{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1024{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss Arial;}{\f3\froman Times New Roman;}{\f4\fswiss Arial;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;
\red127\green127\blue0;\red127\green127\blue127;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\s242\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640 \f3\fs26\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext242 footer;}{\s244 \f3\fs16\up6\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 footnote reference;}{\s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
\sbasedon0\snext245 footnote text;}{\s252\li360 \b\f3\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 3;}{\s253\sb240\sa60\keepn \b\i\f3\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 2;}{\s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 1;}{\s255\li720 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 Normal Indent;}{\f3\fs26\lang1033 \snext0 Normal;}{\s2\fi-2520\li2707\sa120 \b\f3\fs26\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 {\*\keycode \shift\ctrl F}flag;}}{\info{\title #$k+Bingo Contents}{\author Info Centre}
{\operator DR. L.A. McCREA}{\creatim\yr1996\mo2\dy18\hr20\min10}{\revtim\yr1998\mo12\dy28\hr15\min7}{\version125}{\edmins1230}{\nofpages0}{\nofwords0}{\nofchars0}{\vern16504}}\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\gutter0 
\widowctrl\ftnbj\hyphhotz0 \sectd \linex0 \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 {\plain \b\i\f4\cf2\up18\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up10 #} contents}}{\plain \b\i\f4\cf2\up18\lang1033 ${\footnote 
\pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up10 $} MOLE Contents}}{\plain \b\i\f4\cf2\up18\lang1033 k{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up10 k} Table of Contents;Contents;MOLE Help Contents}}{\plain \b\i\f4\cf2\up18\lang1033 +
{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up10 +} MM:0001}}MOLE Help Contents
\par \pard\plain \li180\sa120\tx2970 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\i\cf6 MOLE Rocks the MUD World.
\par }
\par \pard \li180\sa120\tx2970 {\uldb Introduction to MOLE}{\v introduction}
\par \pard \li180\sa120\tx2700 {\uldb Background and General Information}{\v backgro}{\v und}
\par {\uldb Main Menu Options}{\v menu_options}
\par {\uldb The Area Hierarchy Window}{\v area_hierarchy}
\par {\uldb The Terminal Window}{\v terminal_window}
\par {\uldb Editing in MOLE}{\v editing_in_mole}{\uldb 
\par }{\uldb Message Windows Help}{\v dialog_boxes}
\par {\uldb Glossary}{\v glossary}
\par \pard \li180\sa120\tx2970 {\uldb About MOLE}{\v about_mole}
\par {\uldb Appendix 1: Default Button Values}{\v default_button_values}
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} introduction}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Introduction}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Introduction;MOLE, Introduction}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:0010
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\i\cf6 MOLE Rocks the MUD World.}{\b\i 
\par }\pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Before we dive too deep into what MOLE is and how it works, it is important you understand some of the terminology used in this help file. Quickly glance over the following terms so that you 
understand how they are used in this document.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MOLE client}\tab Sometimes called just the "client", this is the MOLE program you run on your windows-based computer
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MUD server}\tab Sometimes called the "MUD", "server", or "MOLE server", this is the MUD which you connect to in order to use MOLE and play on the MUD.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OBJ, object}\tab An OBJ is, as its name sounds, any inanimate "thing" within the MUD. OBJs can be picked up, looked at, dropped, put into other OBJs, eaten, used as weapons, and so forth.
\par {\b\cf6 MOB, mobile}\tab A MOB is any computer-operated character in the MUD game. You can think of MOBs as the "cast" in the MUD. And if a MOB dies, it'll be re-incarnated to be killed again another day.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 WLD, world}\tab WLD are simply the "rooms" in which you exist. Everything exists within a WLD. WLDs are the "setting" or "backdrop" in the MUD.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Reset Commands}\tab Reset commands are executed periodically by the MUD to repopulate the MUD with killed MOBs, redistribute OBJs, and reset WLD doors etc. The Reset Command does this "house cleaning" so 
that the last MUD player can enjoy the MUD the same way as the first MUD player can.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Area}\tab 
An area is a collection of OBJs, MOBs, WLDs, and Reset commands which, together, constitute a cohesive or related group. Usually a single area will have a theme (eg: a space craft, or a mini-mall, or maybe a small city) and {\b 
usually have at least one quest which can be performed.
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Virtual Numbers}\tab Sometimes called "vnums", these are the numbers associated with the areas, MOBs, WLDs, and OBJs. Everything in the MUD has a
 virtual number and is referenced by it in Reset and related commands.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Now that we have a basic understanding of the terminology, we can move on to more interesting topics, like the {\uldb Background and General Information}{\v background}.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} background}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Background and General Information}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Background and General Information;General Information and Background}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +
{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:0020}}Background and General Information
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 To understand how MOLE works, it's useful to understand where it came from. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The Crimson2 MUD was originally designed with full on-line editing capabilities. Unfortunately, typing in editing commands for an entire area was enough to give a coder {\uldb CTS}{\v glossary}. Thus, MOLE was born. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 MOLE was not originally designed as the be-all and end-all of MUD editing tools. It was merely designed to operate as a front-end to the MUD editing process.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
The decision was made early on to make it 100% dependent upon the MUD to do the "hard work". This allowed for rapid development of MOLE as a GUI interface to existing MUD editing commands. This has the added benefit of MOLE always being up-to-date with th
e latest MUD settings.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 MOLE downloads information from 
the MUD on an as-needed basis. When you click on an item to edit, MOLE  requests the information from the server and, when it arrives, will display it for you. You can monitor the status of items being downloaded or uploaded in the {\uldb Area Window}{\v 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
Even hard-coded server information, such as flags, are downloaded from the server. For example, suppose the server is upgraded and the flag "SOME-FLAG" is added as a MOB's Action Flag. The next time you connect to the server and download a MOB, the "SO
ME-FLAG" will appear in the MOB's Action Flags! Therefore, you need never download a new MOLE client unless major changes have been made to the MOLE protocol (which is uncommon).
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
From this point on, it is assumed that you are roughly familiar with the concept of creating and editing an area, even if you don't know all (or any) of the on-line commands. If you do not understand any of the concepts described so far, either play the M
UD some more, or contact the MUD administrators for some help.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} menu_options}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Main Menu Options}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Main Menu Options; Menu Options, Main; Options, Menu Options}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:0030}}Menu Options
\par \pard\plain \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4 File}
\par \pard \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \tab {\f4 Connect to Host}\tab Connects to a new MOLE host. If you currently have an open connection to a MUD, you will be prompted if you wish to disconnect your existing connection, or abort the operation.

\par \tab {\f4 Disconnect From Host}\tab Disconnects from your current host. Note that, depending on the MUD, it may be better to quit from the MUD through normal means using the terminal window.
\par \pard \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \tab {\f4 Exit\tab }\tab Exit MOLE
\par \pard \fi-3427\li3600\sb120\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 {\b\f4\cf1 View}{\cf1 
\par }\pard \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \tab {\f4 Area List}\tab Show or Hide the Area Hierarchy window
\par \tab {\f4 Terminal Window}\tab Show or Hide the Terminal window
\par \pard \fi-3427\li3600\sb120\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 {\b\f4 H}{\b\f4 elp
\par }\pard \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \tab {\f4 Contents}\tab Takes you to the {\uldb Contents}{\v contents} page in this help file
\par \pard \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \tab {\f4 Search for Help on...}\tab Opens the search window for this help file
\par \tab {\f4 How to use Help}\tab Help on using this help utility
\par \pard \fi-3420\li3600\tx540\tx900\tx1260\tx3600 \tab {\f4 About MOLE}\tab 
Opens the About window for MOLE, showing the MOLE client version, your system status, your connection status, and (if connected) your host and MOLE protocol version. Also provides contact information for the authors of the Crimson2 MUD and MOLE.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} area_hierarchy}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Area Hierarchy}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Area Hierarchy Window;Window, Area Hierarchy; Hierarchy, Area}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:0040}}Area Hierarchy Window
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 The Area Hierarchy window is the main access point to the MUD. It shows a list of areas and, under each area, allows access to area details, reset commands, WLDs, MOBs, and OBJs.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 A screen-shot of the Area Hierarchy is shown below:
\par \{bml areahier.bmp\}
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 Crimson2 MUD}\tab This is the title of the MUD server. This shows you to whom you are connected.
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 Void (0-99)}\tab This is the first area, occupying virtual numbers 0 through 99. Note that every MOB, OBJ, and WLD belonging to this area will have a virtual number from 0 to 99.
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 Area Settings}\tab These are the area settings, or details, describing the area, the area's creator / editor, and other global area settings.
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 Reset}\tab These are the Reset Commands
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 World}\tab This is the WLD sub-tree. As shown above, it is closed; click on the blue triangle or double click on the "World" text to open it. 
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 Mobiles}\tab This is the MOB sub-tree. As shown above, it is open; you can double click on "Willie Wonka" to edit the MOB.
\par \pard \fi-2160\li2340\sa120 {\f4 Objects}\tab This is the OBJ sub-tree.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The Area window acts as you would expect it to: you can use cursor ke
ys, page up, page down, home, end, and the mouse to move up and down in the window. You can open and close the "globe" at the top, individual areas, and WLD, OBJ, and MOB listings within areas. Double click on any line (the text in the line, not the icon)
 or highlight an item and press enter to open or edit the item.
