03 Jun, 2010, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
I'm running a Linux as my main OS on my home computer, and I have a quick question:
I'm using ushare to stream to my xbox 360. So far so good, but all my media is saved on an
internal hardrive different than my OS. What I want to do is point the server to this archive drive,
but it isn't in the file system so how do I point it there?
03 Jun, 2010, kiasyn wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
whats the output of the 'mount' command
03 Jun, 2010, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
it was media/Archive.
Here's a concern of mine about memory, I used the "free" command to get this:
total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem: 3276 2689 587 0 744 1528

I have 4 gigs of Ram, I suppose like windows32 it only detects 3.2
Now, it says I only have 587 free? How am I using 2689? I am not really running anything crazy.
I installed Ubuntu last night even. I am running ushare which is like Tversity, but I'm not using it right now.
Is there a way to see how much ram each process is using?
03 Jun, 2010, David Haley wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
Is there a way to see how much ram each process is using?

Try 'top'. You can use < and > to sort by different columns. Note that VMEM is the size of virtual memory; RES is the amount of that that is resident in physical memory.
04 Jun, 2010, bbailey wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
JohnnyStarr said:
it was media/Archive.
Here's a concern of mine about memory, I used the "free" command to get this:
total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem: 3276 2689 587 0 744 1528

How am I using 2689? I am not really running anything crazy.

You're not using that much active memory...
04 Jun, 2010, quixadhal wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
What you're actually using is (used - buffers - cached), or 417M.

ps -auxww will show all the processes running, along with statistics about them.
09 Jun, 2010, Noplex wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Have you tried using Media Tomb? I have a Playstation 3, but I am pretty sure that it supports streaming to the Xbox 360, and I found that it works quite well. It uses the DLNA spec so anything that adheres to that should work properly.
09 Jun, 2010, quixadhal wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
Dynamic Licensing Nerf Agreement?
Double Long Nighttime Annoyance?
Doubtful Liquid Nourishment Application?
10 Jun, 2010, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
Noplex said:
Have you tried using Media Tomb? I have a Playstation 3, but I am pretty sure that it supports streaming to the Xbox 360, and I found that it works quite well. It uses the DLNA spec so anything that adheres to that should work properly.

I'll have to check that out. I've gotten UShare to work for Video only :cry:
10 Jun, 2010, Noplex wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
MediaTomb definitely works with video and audio, I believe it even does on the fly transcoding, and is open source. There is some paid software out there that does it better, but why spend the money? The only thing that sucks is the web skin for managing your library.
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