a soap on a rope~
Some soap on a rope is here.~
5 1|64|512|2048 1|8192
0 12 23 7 
11 0 0
19 1
4 1
flar's bag of tricks~
An enchanted bag lies here~
15 32|64 1|16384
300 1 32088 11 
0 0 0
18 100
19 100
hatchling ember ring~
a hatchling ember ring~
A ring of burning embers is here.~
9 0 1|2
1 0 0 0 
8 0 0
1 1
13 6
Hatchling robe~
a hatchling robe~
An ivory robe lies here.~
9 0 1|1024
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
4 1
12 5
filet rat~
a rat filet~
A juicy filet of rat lies here.~
19 0 1
15 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling cloak~
a hatchling cloak~
A  hatchling cloak lies here.~
9 0 1|4
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling shirt~
a hatchling shirt~
A hatchling shirt lies here~
9 0 1|8
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
a hatchling helmet~
A hatchling helmet rests here.~
9 0 1|16
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling leggings~
a set of hatchling leggings~
Some hatchling leggings lie here.~
9 0 1|32
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling boots~
a pair of hatchling boots~
A pair of hatchling boots lie here.~
9 0 1|64
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling gloves~
a pair of hatchling gloves~
A pair of hatchling gloves lie here.~
9 0 1|128
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling sleeves~
a set of hatchling sleeves~
Some hatchling sleeves lie here.~
9 0 1|256
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
shield hatchling~
a hatchling shield~
A hatchling shield has been carelessly left here.~
9 0 1|512
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
hatchling belt~
a hatchling belt~
A hatchling belt has been dropped here.~
15 0 1|2048
100 0 0 0 
5 0 0
19 1
18 1
13 10
hatchling bracer~
a hatchling bracer ~
A hatchling bracer has been left here.~
9 0 1|4096
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
lucky charm hatchling~
a lucky charm~
A lucky charm has been left here.~
8 0 1|16384
2 0 0 0 
5 0 0
4 1
5 1
Starter Kit~
a starter kit~
A starter kit has been dropped here.~
15 0 1|16384
75 1 32088 11 
5 0 0
starter kit~
This kit has been brought to you by Environmental Chemical corporation

Ask For Terry~
fountain water~
a fountain~
An intricately carved ivory fountain is here, filled with holy water.~
25 1 0
0 0 0 0 
5 0 0
crumpled piece paper~
a crumpled piece of paper~
A crumpled piece of paper has been left here.~
8 0 1
0 1 6 11 
10 0 0
crumpled piece paper~
Dear John,
I am sorry but it is over between us.  I have run off with Chris the druggist.  
He is really groovy and you are very retro.  I left because you spend too much t
ime on your job.  Even though you are the town crier you should not let that get
 in the way of
 our relationship.


PS I have given the kids to the cannibals in Westreen.~
a large cluttered desk~
A large cluttered desk with all sorts of paperwork is here.~
15 0 0
1000 1 32089 11 
5 0 0
Don't mess with the desk it is not yours.~
Cell key~
a cell block key  ~
A cell block key rusts here~
18 0 1
0 1 6 11 
15 0 0
a big fat joint~
A big fat joint lays here burning.~
3 0 1|16384
23 6 6 72 
5 0 0
py check paycheck~
a paycheck~
A paycheck is here, longing for you to take it.~
8 0 1|16384
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
dirty mop~
a dirty mop~
A dirty mop has been set against the wall.~
5 0 1|8192
0 8 20 9 
5 0 0
large battle axe~
a  large battle axe~
A large battle axe rests here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 40 48 3 
30 0 0
17 -10
19 10
spiked wristguard~
a spiked wristguard~
A wicked looking spiked wrist guard lies here.~
5 0 1|4096
0 23 33 11 
5 0 0
13 50
12 50
17 -20
titanium leggings~
a pair of titanium leggings~
A pair of strong leggings has been left here.~
9 0 1|32
0 1 6 11 
15 0 0
17 -15
24 -15
titanium sleeves~
a set of titanium sleeves~
A set of strong sleeves has been dropped here.~
9 0 1|256
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
1 3
prison uniform~
a prison uniform~
A prison uniform lies here all starched up.~
5 0 1|1024
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
2 2
titanium shield~
a titanium shield~
A shield of titanium rests here.~
5 0 1|512
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
19 10
dagger curved~
a curved  assasin's dagger~
A curved dagger lies here.~
5 16|32|512 1|8192
0 42 62 11 
5 0 0
18 10
ring guardian~
a pitch black ring~
A pitch black ring with sparkles of color lies on the ground here.~
9 1|2|32|64 1|2
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
17 -30
13 200
iron manacle~
a set of wrought iron manacles~
A set of wrought iron manacles lay in the corner here.~
9 4096 1|4096
2 1 6 11 
5 0 0
14 -200
9 40
zip gun~
a zip gun~
A home made zip gun lies here.~
3 0 1|8192
0 8 4 37 
5 0 0
coins gold pile~
a pile of gold coins~
A pile of gold coins are scattered about.~
20 0 1
1500 1 6 11 
5 0 0
heels pink sequin~
a set of pink sequined high heels~
A set aof fabulous looking heels lie here.~
9 0 1|64
8 1 6 11 
5 0 0
23 0
2 3
scarf pink cashmire~
a pink cashmire scarf~
A pink cashmire scarf has been left here, a definite plus for anyone's wardrobe.
