// ****************************************************************************
// SocketMud II Copyright 2004 Brian Graversen
// ****************************************************************************
// Revision History
// ----------------
// 19/01/04) Initial server code released
// ****************************************************************************
// This product can be used freely as long as this copyright header remains
// intact. This header may not be removed or changed, and any work released
// based on this code must contain this header information in all files.
// ****************************************************************************

// c headers
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

// local headers
#include "server.h"

Server::Server() {

  // initialize control to -1
  control = -1;

  // clear the descriptor sets

  // clear the address buffer
  memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(my_addr));

  // initialize lastSleep
  gettimeofday(&lastSleep, NULL);

Server::~Server() {

  // close the connection if it is active
  if (control != -1)

bool Server::Connect(int port) {
  int reuse = 1;

  // try to create a communications endpoint
  if ((control = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
    return false;

  // set options for this control socket
  if (setsockopt(control, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(int)) == -1)
    return false;

  // attach the control socket to it's own filedescriptor set
  FD_SET(control, &fSet);

  // settings for this socket, (and set the listning port)
  my_addr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
  my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  my_addr.sin_port        = htons(port);

  // try to bind the mud port
  if (bind(control, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) == -1)
    return false;

  // start listening
  if (listen(control, 3) == -1)
    return false;

  return true;

bool Server::PollSockets() {
  static struct timeval tv;
  std::list<Socket*>::iterator iSocket;
  Socket *pSocket;

  // copy the permanent descriptor set
  memcpy(&rSet, &fSet, sizeof(fd_set));

  // poll the descriptor set
  if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &rSet, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 0)
    return false;

  // attempt to establish new connections

  // iterate through all sockets and read pending data
  for (iSocket = socketList.begin(); iSocket != socketList.end(); ) {
    pSocket = *iSocket++;

    // attempt to read from this socket if pending incoming data
    if (FD_ISSET(pSocket->GetControl(), &rSet)) {

      // if read fails, close the connection
      if (pSocket->Read() == false)

  return true;

void Server::FlushSockets() {
  std::list<Socket*>::iterator iSocket;
  Socket *pSocket;

  // iterate through all sockets and flush outgoing data
  for (iSocket = socketList.begin(); iSocket != socketList.end(); ) {
    pSocket = *iSocket++;

    // Attempt to flush this socket, close socket if failure
    if (pSocket->Flush() == false)

// Sleep() should be called with an argument that divided 1000,
// like 4, 5, 8 or 10. This is the amount of "commands" that will
// be processed each second, and it is recommended to have a
// constant defined for this purpose.
void Server::Sleep(int pps) {
  struct timeval newTime;
  int secs, usecs;

  if (pps <= 0)

  gettimeofday(&newTime, NULL);

  // calculate exact amount of time we need to sleep
  usecs = (int) (lastSleep.tv_usec -  newTime.tv_usec) + 1000000 / pps;
  secs  = (int) (lastSleep.tv_sec  -  newTime.tv_sec);

  while (usecs < 0) {
    usecs += 1000000;
    secs  -= 1;
  while (usecs >= 1000000) {
    usecs -= 1000000;
    secs  += 1;

  // sleep if needed
  if (secs > 0 || (secs == 0 && usecs > 0)) {
    struct timeval sleepTime;

    sleepTime.tv_usec = usecs;
    sleepTime.tv_sec  = secs;

    select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sleepTime);

  // remember when we last slept
  gettimeofday(&lastSleep, NULL);

void Server::CloseSocket(Socket *pSocket) {

  // remove the socket from the socket list

  // clear the sockets descriptor from the listening set
  FD_CLR(pSocket->GetControl(), &fSet);

  // and finally delete the socket
  delete pSocket;

void Server::Accept() {
  Socket *pSocket;
  int len = sizeof(my_addr);
  int desc, argp = 1;

  // any new connections pending ?
  if (!FD_ISSET(control, &rSet))

  // try to accept new connection
  if ((desc = accept(control, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, (socklen_t *) &len)) == -1)

  // allocate a new socket
  pSocket = new Socket(desc);

  // set non-blocking I/O
  ioctl(desc, FIONBIO, &argp);

  // attach to socket list

  // attach to file descriptor set
  FD_SET(desc, &fSet);

std::list<Socket*> Server::GetSocketList() {
  return socketList;