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   <td class="big-title-font" colspan=2><font size=-3><B>File</B><BR></font>README.EXAMPLE</td>
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           <td class="small-title-font">Modified:</td>
           <td class="small-title-font">Wed Oct 26 13:20:37 GMT-5:00 2005</td>
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<div class="description"><h1>Example Game</h1>
This is an implementation of Stud Poker.
<li>rake patch - Install TeensyMud and patch it

<li>rake run - Run TeensyMud in the background

<li>telnet into the mud which should be running on port 4000

<h2>How to play</h2>
<li>Players should gather in a room to play and decide the order of play

<li>The dealer deals a hand by typing the command `deal&#8217;

<li>Each players hand will appear in their inventory and can be dislay by
typing the command `inv&#8217;

<li>Follow the standard rules of stud poker - see <a

<li>Upon a call each player shows their hand by typing the command `drop&#8217;

<li>Dealer clears the table by typing the command `clear&#8217; or



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