24 Oct, 2014, Liko wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0

I just wanted to see how you have been. I know I don't post as much. I mainly develop on tbaMUD. I have been working on a Dragon Ball theme mud(Don't kill me, I am working very very hard to make it unique and not just a circle mud clone). Also, been playing a lot of DC Universe Online on the PS4. Thinking about playing some FF14. I keep debating if paying 15 a month for DCUO is worth it when I keep seeing FF14's massive patch list. Also, been playing Diablo 3 with the girlfriend. It is quite a bonding game when she plays as a mage and I barb thru it. LOL. Anyone doing anything special for Halloween?

- Liko
25 Oct, 2014, quixadhal wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
I played Final Fantasy XIV for a couple years. The remade version is quite good… still the best character animations I've seen in an MMO, and if you have the graphics hardware to turn everything up, it's quite beautiful. The game is a bit old school in style, but not a grind-fest like FFXI was.

I'm playing ArcheAge at the moment, which is quite fun IMO. It's a little frustrating at times, because owning land is a big part of the game, and it was all claimed within the first 4 hours of headstart… but, as people quit or get banned, their land eventually opens up, so even latecomers might get lucky at some point. :)
26 Oct, 2014, Ssolvarain wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Not a grind-fest? I'm still slaving my way to a Nexus Gae Bolg. The road thus far has been long and I've probably killed thousands of things in the pursuit.

Still, good game. Very excited to finally be a ninja. Might even decide to main it instead of drg, depending on how it plays.

I wish that Frontlines had involved the morale stat, so progression was more wow-like. One thing WoW definitely got right was the battlegrounds. As it is, you gotta farm CT for ilevel 80 gear with no acc on it… that's kind of lame and stupid. Not implemented very well at all, in my opinion.
26 Oct, 2014, Omega wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
I am going to go out on a limb here and say Destiny. Because why not, FPS with RPG like features makes a heck of a good game. Until you have to grind for light to level that is.. Then its balls, but hopefully they will make the game better in the December patch like they said they would :P

But I digress.
26 Oct, 2014, quixadhal wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
All you need to know about Destiny…

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28 Oct, 2014, Liko wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
quixadhal said:
I played Final Fantasy XIV for a couple years. The remade version is quite good… still the best character animations I've seen in an MMO, and if you have the graphics hardware to turn everything up, it's quite beautiful. The game is a bit old school in style, but not a grind-fest like FFXI was.

I'm playing ArcheAge at the moment, which is quite fun IMO. It's a little frustrating at times, because owning land is a big part of the game, and it was all claimed within the first 4 hours of headstart… but, as people quit or get banned, their land eventually opens up, so even latecomers might get lucky at some point. :)

Would you say FFXIV is worth the monthly price? I do enjoy the old school Final Fantasy games. FF1-6 are my favorites minus 2.

Omega said:
I am going to go out on a limb here and say Destiny. Because why not, FPS with RPG like features makes a heck of a good game. Until you have to grind for light to level that is.. Then its balls, but hopefully they will make the game better in the December patch like they said they would :P

But I digress.

I am not an FPS shoot person, but each person has their own category of games to play. I hear Borderlands is decent.
29 Oct, 2014, Omega wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Liko said:
quixadhal said:
I played Final Fantasy XIV for a couple years. The remade version is quite good… still the best character animations I've seen in an MMO, and if you have the graphics hardware to turn everything up, it's quite beautiful. The game is a bit old school in style, but not a grind-fest like FFXI was.

I'm playing ArcheAge at the moment, which is quite fun IMO. It's a little frustrating at times, because owning land is a big part of the game, and it was all claimed within the first 4 hours of headstart… but, as people quit or get banned, their land eventually opens up, so even latecomers might get lucky at some point. :)

Would you say FFXIV is worth the monthly price? I do enjoy the old school Final Fantasy games. FF1-6 are my favorites minus 2.

Omega said:
I am going to go out on a limb here and say Destiny. Because why not, FPS with RPG like features makes a heck of a good game. Until you have to grind for light to level that is.. Then its balls, but hopefully they will make the game better in the December patch like they said they would :P

But I digress.

I am not an FPS shoot person, but each person has their own category of games to play. I hear Borderlands is decent.

I've played Destiny and borderlands and both are well worth the time and effort, however Destiny really doesn't have any replay value while Borderlands does.

With that said I am maintaining my gameplay of Destiny until The Division comes out in the new year. I assume that will be the new addiction.
30 Oct, 2014, quixadhal wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
I enjoyed FFXIV quite a bit. I considered it well worth the subscription, as I got far more than a dozen hours a week of fun out of it. My overall take on subscription games is… are you gonna play them enough to make the sub cost per hour of fun worth it? A movie costs $7 for 2 to 3 hours. A decent video game gives me at least 40 hours a month for $15.

My usual signal to stop paying a subscription is when I find myself not logging in very often, or only logging in to do whatever daily grind it has and then logging off as soon as it's done.
30 Oct, 2014, Omega wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
quixadhal said:
I enjoyed FFXIV quite a bit. I considered it well worth the subscription, as I got far more than a dozen hours a week of fun out of it. My overall take on subscription games is… are you gonna play them enough to make the sub cost per hour of fun worth it? A movie costs $7 for 2 to 3 hours. A decent video game gives me at least 40 hours a month for $15.

My usual signal to stop paying a subscription is when I find myself not logging in very often, or only logging in to do whatever daily grind it has and then logging off as soon as it's done.

I haven't paid to play in years, most games just haven't been worth the investment. Case and point, Destiny, if it was pay to play it wouldn't be worth it at all. Simply not worth the time.

In fact, the last game I spent money on to play was World of Warcraft, and I played that a few times a week for several years, so that was worth it, and the constant barrage of new content made it worth it. Now I am waiting out on newer better games as I said, The Division looks amazing and a lot of gaming websites are calling it the Destiny killer. Which is funny to me as Destiny pretty much committed suicide the day it was released with subpar content. After that, I don't know what I will play, hopefully The Division will be a long played out game.

The only way I would jump ship on that would be if they were to port Guild Wars 2 to console. I love that game but my PC is garbage and with 3 kids, its simply more cost effective to play console :P <drools as his kid plays minecraft> …
04 Nov, 2014, Liko wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
So, I started to play Final Fantasy XIV. I am enjoying it so far. I am an Archer. I found some cool Cactaur Earrings. I did a lot of the quests. I am currently level 7. I love doing FATES. All the players jump in and attack. I do like attacking and exploring. I can't wait to get a mount and do some raid.

On single player games, I loved Skyrim. I was big in to games like Pokemon, Final Fantasy(1-9, 10, 12, Tactics), The Legend of Zelda, Champions of Narrath, and more. Then Skyrim came and just blew them all clean. It set the standard on how a good RPG should be set,
OPEN WORLD, Exploring, Dungeons, Random Combat Encounters, Quest Generators, Towns, Great Story(Skyrim Lacked), and a few other.

I am excited for the new Dragon Age :)
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