Do whatever you want with this, it doesn't bother me. Just don't pass it off as your own. I would however appreciate it if you didn't run it on the MUDBytes IMC2 network, as if everyone starts running a NewsBot, it could get quite spammy. Usually if you ask me (Kiasyn@Talon) I'm happy to add whatever site to the feeds.

-- Sam O'Connor (Kiasyn)

Compile the files in the src dir and copy the executable (should be named rss) to the bin dir. Run the bin/rssstart script. You're done.

You have to manually edit the feeds.dat file and add your own entries.
Input / output file is the name of the file it is saved as in the feeds/ dir. They should remain the same unless you have good reason not to. For the <format> tag, see below.

Format is:

<display name> (no spaces)
<url of rss feed>
<input file>
<output file>
<update interval in minutes>

#END at the bottom of the file.


The tags available for formatting your feed are

*%*category*%*		The category of the post in the RSS feed.
*%*title*%*		The title of the post
*%*author*%*		The author of the post (not all feeds have authors!)
*%*qsfauthor*%*		Unused, legacy purposes only
*%*qsfauthorr2*%*	Use this to remove email addresses from the author output of QSF feeds
*%*url*%*		URL of the post

Standard format I've used is:
[*%*category*%*] *%*title*%* [*%*author*%*] (*%*url*%*)