24 Oct, 2012, Qqwy wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
I want to create a mudworld which has background sounds(you know, ambience sounds like rain and wind, or large crowds in cities, etc.) and background music to create a more immersive experience.
I stumbled across MSP, which looks like it could help implementing this. However, it is difficult finding much (up to date) info about it. Here are some questions I have:

-Is MSP a valid way to handle background music/background sounds in MUDs? Or are there other, better ways?
-Can I regulate the loudness of a playing track, effectively fade in/fade out tracks?
-Can I play multiple music tracks at the same time?

-What MUDclients support MSP right now? (Partially? Fully?)
-Am I still bound by the rule only allowing midi files, or is it possible to use other music formats?(like .mp3)

Basically, my real question would be: Can I implement music/sounds the way I want it to, or would that mean I'd have to write my own client?

Thanks, and have a nice day,


P.S. Also, I'd be interested to see (or rather, hear) other muds that have implemented sound. I actually do not know one.
24 Oct, 2012, Arithorn wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
I was checking out 8-Bit mush the other day on their webclient and it had sound, not sure about telnet clients with it though.

24 Oct, 2012, KaVir wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Quite a few mud clients support MSP to some extent, either directly or indirectly. You can use various other protocols for sound, but MSP is the most widely supported. Features such as volume control, fading, alternative sound formats, playing multiple sounds, etc, will vary from client to client.

If you want to check out my MUSHclient plugin with sound, installation instructions are here - it's not widely used though. I've heard that Alter Aeon has decent sound support as well, although I've never tried it myself. There are others as well, such as 6 Dragons, etc.
28 Oct, 2012, Nathan wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
KaVir said:
Quite a few mud clients support MSP to some extent, either directly or indirectly. You can use various other protocols for sound, but MSP is the most widely supported. Features such as volume control, fading, alternative sound formats, playing multiple sounds, etc, will vary from client to client.

If you want to check out my MUSHclient plugin with sound, installation instructions are here - it's not widely used though. I've heard that Alter Aeon has decent sound support as well, although I've never tried it myself. There are others as well, such as 6 Dragons, etc.

There's a MUSHClient "plugin" in the set available on the MUSHClient site that basically is just a collection of the triggers for sound and music and some other stuff. That's described here: http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpos... I take it that your plugin is more advanced, KaVir? Especially given that the first mentioned on there is pretty limited in what it can do. I've quoted Nick Gammon's msp plugin's limitations below from the topic thread that I linked to above.


This method is not a full implementation of MSP, however it should get you up and running with sounds if that is what you want.

Here are some limitations of it …

Sounds are not automatically downloaded, you must get the sound files manually (this should not be a big deal, it just means you have to download one big file and unzip it).
MSP parameters such as sound volume are ignored, so all sounds will play at the same volume
Multiple sounds will not play simultaneously
In order to stop the !!SOUND text from displaying the whole matching line is omitted from output. The script uses world.note to display any other text (eg. "Huh?") however that will be displayed in the default text colour. Any colouring of the line that the server had put there will be discarded.
There is no telnet negotiation, so some servers might not send down the !!SOUND lines, unless you can turn MSP on manually.

Having said all that, it seems to work fine on the DOT servers, so if you want to try MSP in MUSHclient, give it a go! :)

It does seem to work within those limitations if you have the sounds files and you chuck an appropriately formatted MSP "message"
at it.
28 Oct, 2012, KaVir wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Nathan said:
There's a MUSHClient "plugin" in the set available on the MUSHClient site that basically is just a collection of the triggers for sound and music and some other stuff.

You could use that instead, although it can only play one sound at a time, which can be quite annoying. However the file I linked to also includes the soundpack.
28 Oct, 2012, Qqwy wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Thank you very much for your replies. KaVir: I like your code a lot.

I've read a couple of things the last few days as well, and so here are some more questions:
-MSP is in-line, right? So basically, I can only send it when I'm already sending a message to the client, or otherwise the client will see an empty line.

-Are there ways to send sound using MSDP?
28 Oct, 2012, KaVir wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Qqwy said:
-MSP is in-line, right? So basically, I can only send it when I'm already sending a message to the client, or otherwise the client will see an empty line.

Yes, that's right.

Qqwy said:
-Are there ways to send sound using MSDP?

Yes, in fact my protocol snippet uses MSDP for sound, with ATCP and MSP as fallback options.
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