22 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Chaos Ring is a very unique code. The Implementer has already implemented a lot of code and began severe and heavy modifications to QuickMUD. For this reason, the Head Builder (that's me) needs to begin building a Building staff to create new and unique areas to begin testing classes and prepare for beta and player testing. If you're interested, please check into:
frostmud.com [8036]
or send me a PM here!
[Requirements]: (1) Knowledge of ROM OLC (2) Imagination (3) Descriptive personality (4) Able to commit at least 5 hours of dedicated building per 5 days* (5) Ability to describe and map out your own area's for easier access and building ability (6) Ability to describe your area to myself for proper approval. (7) Ability to flex with the needs of the game and the players. (8) Knowledge that this is a D&D oriented mud (9) D&D Sourcebooks for area ideas** (10) All else will be at the discretion of the primary Administrators for future discussion.
* Which means 1 hour per day for 5 days in a row, or 5 hours in 1 day, or whatever, just as long as it is dedicated building and nothing else, we're not tyrants, but if you're a builder, we want you to build and enjoy the game that you're helping to build, not just sit around. ** Not really a REQUIREMENT, more like a suggestion. I have copies of my books in PDF if they're needed.
28 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
[Changes As of August 27, 2009 - 11:13pm CST]
Chaos Ring is still a new and exciting mud. We've pulled the plug on all the stock area's (except those required to remain in by the actual code of the mud) and are beginning anew! Fresh and inventive idea's are always more than welcome. Because of the most recent changes, we're currently looking at a different set of requirements.
[Requirements] (1) Knowledge and ability to build areas based on Rom 2.4 OLC (teaching is offered so this is not a staunch requirement)
And that's it. What we would like to see from our builders follows:
(1) If given a 100 room vnum, we would like to see it finished within 2 weeks time. (2) Constant communication regarding your availability**
We're looking to open for player testing within the next 45 days. Because of this, the building staff needs several dedicated builders. When you see the (**), we're not looking for your life story or personal information. We're looking to know that if something happens and you'll be gone or inactive for a little bit, we know you'll be gone or inactive for a little bit. We'd like to see our builders build for an hour or two every day (if feasibly possible) so that the players will have something expansive and fun to test in. We do not feel that we're asking for too much, so we'd really like to see some serious people stop by and check us to see if it is something that they'd like to do with us, ground floor and all. We're also looking for RP Immortals, and to set something up there, you'll need to speak to Imunael. So, please, come by and check us out!
frostmud.com [8036]
03 Sep, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
[Changes As of September 2, 2009 - 8:27pm CST]
Chaos Ring is still a new and exciting mud. We've pulled the plug on all the stock area's (except those required to remain in by the actual code of the mud) and are beginning anew! Fresh and inventive idea's are always more than welcome. Because of the most recent changes, we're currently looking at a different set of requirements.
[Requirements] (1) The want to be on a new mud that is being customized from the ground up.
And that's it. What we would like to see from our builders follows:
(1) If given a 100 room vnum, we would like to see it finished within 2 weeks time. (2) Constant communication regarding your availability**
We're looking to open for player testing within the next 39 days. Because of this, the building staff needs several dedicated builders. Hopefully we will have a full staff of builders. Currently, we are looking for a staff of builders that can be dedicated to the building process. There is no need to have pre-existing ROM OLC knowledge as I will teach you if you need help or want to learn! The Administration has also discussed ensuring that there is a rich and expansive playing environment that will have several unique aspects such as:
(1) Class specific equipment (2) Extensive sets of equipment (for example: a full suit of mordicai's flame retardent platemail [but, naturally, the name of the gear will fit the theme of the mud]). (3) Class specific script quests (4) Fully automated and player run clans with clan specific areas, quests and equipment. (5) Different planes of existence for exploration. (6) World of Warcraft and Everquest 2 like "end game raid dungeons." (7) etc.
Unfortunately, the building staff only has 2 members on it currently and to complete the amount of building we need completed for player testing, we need more builders! So, please feel free to stop by and speak with Uthavel (the Head Builder) to see about a quick little interview and setting you up as a builder!
frostmud.com [8036]
or send me a PM here!
(1) Knowledge of ROM OLC
(2) Imagination
(3) Descriptive personality
(4) Able to commit at least 5 hours of dedicated building per 5 days*
(5) Ability to describe and map out your own area's for easier access and building ability
(6) Ability to describe your area to myself for proper approval.
(7) Ability to flex with the needs of the game and the players.
(8) Knowledge that this is a D&D oriented mud
(9) D&D Sourcebooks for area ideas**
(10) All else will be at the discretion of the primary Administrators for future discussion.
* Which means 1 hour per day for 5 days in a row, or 5 hours in 1 day, or whatever, just as long as it is dedicated building and nothing else, we're not tyrants, but if you're a builder, we want you to build and enjoy the game that you're helping to build, not just sit around.
** Not really a REQUIREMENT, more like a suggestion. I have copies of my books in PDF if they're needed.