9 0 1|4
6 1 6 11 
5 0 0
17 -5
bra push up~
a push up bra~
A busty bra lies here.~
9 4096 1|8
8 1 6 11 
5 0 0
9 -30
19 6
a pair of coveralls~
A workers coveralls lay here.~
5 2|32 1|1024
0 14 62 11 
5 0 0
1 3
13 100
indians baseball hat~
an Indians baseball hat~
A baseball hat with the tribe logo on it is here.~
9 0 1|16
20 1 6 11 
6 0 0
14 200
24 10
tool belt~
a tool belt~
A tool belt lies here.~
9 0 1|2048
30 1 6 11 
5 0 0
5 2
golden hairnet~
a golden hairnet~
A pile of golden netting is here.~
5 0 1|16
10 1 6 6 
5 0 0
4 1
3 1
2 3
1 1
5 1
13 200
baby jacob~
a baby named Jacob~
A small baby lies here crying.~
1 0 1|16384
10 1 -1 11 
5 0 0
18 50
19 50
scroll persuasion~
a scroll of persuasion~
A very delicate scroll set in silver leafs lies here.~
2 0 1
60 42 -1 206 
5 0 0
Gown virginity~
a gown of virginity~
A gown of virginity has been forgotten here.~
9 0 1|1024
10 1 6 11 
5 0 0
4 0
39 -1000
packet boiler water treatment~
a packet of boiler water treatment~
A packet of boiler water treatment has been dropped here.~
19 128 1
15 1 6 11 
5 0 0
a mane of dreadlocks~
A massive pile of dreadlocks rest here.~
5 1|2|32|1024|2048 1|16
20 40 80 4 
5 0 0
19 100
Axe destruction~
an axe of destruction~
A massive blood-stained axe of immeasurable age lies here.~
5 2|32|64 1|8192
20 60 85 8 
30 0 0
17 120
trash can~
a trash can~
A trash can is here so give a hoot and don't pollute!~
15 0 0
200 1 6 11 
5 0 0
chopping block~
a chopping block~
A chopping block covered in blood and gore is here.~
12 0 0
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
head severed~
a severed head~
A severed head of a previous victim lies in the corner.~
26 0 0
1 4 17 33 
5 0 0
Hmmm this head looks like it has been here a while. It has maggots crawling in a
nd out of the eyes. Better put it down........~
rusty shower~
a rusty leaky shower head~
A rusty showerhead drips water on the floor here.~
25 0 0
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
pill lude~
a lude~
A pill called a "lude" lies here collecting dust.~
26 0 1
5 3 61 36 
5 0 0
flask vile mist~
a flask of vile liquid~
A flas full of vile liquid has been laid to rest here.~
10 0 1
8 44 56 -1 
25 0 0
invisibility staff~
a staff of invisibility~
A twig of an oak tree lies here.~
4 0 1|16384
12 8 8 29 
5 0 0
a drum~
A big yellow 55 gallon drum sits here.~
12 1 1
0 1 6 11 
1000 0 0
The proudly states that it was purchased from environmental chemical Corporation
a brown leather briefcase~
A briefcase has been left here~
15 0 1|512
50 1 6 11 
5 0 0
17 -12
Ball point pen~
a ball point pen~
A fine ball point pen lies here.~
5 32 1|16384
8 1 6 11 
5 0 0
19 30
18 30
13 30
12 100
a quart of astro-sol#3~
A quart of astrosol#3 has been left here.~
13 0 1
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
quart Natural ~
a quart of Natural 50~
A quart of Natural 50 has been dropped here, now you can smell oranges!~
13 0 1
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
Can ec50~
a can of EC50~
A can of EC50 is here looking dangerous.~
3 0 1|16384
50 6 3 26 
5 0 0
a nuclear missile~
A tactical nuke lies here.~
5 1|2|16|32|64|512 1|8192
0 40000 50000 6 
300 0 0
13 5000
12 5000
19 5000
18 5000
1 6
2 6
3 6
4 6
5 6
5 6
tactical nuke nuclear missile~
I thought i would put this little tidbit in here on the off chance that noone wo
uld notice it was here heheh
hatchling ember ring~
a hatchling ember ring~
A ring of burning embers lies here.~
9 0 1|2
2 1 6 11 
8 0 0
1 1
13 6
hatchling cloak~
a hatchling cloak~
A hatchling cloak lies here.~
9 0 1|4|4096|8192
2 1 6 11 
5 0 0
hatchling bracer~
a hatchling bracer~
A hatchling bracer lies here.~
9 0 1|4096
2 1 6 11 
5 0 0
large desk~
a large desk~
A large oaken desk is in the corner here.~
15 0 0
200 1 6 11 
500 0 0
fountain water holy~
an ivory fountain~
A carved ivory fountain is here filled with Holy Water. ~
25 1 0
0 1 6 11 
500 0 0

Entrance to the Prison~
You are standing in the shadow of a formiddable building. There are no windows o
nly slits to let in light. In the distance you hear screams that send chills dow
n your spine.
