24 Mar, 2010, yamtara wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
when in death souls in score table is like this

You are Sifu the beginner (neutral).
You are a level 3 Orc Explorer.
Your native town is Town, and you are agnostic in faith.
You have solved one quest, and have two titles.
You were born on the 8th day of Ketralki, year 97. (18 years old)
You have five training points.
You are feeling brave.
You are starving!
You are parched and sober.
You require 51 more experience points to advance.

here is score.c
static void create() {
SetHelp("Syntax: score\n\n"
"Displays information about your character.\n"
"See also: stat, status, env");

static string *FoodDegree =
({ "starving!", "very hungry.",
"hungry.", " partially hungry.",
"feeling full.", "quite full." });

static string *DrunkDegree =
({ "sober", "tipsy", "drunk", "blitzed",
"three sheets to the wind", "FUBAR" });

static string *DrinkDegree =
({ "parched", "extremely thirsty", "very thirsty", "thirsty",
"somewhat thirsty", "unthirsty" });

mixed cmd(string arg) {
return 1;

varargs mixed eventScore(string arg) {
string *str;
int birth, age, x, y, z, qp, xp;
string *tmp;
mapping lev;
object who;
string prn, haben, be, poss;
string past, qual, cnj;

if(!arg || !creatorp(this_player()) || !(who = find_player(arg))){
who = this_player();
haben = "have";
be = "are";
poss = "your";
prn = "you";
past = "were";
qual = "qualify";
cnj = "";

else {
haben = "has";
be = "is";
poss = possessive(who);
prn = nominative(who);
past = "was";
qual = "qualifies";
cnj = "s";
str = ({ capitalize(prn)+" "+be+" "+who->GetShort() + " (" +
who->GetMoralityDescription() + ")." });
str += ({ sprintf(capitalize(prn)+" "+be+" a level %d %s%s %s.",
( who->GetUndead() ? "undead " : ""),
capitalize(who->GetRace() || "nothing"),
capitalize(who->GetClass() || "commoner")) });
str += ({ capitalize(poss)+" native town is "+who->GetTown()+", and "+
prn+" "+be+" "+ (who->GetReligion() ||
"agnostic") + " in faith." });
str += ({ sprintf(capitalize(prn)+" "+haben+" solved %s, and "+haben+" %s.",
"one quest"),
"one title") ) });
birth = who->GetBirth();
age = ( query_year(time()) - query_year(birth) );
str += ({ sprintf(capitalize(prn)+" "+past+
" born on the %d%s day of %s, year %d. "
"(%d years old)", query_date(birth), ordinal(query_date(birth)),
query_month(birth), query_year(birth), age) });
if( x = who->GetTrainingPoints() < 1 ) {
y = who->GetLevel() + 1 + (x / -4);
str += ({ "Training points await "+(who == this_player() ? "you" :
objective(who))+" at level " + y + "." });
else str += ({ capitalize(prn)+" "+haben+" " + consolidate(
"one training point") + "." });
if( who->GetWimpy() )
str += ({ capitalize(prn)+" "+be+" feeling wimpy." }); else
str += ({ capitalize(prn)+" "+be+" feeling brave." });
if( who->GetPoison() > 0 )
str += ({ capitalize(prn)+" "+be+" poisoned." });
x = who->GetFood() / 17;
if( x > sizeof(FoodDegree) - 1 ) x = (sizeof(FoodDegree) - 1);
y = who->GetDrink() / 17;
if( y > sizeof(DrinkDegree) - 1 ) y = (sizeof(DrinkDegree) - 1);
z = who->GetAlcohol();
if(z) z = (z/17) + 1;
if( z > sizeof(DrunkDegree) - 1 ) z = (sizeof(DrunkDegree) - 1);
str += ({ capitalize(prn)+" "+be+" "+FoodDegree[x] });
str += ({ sprintf(capitalize(prn)+" "+be+
" %s and %s.", DrinkDegree[y], DrunkDegree[z]) });
x = who->GetCustomStats();

tmp = ({});
qp = who->GetQuestPoints();
xp = who->GetExperiencePoints();
lev = PLAYERS_D->GetLevelList()[(who->GetLevel()) + 1];

qp = lev["qp"] - qp;
if(qp > 0) tmp += ({capitalize(prn)+" require"+cnj+" "+
comma(qp)+" more quest points to advance."});

xp = lev["xp"] - xp;
if(xp > 0) tmp += ({capitalize(prn)+" require"+cnj+" "+
comma(xp)+" more experience points to advance."});
if(!sizeof(tmp)) tmp = ({capitalize(prn)+" "+qual+
" to advance a level."});
str += tmp;

str += ({ "\n"+capitalize(prn)+" "+haben+" "+x+
" customization points left. Type: help customize" });
this_player()->eventPage(str, "info");
return 1;

lets tryto change this table like;

| Sifu < TiTLE OF THE CHAR > | |
| You are 30 years old ( 1 hours). You are young. |
| Level: … | Str: 21(32/32) | Religion : Atheist |
| Race : ……. | Dra: 20(32/32) | Practice : 7 |
| Sex : …… | Wis: 17(……..) | Train : 1 |
| Class: ……. | Speed: 21(…… Quest Pnts: 0 |
| Sub : ……… | Coord: 13(…..13) | Quest Time: 0 |
| Align: …………… | Cha: 18(…….18)
Agi: Wimpy : 0 |
|+—+—+—+—+- –+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+|
| You are hungry. |
| Items Carried : 20/40 | Hitroll : 6 |
| Weight Carried: 453/4625 | Damroll : 7 |
| Gold : 0 | |
| Silver : 235 | HitP: 70 / 70 |
| Current exp : 6948 | Mana: 159 / 159 |
| Exp to level : 902 | Move: 126 / 126 |
| Hit gain : 0 | Mana gain: 1 | Move gain: 0 |
| Armor vs magic : 40 | Neck : OK |
| Armor vs bash : 23 | Left Arm : OK |
| Armor vs pierce : 25 | Right Arm: OK |
| Armor vs slash : 23 | Legs : OK |
| Saves vs Spell : 0 | |


this. can we make it.. or how can we do

edit: Code tags added - Dean
24 Mar, 2010, Cratylus wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
I never heard of "death souls".

I've heard of something called Dead Souls, though.

In that codebase, generally people read the manual when they want to know how to code something.

If "death souls" is anything like Dead Souls, maybe the manual will help.


25 Mar, 2010, yamtara wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Cratylus said:
I never heard of "death souls".

I've heard of something called Dead Souls, though.

In that codebase, generally people read the manual when they want to know how to code something.

If "death souls" is anything like Dead Souls, maybe the manual will help.



okk sory for it
Dead Souls,
i read http://dead-souls.net/docs/manual/ many times…
i understand QCS but i ame trying to use
sory for my english.
thanks anyway
25 Mar, 2010, Cratylus wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
okk sory for it
Dead Souls,
i read http://dead-souls.net/docs/manual/ many times…
i understand QCS but i ame trying to use
sory for my english.
thanks anyway


You will have to keep trying on your own.

I will give you a good clue.

Do not modify score.

Modify stat.

Change that command until it looks the way you want.

Nobody here will do it for you.

You have to learn to do it yourself.

To find where the stat command is, type: which stat

26 Mar, 2010, yamtara wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
i ame new about dead souls but i like it . and i ame trying to understand smthing, QCS is perfect , i ame learning step by step some times i have some question and readin again again…. i thing 2-3 mounth i can understand exactly.. i have many idea but first i ame trying some easy coding ..
thanks for helping, some mny questins asking u sory for that,,.
thanks for dead souls cod it is very usefull and goodd