Luminari MUD is a deep, engaging game set in the world of the Luminari - A place where magic is entwined with the fabric of reality and the forces of evil and destruction are rising from a long slumber to again wreak havoc on the realm.
Full background story here:
http://www.luminarimud.com/luminari/The gameplay of Luminari MUD will be familiar to anyone who has played Dungeons and Dragons (3.5), Pathfinder or any other of the many RPG systems based on the d20 ruleset.
Where we are with regards to development:
We have been in active development for 4 years. We are really proud of what we have accomplished so far and even though we have not actively recruited any players, we have had great feedback so far and we maintain a very small but active player base. Including myself, the three developers are located in the USA, Norway and Israel so we have activity on the MUD for most of every day.
The MUD features a 4+ million room dynamic world map connected to hand-crafted original zones. The first of 5 regions is live and all zones connected to it are original. Currently players have access to stock zones through a teleporter object for testing which will soon be removed once we are out of the current phases and more original content has been added..
The codebase is LuminariMUD, based off tbaMUD, based off CircleMUD.