0 4 1
0 -1 32001
The Prison of Midgaard~
You are standing in front of a large prison. It looks as if what goes in never c
omes out. A large rusty gate is to the north. A plaque is on the wall.
0 0 1
a rusty gate~
2 32000 32002
0 -1 32000
plaque large~
Welcome to the Prison of Midgaard where our motto is "Work sets you free.".

This prison designed and built by
Flar the Dragonmaster-----in the days before the birth of his son Jacob~
A Bright Intersection~
This appears to be a central intersection of sorts. You see light to the east an
d west while to the north a dark hallway extends.
0 0 0
0 -1 32002
0 -1 32026
0 -1 32001
0 -1 32011
A Dark Intersection~
You are standing in a dark intersection. There appears to be cellblocks to the e
ast and west of here. The hallway continues north and south.
0 1 0
0 -1 32004
0 -1 32052
0 -1 32002
0 -1 32041
A long hallway~
You are standing in a long hallway. There is a misty smell to the east. The hall
way continues north.
0 0 0
0 -1 32005
0 -1 32084
0 -1 32003
A long hallway~
You are standing in a long hallway. The hallway continues to the north and south
0 0 0
0 -1 32006
0 -1 32004
A long hallway~
You are standing in a long hallway. A pungent aroma is wafting in from the west 
here. The hallway continues to the north and south.
0 0 0
0 -1 32007
0 -1 32005
0 -1 32086
A long hallway~
You are standing in a long hallway. The hallway continues to the north and south
0 8 0
0 -1 32008
0 -1 32006
A long hallway~
You are standing in a long hallway. The hallway continues to the north and south
. You can see a yard of sorts to the east and west.
0 0 0
0 -1 32009
0 -1 32063
0 -1 32006
0 -1 32073
1 -1 32010
Executioners room~
This is the last room some of the prisoners will ever see. There is a large bloc
k in the middle of the room which is used for seperating the head from the body.
 The stench is overwhelming here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32008
The Cleric's Hold~
You are in the secret room of the muslim cleric. there are all sorts of religiou
s artifacts on the walls here. This is a very peaceful room.
0 16384 0
1 -1 32008
A quiet hallway~
You are standing in a quiet hallway. There is a large painting of the Mayor on t
he wall here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32002
0 -1 32012
painting  mayor wall~
The picture of the mayor has been eloquently doodled upon. Scrolled upon the bot
tom of the painting are the words: THE MAYOR IS A FINK!!~
A quiet hallway~
You are standing in a quiet hallway. There is a door to the south here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32011
1 -1 32013
0 -1 32014
The Weapons Room~
You are standing in the Weapons Room. This is where the guards store their equip
ment after their shift is over. There is an array of swords and axes stacked on 
a shelf behind the counter.
0 0 0
0 -1 32012
A quiet hallway~
You are standing in a quiet hallway. The hallway continues to the east and west.
0 0 0
0 -1 32012
0 -1 32015
Reception area~
You are standing in the main reception room. There is a lovely couch and a drink
ing fountain here. The administration Hallway leads to the south.
0 0 0
1 -1 32016
0 -1 32014
0 -1 32020
0 -1 32017
A broom closet~
You are in a small broom closet. There are old rags and other odds and ends stac
ked on the shelves here.
0 1 0
1 -1 32015
Spiral staircase~
You are standing in what appears to be a spiral stone staircase. You smell the p
ungent odor of Cannibus burning here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32015
0 -1 32018
Spiral staircase~
You are in a spiral staircase made of stone. You hear people laughing above you,
 and the smell of cannibus is getting stronger.
0 0 0
0 -1 32019
0 -1 32017
Smokey Tower~
You can feel yourself getting very relaxed as you take deep breaths of the smoke
 in here.  Man.....aren't there ANY windows?
0 0 0
0 -1 32018
The administration hallway~
You are standing in an administration hallway. The hallway continues to the nort
h and south.
0 0 0
0 -1 32015
0 -1 32021
The administration hallway~
You are standing in what appears to be a long corridor. The hallway continues to
 the north and south
0 0 0
0 -1 32020
0 -1 32022
The administration hallway~
You are standing in what appears to be a long corridor. The hallway continues to
 the north and south.
0 0 0
0 -1 32021
0 -1 32023
The administration hallway~
You are standing in what appears to be a long corridor. You hear the clicking of
 a typewriter to the south.