\par Note how, the above Area Hierarchy screen shot, the text of some items are different colour. Black text means the information has been downloaded to MOLE and is available in the local cache. G
rey text means that MOLE has not loaded the item and will need to do so before you can use it. Blue text means the item is either being downloaded from or uploaded to the MUD.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} terminal_window}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Terminal Window}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Terminal Window}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:0050}}
Terminal Window
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
The terminal window offers a full-colour ANSI-compatible terminal (32-bit MOLE versions) or a monochrome terminal (16-bit MOLE versions) to access the MUD while using MOLE. You may use this terminal as you would any terminal connected to the MUD host.

\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The colour terminal window currently supports up to 48 {\uldb funct}{\uldb ion key macros}{\v function_key_macros} and {\uldb configurable fonts}{\v choose_font}. Through the {\uldb terminal settings}{\v terminal_options}
 menu option, you can select an audible (or silent) bell, configure backspace and delete keys, and select local echo. The scroll-back buffer is currently set at 600 lines and is unchangeable.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The monochrome terminal offers a separate window for command line editing.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 In either window, if you close the window, you will {\b not} disconnect from the MUD; the terminal window will simply be hidden. You can show the terminal window again by selecting {\b\f4 View|Terminal Window}
 from the MOLE window's menu bar.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i Note}: You may observe extra command prompts echoed from the MUD server as MOLE commands are executed. This is normal and is not considered a bug.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} editing_in_mole}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Editing in MOLE}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Editing in MOLE;MOLE, Editing in}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +}
 MM:0060}}Editing in MOLE
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Editing in MOLE consists of three basic steps:
\par \pard \fi-360\li720\sa120\tx720 1)\tab Select an item to edit (MOB, OBJ, WLD, Area Detail, or Reset command) from the Area Hierarchy window.
\par \pard \fi-360\li720\sa120\tx720 2)\tab Edit the item in an edit window.
\par \pard \fi-360\li720\sa120\tx720 3)\tab Select "Save & Close" from the edit window, thereby saving changes (if any) back to the server.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Each editable item has its own unique editing window. For more information on each editing window, refer to the following pages:
\par \pard \li540\sa120\tx2160 {\uldb Area Detail Edit}{\v area_detail_edit}
\par {\uldb Reset Edit}{\v reset_edit}
\par {\uldb World Edit}{\v world_edit}
\par {\uldb Mobile Edit}{\v mobile_edit}
\par {\uldb Object Edit}{\v object_edit}
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
\par \pard \li187\sa120\tx2160 Also of interest are:
\par \pard \li540\sa120\tx2160 {\uldb Edit Flags}{\v edit_flags}
\par {\uldb Edit Extra / Property}{\v edit_extra_property}
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_DL_DIALOG_ABOUT_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} about_mole}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} About MOLE}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 About MOLE;MOLE, About}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:9000}}About MOLE!
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\i\cf6 MOLE Rocks the MUD World.}{\b\i 
\par }Written by B. Cameron Lesiuk, 1996-1998.
\par For information about MOLE or the Crimson2 family of MUD engines, contact:
\par \pard \li547\tx2160 {\i B. Cameron Lesiuk (MOLE author, C4, area builder)
\par }{\i 6840 Woodward Drive
\par }{\i Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada  V8M 1A8
\par }{\i clesiuk@uvic.ca or wi961@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
\par }\pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 or
\par \pard \li547\tx2160 {\i Ryan Haksi (Crimson2 MUD author, area builder)
\par }{\i cryogen@infoserve.net
\par }\pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
\par {\b\i Plug:
\par }\pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The Crimson2 MUD engine with C4 scripting and MOLE support is a 100% written-from-scratch custom MUD for commercial MUD applications. If you are interested in operating a for-profit MUD based on Crimson2, con
tact Ryan Haksi or B. Cameron Lesiuk at the above addresses. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\b\i 
\par }{\b\i Bug list and Feature Log:
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\uldb A bug list and change log is available.}{\v bug_list}
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 
\par \pard \li180\tx2340 {\fs16 MOLE and the MOLE Help file are copyright (c) 1998 B. Cameron Lesiuk, all rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of MOLE or the MOLE Help file, whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
\par }\pard \li180\tx2340 {\fs16 
\par }\pard \li180\tx2340 {\fs16 Crimson2, Crimson2799 and all associated program and code files are copyright (c) 1998 Ryan Haksi, all rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of any compo}{\fs16 
nent of the Crimson2 MUD, whole or in part, including, but not limited to, help files, source code, and compiled binary files, is strictly prohibited.
\par }\pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} bug_list}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Bug List and Change Log}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Bug List and Change Log;Change Log and Bug List}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:9100}}Bug List and Change Log
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\i\fs36 Bug List:
\par }\pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The following is a list of known bugs as of the time of compiling:
\par {\i Last updated: May 5, 1998
\par }\pard \fi-360\li720\sa120\tx720\tx2160 {\b\ul MOLE 
\par }\pard \fi-180\li720\sa120\tx720\tx2160 -\tab Can't change the number of scrollback lines in the colour ANSI terminal
\par -\tab ANSI terminal only available in 32-bit version
\par \pard \fi-360\li720\sa120\tx720\tx2160 {\b\ul MOLE Help
\par }\pard \fi-180\li720\sa120\tx720\tx2160 -\tab Object Types are undocumented
\par -\tab Many flag descriptions are incomplete or do not exist
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\b\i\fs36 Change Log:
\par }\pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i December 19, 1998, Version 1.34
\par }\pard \li720\sa120\tx2160 Several minor bugs are fixed. Added ability to put a direct IP address in the host configuration dialog box to bypass DNS lookup. Added a separate line input to the colour ANSI terminal (32-bit only). 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i May 5, 1998
\par }\pard \li720\sa120\tx2160 Finished the first version of the help file. Phew! This completes a month-long effort to finish reset editing, the help file, and apply some spit & polish to the MOLE project.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} glossary}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Glossary}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Glossary}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} MM:8900}}Glossary
\par \pard\plain \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\cf6 Administrator}\tab (ADM) The ultimate supreme dict
ators-for-life, and second only to the Implementors in authority. Typically,  Administrators are responsible for day-to-day and player-related issues. They may also have specific tasks assigned to them (eg: supervise and facilitate area building). Adminis
trators are usually really good friends of the Implementors (<wave> Hi Randor!).
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Area}\tab An area is a collection of OBJs, MOBs, WLDs, and Reset commands which, together, constitute a cohesive or related group. Usually a single area will have a theme (eg: a sp
ace craft, or a mini-mall, or maybe a small city) and usually have at least one quest which can be performed.{\b 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 CHR, Character}\tab A character can be either a MOB (mobile) or PLR (player). IE: if something affects characters, it will affect both MOBs and PLRs.{\b 
\par }{\b\cf6 Coders}\tab Coders, in Crimson2 MUDs, are area builders who specialize in C4 script writing. They may or may not actually think up and build their own areas.
\par {\b\cf6 Corbin}\tab Coder Extraordinaire, designer of C4, and maker of the fine MOLE on-line editing tool, including helpfull help file!
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Crimson2799}\tab Best, most advanced, most professionally produced MUD product in the world. Period. Developed over 3 years by a team of computer professionals... check out the web page: {\i 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cryogen}\tab Coder god of the known universe. Wrote Crimson2 MUD engine from scratch... and it's API is as clean as OpenGL. 'Nuf said.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 CTS}\tab Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. A condition in which the carpal tunnels of the wrist are aggravated and become inflamed, often due to ex
cessive repetitive movements such as typing. The condition is marked by pain in the hands and wrists. (Author's note: I know of at least 4 people aged 20-26 who got CTS from typing or related activities. One had it so bad he couldn't feed himself. If your
 hands hurt - take a break. And I suggest you get an ergonomic keyboard - Cryogen swears by them)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 God}\tab Gods are typically players who have very high level characters and have volunteered to help administer the MUD. Their tasks may include building new areas, helping players, and hand-hold newbies.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Immortal}\tab Player who helps with the administration of the MUD. See God, Implementor, Administrator.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Implementor}\tab 
(IMP) The ultimate supreme dictators-for-life. The imelemtors are the people responsible for the MUD. Implementors typically own the machine (or at least the account) on which the MUD operates. They also usually hack the server code to suite their own de
sires. The Implementors are the highest authority in the MUD simply because they "own" it; without them, the MUD wouldn't exist.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MOB, mobile}\tab A MOB is any computer-operated character in the MUD game. You can think of MOBs as the "cast" in the MUD. And if a MOB dies, it'll be re-incarnated to be killed again another day.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MOLE client}\tab Sometimes called just the "client", this is the MOLE program you run on your windows-based computer
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MUD}\tab Stands for "Multi-User Dungeon", "Multi-User Dimension", "More Unrestrained Dementia", and a few others I'm sure I've missed.
