But, unless you're the boss, you don't get to set the rules. You can try to convince them to change their policies, but you can also try to blow a 30' bubble with Baseball card gum. Good luck!
Well if your boss is open to discussing that sort of thing you can try at least. Just don't get suckered in by the fake "open door policy" type of employers who really use those moments to make a note of how annoying you're becoming and that you're "questioning authority" and in general being insubordinate and causing disruption in the workplace. Yes. I have in fact been down this road. Not pretty. Very little you can do about it other than shrug it off and hope for the best. Just don't hold your breath while waiting :)
Goodness! The various responses to this thread spoke volumes about the individual posters.
Since no one knows where I work or what I do, I will let the mystery remain. And do feel free to tell me how to spend my down time at work. :biggrin:
Who you work for is neither here nor there, its the policy they have in place that is what matters and all ports closed might mean they do not want anyone using the company system for anything other than company work.
blueneko said:
which means I actually have to work,
From your original post it would seem that you were wanting to do things other than work and that this has nothing much really to do with downtime and more to do with what you want to do in your actual work time.
The good thing however is that no one here has said anything bad about what your wanting to do nor have they attacked you in any way other than to discourage you in doing something that may lead to your dismissal, so i don't really understand where the "Goodness! The various responses to this thread spoke volumes about the individual posters." statement is coming from when all we have done is expressed our concerns and some their experiences.
Dot-bomb jobs were nice for that too. Unfortunately, they went away… but while it lasted, it was fun to use the 119-inch conference room wall and 1024x768 projector to play X-Tension, or watch some DVD's in the afternoon.
Hmm, wouldn't the pixels be like an inch tall if it was on a 119" screen at 1024x768? :P
15 Nov, 2008, quixadhal wrote in the 24th comment:
Votes: 0
Yes, but sitting about 10 feet back, you didn't really notice. :)
Actually, I guess they'd be…. 12 pixels per inch…. if my math is right.
15 Nov, 2008, Ssolvarain wrote in the 25th comment:
Votes: 0
There should be a mud client with a hot-key that'd throw up an image over your entire monitor, so you'd look productive. You could even take your own screenshot from when you ARE hard at work, slip it in, then you can be "busy" with the push of a key, and your boss'd be none the wiser.
15 Nov, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 26th comment:
Votes: 0
I wonder if you're old enough to have seen games that actually had things like that; in fact it was called the "boss key"… :wink:
help mem This command makes it look like you're doing something important and technical that has to do with memory, but really it's just wiping your screen of game text.
15 Nov, 2008, Ssolvarain wrote in the 28th comment:
Votes: 0
Yeah, I'm aware of the boss key. Not many games have em now, but the ones I've seen looked fairly obvious. Then again, you might have a boss who's not very perceptive.
15 Nov, 2008, quixadhal wrote in the 29th comment:
Votes: 0
Pffft… just throw up a BSOD, no boss will even think twice about that being unusual.
Well if your boss is open to discussing that sort of thing you can try at least. Just don't get suckered in by the fake "open door policy" type of employers who really use those moments to make a note of how annoying you're becoming and that you're "questioning authority" and in general being insubordinate and causing disruption in the workplace. Yes. I have in fact been down this road. Not pretty. Very little you can do about it other than shrug it off and hope for the best. Just don't hold your breath while waiting :)