If you have an Items table, and you're stuffing all the less important properties your items may or may not have inside a single stringified TEXT field, then you can add and alter properties at will inside that field without having to modify your schema, or any of your read/write logic. The maintenance savings will quickly add up over time.
This is almost precisely the use case I had. I used a templated hashmap structure on objects (items, characters, etc) that lets me add new variables (properties) on-the-fly. Because of this, there are a large number of properties and most of them apply to < 1% of objects. Not only did it not make sense to have separate db columns for each from an efficiency standpoint, it was actually detrimental from a usability standpoint (forcing frequent schema changes took away the dynamical and easy to use nature that was intended). I ended up deciding on storing them as blobs, but that made queries difficult. Stringifying to JSON solves the issue - whenever I get back to working on it, that is.
I would say that if this is your use case, then you may not really want a Relational Database. Someone mentioned it earlier in passing, but a schema-less NoSQL database like mongodb may fit your needs way better. (or work well alongside a relational database at least). A system like memcachedb may work for you too, doubling as a key/store memory cache and database all in one. NoSQL databases don't do well with complicated queries, but if you have a known key value (like a vnum), they are great for accessing data quickly (and are built so you CAN query on other fields as well, but not as efficient)
If you have an Items table, and you're stuffing all the less important properties your items may or may not have inside a single stringified TEXT field, then you can add and alter properties at will inside that field without having to modify your schema, or any of your read/write logic. The maintenance savings will quickly add up over time.
This is almost precisely the use case I had. I used a templated hashmap structure on objects (items, characters, etc) that lets me add new variables (properties) on-the-fly. Because of this, there are a large number of properties and most of them apply to < 1% of objects. Not only did it not make sense to have separate db columns for each from an efficiency standpoint, it was actually detrimental from a usability standpoint (forcing frequent schema changes took away the dynamical and easy to use nature that was intended). I ended up deciding on storing them as blobs, but that made queries difficult. Stringifying to JSON solves the issue - whenever I get back to working on it, that is.
I would say that if this is your use case, then you may not really want a Relational Database. Someone mentioned it earlier in passing, but a schema-less NoSQL database like mongodb may fit your needs way better. (or work well alongside a relational database at least). A system like memcachedb may work for you too, doubling as a key/store memory cache and database all in one. NoSQL databases don't do well with complicated queries, but if you have a known key value (like a vnum), they are great for accessing data quickly (and are built so you CAN query on other fields as well, but not as efficient)
I didn't say that all the variables were added dynamically via the hashmap. There's still a lot of traditional, predefined structure that works well with relational databases. Perhaps if I'd designed it from the beginning, I would've gone with some hybrid database solution, but like most MUD development, it's a hobbyist project where things get bolted on over time. I don't even have enough time to finish bolting it on, rather less redesign the whole thing and migrate data.
This is almost precisely the use case I had. I used a templated hashmap structure on objects (items, characters, etc) that lets me add new variables (properties) on-the-fly. Because of this, there are a large number of properties and most of them apply to < 1% of objects. Not only did it not make sense to have separate db columns for each from an efficiency standpoint, it was actually detrimental from a usability standpoint (forcing frequent schema changes took away the dynamical and easy to use nature that was intended). I ended up deciding on storing them as blobs, but that made queries difficult. Stringifying to JSON solves the issue - whenever I get back to working on it, that is.
I would say that if this is your use case, then you may not really want a Relational Database. Someone mentioned it earlier in passing, but a schema-less NoSQL database like mongodb may fit your needs way better. (or work well alongside a relational database at least). A system like memcachedb may work for you too, doubling as a key/store memory cache and database all in one. NoSQL databases don't do well with complicated queries, but if you have a known key value (like a vnum), they are great for accessing data quickly (and are built so you CAN query on other fields as well, but not as efficient)