\par {\b\cf6 MUD server}\tab Sometimes called the "MUD", "server", or "MOLE server", this is the MUD which you connect to in order to use MOLE and play on the MUD.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MUSH, MOO, LP}\tab Other MUD programs.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OBJ, object}\tab An OBJ is, as its name sounds, any inanimate "thing" within the MUD. OBJs can be picked up, looked at, dropped, put into other OBJs, eaten, used as weapons, and so forth.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 PLR, player}\tab A PLR is a character in the MUD which is operated by a real living breathing human being... most of the time.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Reset Commands}\tab Reset commands are executed periodically by the MUD to r
epopulate the MUD with killed MOBs, redistribute OBJs, and reset WLD doors etc. The Reset Command does this "house cleaning" so that the last MUD player can enjoy the MUD the same way as the first MUD player can.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Virtual Numbers}\tab 
Sometimes called "vnums", these are the numbers associated with the areas, MOBs, WLDs, and OBJs. Everything in the MUD has a virtual number and is referenced by it in Reset and related commands.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 WLD, world}\tab WLD are simply the "rooms" in which you exist. Everything exists within a WLD. WLDs are the "setting" or "backdrop" in the MUD.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} dialog_boxes}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Nessage Windows}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Message Windows Help; Help, Message Windows}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 +} MM:0200}}Message Windows
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
There are lots and lots of condition and error message windows used by MOLE. For most, help is available via the "help" button... which leads to one of the following pages. If you really want, you can select one of the following links and then use the "<<
" and ">>" buttons to scroll through all of the help pages. However, read out of context, many pages will not make much sense. 
\par \pard \li547\tx2160 {\uldb Connect to a MOLE Host}{\v connecting_to_host}
\par {\uldb Edit MOL}{\uldb E Host}{\v edit_mole_host}
\par {\uldb Login}{\v login}
\par {\uldb Terminal Options}{\v terminal_options}
\par {\uldb Function Key Macros}{\v function_key_macros}
\par {\uldb Choose Font}{\v choose_font}
\par {\uldb Reloading the Area List}{\v reloading_area_list}
\par {\uldb Reloading a World List}{\v reloading_world_list}
\par {\uldb Reloading a Mobile List}{\v reloading_mobile_list}
\par {\uldb Reloading an Object List}{\v reloading_object_list}
\par {\uldb MOLE Authority / Protocol Error}{\v mole_authority_protocol_error}
\par {\uldb Low System Resource}{\v low_system_resources}
\par {\uldb Disconnecting with an Active Connection}{\v disconnecting_active_connection}
\par {\uldb Incompatible MOLE Versio}{\uldb n}{\v incompatible_mole_version}
\par {\uldb Socket Error (cannot get a free socket)}{\v socket_error1}
\par {\uldb Socket Error (couldn't resolve host name)}{\v socket_error2}
\par {\uldb Socket Error (connection refused by host)}{\v socket_error3}
\par {\uldb Socket Error (error connecting to host)}{\v socket_error4}
\par {\uldb Socket Error (error setting socket to async mode)}{\v socket_error5}
\par {\uldb Connection Unexpectedly Terminated}{\v socket_error6}
\par {\uldb Connection Closed}{\v socket_error7}
\par {\uldb Connection Unexpectedly Closed}{\v socket_error8}
\par {\uldb Network Error (connection closed due to a network error)}{\v socket_error9}
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_HO_DIALOG_OPENHOST_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} connecting_to_host}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Connecting to a MOLE Host}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Connecting to a MOLE Host; MOLE Host, connecting to a; Host, connecting to a}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:0200}}Connect to a MOLE Host
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
Use this window to select and connect to a MUD server (called a host). This window also allows you to edit host profiles. Simply select a host in the host window and then press one of the buttons to the right:
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Connect}\tab Connect to the selected MUD server and log in.
\par {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Cancel the operation.
\par {\b\cf6 Help}\tab This help page.
\par {\b\cf6 New Host}\tab Create a new host profile and open the host edit window.
\par {\b\cf6 Edit Host}\tab Edits the selected host profile.
\par {\b\cf6 Delete Host}\tab Deletes the selected host profile. 
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_HO_DIALOG_NEWHOST_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} edit_mole_host}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Edit MOLE Host}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Edit MOLE Host; MOLE Host, editing; Host, editing}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:0300}}Edit MOLE Host
\par \pard\plain \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\cf6 Host description}\tab This is the description shown in the Connect window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Internet Address}\tab This is the Internet address of the host you are connecting to.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}
: If you enter the host address as a numerical IP address (e.g.:, DNS (hostname) lookup will be bypassed. This may help in situations when you are experiencing problems with your DNS server or DNS is unavailable.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Port}\tab This is the Internet port on the host you are connecting to. All MUD connections need a port to connect t
o. Most MUDs will list their Address and Port together (eg: Some.Fun.Mud port 4500). The Port varies from MUD to MUD and is usually a number in the range of 1000-9999.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Login ID}\tab 
The name, or ID, you log into the MUD under. If you have not created a player on the MUD yet, log on using a terminal program and proceed through the character creation process for the MUD. Once you have finished, log off and fill in your character's nam
e here. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: If you do not provide a Login ID, you will be prompted for one when you connect to the host.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Password}\tab Your Login password.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: If you do not provide a Password, you will be prompted for one when you connect to the host.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_HO_DIALOG_LOGIN_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} login}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Login}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Login;MOLE Login}}
{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:0400}}Login
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 You only get the Login window if you have left your Login ID or your Password blank when setting up the host in the {\uldb Edit MOLE Host}{\v HP_HO_DIALOG_NEWHOST_HELP}
 window. In order for you to log onto the MUD, you must provide both your Login ID and your password.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i Note}: If you don't have a password, simply press OK.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Login ID}\tab Your Login or character name.
\par {\b\cf6 Password}\tab Your password.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_EM_DIALOG_EDITMOB_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} mobile_edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Mobile Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Mobile Edit;Edit, Mobile;Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0400}}Mobile Edit
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you access to all of the settings and fields of a MOB, or Mobile. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MOB Virtual}\tab The virtual number assigned to this MOB. You cannot change the virtual number.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Name (SDesc)}\tab This is the name of the mobile. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: The name is {\b not} the keywords! If you name your mobile "supertank", but only put "tank" in the keyword field, then players typing "kill supertank" will get an error message.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Keywords (Key)}\tab Keywords for the MOB. Players 
will use these keywords whey they use commands like "KILL". EG: kill robot. I usually put a few permutations of the name here. EG: for "supertank", I'd put "super", "tank", and "supertank" (separated by spaces, of course).
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 "Look" (LDesc)}\tab Text description players see when they do a general "look" while in the same room at the MOB.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Description (Desc)}\tab Text description players see when they "look <mob>".
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Action Flags}\tab Control the MOB's action. See {\uldb Action Flags (MOB)}{\v flag_edit4}
\par {\b\cf6 Affect Flags}\tab Control the MOB's abilities. See {\uldb Affect Flags (MOB)}{\v flag_edit5}
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Sex}\tab Do you really have to ask? The sex doesn't affect the MOB in any way.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Type}\tab Type of MOB. <Ryan? Can you expand here?>
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Position}\tab Position MOB will take. Can be anywhere from dead, through sleeping, right up to standing.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Level}\tab 
Level of the MOB. This does not affect any of the other stats for the MOB. However, it does affect what experience players get when they kill the MOB. If a player kills a MOB of higher level, the player will actually get {\b more} experience t
han that listed in the Exp field. Likewise, if a player kills a MOB of less level, the player will get less experience.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab The Default button also uses the level field to determine the base stats for the MOB, but this is just a MOLE function and has nothing to do with the operation of the MOB or the server at all.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Exp}\tab How much experience players get when they kill the MOB. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: Important! Players will get more or less experience depending if they are of lower or higher level than the MOB. See Level field.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Money}\tab How much money is the MOB carrying (which can be pickpocketed, or looted once the MOB is killed)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Aura}\tab How much aura power does the MOB have.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Default}\tab 
This button is unique to MOLE and has no relationship to the server at all. This button will take the value in the Level field, and based on that, use internal formulae to generate generic values for all combat statistics. Note that these stats are not p
erfect, and may be overridden. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: pressing this button will re-calculate all combat statistics, overriding (erasing) any changes or modifications previously made.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: refer to {\uldb Appendix 1}{\v default_button_values} for a table of the values given by the default button, up to level 40.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Armor}\tab Armor value for the MOB.
\par {\b\cf6 Hit Bonus}\tab Hit Bonus for the MOB.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Hit Points}\tab 
In the form of <num>d<num>+<num>. EG: 3d6+10. In this example, the hit points for each round of combat would be the sum of 3 rolls of a six sided dice, plus 10. Still confused? Roll a six sided dice 3 times... say you get 4, 2, 6. Ok. Add the
m up... you get 12. Now add 10... you get 22. This is your hit points for this round and this round of combat only. Each round, you re-roll your hit points.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Damage}\tab How much damage (before weapon bonuses etc.) does the MOB do when it hits. Similar to the Hit Points field.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Extras}\tab Use the buttons New, Edit, and Delete beside the Extras window to add and maintain extras connected to the MOB. Extras are like they sound - extra descriptions. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Properties}\tab Properties for the MOB. These could be C4 scripts, extra abilities, or state properties.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 << Previous}\tab Save changes to this MOB and load the previous one (according to the VNum)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Save & Close}\tab Save changes to this MOB and close the window
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Next >>}\tab Save changes to this MOB and load the next one (according to the VNum)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Copy }\tab Not working
\par {\b\cf6 Paste}\tab Not working
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Cancel changes to this MOB (ie: {\b don't} save them) and close this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Help}\tab Open the help file to this page.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_EP_DIALOG_EDITPROP_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} edit_extra_property}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Edit Extra / Property}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Edit Extra / Property;Edit Extra;Edit Property;Extra, Edit;Property, Edit;Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0600}}Edit Extra / Property
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you access to an Extra or Property.
\par More information to come...
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Extra Keyword}\tab If you are editing an Extra (eg: a World extra), this is the list of keywords for the Extra (eg: cup board cupboard). 
