                      Installing Phantasmal

This document assumes you've already got DGD installed and working,
and you've tested it with the Kernel Library.  A source installation
of DGD is better for debugging, but the important thing is that DGD
works and that you've got the source to the Kernel Library.  If you
haven't gotten DGD up and running, check out
"" and click on "Downloading,
Compiling and Configuring DGD".  The SourceForge forums and the DGD
mailing list can also help you with these setup problems.

You'll need a recent version of DGD with full support for a bunch of
the latest features.  This MUDLib has been tested with the DGD
version(s) listed in TESTED_VERSIONS.  A recent experimental version
(like, say, 1.2.110) is very likely to work with the most recent
version of Phantasmal.  Note that my testing normally uses the latest
versions.  It's possible that the lower-numbered DGD versions in
TESTED_VERSIONS don't work correctly any more, but they have with a
recently.  When in doubt, upgrade to the latest DGD version listed in
TESTED_VERSIONS, or to the most recent version of DGD.

                         Basic Install

You'll want to install your Kernel Library (the mud/kernel
subdirectory under your DGD installation) into the kernel subdirectory
of Phantasmal.  You'll also want to copy files from the Kernel Library
mud/include/kernel subdirectory into Phantasmal's include/kernel.
Please do *not* replace Phantasmal's config.h or other stuff in
phantasmal/include!  Since the Kernel Library changes with successive
versions of DGD you should use the one that comes with your DGD server
code and upgrade it when you upgrade DGD.  See the README files in
Phantasmal's "kernel" and "include/kernel" directories for more detail
on these operations.

You may also want to copy the files from the DGD source tree in
dgd/doc/kfun to the Phantasmal directory under doc/kfun.  If you're
doing development, you'll appreciate having them close by.

You'll need a .dgd file for Phantasmal.  Edit the phantasmal.dgd file
in your Phantasmal top-level directory.  Change the "directory" entry
to the correct one where you installed Phantasmal.  Remember that the
directory needs to be absolute, not relative.  That means it should
*start* with a slash or a drive letter, not with a dot or a directory
name.  You can change the port number as well, if you want.  The
binary port is for administrator login if something goes drastically
wrong.  You'll never ordinarily use it.  Eventually you may want to
change more stuff in the .dgd file, but you'll want to learn more
about DGD by the time it's necessary.  That's a DGD thing, not a
Phantasmal thing.

Read the README.ssh file.  It'll tell you how to make sure your SSHD
is appropriately secure.  By default it is *not* secure, because you're
using the same crypto key you got with Phantasmal, so you're using the same
crypto key as everybody else.

                        Making Accounts

Once you have the MUD running, you should first log in as admin, then
make yourself a non-admin account to use.  That's because admin can do
anything, so set a pretty secure password on it!  It's not even
possible to remove admin's privileges, so *never* let another staff
member learn the admin password.  Well, or change that password if you
ever demote or fire them.

I'll call the non-admin account "me" in the following paragraph,
though it could be almost any word.  When you make your new non-admin
account, you can grant it full adminstrative access by typing "%grant
me access" and "%grant me / full".  That's "%grant", space, your
account name, space, slash, space, "full", space, but without the
quotes.  The "me" account can now be your main administrator account
so you don't have to be called "admin", and so you can test better
later.  The second grant command makes the account able to pretty much
crash your MUD or destroy your data if the account owner feels like
it, so use it only with very trusted people.  Full access is very
powerful.  There will eventually be a less-privileged admin class
suitable for builders, but that's not done yet.

                            More Help

When you get started, type "help".  Normally all commands are
documented in the online help.  You may notice that the default help
is different for administrators and regular non-admin players, so
don't be confused if that happens.  If there's a command you're *sure*
exists but you just can't find it, the command lists in
/usr/System/lib/wiztoollib.c and /data/phrase/user_cmds.unq are
definitive.  If it's not in those, it doesn't exist in the MUD yet.

Further information on Phantasmal can be found in various locations.
You can find more information about Phantasmal at
"".  My pages about general DGD stuff are at
"".  Read through both of them if you're
having trouble with general stuff, there's a lot of information there.

Phantasmal's SourceForge project is at
"".  The SourceForge forums are
excellent for getting help, and you can find old design notes and
project history there.  The DGD mailing list is also an appropriate
place to ask general DGD and LPC questions rather than
Phantasmal-specific ones.