0 0 0
0 -1 32022
0 -1 32024
Warden's Office~
You are in the receptionist's office.It smells like pot pourri in here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32023
0 -1 32025
Warden's chamber~
You are standing in the Wardens chamber. There are pictures of all the inmates h
e has had executed on the walls. A large stack of pictures is on the floor as we
0 0 0
0 -1 32024
A quiet hallway~
You are standing in a quiet hallway. There is a large painting of Warden Brad on
 the wall here. The hallway continues to the east and west.
0 0 0
0 -1 32027
0 -1 32002
painting warden brad wall~
This man is a tyrant as evident by the portrait of him slaying and disemboweling
 for fun.~
A quiet hallway~
You are standing in a quiet hallway. There is a door to the south here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32029
1 -1 32028
0 -1 32026
The Armory~
You are standing in the armory. This is where the guards come and check there eq
uipment when their shift is over. You see a stack of shields behind the counter 
0 0 0
1 -1 32027
Triple junction~
you are standing in a triple junction. A maintenance hallway extends to the sout
h and a dimly lit hallway to the east.
0 0 0
0 -1 32030
0 -1 32035
0 -1 32027
Dimly lit hallway~
You are standing in a dimly lit hallway.  It seems as though maintenance ought t
o check on these lights in here.
0 1 0
1 -1 32031
0 -1 32032
0 -1 32029
A broom closet~
You are standing in a small broom closet. There are absolutely no brooms here. G
o figure?!?
0 0 0
1 -1 32030
Spiral staircase~
You are standing in at the base of a staircase made of stone. You can smell toba
cco wafting down from above.
0 0 0
0 -1 32030
0 -1 32033
Spiral staircase~
You are standing on a staircase made of stone. You can hear cursing and laughing
 from above.
0 0 0
0 -1 32034
0 -1 32032
The sneaky tower~
You are at the top of a spiral staircase. All around you are stacks and stacks o
f encyclopedias. It seems the only use they have had lately is being sit upon fo
r the nightly poker game.
0 0 0
0 -1 32033
A maintenance hallway~
You are standing in a long maintenance hallway. You smell solvents and other man
ly stuff in the air.
0 0 0
0 -1 32029
0 -1 32036
A maintenance hallway~
You are standing in a maintenance hallway. You smell solvents and other manly st
0 0 0
0 -1 32035
0 -1 32037
A maintenance hallway~
You are standing in a maintenance hallway. You smell solvents and other manly st
0 0 0
0 -1 32036
0 -1 32038
A maintenance hallway~
You are standing in a maintenance hallway. There is a door to the south. There i
s a sign on the wall here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32037
1 -1 32039
sign wall~
Salesmen seen by appointment only!!
If you dare to enter without an appointment
you will be killed....
Prison maintenance~
You are standing in room FULL of all sorts of maintenance items. There are cases
 and cases of Environmental Chemical Corporation aerosols here.
0 0 0
1 -1 32038
0 -1 32040
The boiler room~
You are in the boiler room. There is a tremendous steam boiler smack dab in the 
middle of the room. You have an overwhelming sense of forboding here.
0 0 0
0 -1 32039
Guard Room~
You are in what appears to be a guard room. There is a huge locked door to the w
0 0 0
0 -1 32003
2 32025 32042
A cellblock~
This is the reason this prison is here, to keep these people from getting out. Y
ou start to wonder if you can ever get out yourself. There are cells to the nort
h and south.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32050
2 -1 32041
1 -1 32051
0 -1 32043
A cellblock~
This is the reason the prison is here, to keep these people from getting out. Yo
u start to wonder if you will ever get out yourself. There are cells to the nort
h and south.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32048
0 -1 32042
1 -1 32049
0 -1 32044
A cellblock~
This is the reason the prison is here, to keep the people from getting out. You 
start to wonder of you will ever get out yourself. There are cells to the north 
and south. A small alcove leads to the west.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32046
0 -1 32043
1 -1 32047
0 -1 32045
An alcove~
This room is absolutely barren.........
0 1|8192 0
0 -1 32044
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There is a pile of straw on the floor and crude draw
ings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32044
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There ais a pile of straw on the floor and some crud
e drawings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32044
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There is a pile of straw on the floor and some crude
 drawings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32043
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There is a pile of straw on the floor and some crude
 drawings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32043
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There is a pile of straw on the floor and some crude
 drawings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32042
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. there is a pile of straw on the floor and some crude
 drawings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32042
A Guard Room~
You are in what appears to be a guardroom. there is a huge locked door to the ea
0 1 0
2 32025 32053
0 -1 32003
A cellblock~
This is the reason the prison is here, to keep people from getting out. You star
t to wonder if you will ever get out yourself. there are cells to the north and 
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32057
1 -1 32054
0 -1 32058
2 -1 32052
A cellblock~
This is the reason the prison is here, to keep people from getting out. you star
t to wonder if you will ever get out yourself. There are cells to the north and 
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32059
0 -1 32055
1 -1 32060
1 -1 32053
A cellblock~
this is the reason the prison is here, to keep people from getting out. You star
t to wonder if you will ever get out yourself. there are cells to the north and 
south. A small alcove leads to the east.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32061
1 -1 32056
1 -1 32062
1 -1 32054
An alcove~
You are in a small alcove. It appears as if someone has been living here. Piles 
of feces are in the corners and the smell of urine overpowers you.
