Set in an original world with a fantasy horror theme and powered by a custom game engine, Maiden Desmodus offers an intense multiplayer role-playing environment.
When the Kneyan Kingdom was conquered a hundred years ago and the Kneyan people of the mainland exterminated, The Isle became an independent kingdom. With the trade routes decimated by war, the Kneyans of The Isle settled into a peaceful and self-reliant existence. That is, until the arrival of a dark being that came to be known by the islanders as the Maiden Desmodus.
The Maiden Desmodus, described as a witch by some, a vampire or demon by others, began feeding off of the population. Great efforts were made to slay the Maiden, yet all were futile. In time, the Kneyans forged an unspoken truce with “The Crimson Goddess” and blood was soon being offered in worship at temples throughout The Isle.
However, a rebellion against the practices of traditional Desmoduism led to the fracturing of the Kneyan Kingdom, and now the emerging Kingdom of Thiria wages a brutal war with their former brothers to the south.
Key game features will include description driven character interaction, non automated combat, a player driven economy with extensive crafting, mass warfare and conquest, player run factions and political intrigue, hundreds of unique skills to learn, all original areas to explore including instanced adventure zones… and much much more.
Join us now for open beta and discover a more interesting world to inhabit!
I just clicked the web client link and its working fine for me, so that's really odd. There's a couple other people logged in too so it's not just me that can connect. As far as the web client goes it could be a Flash issue maybe, so ignoring that for the moment, what client are you using to connect and what kind of error are you getting?
I just clicked the web client link and its working fine for me, so that's really odd. There's a couple other people logged in too so it's not just me that can connect. As far as the web client goes it could be a Flash issue maybe, so ignoring that for the moment, what client are you using to connect and what kind of error are you getting?
telnet from shell fails, kildclient fails, and your web client fails. I'd say it's fairly certain anything I use will fail at this point. :P
"Could not resolve host: Name or service not known."
Looks nice Matt! Your custom client makes me jealous hehe. I'll play more when I get a chance, the learning curve doesn't appear to be too bad (from a Diku-background). The 'commands' thing spammed off a few pages, didn't seem to be aligned? I do like the interaction on some though, ask wellis <stuff> was a nice way to 'sayto wellis', very intuitive there! I also like that it shows the weight you can carry more after you pick things up, though I'd probably make it less specific personally (I don't know if I can carry 93 more pounds, or just way more etc). The delayed action of moving is a really nice feel too, does it have a 'run' (sprint/jump etc) version? I dig the telnet subnegotiation for blood/mana/power, sooo wish you had a client with those available (maybe like variables you could set), but I realize the complication of all that heh.
I like, I'll hopefully find some more time to run around your world.
Looks nice Matt! Your custom client makes me jealous hehe. I'll play more when I get a chance, the learning curve doesn't appear to be too bad (from a Diku-background). The 'commands' thing spammed off a few pages, didn't seem to be aligned? I do like the interaction on some though, ask wellis <stuff> was a nice way to 'sayto wellis', very intuitive there! I also like that it shows the weight you can carry more after you pick things up, though I'd probably make it less specific personally (I don't know if I can carry 93 more pounds, or just way more etc). The delayed action of moving is a really nice feel too, does it have a 'run' (sprint/jump etc) version? I dig the telnet subnegotiation for blood/mana/power, sooo wish you had a client with those available (maybe like variables you could set), but I realize the complication of all that heh.
I like, I'll hopefully find some more time to run around your world.
Well spotted on the misalignment, its actually because the web client uses a non fixed width font and the 'commands' command is one of the few core commands that come with nakedmud so like most MUDs its formatted for a fixed width font. I'll fix that in the next update.
There is a run skill that you can learn if you train the survival skillset which allows you to move without a delay, or a speed potion will do the same thing. There's also sprinting, somersaulting, leaping and riding.
When the Kneyan Kingdom was conquered a hundred years ago and the Kneyan people of the mainland exterminated, The Isle became an independent kingdom. With the trade routes decimated by war, the Kneyans of The Isle settled into a peaceful and self-reliant existence. That is, until the arrival of a dark being that came to be known by the islanders as the Maiden Desmodus.
The Maiden Desmodus, described as a witch by some, a vampire or demon by others, began feeding off of the population. Great efforts were made to slay the Maiden, yet all were futile. In time, the Kneyans forged an unspoken truce with “The Crimson Goddess” and blood was soon being offered in worship at temples throughout The Isle.
However, a rebellion against the practices of traditional Desmoduism led to the fracturing of the Kneyan Kingdom, and now the emerging Kingdom of Thiria wages a brutal war with their former brothers to the south.
Key game features will include description driven character interaction, non automated combat, a player driven economy with extensive crafting, mass warfare and conquest, player run factions and political intrigue, hundreds of unique skills to learn, all original areas to explore including instanced adventure zones… and much much more.
Join us now for open beta and discover a more interesting world to inhabit!
Port: 4000
Web Client