\par {\b\cf6 Property Name}\tab If you are editing a Property, this is the name of the Property (eg: @COMMAND).
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Desc}\tab This is the body text of your Extra or Property.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_EF_DIALOG_EDITFLAG_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} edit_flags}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Edit Flags}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Edit Flags;Flags, Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0700}}Edit Flags
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you to select or unselect flags used in various places throughout the MUD. The meaning of the specific flags can (hopefully) be found either on one of the pages below or
 within the MUD's help. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li540\sa120\tx2160 {\uldb Area Flags}{\v flag_edit1}
\par {\uldb Door Flags}{\v flag_edit2}
\par {\uldb World Flags}{\v flag_edit3}
\par {\uldb Action Flags (MOB)}{\v flag_edit4}
\par {\uldb Affect Flags (MOB)}{\v flag_edit5}
\par {\uldb Action Flags (OBJ)}{\v flag_edit6}
\par {\uldb Scan Flags (OBJ:Scanner)}{\v flag_edit7}
\par {\uldb WFLAGS (OBJ:Weapon)}{\v flag_edit8}
\par {\uldb DAMFLAG (OBJ:Weapon)}{\v flag_edit9}
\par {\uldb DAMTYPE Flags (OBJ:Ammo)}{\v flag_edit10}
\par {\uldb C-Flags (OBJ:Container)}{\v flag_edit11}
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i Note}: MOLE automatically downloads flag definitions from the server. Therefore, flag definitions may change without notice. All efforts will be made to ensur
e this help file is up-to-date. However, for frequent changes or custom MUDs, keeping this file recent may be difficult or impossible.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_EW_DIALOG_EDITWLD_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} world_edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} World Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 World Edit; Edit World}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0300}}World Edit
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you to edit the fields for a WLD, or World.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 WLD Virtual}\tab The virtual number assigned to this WLD. You cannot change the virtual number.
\par {\b\cf6 Name (SDesc)}\tab This is the name of the world. Players entering the WLD or typing "look" will see the Name as the first thing. 
\par {\b\cf6 Description (Desc)}\tab This is the long-text description players see when they type "look". 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Type}\tab 
This defines the type of WLD structure and affects how many movement points characters will be taxed when moving through it. It may also define if characters need special equipment or special abilities in order to traverse the WLD.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 World Flags}\tab Control the attributes of the WLD. See {\uldb World Flags}{\v flag_edit3}
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Exit}\tab North, South, etc. If these boxes are checked, an EXIT will be created in the corresponding direction.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 To (Wld)}\tab EXIT (required): This is the destination room for the exit. Characters moving through the exit will end up in this room. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: you need to specify the virtual number of the destination room.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Key (Obj)}\tab EXIT (optional): this specifies the "key" number for key objects. Doors can be unlocked by keys with {\b either} a matching virtual number {\b or} a matching KEYNUMBER field.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: if you do not which to use this field, enter -1. If you leave this field blank, MOLE will automatically insert -1 by default.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Keyword(s)}\tab EXIT (optional): You may attach keywords to the EXIT. Players wi
shing to move through the exit may refer to it instead of the direction. EG: If "north" has a keyword of "tunnel", then players may type either "north" or "go tunnel".
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Description}\tab EXIT (optional): This is the text players will see when they look at the EXIT. EG: "look north".
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 <direction> Flags}\tab North Flags, South Flags, etc. These are the door flags affecting the exit. See {\uldb Door Flags}{\v flag_edit2}.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 >}\tab Each EXIT has a ">" button at the far right. This is the "goto" button. This button acts the same as the "<< P
revious" and "Next >>" buttons except that it will take you to the WLD of virtual number in the To (Wld) field. This allows you to essentially "browse" through your area quickly and make sure all the EXITs go where they are supposed to.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Extras}\tab New, Edit, Delete. These buttons allow you to edit extras attached to the WLD. Extras are as their name suggests, extra descriptions. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab EG: A room Desc contains "There are a set of cupboards on the north wall". Then you could add an extra with keywords "cupboards no
rth wall" and a description like "The cupboards are empty". Then, if players type "look cupboards" or "look north", they will get the message "The cupboards are empty"! Coolness! It adds depth, eh?
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Properties}\tab New, Edit, Delete. These buttons allow you to edit properties attached to the WLD. These may be C4 scripts, optional characteristics, or state variables.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 << Previous}\tab Save changes to this WLD and load the previous one (according to the VNum)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Save & Close}\tab Save changes to this WLD and close the window
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Next >>}\tab Save changes to this WLD and load the next one (according to the VNum)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Copy }\tab Not working
\par {\b\cf6 Paste}\tab Not working
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Cancel changes to this WLD (ie: {\b don't} save them) and close this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Help}\tab Open the help file to this page.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_EO_DIALOG_EDITOBJ_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} object_edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Object Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Object Edit;Edit Object}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0500}}Object Edit
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you to edit the fields for an OBJ, or Object.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OBJ Virtual}\tab The virtual number assigned to this OBJ. You cannot change the virtual number.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Name (SDesc)}\tab This is the name of the object. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: The name is {\b not} the keywords! If you name your object "supergun", but only put "gun" in the keyword field, then players typing "get supergun" will get an error message.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Keywords (Key)}\tab 
Keywords for the OBJ. Players will use these keywords whey they use commands like "get". EG: get wrench. I usually put a few permutations of the name here. EG: for "supergun", I'd put "super", "gun", and "supergun" (separated by spaces, of course).
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 "Look" (LDesc)}\tab Text description players see when they do a general "look" while in the same room at the OBJ.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Descript}{\b\cf6 ion (Desc)}\tab Text description players see when they "look <OBJ>".
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Type}\tab Controls the type of object. There are many object types, each with its own set of parameters. Currently, these are undocumented until someone gets around to going through them all. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Wear}\tab Controls where the OBJ may be worn (equipped)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Action Flags}\tab Control the OBJ's action. See {\uldb Action Flags (OBJ)}{\v flag_edit6}
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Weight}\tab How much does the OBJ weigh? Characters have a limited total weight they can carry, based upon their strength.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Value}\tab The value of the item. Storekeepers use this value when determining how much to pay or charge for the item.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: typically, shopkeepers will automatically inflate the price of objects being sold (to cover their costs) and deflate the price of objects being bought.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}
: The most a shopkeeper will never pay for an OBJ is its Value. Likewise, the least a shopkeeper will ever sell an OBJ for is its Value. This is to prevent shopkeepers from "printing money" for players buying and selling the same item back and forth.

\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Rent}\tab The rent is how much money it costs to "bribe" the stasis chamber operators in order to keep the OBJ till next time players log on. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab Rent is only appropriate for objects of extreme power or that are unique or very limited in number.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Remaining Fields}\tab The remaining fields will depend upon what type of object you are creating. Currently there is no documentation for all the type fields. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Apply}\tab The Apply section allows you to add up to four special bonuses characters will receive when they equip 
the OBJ. There are two fields to each apply bonus: the apply type and value. EG: an apply of "STR" with value 5 will give a character an extra 5 strength when it has the object equipped. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: Players must have the object equipped in order to reap the benefits of Apply bonuses.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Extras}\tab Use the buttons New, Edit, and Delete beside the Extras window to add and maintain extras connected to the OBJ. Extras are like they sound - extra descriptions.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab EG: The OBJ Desc may say "There is a symbol inscribed on th
e bottom". Then you may add an extra with keywords "symbol inscribed bottom" and description "The symbol is a circle with a K in the middle". Then, when players "look symbol", they will get the extra message.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Properties}\tab Properties for the OBJ. These could be C4 scripts, extra abilities, or state properties.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 << Previous}\tab Save changes to this OBJ and load the previous one (according to the VNum)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Save & Close}\tab Save changes to this OBJ and close the window
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Next >>}\tab Save changes to this OBJ and load the next one (according to the VNum)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Copy }\tab Not working
\par {\b\cf6 Paste}\tab Not working
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Cancel changes to this OBJ (ie: {\b don't} save them) and close this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Help}\tab Open the help file to this page.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_EA_DIALOG_EDITADT_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} area_detail_edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Area Detail Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Area Detail Edit;Edit Area Detail}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0100}}Area Detail Edit
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you to edit the attributes of an area. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Note these attributes are {\b global} to the selected area and the selected area {\b only}.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Area Name}\tab This static field displays the name of the area.{\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Description}\tab This is a short description of the area. This description is {\b never} seen by regular play
ers. Use this field to store a short description of your area, special items, mobiles, quests, or any other information about the area which may be useful to other area builders or administrators.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Area Editors}\tab Listed are the area builders who have administration privileges for the area. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: currently, only {\b one} area editor may be listed.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: only full administrators (ADM) or implementors (IMP) may change the Area Editors field.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Reset Delay}\tab This is the time (in minutes) between automatic resets.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}: the operation of this field may vary depending on the Area Flag settings.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Area Flags}\tab Area flags affect how the area behaves. {\uldb A description of the Area Flags is available}{\v flag_edit1}.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_ER_DIALOG_EDITRST_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} reset_edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Reset Edit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Reset Edit;Edit Reset}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} ED:0200}}Reset Edit
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
This screen allows you to edit the Reset operation of an area. Note that only 6 Reset commands are shown 6 per screen. Use the "<< Previous" and "Next >>" buttons at the bottom of the window to move from page to page. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 The current page and total number of pages is shown in the top right of the window. The area name is also shown at the top right of the window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Delete}\tab Permanently deletes this Reset command. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Insert}\tab Adds a blank reset command immediately {\b after} this command.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 There are 8 reset commands available, each with its own parameters:
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 MOB to Room}\tab This command creates the specified MOB and places it in the specified WLD. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Mobile}\tab Specifies the MOB to create.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Game Max}\tab Don't create the MOB if this number of MOBs already exist (anywhere in the game)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Room}\tab Specifies the WLD in which to place the MOB.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Room Max}\tab Don't create the MOB if this number of MOBs already exist (in this room only)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OBJ to Room}\tab This command creates the specified OBJ and places it in the specified WLD. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Object}\tab Specifies the OBJ to create.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Game Max}\tab Don't create the OBJ if this number of OBJs already exist (anywhere in the game)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Room}\tab Specifies the WLD in which to place the OBJ.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Room Max}\tab Don't create the OBJ if this number of OBJs already exist (in this room only)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OBJ from Room}\tab This command checks to see if the specified OBJ exists in the specified WLD, and if it does, removes it. If the OBJ does not exist in the WLD, no action is taken.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Object}\tab Specifies the OBJ to remove (destroy).
