04 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Ok.. I feel kinda dumb for asking since this is my codebase anyway.. lol..

When I go to compile it throws all these errors at once and I'm not really sure why.

I've checked to make sure their listed in db.c, tables.c and mud.h, their all there.
I checked to see if the headers were included thinking maybe they could have accidently
been removed too.. they were fine. So I'm kinda at a loss here.. not really sure if the version
of GCC im using has anything to do with it, and if it does how do I revert back to 4.4?

act_info.o: In function `do_look':
/root/DBTFF/src/act_info.c:2392: undefined reference to `look_sky'
act_info.o: In function `do_who':
/root/DBTFF/src/act_info.c:4301: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
act_wiz.o: In function `do_mstat':
/root/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:2211: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
act_wiz.o: In function `do_pldock':
/root/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7055: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/root/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7056: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/root/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7057: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/root/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7062: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/root/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7063: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
comm.o: In function `smaug_crypt':
/root/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1953: undefined reference to `md5_init'
/root/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1954: undefined reference to `md5_append'
/root/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1955: undefined reference to `md5_finish'
db.o: In function `save_sysdata':
/root/DBTFF/src/db.c:7463: undefined reference to `save_ranks'
db.o: In function `fread_sysdata':
/root/DBTFF/src/db.c:7695: undefined reference to `load_rank'
db.o: In function `boot_db':
/root/DBTFF/src/db.c:691: undefined reference to `initialize_ranks'
/root/DBTFF/src/db.c:1329: undefined reference to `load_changes'
fight.o: In function `raw_kill':
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:4815: undefined reference to `destroy_char'
fight.o: In function `group_gain':
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:5102: undefined reference to `gain_object_exp'
fight.o: In function `damage':
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:2636: undefined reference to `is_shinigami'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:2640: undefined reference to `IS_GUYVER'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:2880: undefined reference to `is_shinigami'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3198: undefined reference to `get_rank_list_num'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3199: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3202: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3202: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3204: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank_at'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `mud_capstr'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3210: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3209: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3213: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3214: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3215: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3214: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3222: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3225: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3229: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3228: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3231: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3235: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3236: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3235: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3243: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3247: undefined reference to `rank_table'
fight.o:/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3249: more undefined references to `rank_table' follow
fight.o: In function `damage':
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3256: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3256: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3256: undefined reference to `mud_capstr'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3258: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3258: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3259: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3259: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3260: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
fight.o:/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3261: more undefined references to `rank_lists' follow
fight.o: In function `damage':
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3268: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3269: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3271: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3271: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3272: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3275: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3275: undefined reference to `mud_capstr'
/root/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3712: undefined reference to `is_shinigami'
tables.o: In function `skill_function':
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:84: undefined reference to `do_aquest'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:86: undefined reference to `do_aexit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:90: undefined reference to `do_active_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:92: undefined reference to `do_aiminglaser'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:102: undefined reference to `do_abandonrank'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:104: undefined reference to `do_acid_burn'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:106: undefined reference to `do_acid_slash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:110: undefined reference to `do_addchange'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:112: undefined reference to `do_addimmchange'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:166: undefined reference to `do_atb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:186: undefined reference to `do_ancientevolution'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:190: undefined reference to `do_backup'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:194: undefined reference to `do_bankai'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:211: undefined reference to `do_buffet'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:249: undefined reference to `do_bombarrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:269: undefined reference to `do_buildwalk'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:279: undefined reference to `do_changes'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:281: undefined reference to `do_chedit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:283: undefined reference to `do_claimrank'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:291: undefined reference to `do_clanbuyship'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:305: undefined reference to `do_cero'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:389: undefined reference to `do_copy_ability'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:405: undefined reference to `do_doublepl'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:408: undefined reference to `do_donate'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:413: undefined reference to `do_dragon_thunder'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:415: undefined reference to `do_dragonfire'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:423: undefined reference to `do_devil_flash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:449: undefined reference to `do_dark_leeches'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:457: undefined reference to `do_dekumask'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:533: undefined reference to `do_eliminate'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:557: undefined reference to `do_energy_ring'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:559: undefined reference to `do_envy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:565: undefined reference to `do_eruption'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:587: undefined reference to `do_flare'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:589: undefined reference to `do_frostbite'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:591: undefined reference to `do_flashfreeze'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:595: undefined reference to `do_faroreswind'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:597: undefined reference to `do_fusiondance'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:607: undefined reference to `do_fiercedeity'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:619: undefined reference to `do_firearrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:621: undefined reference to `do_fireball'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:623: undefined reference to `do_fireforge'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:625: undefined reference to `do_firestorm'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:641: undefined reference to `do_forget'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:663: undefined reference to `do_ftower'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:665: undefined reference to `do_fvlist'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:669: undefined reference to `do_gust'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:671: undefined reference to `do_guyver'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:673: undefined reference to `do_ghunter'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:675: undefined reference to `do_giga1'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:677: undefined reference to `do_giga2'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:687: undefined reference to `do_gasattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:717: undefined reference to `do_goronmask'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:741: undefined reference to `do_hbomb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:743: undefined reference to `do_history'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:746: undefined reference to `do_hbtctime'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:748: undefined reference to `do_hidden_tendrils'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:750: undefined reference to `do_holyinferno'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:752: undefined reference to `do_htorch'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:754: undefined reference to `do_headbutt'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:780: undefined reference to `do_hpbuy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:794: undefined reference to `do_hookshot'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:800: undefined reference to `do_hoverboots'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:810: undefined reference to `do_immtitle'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:812: undefined reference to `do_innerwill'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:814: undefined reference to `do_incgains'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:816: undefined reference to `do_icearrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:873: undefined reference to `do_joinclan'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:875: undefined reference to `do_jday'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:877: undefined reference to `do_jibaku'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:894: undefined reference to `do_kibuy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:906: undefined reference to `do_lshield'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:908: undefined reference to `do_lset'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:928: undefined reference to `do_lightarrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:954: undefined reference to `do_mechaevolution'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:956: undefined reference to `do_magmatouch'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:962: undefined reference to `do_mud_stats'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:993: undefined reference to `do_manifestpotara'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1007: undefined reference to `do_miasma_breath'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1009: undefined reference to `do_masticate'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1166: undefined reference to `do_mrelic'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1190: undefined reference to `do_mechanize'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1236: undefined reference to `do_novawave'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1244: undefined reference to `do_ocopy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1246: undefined reference to `do_omedit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1248: undefined reference to `do_ooedit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1250: undefined reference to `do_oredit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1254: undefined reference to `do_omega_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1308: undefined reference to `do_pipe_system'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1310: undefined reference to `do_power_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1312: undefined reference to `do_proto_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1318: undefined reference to `do_pabsorb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1382: undefined reference to `do_puppet'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1396: undefined reference to `do_quadpl'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1406: undefined reference to `do_raizou'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1408: undefined reference to `do_rage'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1410: undefined reference to `do_raikyuu'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1412: undefined reference to `do_riku'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1414: undefined reference to `do_raikoho'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1416: undefined reference to `do_rikujokoro'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1418: undefined reference to `do_roundhouse'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1422: undefined reference to `do_renumber'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1465: undefined reference to `do_reflection'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1559: undefined reference to `do_reqattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1565: undefined reference to `do_sigattacka'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1566: undefined reference to `do_sigattackb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1567: undefined reference to `do_sigattackc'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1568: undefined reference to `do_setattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1569: undefined reference to `do_sigdeauth'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1570: undefined reference to `do_sigsettings'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1571: undefined reference to `do_signature_attack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1572: undefined reference to `do_setattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1578: undefined reference to `do_sokatsui'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1580: undefined reference to `do_scan_transformation'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1582: undefined reference to `do_shakkahou'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1584: undefined reference to `do_shunpo'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1586: undefined reference to `do_saibaman1'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1588: undefined reference to `do_saibaman2'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1590: undefined reference to `do_saibaman3'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1596: undefined reference to `do_sorrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1600: undefined reference to `do_saveall'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1684: undefined reference to `do_sflame1'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1686: undefined reference to `do_sflame2'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1688: undefined reference to `do_sflame3'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1692: undefined reference to `do_shieldbash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1698: undefined reference to `do_shikai'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1700: undefined reference to `do_shopanalyze'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1712: undefined reference to `do_showrank'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1768: undefined reference to `do_songofcreation'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1770: undefined reference to `do_songoftime'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1812: undefined reference to `do_statbuy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1846: undefined reference to `do_tslasher'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1850: undefined reference to `do_tongue_lash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1852: undefined reference to `do_talon_spear'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1856: undefined reference to `do_tuffle_blow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1868: undefined reference to `do_teachmystic'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1876: undefined reference to `do_tablelist'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1910: undefined reference to `do_trivia'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1919: undefined reference to `do_uflame'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1953: undefined reference to `do_vanishing_ball'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1971: undefined reference to `do_vizard'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1976: undefined reference to `do_viewsig'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1986: undefined reference to `do_whereis'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1988: undefined reference to `do_whirlwind_spin'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1990: undefined reference to `do_wog'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1992: undefined reference to `do_wff'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2030: undefined reference to `do_xbuster'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2042: undefined reference to `do_zoramask'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2044: undefined reference to `do_zsaber'
tables.o: In function `skill_name':
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2067: undefined reference to `do_aquest'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2069: undefined reference to `do_aexit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2071: undefined reference to `do_devil_flash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2075: undefined reference to `do_donate'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2077: undefined reference to `do_acid_burn'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2079: undefined reference to `do_acid_slash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2083: undefined reference to `do_fusiondance'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2099: undefined reference to `do_abandonrank'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2171: undefined reference to `do_backup'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2181: undefined reference to `do_buildwalk'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2213: undefined reference to `do_history'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2221: undefined reference to `do_mud_stats'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2257: undefined reference to `do_teachmystic'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2275: undefined reference to `do_bankai'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2325: undefined reference to `do_clanbuyship'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2327: undefined reference to `do_claimrank'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2517: undefined reference to `do_eliminate'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2541: undefined reference to `do_energy_ring'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2581: undefined reference to `do_fireball'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2615: undefined reference to `do_fvlist'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2663: undefined reference to `do_guyver'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2667: undefined reference to `do_hbtctime'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2689: undefined reference to `do_hpbuy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2717: undefined reference to `do_incgains'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2742: undefined reference to `do_immtitle'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2754: undefined reference to `do_mechanize'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2770: undefined reference to `do_joinclan'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2772: undefined reference to `do_jibaku'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2782: undefined reference to `do_kibuy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2784: undefined reference to `do_shakkahou'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2786: undefined reference to `do_raizou'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2788: undefined reference to `do_raikyuu'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2790: undefined reference to `do_riku'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2792: undefined reference to `do_raikoho'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2808: undefined reference to `do_lset'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3038: undefined reference to `do_mrelic'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3059: undefined reference to `do_headbutt'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3061: undefined reference to `do_roundhouse'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3124: undefined reference to `do_ocopy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3125: undefined reference to `do_omedit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3126: undefined reference to `do_ooedit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3127: undefined reference to `do_oredit'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3184: undefined reference to `do_pipe_system'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3301: undefined reference to `do_renumber'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3350: undefined reference to `do_rikujokoro'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3391: undefined reference to `do_shunpo'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3399: undefined reference to `do_statbuy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3401: undefined reference to `do_saveall'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3413: undefined reference to `do_sokatsui'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3474: undefined reference to `do_shikai'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3476: undefined reference to `do_shopanalyze'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3488: undefined reference to `do_showrank'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3610: undefined reference to `do_saibaman1'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3612: undefined reference to `do_saibaman2'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3614: undefined reference to `do_saibaman3'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3618: undefined reference to `do_tuffle_blow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3634: undefined reference to `do_vanishing_ball'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3672: undefined reference to `do_trivia'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3729: undefined reference to `do_vizard'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3737: undefined reference to `do_wff'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3752: undefined reference to `do_doublepl'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3754: undefined reference to `do_quadpl'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3766: undefined reference to `do_whereis'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3798: undefined reference to `do_dekumask'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3800: undefined reference to `do_hbomb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3802: undefined reference to `do_bombarrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3804: undefined reference to `do_jday'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3806: undefined reference to `do_wog'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3812: undefined reference to `do_fireforge'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3814: undefined reference to `do_firestorm'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3816: undefined reference to `do_goronmask'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3818: undefined reference to `do_firearrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3820: undefined reference to `do_icearrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3822: undefined reference to `do_lightarrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3824: undefined reference to `do_magmatouch'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3826: undefined reference to `do_novawave'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3828: undefined reference to `do_sflame1'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3830: undefined reference to `do_sflame2'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3832: undefined reference to `do_songofcreation'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3834: undefined reference to `do_songoftime'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3836: undefined reference to `do_fiercedeity'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3838: undefined reference to `do_uflame'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3840: undefined reference to `do_zoramask'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3842: undefined reference to `do_shieldbash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3844: undefined reference to `do_hoverboots'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3846: undefined reference to `do_sflame3'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3848: undefined reference to `do_hookshot'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3850: undefined reference to `do_faroreswind'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3852: undefined reference to `do_puppet'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3854: undefined reference to `do_eruption'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3856: undefined reference to `do_htorch'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3860: undefined reference to `do_frostbite'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3862: undefined reference to `do_flashfreeze'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3866: undefined reference to `do_holyinferno'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3868: undefined reference to `do_innerwill'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3870: undefined reference to `do_mechaevolution'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3872: undefined reference to `do_ancientevolution'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3874: undefined reference to `do_dragonfire'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3876: undefined reference to `do_gasattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3878: undefined reference to `do_dragon_thunder'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3880: undefined reference to `do_gust'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3882: undefined reference to `do_buffet'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3884: undefined reference to `do_flare'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3886: undefined reference to `do_atb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3888: undefined reference to `do_whirlwind_spin'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3890: undefined reference to `do_masticate'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3892: undefined reference to `do_dark_leeches'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3894: undefined reference to `do_tongue_lash'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3896: undefined reference to `do_cero'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3898: undefined reference to `do_miasma_breath'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3900: undefined reference to `do_hidden_tendrils'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3902: undefined reference to `do_talon_spear'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3904: undefined reference to `do_sorrow'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3906: undefined reference to `do_envy'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3908: undefined reference to `do_rage'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3910: undefined reference to `do_xbuster'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3912: undefined reference to `do_pabsorb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3914: undefined reference to `do_zsaber'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3916: undefined reference to `do_lshield'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3918: undefined reference to `do_giga1'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3920: undefined reference to `do_giga2'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3922: undefined reference to `do_tslasher'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3924: undefined reference to `do_ftower'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3926: undefined reference to `do_ghunter'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3928: undefined reference to `do_aiminglaser'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3930: undefined reference to `do_active_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3932: undefined reference to `do_power_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3934: undefined reference to `do_proto_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3936: undefined reference to `do_omega_form'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3938: undefined reference to `do_manifestpotara'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3940: undefined reference to `do_copy_ability'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3942: undefined reference to `do_scan_transformation'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3944: undefined reference to `do_reflection'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3946: undefined reference to `do_forget'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3948: undefined reference to `do_changes'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3950: undefined reference to `do_addchange'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3952: undefined reference to `do_addimmchange'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3954: undefined reference to `do_sigattacka'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3955: undefined reference to `do_sigattackb'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3956: undefined reference to `do_sigattackc'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3957: undefined reference to `do_sigdeauth'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3958: undefined reference to `do_sigsettings'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3959: undefined reference to `do_setattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3960: undefined reference to `do_viewsig'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3961: undefined reference to `do_reqattack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3962: undefined reference to `do_signature_attack'
/root/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3963: undefined reference to `do_chedit'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [dbs] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/DBTFF/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2
04 Jul, 2015, drifton wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
This sounds more like missing dependences then missing header file it looks like one of your supporting code files didn't compile and so its not able to link to the file and reference its functions
04 Jul, 2015, Tijer wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
can i also ask why you are compiling a mud as root? not a good idea!!
04 Jul, 2015, alteraeon wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
What drifton said - one of the code files or directories didn't compile so there's not enough modules to link together into the final binary.

