Welcome all DBZ Builders..I'm in need of dbz circle muds builders..I just remove all my zones so now i need few exp builders help me build… Host: Frostmud.com Port: 8014
I don't know if you know this, but your username has the word clown in it. I just think that's pretty funny and worth noting. Also, this message is on par with the usefulness of the other replies so far. :blues:
What is the fascination with all these DragonBallZ muds. I have watched so many begin and I don't know what happens after that. I think that has to be the most popular genre lately.
Is it young administrators? Is it people who don't realize the actual amount of effort it takes to begin, run, and maintain an effective mud? Is it people who think that, because there are so many ineffective DBZ muds, they are gonna be different?
Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results." I think this is the reason.
08 Dec, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
Grey: some combination of all of the above to varying degrees. Probably people who haven't read (or choose to ignore) messages like this one.
08 Dec, 2009, jurdendurden wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
I've noticed this over the past couple of years as well. There just seems to be SOOO much interest in STARTING a dbz mud, but I've never really heard of any staying alive and becoming something. I wonder if all these DBZ admins should just get together and make one mud? Perhaps that would be more effective.
I've noticed this over the past couple of years as well. There just seems to be SOOO much interest in STARTING a dbz mud, but I've never really heard of any staying alive and becoming something. I wonder if all these DBZ admins should just get together and make one mud? Perhaps that would be more effective.
I doubt it would be effective at all. The personalities and maturity levels of those involved are not typically conducive to working in a cooperative and collaborative environment.
I've noticed this over the past couple of years as well. There just seems to be SOOO much interest in STARTING a dbz mud, but I've never really heard of any staying alive and becoming something. I wonder if all these DBZ admins should just get together and make one mud? Perhaps that would be more effective.
Most of them can't stand any of the others, which is why most of them split off on their own muds. Back when Kyndig owned MudMagic.com, A lot of the stuff on the forums there used to be DBZ admins going at each others throats over inane shit. Much like the BS that goes on between morph and snwclown. It comes down to an inability to respect your competitors, I think. If there's a genre that's more fragmented and isolationist than the Star Wars community, it's DBZ. Thankfully though, most SW Admins ignore the rest of them and just do their own thing. DBZ Admins, Ozma comes to mind, seem to take pleasure in all around bashing of any form of competition.
I like Loki's post as well. Further down is a great link to Nick Gammon and his ideas on starting. It has become my makeshift bible in my project design.
I must admit, I do enjoy, and even welcome, the new DBZ's. They tend to be so amuisng. And with this crowd, I can always count on a good laugh to remind me why I enjoy this community.
There have been so many recently because DBSaga (one of the most popular DBZ MUDs with 100+ players on normally) closed down years ago and released the source. Now everyone wants to run a copy.
There have been so many recently because DBSaga (one of the most popular DBZ MUDs with 100+ players on normally) closed down years ago and released the source. Now everyone wants to run a copy.
Perhaps that's one reason, but there's a good number of DBZ themed CircleMUDs as well. I'm not really sure why though as I've just about never seen a DBZ themed ROM MUD. Perhaps Iovan is to blame ;)
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