\par {\b\cf6 \tab Room}\tab Specifies the WLD to remove the OBJ from.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Give OBJ to MOB}\tab This command creates the specified OBJ and gives it to the last-created MOB. The MOB will add the OBJ to its inventory but will {\b not} equip it.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Object}\tab Specifies the OBJ to create.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Game Max}\tab Don't create the OBJ if this number of OBJs already exist (anywhere in the game)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 }{\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Put OBJ in OBJ}\tab This command creates the specified OBJ and places it inside the specified OBJ. How does it know where???
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Object}\tab Specifies the OBJ to create.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Game Max}\tab Don't create the OBJ if this number of OBJs already exist (anywhere in the game)
\par {\b\cf6 \tab Into Object}\tab Specifies the OBJ in which to place the new OBJ is to be placed.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Equip MOB w/ OBJ}\tab This command creates the specified OBJ and gives it to the last-created MOB. The MOB will add the OBJ to its inventory {\b and will try} to equip it.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Object}\tab Specifies the OBJ to create.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Game Max}\tab Don't create the OBJ if this number of OBJs already exist (anywhere in the game)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Set EXIT state}\tab This command sets the EXIT (door) flags for the specified EXIT in the specified WLD. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 \tab \tab {\i Note}: If players may unlock/open doors as part of a quest, you must use this command to close and lock them afterwards.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Room}\tab Specifies the WLD which the EXIT belongs to.
\par {\b\cf6 \tab Exit}\tab Specifies the EXIT (direction) to alter the flags of.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 \tab Door Flags}\tab Specifies the new flags to be applied to the EXIT. See {\uldb Door Flags}{\v flag_edit2}
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx540\tx2700 {\b\cf6 *comment*}\tab This command is merely a spacer. You cannot attach any parameter to this command. This command will be ignored by the reset software.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
The Conditional field is a special field which allows reset commands to be selectively activated or deactivated. A reset field with Conditional set to "No" will always occur (or try, as per its other parameters). A reset field with Conditional set to "Yes
" will only occur if the {\b last} reset command occurred.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 For example, suppose you wish to create a MOB and equip it with an OBJ. You might use this command sequence:
\par \pard \fi-7\li540\sa120\tx3240 MOB to Room\tab Conditional: No
\par Equip MOB w/ OBJ\tab Conditional: Yes
\par Give MOB to OBJ\tab Conditional: Yes
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
The above will always try to create the MOB. If the MOB creation is successful, it will proceed to try and generate two OBJs and give them to the MOB. Note the MOB will try to equip the first OBJ. Note also that the last command will occur {\b even if}
 the MOB cannot equip the OBJ; as long as the first OBJ is created, the second command will try to execute.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Now suppose there are too many MOBs already and the first command does {\b not} execute. Then the subsequent two will also not execute because they have their Conditional flags set to Yes.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 << Previous}\tab Change to the previous page (wraps around from 1 back to the last page)
\par {\b\cf6 Save & Close}\tab Save changes to the Reset commands and close the window
\par {\b\cf6 Next >>}\tab Change to the next page (wraps around from the last page back to 1)
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Copy }\tab Not working
\par {\b\cf6 Paste}\tab Not working
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Cancel changes to the Reset commands (ie: {\b don't} save them) and close this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Help}\tab Open the help file to this page.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_AT_DIALOG_ATOPT_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} terminal_options}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Terminal Options}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Terminal Options;Options, Terminal}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1200}}Terminal Options
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\i Note}: This only applies to MOLE clients equipped with full-colour terminals.
\par This window allows you to customize how the ANSI terminal looks and feels.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Emulation}\tab Select {\b None} if you want no translation performed on the incoming text stream. Select VT100 if you want ANSI colour text and editing functions.
\par {\b\cf6 Bell}\tab Check this box if you want ANSI Bell characters to sound an audible bell. Uncheck this box if you want ANSI Bell characters to be ignored.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Local Echo}\tab Check this box if you want all typed text to be echoed to the display. Uncheck this box if the host echoes text for you. The default for most MUDs is for local echo to be on.
\par {\b\cf6 Backspace Key}\tab This selects the character to send when you press the Backspace key. Select BS to send the Backspace key sequence (0x08). Select DEL to send the Delete key sequence (0x7F). 
\par {\b\cf6 Delete Key}\tab This selects the character to send when you press the Backspace key. Select BS to send the Backspace key sequence (0x08). Select DEL to send the Delete key sequence (0x7F).
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_AT_DIALOG_ATFNKEY_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} function_key_macros}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Function Key Macros}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Function Key Macros;Macros, Terminal;Terminal Macros}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1300}}Function Key Macros
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\i Note}: This only applies to MOLE clients equipped with full-colour terminals.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 This screen allows you to edit the function key macros. Note that each function key from F1-F12 may hold a macro. You can use any regular ASCII character as well as the following special character codes:
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx720\tx1440 \tab \\a\tab Alert (Bell) (0x07)
\par \tab \\b\tab Backspace (0x08) (why?)
\par \tab \\t\tab Horizontal Tab (0x09)
\par \tab \\n\tab Return (0x0D)\tab 
\par \tab \\r\tab Return (0x0D)
\par \tab \\\\\tab \\
\par Codes not listed above will be ignored.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i Note}: There are 4 sets of function key combinations: just the straight function key (F1-F12), SHIFT + function key, CTRL + function key, and SHIFT + CTRL + function key. 
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_COMMDLG_FONT_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} choose_font}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Choose Font}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Choose Font;Font, Choose;Terminal Font}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1400}}Choose Font
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 This screen allows you to select the font used for the terminal display. It's the standard windows font-picker... I suspect you can figure it out. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i Note}: only mono-spaced character sets can be used by the terminal display.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_AREALIST_RELOAD_WARN}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} reloading_area_list}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Reloading the Area List}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Reloading the Area List;Area List, Reloading}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1500}}Reloading the Area List
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
You have requested a command which will cause the area list to be reloaded from the host. Performing this operation causes MOLE to flush all data it has in its local cache for all areas (including area details, reset information, world lists, etc). If you
 are currently editing anything, either save and close the edit window now, or select "cancel" in this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OK}\tab Area list will be reloaded. All open edit windows will be closed and any changes will be lost.
\par {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Aborts the operation. Open edit windows will remain open and changes will not be lost.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_WLDLIST_RELOAD_WARN}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} reloading_world_list}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Reloading a World List}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Reloading a World List;World List, Reloading}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1600}}Reloading a World List
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
You have requested a command which will cause the world list for this area to be reloaded from the host. Performing this operation causes MOLE to flush all world data it has in its local cache for this area. If you are currently editing a world in this ar
ea, either save and close the edit window now, or select "cancel" in this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OK}\tab World list will be reloaded. All open world edit windows for this area will be closed and any changes will be lost.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Aborts the operation. Open edit windows will remain open and changes will not be lost.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_MOBLIST_RELOAD_WARN}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} reloading_mobile_list}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Reloading a Mobile List}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Reloading a Mobile List;Mobile List, Reloading}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1700}}Reloading a Mobile List
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
You have requested a command which will cause the MOB list for this area to be reloaded from the host. Performing this operation causes MOLE to flush all MOB data it has in its local cache for this area. If you are currently editing a MOB in this area, ei
ther save and close the edit window now, or select "cancel" in this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OK}\tab Mobile list will be reloaded. All open Mobile edit windows for this area will be closed and any changes will be lost.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Aborts the operation. Open edit windows will remain open and changes will not be lost.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_OBJLIST_RELOAD_WARN}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} reloading_object_list}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Reloading an Object List}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
{\fs16\up6 K} Reloading an Object List;Object List, Reloading}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1800}}Reloading an Object List
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 
You have requested a command which will cause the OBJs for this area to be reloaded from the host. Performing this operation causes MOLE to flush all OBJ data it has in its local cache for this area. If you are currently editing a OBJ in this area, either
 save and close the edit window now, or select "cancel" in this window.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OK}\tab Object list will be reloaded. All open Mobile edit windows for this area will be closed and any changes will be lost.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Aborts the operation. Open edit windows will remain open and changes will not be lost.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_MOLEEDITERROR_HELP}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} mole_authority_protocol_error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} MOLE Authority / Protocol Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} MOLE Authority / Protocol Error;Protocol Error, MOLE;Authority Error, MOLE}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:1900}}MOLE Authority / Protocol Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 The operation you requested could not be completed for one of the following reasons:
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 You don't have the authorization}\tab The operation you requested is outside the authority given to you by the MUD a
dministrators. If you are supposed to be able to do the operation, contact your MUD administrators and they can modify your privilege level.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 You don't have write/modify privileges}\tab 
The operation you requested is outside the authority given to you by the MUD administrators. In some circumstances, area builders will be able to load and view things, but won't have permission to modify them. If you are supposed to be able to do the ope
ration, contact your MUD administrators and they can modify your privilege level.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 You are not in the correct position for that action!}\tab You are not currently in the correct position to perform the requested operation (your {\i character}
, not you personally!!). Instruct your character to stand, sit, or do whatever is required for the command to be executed.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Area/wld/obj/mob doesn't exist}\tab 
An Area/wld/obj/mob was accessed which does not exist. This message most likely represents a bug in either MOLE or the host. If you get this message consistently, notify your MUD administrators.{\b\cf6 
\par }\pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Comman}{\b\cf6 d Not Implemented}\tab The operation you requested is not supported by the host.