Also, it has nothing to do with your compiler.

Alter Aeon MUD
04 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Tijer said:
can i also ask why you are compiling a mud as root? not a good idea!!

compiling as root cause i own the vps its hosted on, root is my username
04 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
really made no difference to which directory I used and as far as i can tell everything goes fine until it creates the compiled object files

make dbs
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src'
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT act_comm.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT act_info.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT act_move.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT act_obj.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT act_wiz.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT ban.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT board.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT boards.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT bounty.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT build.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT clans.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT colorize.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT comm.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT comments.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT const.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT db.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT deity.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT editor.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT fight.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT finger.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT grub.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT handler.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT hashstr.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT hiscores.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT hotboot.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT house.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT ibuild.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT ident.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT imm_host.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT interp.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT magic.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT makeobjs.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT malloc.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT mapout.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT marry.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT misc.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT mpxset.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT mud_comm.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT mud_prog.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT new_fun.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT pfiles.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT planes.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT planet.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT player.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT polymorph.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT rare.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT requests.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT reset.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT save.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT services.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT shops.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT skills.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT skills_android.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT skills_dbs.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT skills_genie.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT space.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT special.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT stat_obj.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT tables.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT track.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT update.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT dns.c
gcc -c -DMCCP -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized -DSMAUG -DTIMEFORMAT new_auth.c
rm -f dbsaga
gcc -o dbsaga act_comm.o act_info.o act_move.o act_obj.o act_wiz.o ban.o board.o boards.o bounty.o build.o clans.o colorize.o comm.o comments.o const.o db.o deity.o editor.o fight.o finger.o grub.o handler.o hashstr.o hiscores.o hotboot.o house.o ibuild.o ident.o imm_host.o interp.o magic.o makeobjs.o malloc.o mapout.o marry.o misc.o mpxset.o mud_comm.o mud_prog.o new_fun.o pfiles.o planes.o planet.o player.o polymorph.o rare.o requests.o reset.o save.o services.o shops.o skills.o skills_android.o skills_dbs.o skills_genie.o space.o special.o stat_obj.o tables.o track.o update.o dns.o new_auth.o -DMCCP -lm -lz -lcrypt
act_info.o: In function `do_look':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_info.c:2392: undefined reference to `look_sky'
act_info.o: In function `do_who':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_info.c:4301: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
act_wiz.o: In function `do_mstat':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:2211: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
act_wiz.o: In function `do_pldock':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7055: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7056: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7057: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7062: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7063: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
comm.o: In function `smaug_crypt':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1953: undefined reference to `md5_init'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1954: undefined reference to `md5_append'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1955: undefined reference to `md5_finish'
db.o: In function `save_sysdata':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:7463: undefined reference to `save_ranks'
db.o: In function `fread_sysdata':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:7695: undefined reference to `load_rank'
db.o: In function `boot_db':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:691: undefined reference to `initialize_ranks'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:1329: undefined reference to `load_changes'
fight.o: In function `raw_kill':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:4815: undefined reference to `destroy_char'
fight.o: In function `group_gain':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:5102: undefined reference to `gain_object_exp'
fight.o: In function `damage':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:2636: undefined reference to `is_shinigami'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:2640: undefined reference to `IS_GUYVER'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:2880: undefined reference to `is_shinigami'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3198: undefined reference to `get_rank_list_num'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3199: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3202: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3202: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3204: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank_at'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3205: undefined reference to `mud_capstr'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3210: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3209: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3213: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3214: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3215: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3214: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3222: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3225: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3229: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3228: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3231: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3235: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3236: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3235: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3243: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3247: undefined reference to `rank_table'
fight.o:/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3249: more undefined references to `rank_table' follow
fight.o: In function `damage':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3256: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3256: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3256: undefined reference to `mud_capstr'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3258: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3258: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3259: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3259: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3260: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
fight.o:/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3261: more undefined references to `rank_lists' follow
fight.o: In function `damage':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3268: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3269: undefined reference to `rank_table'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3271: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3271: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3272: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3275: undefined reference to `rank_lists'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3275: undefined reference to `mud_capstr'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:3712: undefined reference to `is_shinigami'
tables.o: In function `skill_function':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:84: undefined reference to `do_aquest'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:86: undefined reference to `do_aexit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:90: undefined reference to `do_active_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:92: undefined reference to `do_aiminglaser'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:102: undefined reference to `do_abandonrank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:104: undefined reference to `do_acid_burn'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:106: undefined reference to `do_acid_slash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:110: undefined reference to `do_addchange'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:112: undefined reference to `do_addimmchange'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:166: undefined reference to `do_atb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:186: undefined reference to `do_ancientevolution'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:190: undefined reference to `do_backup'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:194: undefined reference to `do_bankai'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:211: undefined reference to `do_buffet'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:249: undefined reference to `do_bombarrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:269: undefined reference to `do_buildwalk'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:279: undefined reference to `do_changes'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:281: undefined reference to `do_chedit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:283: undefined reference to `do_claimrank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:291: undefined reference to `do_clanbuyship'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:305: undefined reference to `do_cero'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:389: undefined reference to `do_copy_ability'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:405: undefined reference to `do_doublepl'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:408: undefined reference to `do_donate'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:413: undefined reference to `do_dragon_thunder'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:415: undefined reference to `do_dragonfire'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:423: undefined reference to `do_devil_flash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:449: undefined reference to `do_dark_leeches'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:457: undefined reference to `do_dekumask'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:533: undefined reference to `do_eliminate'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:557: undefined reference to `do_energy_ring'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:559: undefined reference to `do_envy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:565: undefined reference to `do_eruption'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:587: undefined reference to `do_flare'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:589: undefined reference to `do_frostbite'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:591: undefined reference to `do_flashfreeze'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:595: undefined reference to `do_faroreswind'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:597: undefined reference to `do_fusiondance'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:607: undefined reference to `do_fiercedeity'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:619: undefined reference to `do_firearrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:621: undefined reference to `do_fireball'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:623: undefined reference to `do_fireforge'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:625: undefined reference to `do_firestorm'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:641: undefined reference to `do_forget'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:663: undefined reference to `do_ftower'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:665: undefined reference to `do_fvlist'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:669: undefined reference to `do_gust'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:671: undefined reference to `do_guyver'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:673: undefined reference to `do_ghunter'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:675: undefined reference to `do_giga1'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:677: undefined reference to `do_giga2'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:687: undefined reference to `do_gasattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:717: undefined reference to `do_goronmask'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:741: undefined reference to `do_hbomb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:743: undefined reference to `do_history'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:746: undefined reference to `do_hbtctime'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:748: undefined reference to `do_hidden_tendrils'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:750: undefined reference to `do_holyinferno'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:752: undefined reference to `do_htorch'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:754: undefined reference to `do_headbutt'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:780: undefined reference to `do_hpbuy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:794: undefined reference to `do_hookshot'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:800: undefined reference to `do_hoverboots'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:810: undefined reference to `do_immtitle'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:812: undefined reference to `do_innerwill'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:814: undefined reference to `do_incgains'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:816: undefined reference to `do_icearrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:873: undefined reference to `do_joinclan'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:875: undefined reference to `do_jday'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:877: undefined reference to `do_jibaku'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:894: undefined reference to `do_kibuy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:906: undefined reference to `do_lshield'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:908: undefined reference to `do_lset'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:928: undefined reference to `do_lightarrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:954: undefined reference to `do_mechaevolution'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:956: undefined reference to `do_magmatouch'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:962: undefined reference to `do_mud_stats'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:993: undefined reference to `do_manifestpotara'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1007: undefined reference to `do_miasma_breath'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1009: undefined reference to `do_masticate'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1166: undefined reference to `do_mrelic'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1190: undefined reference to `do_mechanize'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1236: undefined reference to `do_novawave'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1244: undefined reference to `do_ocopy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1246: undefined reference to `do_omedit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1248: undefined reference to `do_ooedit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1250: undefined reference to `do_oredit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1254: undefined reference to `do_omega_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1308: undefined reference to `do_pipe_system'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1310: undefined reference to `do_power_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1312: undefined reference to `do_proto_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1318: undefined reference to `do_pabsorb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1382: undefined reference to `do_puppet'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1396: undefined reference to `do_quadpl'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1406: undefined reference to `do_raizou'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1408: undefined reference to `do_rage'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1410: undefined reference to `do_raikyuu'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1412: undefined reference to `do_riku'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1414: undefined reference to `do_raikoho'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1416: undefined reference to `do_rikujokoro'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1418: undefined reference to `do_roundhouse'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1422: undefined reference to `do_renumber'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1465: undefined reference to `do_reflection'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1559: undefined reference to `do_reqattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1565: undefined reference to `do_sigattacka'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1566: undefined reference to `do_sigattackb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1567: undefined reference to `do_sigattackc'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1568: undefined reference to `do_setattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1569: undefined reference to `do_sigdeauth'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1570: undefined reference to `do_sigsettings'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1571: undefined reference to `do_signature_attack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1572: undefined reference to `do_setattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1578: undefined reference to `do_sokatsui'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1580: undefined reference to `do_scan_transformation'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1582: undefined reference to `do_shakkahou'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1584: undefined reference to `do_shunpo'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1586: undefined reference to `do_saibaman1'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1588: undefined reference to `do_saibaman2'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1590: undefined reference to `do_saibaman3'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1596: undefined reference to `do_sorrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1600: undefined reference to `do_saveall'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1684: undefined reference to `do_sflame1'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1686: undefined reference to `do_sflame2'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1688: undefined reference to `do_sflame3'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1692: undefined reference to `do_shieldbash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1698: undefined reference to `do_shikai'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1700: undefined reference to `do_shopanalyze'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1712: undefined reference to `do_showrank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1768: undefined reference to `do_songofcreation'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1770: undefined reference to `do_songoftime'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1812: undefined reference to `do_statbuy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1846: undefined reference to `do_tslasher'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1850: undefined reference to `do_tongue_lash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1852: undefined reference to `do_talon_spear'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1856: undefined reference to `do_tuffle_blow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1868: undefined reference to `do_teachmystic'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1876: undefined reference to `do_tablelist'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1910: undefined reference to `do_trivia'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1919: undefined reference to `do_uflame'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1953: undefined reference to `do_vanishing_ball'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1971: undefined reference to `do_vizard'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1976: undefined reference to `do_viewsig'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1986: undefined reference to `do_whereis'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1988: undefined reference to `do_whirlwind_spin'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1990: undefined reference to `do_wog'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:1992: undefined reference to `do_wff'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2030: undefined reference to `do_xbuster'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2042: undefined reference to `do_zoramask'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2044: undefined reference to `do_zsaber'
