Enter choice : j
C) Create New Equipment
D) Delete Equipment
Enter number to edit [0 to exit]: c
Insert after which equipment [0 if first]: 0
1) Position
2) Chance Load
3) Object Virtual Num
4) Max Existing
Current Equipment: E -1 0 -1 0
Enter Choice [0 to exit]:3
Enter object number to load:
vnum o crystal
1. [ 2590] a ward major
2. [ 4415] a crystal key
3. [ 8345] a crystalline key
4. [ 8369] a ring of lordship
5. [ 9506] the Crystal Trident
6. [10146] Anklet of Crystal Steam
7. [14402] a necklace with a crystal set in it
8. [15303] the crystal of Darkness
9. [19880] a tiny crystaline dragon
10. [20532] the Crystal Shard
11. [20546] the key to Hell
12. [20632] a Chromite crystal
13. [24247] a crystal chandelier
14. [24503] a key with a crescent moon inset
15. [24833] the crystalized goblet
> olist
Index VNum Object Name Object Type
—– ——- ——————————————– —————-
1) [41400] an iron hand-axe [WEAPON]
2) [41401] an iron shortsword [WEAPON]
3) [41402] an iron longsword [WEAPON]
4) [41403] an iron battle axe [WEAPON]
5) [41404] an iron warhammer [WEAPON]
> load object 41403
> ls
iron_shortsword.c iron_battleaxe.c iron_longsword.c iron_handaxe.c iron_warhammer.c
> clone iron_battleaxe.c
> load iron
Index Object Name Object Type
—– ——————————————– —————-
1) an iron hand-axe [WEAPON]
2) an iron shortsword [WEAPON]
3) an iron longsword [WEAPON]
4) an iron battle axe [WEAPON]
5) an iron warhammer [WEAPON]
Which iron? 3
You load an iron longsword.
I'd like to address this in a separate thread.
While I have a history of building graphical tools and interfaces, I have always tried to make it very clear that my points are aimed at getting people to think about improving UX in any context, whether pure text or pure graphics. The sky is the limit to how much you can improve even simple text / CLI user interfaces, and I've often in the past picked the subject of fast-scrolling text as one example where every MUD dev, even those radically opposed to any graphics, can improve.
It's an easy reaction to say that I'm pushing for graphics, or that my examples are only valid for graphical UI's. But the thing is, they are not. It is abundantly clear to me that the things I was describing are equally possible in plain text interfaces as well.
In the example of OLC and VNUMs, you can improve on the vanilla 1990's OLC of any MUD to offer a building experience where nobody, visually impaired or not, ever has to worry about remembering the unique id of anything:
One example (that I believe some folks have actually implemented) is a "room-painting" mode where the builder toggles a flag and starts moving around. Each move either generates a new room, or links up to an existing room that has already been placed at that position in the "grid". Or, you could just improve your existing "dig" command to prompt the user to link up if a room already exists "there" or to override and place the room in a non-Euclidean position.
Putting code in charge of linking up rooms and collision checks is a no-brainer. It not only takes human error in inputting VNUMs out of the picture, it also makes initial room layout x10 faster. And you don't have to show an actual grid to the end user to accomplish any of this.
Another example is setting an object to load in a room, or on a mobile. Rather than ask the user to input the unique id of said item (which is just a bad punt on the part of the person who designed this tool), you could offer a menu to run a search for the item, and then list the results for the builder to pick from. There is 0 need to show VNUMs anywhere in this process.
From a UI designer point of view, confronting non-technical folks with geek stuff like unique id's is an obvious no-no, graphics or no graphics. You have never been asked to remember and input your unique Facebook user id, just like you have never been asked for the Linux user id of the user you want to page.
In the context of poorly designed OLC tools, the LPMud approach was marginally better than the Diku one. But the real lesson here is that it shouldn't matter to any human being what the system's unique id for an entity looks like. And it's a valid lesson even for folks who feel comfortable and endlessly forgiving towards vanilla OLC.