\par {\b\cf6 Garbled Packet}\tab There was an error during transmission of the MOLE information. Please try your command again. 
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 \tab {\i Note}
: this should not happen because MOLE has an automatic re transmit mechanism built-in which detects and re transmits corrupted packets (not to mention it's using TCP - a error detecting and correcting protocol). If you consistently see this error, please 
notify the MUD administrators. 
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_LOW_SYS_RES_WARN}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} low_system_resources}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Low System Resources}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 K} Low System Resources;System Resources, Low; Resources, System}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2000}}Low System Resources
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 If
 you are running MOLE on Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows 3.1x with Win32s, or Windows 95, you have a limited supply of "system resources". Without going into a tirade about how uncreative, stupid, short sighted, and simply idiotic the programmers were 
(and continue to be) for certain self-proclaimed operating systems which are really just DOS shells, suffice it to say that you need "system resources" to run programs. If you open too many windows or too many programs, you may run out of system resources
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 You will get this message if you are running low on system resources and MOLE is unsure that it can continue to function properly. In this case, simply close some windows. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
While this is all good and fine in Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11, Win32s and Windows 95 will not let programs know how much of the system resources are left. Therefore, on these systems, MOLE has no way of alerting the user about depleting system resources
. In this case, if you open too many windows, things will just start screwing up or not working at all. Again, in this case, simply close some windows.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 {\i Note}: Under Windows NT, they finally solved this problem. You won't run out of system resources under Windows NT until you run out of memory... or so I'm told.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_DISCONNECT_WARN}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} disconnecting_active_connection}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Disconnecting with an Active Connection}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote 
\pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Disconnecting with an Active Connection; Active Connection, disconnecting}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2100}}
Disconnecting with an Active Connection
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 You currently have an active connection to a host. You will get this message if you have an active connection and you selected to connect to a new host, or to disconnect from the current one.
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 OK}\tab Close the connection to the current host
\par \pard \fi-2520\li2707\sa120\tx2700 {\b\cf6 Cancel}\tab Keep the connection to the current host and abort the operation.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_BAD_MOLE_VERSION}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} incompatible_mole_version}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Incompatible MOLE Versions}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Incompatible MOLE Versions;Version, MOLE}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2200}}Incompatible MOLE Version
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 You have attempted to connect to a host which does not support your MOLE client. Contact your MUD administrators to get the proper version of MOLE.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_NO_SOCK}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error1}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, cannot get a free socket}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2300}}Socket Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Cannot get a free socket. I don't know why this may have happened, but my guesses are (most likely first):
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 Something is really screwy with your system - reboot.
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You have too many network connections and you are overloading your network layer. Close some network applications!
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 There is a bug in MOLE. If this occurs regularly, contact the author.
\par There is an incompatibility between your network software and MOLE.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_HOSTNAME}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error2}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, couldn't resolve host name}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2400}}Socket Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Couldn't resolve host name. MOLE could not find the IP address for the host. Reasons could include (most likely first):
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You typed in the wrong host name. Check the host name in the Host Edit window. If the problem persists, try typing in the actual numeric IP address (not the alias) IE: instead of typin
g "some.fun.mud.com" type in the numeric address in the form of "". Typing in the numeric address will bypass DNS lookup.
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You typed in the wrong host name again.
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You have the wrong host name. Either that, or the host may have moved or shut down.
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You have your network software set up improperly.
\par Your DNS is down. Try entering the host as a numeric address.
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 Your DNS does not recognize or does not otherwise know how to find the specified host. Try entering the host as a numeric address.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_REFUSED}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error3}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, connection refused by host}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2500}}Socket Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Connection refused by host: Server isn't listening. 
\par This error could occur for many reasons. The most likely ones are:
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You typed in the wrong host name. Check the host name in the Host Edit window.
\par You typed in the wrong port. Check the port number in the Host Edit window.
\par The MUD has moved to a new machine or new port. Check to make sure you have the latest server and port information!
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 The MUD has shut down or crashed. This may be a temporary or permanent situation. If you suspect either of these, and the MUD does not seem to be rebooting by itself, email the MUD administrators.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_MISC}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error4}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, error connecting to host}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2600}}Socket Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Error connecting to host.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 I haven't the foggiest idea why this happened. Check your network software and try again.
\par Failing that, make sure you have the correct host address and port, that you've typed them in correctly, and that the MUD is running.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 If the problem persists, even after you have used Netscape on the same machine, logged into the MUD 6 times with other telnet programs, and
 FTP'ed a new game to your grandmother, contact the author. But please, if you contact me, you'd better supply more information than "it don't work". I want hard information: Who are you? Where are you? How are you connected? What kind of machine are you 
using? What software are you running (O/S and application)? What's your IP address? Are you behind a firewall? And I'll think of a few more if you actually ever email me.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_ASYNC}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error5}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, error setting socket to async mode}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2700}}Socket Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Error setting socket to Async mode. Connection aborted.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Your net
work software does not support asynchronous sockets. This is very strange because async sockets are really the only choice for network applications in windows; blocking calls work, but applications that use them are buggy, leave the user hanging much of t
he time, can't execute an abort operation if their life depended on it, and generally suck. So if your machine can't do async mode on a socket, then jeeeeepers get a new machine!
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 (actually, it's probably just something stupid... try rebooting)
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_KILLED}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error6}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, connection unexpectedly terminated}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2800}}Connection Unexpectedly Terminated
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Connection has been unexpectedly terminated. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 
Why did this happen? I don't know. My first guess would be that there is something wrong with the network. If that's not it, my second guess would be that something really bad happened. I would suggest you exit your applications, reboot, and try to reconn
ect to your network. If the problem persists, take the rest of the day off. If this still happens tomorrow, and you've had MOLE and other network applications working in the past, contact your system administrator.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_CLOSED}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error7}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, connection closed}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:2900}}Connection Closed
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Connection closed by host
\par This could happen for a number of reasons. Some common ones are:
\par \pard \fi-7\li720\sa120\tx2160 You logged off in the terminal window.
\par The host found it necessary to kick you off the MUD.
\par The MUD crashed.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_UNEXPCL}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error8}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, connection unexpectedly closed}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:3000}}Connection Unexpectedly Closed
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Connection has been unexpectedly closed. 
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Why did this happen? I don't know. My first guess would be that there is something wrong with the network. If that's not it, my second guess would be that something
 really bad happened. I would suggest you exit your applications, reboot, and try to reconnect to your network. If the problem persists, take the rest of the day off. If this still happens tomorrow, and you've had MOLE and other network applications worki
ng in the past, contact your system administrator.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} HP_IB_SOCKET_ERROR_NETERR}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} socket_error9}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Socket Error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
 Socket Error, network error}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} DL:3100}}Network Error
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Connection closed due to a network error.
\par \pard \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 Pretty much as simple as that. Something got bunged with the network. Check your network connection and try again.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit1}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Area Flags}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Area Flags;Flags, Area}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:0100}}
Area Flags
\par \pard\plain \fi-7\li180\sa120\tx2160 \f3\fs26\lang1033 Area flags determine how the area behaves.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RESET-WHEN-EMPTY\tab }{\cf1 The area will only reset when no players are present.}{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RESET-IMMEDIATELY\tab }{\cf1 Area will reset immediately when the reset timer expires, even if players are present within the area.
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\cf1 \tab }{\b\i\cf6 Note}{\cf1 : if neither the }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RESET-WHEN-EMPTY}{\cf1  nor the }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RESET-IMMEDIATELY}{\cf1  flag is set, the area will never reset.
