as many of you have noticed by now, there have been many copies of dragonball: resurrection of truth spreading about since iovan released it.. (i still ain't happy about it) however none yet have been confirmed as official releases or next in line, even though they have all claimed to be..
So i have stepped out of the darkness and joined up with Flarenial's DB:RoT version to make it an official next version.
yes we still support:
* ANSI Color * Class Based System * Level Based System * Has Clans/Guilds * Equip saves on exit * Private Messaging System * In-game Forums * Accept Reviews * Free to Play * 10,000+ Rooms * Quests and mobs for all levels and types of players
Connect now at: Port: 4002 Isn't about time you joined the experience?
Desired Character Name: (A. So I can find you when you log in, B. In case you pick a name based on a video game so I can reserve the name if current staff doesn't have it. )
Preferred Method of Contact:
Building Experience(If any):
Experience on circle-based Muds(If any):
Brief, or Large List of Anime(s) watched/read(If any):
Average time per week you'd be available:
Why you want to build:
Write a brief paragraph about yourself:
And always you can log on the mud and speak to us Position Applying for: [] newbie Helper [] newbie Guardian(Like Helper but more commands) [] Enforcer [] Enforcer/Clan IMM ( Somewhat hiring, since this rank also functions as a low builder ) [] Builder [] Lead Builder [] part time coder
18 Apr, 2010, David Haley wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
Dixit Duo:
Duo said:
as many of you have noticed by now, there have been many copies of dragonball: resurrection of truth spreading about since iovan released it.. (i still ain't happy about it) however none yet have been confirmed as official releases or next in line, even though they have all claimed to be..
So i have stepped out of the darkness and joined up with Flarenial's DB:RoT version to make it an official next version.
Ok I want it known that I do not endorse this as the next official DBT. I don't endorse any DBT clones regardless of who runs them. DBT is a mish-mash of newb coding from my early days that was only released for people to learn from and maybe modify heavily. Most have not bothered to do much more than screw it up more and slap a subtitle on it.
This iteration may be different (As in it's possible and I haven't cared to and won't verify it). If so that is up to those who may care to find out. I just wanted to address the officialness claim that was presented. I have not endorsed and won't endorse an official DBT update past Version 1.7
Center of Awesome, Iovan
I guess that the "center of awesome" (:thinking:) disagrees with what was said here. :shrug:
Desired Character Name: (A. So I can find you when you log in, B. In case you pick a name based on a video game so I can reserve the name if current staff doesn't have it. )
Preferred Method of Contact:
Building Experience(If any):
Experience on circle-based Muds(If any):
Brief, or Large List of Anime(s) watched/read(If any):
Average time per week you'd be available:
Why you want to build:
Write a brief paragraph about yourself:
And always you can log on the mud and speak to us Position Applying for: [] newbie Helper [] newbie Guardian(Like Helper but more commands) [] Enforcer [] Enforcer/Clan IMM ( Somewhat hiring, since this rank also functions as a low builder ) [] Builder [] Lead Builder [] part time coder
address port 4002
I suggest you should stop using our application from the Clash of Worlds and use your own. Mmk. Thanks
To add to my previous post. They tried recruiting me. I was an immortal for two days and decided to delete because there is no one around to give you an area or to even tell you what type of area you should be making.
23 Apr, 2010, MagisterXero wrote in the 7th comment:
Desired Character Name: (A. So I can find you when you log in, B. In case you pick a name based on a video game so I can reserve the name if current staff doesn't have it. )
Preferred Method of Contact:
Building Experience(If any):
Experience on circle-based Muds(If any):
Brief, or Large List of Anime(s) watched/read(If any):
Average time per week you'd be available:
Why you want to build:
Write a brief paragraph about yourself:
And always you can log on the mud and speak to us Position Applying for: [] newbie Helper [] newbie Guardian(Like Helper but more commands) [] Enforcer [] Enforcer/Clan IMM ( Somewhat hiring, since this rank also functions as a low builder ) [] Builder [] Lead Builder [] part time coder
address port 4002
I suggest you should stop using our application from the Clash of Worlds and use your own. Mmk. Thanks
Desired Character Name: (A. So I can find you when you log in, B. In case you pick a name based on a video game so I can reserve the name if current staff doesn't have it. )
^^ Wow this one is the same EXACT one that you typed! Great minds think alike, yes?
Proof B)
Brief, or Large List of Anime(s) watched/read(If any):
Average time per week you'd be available:
Why you want to build:
Write a brief paragraph about yourself:
^^ Okay, so you took out Video Game experience there… But… why'd you even bother leaving the anime part? >_> It's a dbz mud right? Other lists of animes shouldn't matter. xD
Proof C)
Enforcer/Clan IMM ( Somewhat hiring, since this rank also functions as a low builder )
^^ Okay, need I even say anything about this one. Sigh.