0 1|8192 0
0 -1 32055
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. there is a pile of straw on the floor and crude draw
ings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32053
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. there is a pile of straw on the floor and crude draw
ings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32053
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There is a pile of straw on the floor and crude draw
ings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32054
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. There is a pile of straw on the floor and crude draw
ings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32054
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. there is a pile of straw on the floor and crude draw
ings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32055
A cell~
You are standing in a cell. there is a pile of straw on the floor and some crude
 drawings on the wall.
0 1|8192 0
1 -1 32055
The Yard~
You are in the exercise yard. You can hear the hustle and bustle of Midgaard jus
t over the wall. You also hear the muted tones of the prisoners whispers.
0 0 2
0 -1 32064
0 -1 32072
0 -1 32008
Northeast Corner of the yard~
You are standing in the northeast corner of the yard. There are Bloodstains on t
he wall here.
0 0 2
0 -1 32065
0 -1 32063
Eastern end of the yard~
You are standing in the eastern end of the yard. Prisoners are in little groups 
all around the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32064
0 -1 32066
0 -1 32072
Eastern end of the yard~
You are in the eastern end of the yard. There is a large wall right here to the 
east. Prisoners are in little groups all over the yard here.
0 0 2
0 -1 32065
0 -1 32067
0 -1 32071
Eastern end of the yard~
You are standing in the eastern end of the yard. There is a huge wall right here
 to the east. there are groups of prisoners all over the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32066
0 -1 32068
0 -1 32070
Southeastern corner of the yard~
You are standing in the southeastern corner of the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32067
0 -1 32069
Southern end of the yard~
You are standing in the southern end of the yard. Prisoners are standing in litt
le groups all around the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32070
0 -1 32068
0 -1 32079
Middle of the yard~
You are standing in the middle of the exercise yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32071
0 -1 32067
0 -1 32069
0 -1 32080
Middle of the yard~
You are standing in the middle of the exercise yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32072
0 -1 32066
0 -1 32070
0 -1 32081
Middle of the yard~
You are standing in the middle of the exercise yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32063
0 -1 32065
0 -1 32071
0 -1 32082
The yard~
You are standing in the exercise yard. You can hear the hustle and bustle of Mid
gaard just over the wall. You also hear the muted tones of the prisoners whisper
0 0 2
0 -1 32008
0 -1 32082
0 -1 32074
Northwestern corner of the yard~
You are standing in the northwestern corner of the yard. There are groups of pri
soners huddled all around the yard. It seems as though you are an outsider here.
0 0 2
0 -1 32073
0 -1 32075
Western end of the yard~
You are standing along the western end of the wall. You can see groups of prison
ers huddled all over the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32074
0 -1 32082
0 -1 32076
Western end of the yard~
You are standing on the western end of the yard. You can see groups of prisoners
 huddled together all over the yard. To the south you can hear a commotion.
0 0 2
0 -1 32075
0 -1 32081
0 -1 32077
Break in the western wall~
You are standing on the western end of the yard. There appears to be a hole in t
he wall to the west.
0 0 2
0 -1 32076
0 -1 32080
0 -1 32078
0 -1 32083
Southwestern corner of the wall.~
You are standing in the southwest corner of the yard. This is where the beatings
 must take place as evident by the corpses hanging on the wall.
0 0 2
0 -1 32077
0 -1 32079
Southern end of the yard~
You are standing in the southern end of the yard. Prisoners are standing in litt
le groups all around the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32080
0 -1 32069
0 -1 32078
Middle of the yard~
You are standing in the middle of the yard. You can see little groups of prisone
rs all around the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32081
0 -1 32070
0 -1 32079
0 -1 32077
Middle of the yard~
You are standing in the middle of the yard. You can see little groups of prisone
rs all around the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32082
0 -1 32071
0 -1 32080
0 -1 32076
Middle of the yard~
You are standing in the middle of the yard. You can see little groups of prisone
rs all around the yard.
0 0 2
0 -1 32073
0 -1 32072
0 -1 32081
0 -1 32075
Inside the hole~
You are standing inside a small hole dug into the wall. It looks as if this migh
t be some kind of escape route. Better hope the person digging it is not around!
0 0 2
0 -1 32077
Deep dank hall~
You are in a passage that leads to the showers. The walls are moist and slimy he
re. You can smell fear and decay......better leave now.