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-NO-ENTER}{\b\f4\fs20\cf10 \tab }Only Gods may enter this area.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-NO-TAKE}{\b\f4\fs20 \tab }Objects may not be removed from the area. Note that objects may be picked up and used within the area for testing purposes.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-NO-EXPERIENCE}{\b\f4\fs20 \tab }Players in the area will gain no experience from killing MOBs, completing quests, etc.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-NO-MONEY}{\b\f4\fs20 \tab }Players may acquire no money in the area.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-NO-TELEPORT-IN}{\b\f4\fs20 \tab }Players may not use teleport abilities to enter this area.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-NO-TELEPORT-OUT}{\b\f4\fs20 \tab }Players may not use teleport abilities to exit this area.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AREA-MOBFREEZE}{\b\f4\fs20 \tab }MOBs will not move around - even those with the SENTINEL bit not set. This is to help area building and reset editing; you can "see where everyone is" before they go
 wandering about.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit2}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Door Flags}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Door Flags;Flags, Door; Flags, Exit}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +}
 FL:0200}}Door Flags
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ISDOOR\tab }If selected, exit {\b is} a door (which may be opened, closed, and picked).{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PICKPROOF\tab }If selected, exit cannot be unlocked/locked (with picklock or hack skill).{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 LOCKED\tab }If selected, exit is locked. Exit must be unlocked before it can be opened.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CLOSED\tab }If selected, exit is closed. Exit must be opened before it can be travelled through.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HIDDEN\tab }If selected, exit does not appear when the player uses the general "look" command. Player must explicitly look directly at the exit. 
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \tab {\i Note}: commands such as "open north" or "open door" will, of course, work. The exit is hidden, not lost!{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ELECTRONIC\tab }If unselected, the exit must be picked using the {\b picklock} skill. If selected, the exit is an "electronic" door (eg: keypad, keycard, etc.) Electronic doors must be picked using the 
{\b hack} skill.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit3}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} World Flags}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} World Flags;Flags, World}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:0300}}
World Flags
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 DARK\tab }The room is dark. Players must use a light source in order to see room descriptions and exits unless aided by spells or special abilities.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 DEATHTRAP\tab }If set, players ente
ring the room will automatically die, with no chance at a resistance roll. Some of their equipment (choosen at random) will be chucked out into the last room the player was in.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOMOB\tab }MOBs will not enter the room.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOWEATHER\tab }Reserved for future use. Currently has no effect.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOGOOD\tab }No characters with good alignment will be allowed to enter.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NONEUTRAL\tab }No characters with neutral alignment will be allowed to enter.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOEVIL\tab }No evil characters with evil alignment will be allowed to enter.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOPSIONIC\tab }No psionic powers will work within this room.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SMALL\tab }The room is small. Only 2 characters are allowed in the room at the same time.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PRIVATE\tab }The room is private; all conversation is private between those in the room. Conversations may not be "snooped" by god commands or spells.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 DRAINPOWER\tab }While within this room, power points are constantly drained.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 VACUUM\tab }Room has no atmosphere. Characters not wearing protective suits will take decompressive damage every tick.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }\pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOTELEPORTOUT\tab }Players may not use teleport abilities to enter this room.{\b\f4\fs20 
\par }{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NOTELEPORTIN\tab }Players may not use teleport abilities to exit this room.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit4}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Action Flags (MOB)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Action Flags (MOB);Flags, Action (MOB)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 +} FL:0400}}Action Flags (MOB)
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 TRACKER\tab }The MOB will pursue and track down fleeing opponents.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SENTINEL\tab }If set, the MOB will {\b not} move around at random. Otherwise (ie: if not set), the MOB will tend to wander around, selecting exits at random.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SCAVENGER\tab }If set, the MOB will scanenge objects which they happen along - objects may be on the ground or in a corpse.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PICKPOCKET\tab }MOB will randomly attempt to pickpocket players.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 FOR}{\b\f4\fs20\cf11 GIVING\tab }If set, the MOB will {\b not} attack a character which it detects pickpocking it.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AGGRESSIVE\tab }MOB will randomly attack players if present in the same room.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 STAYAREA\tab }The MOB will stay within the area it was created.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \tab {\i Note}: for obvious reasons, this flag is irrelevent if {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SENTINEL} is set
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 WIMPY\tab }When the MOB is engaged in combat, if it looses too many hit points, it will flee. Normally, MOBs will fight to the death.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HYPERAGGR\tab }The MOB will attack {\b any} character it comes into contact with, including both MOBs and PLRs.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RPUNCTURE\tab }Increased resistance to puncture damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RSLASH\tab }Increased resistance to slash damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RCONCUSSIVE\tab }Increased resistance to concussive damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RHEAT\tab }Increased resistance to heat damage.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 REMR\tab }Increased resistance to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) damage.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RLASER\tab }Increased resistance to laser damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RPSYCHIC\tab }Increased resistance to psychic damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RACID\tab }Increased resistance to acid damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RPOISON\tab }Increased resistance to damage by poison.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RESCUE\tab }I a character (MOB or PLR) in the 
same group as this MOB engages in a fight, this MOB will "rescue" the character: it will take over the battle and the fight will now be against it instead of the original character.. However, the MOB will not rescue another character with the r bit set.

\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \tab EG: A group is composed of player A, player B, and MOB C (MOB C has {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 RESCUE }
bit set). Group comes in contact with MOB D which starts a fight with player A. MOB C will "rescue" player A; the fight shifts and will now be between MOB C and MOB D.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit5}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Affect Flags (MOB)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Affect Flags (MOB);Flags, Affect (MOB)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 +} FL:0450}}Affect Flags (MOB)
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 GROUP\tab }All MOBs with the group bit set loaded into the same room will group with each other.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 IMPROVED\tab }MOB is affected by improved invisibility (ie: the MOB is invisible and will remain invisible during a fight). Used in conjunction with {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 INVIS }flag.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 INVIS\tab }MOB is invisible. Invisibility expires when the MOB attacks.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 BREATHWATER\tab }Will not take damage under water.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 DARKVISION\tab }Can see in the dark.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SEEINVIS\tab }Can see invisible characters.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 REGENERATION\tab }MOB regenerates hit, move, and power points quickly.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ENDURANCE\tab }MOB move costs are halved.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HIDDEN\tab }MOB hides in the shadows.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PHASEWALK\tab }MOB moves require 1 move point, regardless of terrain.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 WATERWALK\tab }MOB can cross unswimable water.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 VACUUMWALK\tab }MOB will not take damage in rooms flagged with {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 VACUUM}.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 !FIGHTSTART\tab }Internal MUD use - do not change.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 DOMINATED\tab }Internal MUD use - do not change.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SNEAK\tab }MOB will sneak when moving.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit6}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Action Flags (OBJ)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Action Flags (OBJ);Flags, Action (OBJ)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 +} FL:0500}}Action Flags (OBJ)
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 GLOW\tab }OBJ glows. Players will see a "<glowing>" message when observing the object.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HUM\tab }OBJ hums. Players will see a "<humming>" message when observing the object.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 DARK\tab }OBJ is dark. Players will see a "<dark>" message when observing the object.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 GOOD\tab }OBJ will be detected as good with the appropriate power.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 EVIL\tab }OBJ will be detected as evil with the appropriate power.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 INVISIBLE\tab }OBJ is invisible.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 AURA\tab }OBJ has an psychic aura.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NODROP\tab }OBJ cannot be dropped once picked up.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 BLESS\tab }OBJ is being enahanced psionically. IE: If set, object may not be enhanced by a psionic power.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ANTI-GOOD\tab }Good characters may not equip the item.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ANTI-EVIL\tab }Evil characters may not equip the item.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ANTI-NEUTRAL\tab }Neutral characters may not equip the item.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HIDDEN\tab }Object is hidden.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 TRACK-OFFLINE\tab }Offline objects will be counted towards in-game totals during resets. Used to make unique OBJs.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CARRY2USE\tab }If set, the item {\b must} be carried in order to be used (eg: a pocket knife). If not set, the item can be used if held {\b or} if it is lying on the ground (eg: electric generator).

\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 NODEATHTRAP\tab }Object will never be destroyed in a deathtrap.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit7}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} Scan Flags (OBJ:Scanner)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Scan Flags (OBJ:Scanner);Flags, Scan (OBJ:Scanner)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:0600}}Scan Flags (OBJ:Scanner)
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SCANBIO\tab }OBJ can scan biological samples.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SCANCHIP\tab }OBJ can scan technological samples.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit8}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} WFLAGS Flags (OBJ:Weapon)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} WFLAGS Flags (OBJ:Weapon);Flags, WFLAGS (OBJ:Weapon)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:0700}}WFLAGS (OBJ:Weapon)
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 UNDEF0\tab }Not currently implemented.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit9}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} DAMFLAG (OBJ:Weapon)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} DAMFLAG (OBJ:Weapon);Flags, DAMFLAG (OBJ:Weapon)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:0800}}DAMFLAGS (OBJ:Weapon)
\par \pard\plain \li90\sa120 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b No}
 DAMFLAG should be selected for the vast majority of weapons. These should only be used if you wish to override the default type of damage. EG: to make a slug-thrower which threw acid, causing acid damage instead of the normal puncture damage.
\par \pard \li90\sa120 When assigning damage, first the {\uldb DAMTYPE}{\v flag_edit9} of the ammo is checked. If the ammo does not specify a damage type, the {\uldb DAMFLAGS}{\v flag_edit10}
 of the weapon is checked. Failing both, damage defaults to the damage type which is appropriate for the type of weapon.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PUNCTURE\tab }Weapon does puncture damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SLASH\tab }Weapon does slash damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CONCUSSIVE\tab }Weapon does concussive damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HEAT\tab }Weapon does heat damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 EMR\tab }Weapon does ElectroMagnetic Radiation damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 LASER\tab }Weapon does laser damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PSYCHIC\tab }Weapon does psychic damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ACID\tab }Weapon does acid damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 POISON\tab }Weapon does poison damage.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit10}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} DAMTYPE Flags (OBJ:Ammo)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} DAMTYPE Flags (OBJ:Ammo);Flags, DAMTYPE (OBJ:Ammo)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:0900}}DAMTYPE Flags (OBJ:Ammo)
\par \pard\plain \li90\sa120 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b No}
 DAMFLAG should be selected for the vast majority of weapons. These should only be used if you wish to override the default type of damage. EG: to make a slug-thrower which threw acid, causing acid damage instead of the normal puncture damage.
