 * FFTacticsMUD : socials.cpp                                 *
 * (c) 2002 Damien Dailidenas (Trenton). All rights reserved. *

#include "main.h"

const struct social_type social_table[] = {
  { "smile",          	"You smile.",                   		"smiles."               		},
  { "smirk",		"You smirk.",					"smirks."				},
  { "frown",          	"You frown.",                   		"frowns."               		},
  { "grin",           	"You grin.",                    		"grins."                		},
  { "chuckle",        	"You chuckle.",                 		"chuckles."             		},
  { "laugh",          	"You laugh!",                   		"laughs!"               		},
  { "cry",            	"You cry!",                     		"cries!"                		},
  { "yawn",           	"You yawn.",                    		"yawns."                		},
  { "scream",         	"You scream!",                  		"screams!"              		},
  { "meditate",       	"You meditate.",                		"meditates."            		},
  { "flex",           	"You flex.",                    		"flexes."               		},
  { "blush",          	"You blush.",                   		"blushes."              		},
  { "spit",           	"You spit.",                    		"spits."                		},
  { "gasp",           	"You gasp!",                    		"gasps!"                		},
  { "cough",          	"You cough.",                   		"coughs."               		},
  { "sneeze",         	"You sneeze!",                  		"sneezes!"              		},
  { "wink",           	"You wink.",                    		"winks."                		},
  { "nod",            	"You nod.",                     		"nods."                 		},
  { "wave",           	"You wave goodbye.",            		"waves goodbye."        		},
  { "bow",            	"You bow.",                     		"bows."                 		},
  { "shiver",         	"You shiver.",                  		"shivers."              		},
  { "think",          	"You think...",                 		"thinks..."               		},
  { "wait",           	"You wait...",                  		"waits..."                		},
  { "growl",          	"You growl!.",                  		"growls!"               		},
  { "grunt",          	"You grunt.",                   		"grunts."               		},
  { "brb",            	"You will be right back.",      		"will be right back."   		},
  { "tremble",        	"You tremble!",                 		"trembles!"             		},
  { "flinch",         	"You flinch!",                  		"flinches!"             		},
  { "stretch",        	"You stretch.",                 		"stretches."            		},
  { "handstand",      	"You do a handstand!",          		"does a handstand!"     		},
  { "stance",         	"You take a fighting stance!",  		"takes a fighting stance!"		},
  { "fall",           	"You fall down!",               		"falls down!"           		},
  { "sigh",           	"You sigh.",                    		"sighs."                		},
  { "panic",          	"You panic!",                   		"panics!"               		},
  { "shadowbox", 	"You throw a flurry of punches and kicks!", 	"throws a flurry of punches and kicks!" },
  { "shrug",		"You shrug.",					"shrugs."				},