0 1 0
0 -1 32085
0 -1 32004
The showers~
This is the most feared and hated place in the entire prison. That must be why a
ll the prisoners look so dirty. The walls here are covered in slime and blood.
0 0 0
0 -1 32084
rusty shower head~
This is what WATER comes out of.........duhhhh.

If you are thirsty you could probably drink from it.~
The Cafeteria~
This is the place where everyone comes to chow down. Looks like the specials tod
ay are roast rat and slime ball soup. The smell here is EXTREMELY offensive.
0 0 0
0 -1 32087
0 -1 32006
The Kitchen~
This is where the finest chefs in all of Midgaard prepare the feasts daily for a
ll the lovely prisoners. It seems as if the chefs, feasts and lovely prisoners a
re long since gone.
0 0 0
0 -1 32086
Flar's Gateway to heaven~
You are standing in a huge Warehouse. This must be where Flar spends his days wo
rking. From here you can see a desk in the corner and a large sign on the wall.
0 4 1

M 1 32000 1 32001                     the gatekeeper to The Prison of Midgaard
E 1 32001 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
G 1 32000 100
D 1 32001 0 2                 ; The Prison of Midgaard Lock North
D 1 32008 4 1                 ; A long hallway Close Up
D 1 32016 2 1                 ; A broom closet Close South
D 1 32046 2 1                 ; A cell Close South
D 1 32044 0 1                 ; A cellblock Close North
D 1 32047 0 1                 ; A cell Close North
D 1 32048 2 1                 ; A cell Close South
D 1 32050 2 1                 ; A cell Close South
D 1 32042 0 1                 ; A cellblock Close North
D 1 32051 0 1                 ; A cell Close North
D 1 32053 3 2                 ; A cellblock Lock West
D 1 32054 3 0                 ; A cellblock Open West
D 1 32055 3 0                 ; A cellblock Open West
D 1 32055 1 1                 ; A cellblock Close East
D 1 32057 2 1                 ; A cell Close South
D 1 32053 0 1                 ; A cellblock Close North
D 1 32058 0 1                 ; A cell Close North
D 1 32059 2 1                 ; A cell Close South
M 1 32023 1 32088                     A huge Bronze Dragon to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
E 1 32007 100 1
E 1 32007 100 2
E 1 32010 100 3
E 1 32010 100 4
E 1 32011 100 5
E 1 32012 100 6
E 1 32013 100 7
E 1 32014 100 8
E 1 32015 100 9
E 1 32016 100 10
E 1 32017 100 11
E 1 32008 100 12
E 1 32018 100 13
E 1 32019 100 14
E 1 32019 100 15
E 1 32006 100 16
E 1 32020 100 17
G 1 32021 100
O 1 32020 100 32088                   a lucky charm to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32019 100 32088                   a hatchling bracer  to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32019 100 32088                   a hatchling bracer  to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32018 100 32088                   a hatchling belt to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32017 100 32088                   a hatchling shield to The Nesting Groundof the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32016 100 32088                   a set of hatchling sleeves to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32015 100 32088                   a pair of hatchling gloves to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32014 100 32088                   a pair of hatchling boots to The NestingGround of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32013 100 32088                   a set of hatchling leggings to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32012 100 32088                   a hatchling helmet to The Nesting Groundof the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32011 100 32088                   a newbie shirt to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32010 100 32088                   a hatchling cloak to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32009 100 32088                   a rat filet to The Nesting Ground of theGreat Queen Ramoth
O 1 32008 100 32088                   a hatchlings robe to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32007 100 32088                   an ember ring to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32007 100 32088                   an ember ring to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32006 100 32088                   a sword to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32005 100 32088                   Flar's bag of tricks to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32021 100 32088                   a starter kit to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
O 1 32022 100 32088                   a fountain to The Nesting Ground of the Great Queen Ramoth
M 1 32018 2 32087                     [processed aura] a slice of bologna to The Kitchen
O 1 32022 100 32089                   a fountain to Flar's Gateway to Heaven
O 1 32009 100 32089                   a rat filet to Flar's Gateway to Heaven
O 1 32024 100 32089                   A large cluttered desk to Flar's Gateway to Heaven
M 1 32003 6 32003                     the Prison Worker to A Dark Intersection
E 1 32028 100 16
C 1 3 0
M 1 32017 1 32013                     Jimmy the weaponmaster to The Weapons Room
G 1 32026 100
G 1 32038 100
G 1 32004 100
G 1 32001 100
M 1 32008 3 32017                     the stoned guard to Spiral staircase
E 1 32026 100 17
G 1 32027 100
M 1 32008 3 32019                     the stoned guard to Smokey Tower
E 1 32026 100 17
G 1 32027 100
M 1 32011 1 32024                     Trixie the secretary to Warden's Office
E 1 32042 100 5
M 1 32010 1 32025                     Brad the Warden to Warden's chamber
E 1 32041 100 3
E 1 32040 100 8
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32016 1 32028                     Larry the armsmaster to The Armory
G 1 32018 100
G 1 32019 100
G 1 32037 100
G 1 32057 100
G 1 32058 100