\par \pard \li90\sa120 When assigning damage, first the {\uldb DAMTYPE}{\v flag_edit9} of the ammo is checked. If the ammo does not specify a damage type, the {\uldb DAMFLAGS}{\v flag_edit10}
 of the weapon is checked. Failing both, damage defaults to the damage type which is appropriate for the type of weapon.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PUNCTURE\tab }Weapon does puncture damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 SLASH\tab }Weapon does slash damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CONCUSSIVE\tab }Weapon does concussive damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 HEAT\tab }Weapon does heat damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 EMR\tab }Weapon does ElectroMagnetic Radiation damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 LASER\tab }Weapon does laser damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PSYCHIC\tab }Weapon does psychic damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ACID\tab }Weapon does acid damage.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 POISON\tab }Weapon does poison damage.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} flag_edit11}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} C-Flags (OBJ:Container)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K }C-Flags (OBJ:Container);Flags, C-Flags (OBJ:Container)}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} FL:1000}}C-Flags (OBJ:Container)
\par \pard\plain \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CLOSABLE\tab }Container may be closed.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 PICKPROOF\tab }Container may not be picklocked or hacked.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CLOSED\tab }Container is currently closed.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 LOCKED\tab }Container is currently locked.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 CORPSE\tab }Container is a corpse.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 ELECTRONIC\tab }If set, lock type is electronic and must be hacked, not picklocked.
\par \pard \fi-2880\li3060\sa120\tx3060 {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 !PLAYERCORPSE\tab }Reserved. Don't use.
\par {\b\f4\fs20\cf11 !PLAYERLOOTED\tab }Reserved. Don't use.
\par \pard\plain \s254\sa240\keepn \b\i\f4\fs40\cf2\lang1033 \page {\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} default_button_values}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 
\f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} Default Button Values}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K }Default Button Values}}{\plain \b\f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs26\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 +} MM:9200}}Default Button Values
\par \pard\plain \li180\sa120 \f3\fs26\lang1033 The {\b Default}
 button in the MOB editing window uses a series of calculations to derive default values for experience, hit points, etc. for MOBs of a given level. The following chart shows these values up to level 40. 
\par {\i Note}: The {\b Defau}{\b lt} equations in MOLE have only been tested up to level 40. Using the Default button past level 40 may not result in appropriate MOB attributes.
\par {\i Note}: The {\b Default} equations in MOLE do not take into consideration the effect of additional resistances, bonuses, or resist flags. MOB attributes (such as experience) may have to be adjusted to accomodate these enhancements.
\par \pard \li180\sa120 
\par \pard \tqc\tx360\tqc\tx1080\tqc\tx1800\tqc\tx2700\tqc\tx3240\tqc\tx3870\tqc\tx4770\tqc\tx5670\tqc\tx6300\tqc\tx6930 {\b\fs20 \tab \tab \tab \tab HP\tab HP\tab HP\tab Hit\tab Dam\tab Dam\tab Dam
\par }{\b\fs20 \tab Level\tab Exp\tab Armor\tab Dice\tab Dice\tab Bonus\tab Bonus\tab Dice\tab Dice\tab Bonus
\par }{\b\fs20 \tab \tab \tab \tab Num\tab Size\tab \tab \tab Num\tab Size\tab 
\par }\pard \tqc\tx360\tqc\tx1080\tqc\tx1800\tqc\tx2700\tqc\tx3240\tqc\tx3870\tqc\tx4770\tqc\tx5670\tqc\tx6300\tqc\tx6930 \tab 1\tab 15\tab 0\tab 1\tab 3\tab 10\tab 3\tab 3\tab 1\tab 0
\par \tab 2\tab 30\tab 2\tab 1\tab 6\tab 20\tab 6\tab 3\tab 2\tab 1
\par \tab 3\tab 45\tab 5\tab 1\tab 9\tab 30\tab 9\tab 3\tab 2\tab 1
\par \tab 4\tab 60\tab 7\tab 1\tab 12\tab 40\tab 12\tab 3\tab 3\tab 1
\par \tab 5\tab 75\tab 10\tab 1\tab 15\tab 50\tab 15\tab 3\tab 3\tab 2
\par \tab 6\tab 90\tab 12\tab 1\tab 18\tab 60\tab 18\tab 3\tab 4\tab 2
\par \tab 7\tab 105\tab 15\tab 1\tab 21\tab 70\tab 21\tab 3\tab 4\tab 2
\par \tab 8\tab 120\tab 17\tab 1\tab 24\tab 80\tab 24\tab 3\tab 4\tab 3
\par \tab 9\tab 135\tab 20\tab 1\tab 27\tab 90\tab 27\tab 3\tab 5\tab 3
\par \tab 10\tab 150\tab 22\tab 1\tab 30\tab 100\tab 30\tab 3\tab 5\tab 3
\par \tab 11\tab 165\tab 25\tab 1\tab 33\tab 110\tab 33\tab 3\tab 6\tab 4
\par \tab 12\tab 180\tab 27\tab 1\tab 36\tab 120\tab 36\tab 3\tab 6\tab 4
\par \tab 13\tab 195\tab 30\tab 1\tab 39\tab 130\tab 39\tab 3\tab 6\tab 4
\par \tab 14\tab 210\tab 32\tab 1\tab 42\tab 140\tab 42\tab 3\tab 7\tab 5
\par \tab 15\tab 225\tab 35\tab 1\tab 45\tab 150\tab 45\tab 3\tab 7\tab 5
\par \tab 16\tab 240\tab 37\tab 1\tab 48\tab 160\tab 48\tab 3\tab 8\tab 5
\par \tab 17\tab 255\tab 40\tab 1\tab 51\tab 170\tab 51\tab 3\tab 8\tab 6
\par \tab 18\tab 270\tab 42\tab 1\tab 54\tab 180\tab 54\tab 3\tab 9\tab 6
\par \tab 19\tab 285\tab 45\tab 1\tab 57\tab 190\tab 57\tab 3\tab 9\tab 6
\par \tab 20\tab 300\tab 47\tab 1\tab 60\tab 200\tab 60\tab 3\tab 9\tab 7
\par \tab 21\tab 600\tab 50\tab 2\tab 50\tab 200\tab 63\tab 3\tab 10\tab 7
\par \tab 22\tab 1200\tab 52\tab 2\tab 100\tab 300\tab 66\tab 3\tab 10\tab 7
\par \tab 23\tab 1800\tab 55\tab 2\tab 150\tab 400\tab 69\tab 3\tab 11\tab 8
\par \tab 24\tab 2400\tab 57\tab 2\tab 200\tab 500\tab 72\tab 3\tab 11\tab 8
\par \tab 25\tab 3000\tab 60\tab 2\tab 250\tab 600\tab 75\tab 3\tab 11\tab 8
\par \tab 26\tab 3600\tab 62\tab 2\tab 300\tab 700\tab 78\tab 3\tab 12\tab 9
\par \tab 27\tab 4200\tab 65\tab 2\tab 350\tab 800\tab 81\tab 3\tab 12\tab 9
\par \tab 28\tab 4800\tab 67\tab 2\tab 400\tab 900\tab 84\tab 3\tab 13\tab 9
\par \tab 29\tab 5400\tab 70\tab 2\tab 450\tab 1000\tab 87\tab 3\tab 13\tab 10
\par \tab 30\tab 6000\tab 72\tab 2\tab 500\tab 1100\tab 90\tab 3\tab 14\tab 10
\par \tab 31\tab 6600\tab 75\tab 2\tab 550\tab 1200\tab 93\tab 3\tab 14\tab 10
\par \tab 32\tab 7200\tab 77\tab 2\tab 600\tab 1300\tab 96\tab 3\tab 14\tab 11
\par \tab 33\tab 7800\tab 80\tab 2\tab 650\tab 1400\tab 99\tab 3\tab 15\tab 11
\par \tab 34\tab 8400\tab 82\tab 2\tab 700\tab 1500\tab 102\tab 3\tab 15\tab 11
\par \tab 35\tab 9000\tab 85\tab 2\tab 750\tab 1600\tab 105\tab 3\tab 16\tab 12
\par \tab 36\tab 9600\tab 87\tab 2\tab 800\tab 1700\tab 108\tab 3\tab 16\tab 12
\par \tab 37\tab 10200\tab 90\tab 2\tab 850\tab 1800\tab 111\tab 3\tab 16\tab 12
\par \tab 38\tab 10800\tab 92\tab 2\tab 900\tab 1900\tab 114\tab 3\tab 17\tab 13
\par \tab 39\tab 11400\tab 95\tab 2\tab 950\tab 2000\tab 117\tab 3\tab 17\tab 13
\par \tab 40\tab 12000\tab 97\tab 2\tab 1000\tab 2100\tab 120\tab 3\tab 18\tab 13
\par \pard \tqc\tx360\tqc\tx900\tqc\tx1440\tqc\tx2070\tqc\tx2880\tqc\tx3600\tqc\tx4320\tqc\tx5130\tqc\tx6030\tqc\tx6840 
\par }