tables.o: In function `skill_name':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2067: undefined reference to `do_aquest'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2069: undefined reference to `do_aexit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2071: undefined reference to `do_devil_flash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2075: undefined reference to `do_donate'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2077: undefined reference to `do_acid_burn'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2079: undefined reference to `do_acid_slash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2083: undefined reference to `do_fusiondance'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2099: undefined reference to `do_abandonrank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2171: undefined reference to `do_backup'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2181: undefined reference to `do_buildwalk'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2213: undefined reference to `do_history'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2221: undefined reference to `do_mud_stats'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2257: undefined reference to `do_teachmystic'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2275: undefined reference to `do_bankai'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2325: undefined reference to `do_clanbuyship'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2327: undefined reference to `do_claimrank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2517: undefined reference to `do_eliminate'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2541: undefined reference to `do_energy_ring'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2581: undefined reference to `do_fireball'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2615: undefined reference to `do_fvlist'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2663: undefined reference to `do_guyver'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2667: undefined reference to `do_hbtctime'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2689: undefined reference to `do_hpbuy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2717: undefined reference to `do_incgains'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2742: undefined reference to `do_immtitle'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2754: undefined reference to `do_mechanize'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2770: undefined reference to `do_joinclan'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2772: undefined reference to `do_jibaku'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2782: undefined reference to `do_kibuy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2784: undefined reference to `do_shakkahou'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2786: undefined reference to `do_raizou'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2788: undefined reference to `do_raikyuu'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2790: undefined reference to `do_riku'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2792: undefined reference to `do_raikoho'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:2808: undefined reference to `do_lset'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3038: undefined reference to `do_mrelic'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3059: undefined reference to `do_headbutt'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3061: undefined reference to `do_roundhouse'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3124: undefined reference to `do_ocopy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3125: undefined reference to `do_omedit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3126: undefined reference to `do_ooedit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3127: undefined reference to `do_oredit'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3184: undefined reference to `do_pipe_system'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3301: undefined reference to `do_renumber'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3350: undefined reference to `do_rikujokoro'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3391: undefined reference to `do_shunpo'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3399: undefined reference to `do_statbuy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3401: undefined reference to `do_saveall'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3413: undefined reference to `do_sokatsui'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3474: undefined reference to `do_shikai'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3476: undefined reference to `do_shopanalyze'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3488: undefined reference to `do_showrank'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3610: undefined reference to `do_saibaman1'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3612: undefined reference to `do_saibaman2'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3614: undefined reference to `do_saibaman3'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3618: undefined reference to `do_tuffle_blow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3634: undefined reference to `do_vanishing_ball'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3672: undefined reference to `do_trivia'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3729: undefined reference to `do_vizard'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3737: undefined reference to `do_wff'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3752: undefined reference to `do_doublepl'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3754: undefined reference to `do_quadpl'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3766: undefined reference to `do_whereis'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3798: undefined reference to `do_dekumask'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3800: undefined reference to `do_hbomb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3802: undefined reference to `do_bombarrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3804: undefined reference to `do_jday'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3806: undefined reference to `do_wog'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3812: undefined reference to `do_fireforge'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3814: undefined reference to `do_firestorm'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3816: undefined reference to `do_goronmask'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3818: undefined reference to `do_firearrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3820: undefined reference to `do_icearrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3822: undefined reference to `do_lightarrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3824: undefined reference to `do_magmatouch'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3826: undefined reference to `do_novawave'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3828: undefined reference to `do_sflame1'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3830: undefined reference to `do_sflame2'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3832: undefined reference to `do_songofcreation'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3834: undefined reference to `do_songoftime'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3836: undefined reference to `do_fiercedeity'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3838: undefined reference to `do_uflame'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3840: undefined reference to `do_zoramask'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3842: undefined reference to `do_shieldbash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3844: undefined reference to `do_hoverboots'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3846: undefined reference to `do_sflame3'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3848: undefined reference to `do_hookshot'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3850: undefined reference to `do_faroreswind'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3852: undefined reference to `do_puppet'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3854: undefined reference to `do_eruption'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3856: undefined reference to `do_htorch'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3860: undefined reference to `do_frostbite'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3862: undefined reference to `do_flashfreeze'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3866: undefined reference to `do_holyinferno'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3868: undefined reference to `do_innerwill'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3870: undefined reference to `do_mechaevolution'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3872: undefined reference to `do_ancientevolution'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3874: undefined reference to `do_dragonfire'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3876: undefined reference to `do_gasattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3878: undefined reference to `do_dragon_thunder'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3880: undefined reference to `do_gust'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3882: undefined reference to `do_buffet'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3884: undefined reference to `do_flare'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3886: undefined reference to `do_atb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3888: undefined reference to `do_whirlwind_spin'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3890: undefined reference to `do_masticate'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3892: undefined reference to `do_dark_leeches'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3894: undefined reference to `do_tongue_lash'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3896: undefined reference to `do_cero'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3898: undefined reference to `do_miasma_breath'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3900: undefined reference to `do_hidden_tendrils'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3902: undefined reference to `do_talon_spear'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3904: undefined reference to `do_sorrow'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3906: undefined reference to `do_envy'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3908: undefined reference to `do_rage'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3910: undefined reference to `do_xbuster'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3912: undefined reference to `do_pabsorb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3914: undefined reference to `do_zsaber'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3916: undefined reference to `do_lshield'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3918: undefined reference to `do_giga1'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3920: undefined reference to `do_giga2'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3922: undefined reference to `do_tslasher'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3924: undefined reference to `do_ftower'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3926: undefined reference to `do_ghunter'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3928: undefined reference to `do_aiminglaser'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3930: undefined reference to `do_active_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3932: undefined reference to `do_power_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3934: undefined reference to `do_proto_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3936: undefined reference to `do_omega_form'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3938: undefined reference to `do_manifestpotara'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3940: undefined reference to `do_copy_ability'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3942: undefined reference to `do_scan_transformation'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3944: undefined reference to `do_reflection'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3946: undefined reference to `do_forget'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3948: undefined reference to `do_changes'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3950: undefined reference to `do_addchange'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3952: undefined reference to `do_addimmchange'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3954: undefined reference to `do_sigattacka'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3955: undefined reference to `do_sigattackb'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3956: undefined reference to `do_sigattackc'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3957: undefined reference to `do_sigdeauth'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3958: undefined reference to `do_sigsettings'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3959: undefined reference to `do_setattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3960: undefined reference to `do_viewsig'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3961: undefined reference to `do_reqattack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3962: undefined reference to `do_signature_attack'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/tables.c:3963: undefined reference to `do_chedit'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [dbs] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2
04 Jul, 2015, quixadhal wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
You probably forgot to add one of the object files to the list of files to link.