G 1 32059 100
M 1 32012 1 32039                     Steve the maintenance man to Prison maintenance
E 1 32044 100 6
E 1 32043 100 12
M 1 32013 1 32039                     Butch the helper to Prison maintenance
E 1 32045 100 13
M 1 32015 3 32040                     A steam monster to The boiler room
G 1 32050 100
M 1 32002 10 32034                    the Prison Guard to The sneaky tower
E 1 32007 100 1
E 1 32030 100 14
E 1 32029 100 16
F 1 0 1
M 1 32004 2 32041                     the Cell Guard to Guard Room
E 1 32036 100 1
E 1 32036 100 2
E 1 32034 100 11
E 1 32035 100 16
G 1 32025 100
M 1 32004 2 32052                     the Cell Guard to A guardroom
E 1 32031 100 7
E 1 32034 100 11
E 1 32007 100 1
E 1 32007 100 2
E 1 32032 100 10
E 1 32030 100 14
E 1 32030 100 15
E 1 32035 100 16
G 1 32025 100
M 1 32005 14 32046                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32038 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32047                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32004 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32048                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32038 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32049                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32038 100 16
E 1 32037 100 15
G 1 32009 100
M 1 32005 14 32050                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32011 100 5
E 1 32038 100 16
E 1 32037 100 15
M 1 32005 14 32051                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32004 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32057                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32004 100 16
M 1 32005 1 32058                     the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32038 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32059                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32038 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32060                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32028 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32061                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 14
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32038 100 16
M 1 32005 14 32062                    the prisoner to A cell
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32038 100 16
M 1 32019 1 32010                     The Muslim Cleric to The Cleric's Hold
E 1 32051 100 6
M 1 32018 2 32086                     (processed aura) a slice of bologna to The Cafeteria
M 1 32014 1 32087                     Wendy the Cook to The Kitchen
E 1 32047 100 0
E 1 32046 100 6
E 1 32049 100 12
G 1 32048 100
G 1 32058 100
G 1 32039 100
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32021 1 32009                     The Executioner to Executioners room
E 1 32052 100 16
M 1 32022 2 32083                     The Black thing to Inside the hole
G 1 32036 100
M 1 32009 5 32077                     the gangster to Break in the western wall
E 1 32038 100 16
E 1 32020 100 17
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32007 15 32077                    a flunky to Break in the western wall
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32005 14 32075                    the prisoner to Western end of the yard
E 1 32037 100 15
E 1 32028 100 16
M 1 32007 15 32074                    a flunky to Northwestern corner of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32001 12 32082                    the rat to Middle of the yard
M 1 32009 5 32081                     the gangster to Middle of the yard
E 1 32038 100 16
E 1 32020 100 17
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32001 12 32080                    the rat to Middle of the yard
M 1 32007 15 32080                    a flunky to Middle of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32003 6 32079                     the Prison Worker to Southern end of theyard
E 1 32028 100 16
M 1 32007 15 32079                    a flunky to Southern end of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32002 10 32078                    the Prison Guard to Southwestern corner of the wall.
E 1 32033 100 12
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32009 5 32068                     the gangster to Southeastern corner of the yard
E 1 32038 100 16
E 1 32020 100 17
G 1 32039 100
G 1 32057 100
M 1 32007 15 32068                    a flunky to Southeastern corner of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32067                    a flunky to Eastern end of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32001 12 32066                    the rat to Eastern end of the yard
M 1 32001 12 32065                    the rat to Eastern end of the yard
M 1 32007 15 32064                    a flunky to Northeast Corner of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32063                    a flunky to The Yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32009 5 32070                     the gangster to Middle of the yard
E 1 32038 100 16
G 1 32057 100
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32007 15 32071                    a flunky to Middle of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32005 14 32072                    the prisoner to Middle of the yard
E 1 32037 100 14
E 1 32037 100 15
M 1 32001 12 32040                    the rat to The boiler room
M 1 32001 12 32037                    the rat to A maintenance hallway
M 1 32003 6 32037                     the Prison Worker to A maintenance hallway
E 1 32028 100 16
M 1 32006 4 32036                     the cockroach to A maintenance hallway
M 1 32001 12 32031                    the rat to A broom closet
M 1 32001 12 32033                    the rat to Spiral staircase
M 1 32003 6 32027                     the Prison Worker to A quiet hallway
E 1 32028 100 16