Proof D)
There's no email supplied for any of this. xD When I originally posted mine back in March, I never supplied an email either. So if a person was just simply skimming through my message, if you copy pasted the info sheet I made up you also wouldn't have supplied an email for people to send this too.
And also, I don't mind that you're using my info template, it's not copyrighted or anything, but you know. When you try to steal my Staff also, that becomes a problem. Spark your own creativity, because THAT is what will make people respect you and build for you.
So he used your application as a guideline. Big deal. If you don't want people using it, don't post it publicly. Such is the way of the internet.
Kayle its just another lie that this mud is being caught up in.
23 Apr, 2010, David Haley wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
Not to be pedantic but to prove he copied you you'd have to prove yours came first, not just that you have a link to it.
But I also don't think that this really matters… honestly the application looks fairly generic and I've seen very similar things before as well. It is lame to copy it, though.
EDIT: speaking of borrowed or overlapping things, this avatar thing is weirding me out… :rolleyes:
Not to be pedantic but to prove he copied you you'd have to prove yours came first, not just that you have a link to it.
But I also don't think that this really matters… honestly the application looks fairly generic and I've seen very similar things before as well. It is lame to copy it, though.
EDIT: speaking of borrowed or overlapping things, this avatar thing is weirding me out… :rolleyes:
No doubt theres been ones like ours out there, but if the mud really wanted to get a staff going why steal someone else's work and make themselves build in a lie.
And I'll edit it just for you Haley ahah. :grinning:
^^ Okay, so you took out Video Game experience there… But… why'd you even bother leaving the anime part? >_> It's a dbz mud right? Other lists of animes shouldn't matter. xD
Speaking from personal experience, on DBAT, I've observed that discussion relating to other anime occurs just as much, if not more than discussion pertaining to DBZ (on Global channels). Other places I've played at over the years were similar but may have changed with the passing of time.
It's also rather common to want to hire people who have similar interests as your existing staff. It can (but not always) make for a more pleasant working environment.
23 Apr, 2010, MagisterXero wrote in the 17th comment:
Votes: 0
I never said I had a problem with him using it, in fact I said at the end of my post that I didn't care that he used it. What I DO care about, is how he attempted to coerce one of my builders into switching to build on his cookie cutter mud.
And if you actually went and looked at the link I provided…. It has a date of March 23, 2010. The above posted copied one is April 17, 2010. What other people do to advertise for their muds is their own business as far as I care, lol. I just really wish people would take the time to be creative and write their own stuff. You don't really gain much from using what other people have already done as your own.
Anyways, hopefully you have some good luck with your mud!
I will thank you all to stop stealing The Internet, which as you all know is Al Gore's crowning achievement, and I'm willing to bet that you haven't paid him royalties for it, so you are all currently breaking all kinds laws by participating in the theft of His Bandwidths which is this thread.
23 Apr, 2010, MagisterXero wrote in the 19th comment:
Votes: 0
The laws of the United States prevent Al Gore from monopolizing the internet xDD
I never said I had a problem with him using it, in fact I said at the end of my post that I didn't care that he used it. What I DO care about, is how he attempted to coerce one of my builders into switching to build on his cookie cutter mud.
And if you actually went and looked at the link I provided…. It has a date of March 23, 2010. The above posted copied one is April 17, 2010. What other people do to advertise for their muds is their own business as far as I care, lol. I just really wish people would take the time to be creative and write their own stuff. You don't really gain much from using what other people have already done as your own.
Anyways, hopefully you have some good luck with your mud!
I don't care whether you're okay with him using it or not. I don't care who posted it first. It's irrelevant. You posted it publicly. Someone adapted it for their personal use. This is how the internet works. Posting about it in an advertisement for his MUD because he tried to recruit one of your builders is pointless. And for the record, this isn't the first time snwclwn has posted that application. He posted it the first time back in February or March.
allow me to introduce myself i am primus, Co-Creator of the Original Dragonball: Resurrection of Truth.
I would like to extend an invitation to anyone and everyone to Dragonball: Resurrection of Truth
as many of you have noticed by now, there have been many copies of dragonball: resurrection of truth spreading about since iovan released it.. (i still ain't happy about it)
however none yet have been confirmed as official releases or next in line, even though they have all claimed to be..
So i have stepped out of the darkness and joined up with Flarenial's DB:RoT version to make it an official next version.
yes we still support:
* ANSI Color
* Class Based System
* Level Based System
* Has Clans/Guilds
* Equip saves on exit
* Private Messaging System
* In-game Forums
* Accept Reviews
* Free to Play
* 10,000+ Rooms
* Quests and mobs for all levels and types of players
Connect now at:
Port: 4002
Isn't about time you joined the experience?