Crufty old Makefiles used to keep seperate lists, so you'd have a bunch of .c files that would be compiled to objects, and then a seperate entry to send all the .o files to the linking phase. It used to be pretty common that people would add a new file to one and forget to add it to the other.

If you're using GNU make (you probably are), you can simplify things quite a bit by using expansion rules.

For example, I list all of my DikuMUD's object files and then have a rule to build them from their C equivalent.

tOBJ = mob_actions.o spec_procs.o breath_weapons.o tracking.o \
act_comm.o act_info.o act_move.o act_obj.o act_off.o \
act_other.o act_skills.o act_social.o act_wiz.o \
board.o bug.o comm.o constants.o db.o fight.o handler.o \
hash.o interpreter.o limits.o magic.o magic_utils.o \
modify.o multiclass.o opinion.o random.o reception.o \
shop.o signals.o sound.o spell_parser.o \
spells.o trap.o utils.o weather.o whod.o events.o \
ban.o sha256.o imc.o i3.o
OBJ = $(addprefix obj/, $(tOBJ))

… and then …

obj/%o : %c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

You could even eliminate this list and do a directory scan, but I treat some files differently so it's easier for me to keep several lists.
04 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
CC = gcc
#PROF = -p

# Uncomment the line below if you have problems with math functions

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting a line like:
#interp.c:757: warning: int format, time_t arg (arg 7)

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting implicit decleration of re_exec

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined re_exec errors
NEED_REG = -lgnuregex

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined crypt errors


#Uncomment the line below if you want a performance increase though beware
#your core files may not be as much of a benefit if you do.
OPT_FLAG = -finline-functions -funroll-loops -fdefer-pop -fstrength-reduce

C_FLAGS = $(OPT_FLAG) -c -O -g3 -w -Wuninitialized $(PROF) $(NOCRYPT) $(DBUGFLG) -DSMAUG $(SOLARIS_FLAG) $(TIME) $(REG)

#D_FLAGS : For the DNS Slave process. No need in linking all the extra libs for this.

#Uncomment the next three comments below if you want to use IMC

#IMC_OFILES = imc.o imc-mail.o imc-interp.o imc-util.o imc-config.o \
# imc-events.o imc-version.o imc-mercbase.o ice.o icec.o icec-mercbase.o

#IMC_CFILES = imc.c imc-mail.c imc-interp.c imc-util.c imc-config.c \
# imc-events.c imc-version.c imc-mercbase.c ice.c icec.c icec-mercbase.c

#ranks.c - ranks.o –Commented out for now -Arbin

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c ban.c \
board.c boards.c bounty.c build.c clans.c colorize.c comm.c \
comments.c const.c db.c deity.c dns.c editor.c fight.c finger.c grub.c \
handler.c hashstr.c hiscores.c hotboot.c house.c ibuild.c ident.c \
imm_host.c interp.c magic.c makeobjs.c malloc.c mapout.c marry.c \
misc.c mpxset.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c new_fun.c new_auth.c pfiles.c planes.c \
planet.c player.c polymorph.c primus.c quest.c rare.c requests.c reset.c save.c \
services.c shops.c skills.c skills_android.c skills_dbs.c skills_fierian.c \
skills_genie.c skills_hylian.c skills_hollow.c skills_reploid.c \
skills_shinigami.c space.c special.c stat_obj.c tables.c track.c \

H_FILES = mud.h bet.h board.h finger.h hotboot.h house.h pfiles.h rare.h new_auth.h rank.h

O_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,o/%.o,$(C_FILES))

make dbs

dbs: $(O_FILES)
rm -f dbsaga
$(CC) $(USE_IMC) -o dbsaga $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS) -lcrypt
chmod g+w dbsaga
chmod a+x dbsaga
chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

dbs2: $(O_FILES)
rm -f dbsaga2
$(CC) $(USE_IMC) -o dbsaga2 $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
chmod g+w dbsaga2
chmod a+x dbsaga2
chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

dns: resolver.o
rm -f resolver
$(CC) $(D_FLAGS) -o resolver resolver.o
chmod g+w resolver
chmod a+x resolver
chmod g+w resolver.o

.c.o: mud.h
$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $(USE_IMC) $<

rm -f *.o dbsaga *~

o/%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@

indent -ts2 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli2 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i2 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(C_FILES) $(H_FILES)

That doesn't seem to be the issue, thought of that myself, it used to have a O_FILES = (listed every file here with an O extension) so I rewrote it to link correctly.. now its coming up with an error in a file I wrote myself years ago.. but its popping in every file saying I've redeclared things in mud.h.. but i have done nothing of the sort.. lol

just a sample, but theres 100 errors just like this:
In file included from tables.c:21:0,
from skills_fierian.c:22:
mud.h:1031:3: error: redeclaration of enumerator 'AT_FLEE'
In file included from skills_fierian.c:21:0:
mud.h:1031:3: note: previous definition of 'AT_FLEE' was here
In file included from tables.c:21:0,
from skills_fierian.c:22:
mud.h:1032:3: error: redeclaration of enumerator 'AT_RMNAME'
In file included from skills_fierian.c:21:0:
mud.h:1032:3: note: previous definition of 'AT_RMNAME' was here
In file included from tables.c:21:0,
from skills_fierian.c:22:
mud.h:1033:3: error: redeclaration of enumerator 'AT_RMDESC'
04 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
actually.. i found the error there, for some reason there was a #include for "tables.c" at the beginning of skills_fierian.c and now im back to the previous error… lol undefined do_ references…
04 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
ok figured the other errors out too somewhat, tons of gsn_(insert skillname here) missing in db.c lol… kinda sucks, but im gonna go on and finish the races out that seem to be incomplete.. not sure about these errors though…
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_info.c:2392: undefined reference to `look_sky'
act_info.o: In function `do_who':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_info.c:4301: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
act_wiz.o: In function `do_mstat':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:2211: undefined reference to `get_ch_rank'
act_wiz.o: In function `do_pldock':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7055: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7056: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7057: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7062: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/act_wiz.c:7063: undefined reference to `sbuf_format'
comm.o: In function `smaug_crypt':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1953: undefined reference to `md5_init'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1954: undefined reference to `md5_append'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/comm.c:1955: undefined reference to `md5_finish'
db.o: In function `save_sysdata':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:7463: undefined reference to `save_ranks'
db.o: In function `fread_sysdata':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:7695: undefined reference to `load_rank'
db.o: In function `boot_db':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:691: undefined reference to `initialize_ranks'
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/db.c:1329: undefined reference to `load_changes'
fight.o: In function `raw_kill':
/home/Arbin/DBTFF/src/fight.c:4815: undefined reference to `destroy_char'

hopefully their easy fixes.. seems just like missing C files, but im sure they are there.. getting most of these issues with unreferenced skill gsn_'s out of the way seems more important to reduce the clutter…
05 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
I'm no debugging genius… but i got it to compile, now its dumping the core into a crash file..