C 1 3 2
M 1 32003 6 32005                     the Prison Worker to A long hallway
E 1 32028 100 16
M 1 32006 4 32007                     the cockroach to A long hallway
D 1 32041 3 2                 ; Guard Room Lock West
D 1 32052 1 2                 ; A Guard Room Lock East
D 1 32055 0 1                 ; A cellblock Close North
D 1 32055 2 1                 ; A cellblock Close South
M 1 32002 10 32008                    the Prison Guard to A long hallway
E 1 32031 100 7
E 1 32032 100 10
E 1 32034 100 11
E 1 32029 100 16
O 1 32060 100 32016                   a drum to A broom closet
M 1 32006 4 32016                     the cockroach to A broom closet
G 1 32025 100
M 1 32003 6 32021                     the Prison Worker to The administration hallway
E 1 32028 100 16
M 1 32001 12 32029                    the rat to Triple junction
O 1 32053 100 32031                   a trash can to A broom closet
O 1 32060 100 32031                   a drum to A broom closet
O 1 32039 100 32034                   a pile of gold coins to The sneaky tower
M 1 32001 12 32036                    the rat to A maintenance hallway
M 1 32024 1 32038                     Terry the salesman to A maintenance hallway
E 1 32061 100 11
E 1 32062 100 17
G 1 32065 100
G 1 32064 100
G 1 32063 100
G 1 32048 100
O 1 32036 100 32045                   a pitch black ring to An alcove
M 1 32001 12 32051                    the rat to A cell
M 1 32001 12 32000                    the rat to Entrance to the Prison
M 1 32015 3 32040                     A steam monster to The boiler room
G 1 32050 100
M 1 32009 5 32081                     the gangster to Middle of the yard
E 1 32038 100 16
E 1 32020 100 17
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32022 2 32083                     The Black thing to Inside the hole
G 1 32036 100
M 1 32001 12 32083                    the rat to Inside the hole
M 1 32015 3 32085                     A steam monster to The showers
G 1 32036 100
M 1 32020 1 32084                     the towel boy to Deep dank hall
M 1 32002 10 32005                    the Prison Guard to A long hallway
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32002 10 32008                    the Prison Guard to A long hallway
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32002 10 32011                    the Prison Guard to A quiet hallway
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32002 10 32021                    the Prison Guard to The administration hallway
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32002 10 32026                    the Prison Guard to A quiet hallway
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32002 10 32030                    the Prison Guard to Dimly lit hallway
E 1 32029 100 16
G 1 32039 100
M 1 32002 10 32034                    the Prison Guard to The sneaky tower
E 1 32029 100 16
M 1 32002 10 32085                    the Prison Guard to The showers
E 1 32029 100 16
E 1 32033 100 12
O 1 32055 100 32009                   a severed head to Executioners room
O 1 32055 100 32009                   a severed head to Executioners room
O 1 32054 100 32009                   a chopping block to Executioners room
M 1 32008 3 32019                     the stoned guard to Smokey Tower
E 1 32026 100 17
G 1 32027 100
M 1 32007 15 32063                    a flunky to The Yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32065                    a flunky to Eastern end of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32067                    a flunky to Eastern end of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32067                    a flunky to Eastern end of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32074                    a flunky to Northwestern corner of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
M 1 32007 15 32074                    a flunky to Northwestern corner of the yard
E 1 32004 100 16
E 1 32002 100 17
P 1 32007 100 32005
P 1 32008 100 32005
P 1 32009 100 32005
P 1 32010 100 32005
P 1 32011 100 32005
P 1 32012 100 32005
P 1 32013 100 32005
P 1 32014 100 32005
P 1 32015 100 32005
P 1 32016 100 32005
P 1 32017 100 32005
P 1 32018 100 32005
P 1 32019 100 32005
P 1 32020 100 32005
P 1 32021 100 32005
P 1 32067 100 32005
P 1 32068 100 32005
P 1 32069 100 32005
O 1 32056 100 32085                   a rusty leaky shower head to The showers
O 1 32003 100 32084                   a used condom wrapper to Deep dank hall
O 1 32023 100 32002                   a crumpled piece of paper to A Bright Intersection
O 1 32060 100 32039                   a drum to Prison maintenance
O 1 32053 100 32024                   a trash can to Warden's Office
O 1 32070 100 32089                   a large desk to Flar's Gateway to heaven
O 1 32071 100 32089                   an ivory fountain to Flar's Gateway to heaven

32016 9 0 0 8 0 100 100 0 23                  (mobile is from another zone)
32017 0 5 4 3 0 100 100 0 23                  (mobile is from another zone)
32024 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23                  (mobile is from another zone)

M  32000 spec_thief                     the gatekeeper
M  32001 spec_fido                      the rat
M  32002 spec_guard                     the Prison Guard
M  32003 spec_janitor                   the Prison Worker
M  32004 spec_guard                     the Cell Guard
M  32005 spec_thief                     the prisoner
M  32006 spec_poison                    the cockroach
M  32010 spec_breath_lightning                  Brad the Warden
M  32014 spec_breath_any                        Wendy the Cook
M  32015 spec_poison                    A steam monster
M  32019 spec_cast_adept                        The Muslim Cleric
M  32023 spec_breath_fire                       A huge Bronze Dragon
M  32024 spec_poison                    Terry the salesman