[New LWP 26540]
Core was generated by `../src/dbsaga 2000'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0xb75add8f in __readdir (dirp=dirp@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/posix/readdir.c:44
#0 0xb75add8f in __readdir (dirp=dirp@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/posix/readdir.c:44
#1 0x080e68dc in load_storages () at db.c:8675
#2 0x080ebcfd in boot_db (fCopyOver=fCopyOver@entry=0 '\000') at db.c:1385
#3 0x080d6e7c in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfb07a84) at comm.c:375
#0 0xb75add8f in __readdir (dirp=dirp@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/posix/readdir.c:44
44 in ../sysdeps/posix/readdir.c
39 in ../sysdeps/posix/readdir.c
dp = <optimized out>
saved_errno = 2
#1 0x080e68dc in load_storages () at db.c:8675
8675 dentry = readdir( dp );
8670 {
8671 DIR *dp;
8672 struct dirent *dentry;
8674 dp = opendir( STORAGE_DIR );
8675 dentry = readdir( dp );
8676 while( dentry )
8677 {
8678 if( dentry->d_name[0] != '.' )
8679 load_storage( dentry->d_name );
dp = 0x0
dentry = <optimized out>
#2 0x080ebcfd in boot_db (fCopyOver=fCopyOver@entry=0 '\000') at db.c:1385
1385 load_storages( );
1380 load_projects( );
1381 /* Morphs MUST be loaded after class and race tables are set up –Shaddai */
1382 log_string( "Loading Morphs" );
1383 load_morphs( );
1384 log_string( "Loading storerooms" );
1385 load_storages( );
1386 log_string( "Loading Colors" );
1387 load_colors( );
1388 log_string( "Loading Housing System, Home Accessories Data," " and Home Auctioning System" );
1389 load_homedata( );
wear = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
#3 0x080d6e7c in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfb07a84) at comm.c:375
375 boot_db( fCopyOver );
370 /* Disabled -Goku 10.14.03
371 log_string("Booting Chat Robot");
372 startchat(CHAT_FILE);
373 */
374 log_string( "Booting Database" );
375 boot_db( fCopyOver );
376 log_string( "Initializing socket" );
377 if( !fCopyOver ) /* We have already the port if copyover'ed */
378 {
379 control = init_socket( port );
now_time = {tv_sec = 1436085288, tv_usec = 25127}
hostn = "\000\200j\267\236y\260\277\237y\260\277\001\000\000\000\001\025Y\267\237y\260\277\000\000\000\000$z\260\277\070\351s\267\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\302\000\000\000\203\270R\267\213\216\004\b\000\000\000\000\377\377\377\377\001\000\000\000\230KP\267\000\300j\267\273\210\260\277\000\200j\267\360\323!\b@\233\004\b\000\000\000\000-\224\004\b\344\203j\267\002\000\000\000\000 /\bB\324!\b\002\000\000\000\204z\260\277\220z\260\277"
fCopyOver = 0 '\000'
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
380 }
382 #ifdef OLD_IMC
383 /*
384 * Be sure to change RoD to your mud's name!
385 */
386 if( port == 3000 )
387 imc_startup( "RoD", port + 5, "imc/" );
388 else
389 imc_startup( "RoDBLD", port + 5, "imc/" );
No symbol table info available.
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
390 #else
391 #ifdef USE_IMC
392 imc_startup( "imc/" );
393 icec_init( );
394 #endif
395 #endif
397 /*
398 * I don't know how well this will work on an unnamed machine as I don't
399 * have one handy, and the man pages are ever-so-helpful.. – Alty
No symbol table info available.

if anyone can help that would be awesome
05 Jul, 2015, Tijer wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
do you have the correct imc directories set up? looks to me like its trying to read the imc_config and not being able to find the directory….
05 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 13th comment:
Votes: 0
i figured that part out, now it runs


when you login, it doesn't get pass the imotd before crashing.. lol
05 Jul, 2015, quixadhal wrote in the 14th comment:
Votes: 0
Not trying to be insulting (worked on Dikurivative code for 20 years), but… typical sloppy C code. :)

8674   dp = opendir( STORAGE_DIR );
8675 dentry = readdir( dp );

dp isn't checked for NULL here, which happens if opendir() fails, hence the segmentation fault when readdir() is told to open it.

Most Dikurivatives are full of sloppy stuff like this. Even the original DikuMUD had far too much of it, and it took me years to cobble around it in my own inherited codebase. Not that you can continue if STORAGE_DIR isn't valid anyways, but at least you can exit with a useful error message. :)

Judging by your earlier errors, it looks like part of this codebase are missing, or files were merged from another codebase without auditing?
05 Jul, 2015, arbin wrote in the 15th comment:
Votes: 0
Yeah I kinda slapped it together lol.. I was dumb back in the day and only uploaded the src folder.. So I used parts of DBsaga and DBZOSP(a derivative of DBTFF made years later) to piece it back together. I did get past the core dumps, just can't figure out whats crashing it when I login. I thought it might be something to
do with the pfiles it was using so I modified mine which didn't help any, still crashed at the "imotd". Haven't messed with it today any, been working with it for 3 days now, it starting and running is enough for me to take a day off.. lol