Merc Release 2.1
Sunday 01 August 1993

Furey	mec@shell.portal.com
Hatchet	hatchet@uclink.berkeley.edu
Kahn	michael@uclink.berkeley.edu

=== Compiling with traditional C

Merc is written in Ansi Standard C and uses several features not found in
traditional C compilers:

    -- the 'const' attribute
    -- function prototypes with argument types
    -- new-style function definitions with argument types embedded

These features are too useful to just discard out of hand.  On the other hand,
with some clever hacking (which we have graciously done for you), it is
possible to accommodate the deficiencies of some old non-ansi C compilers.

=== How to tell if you have traditional C or Ansi C

If your C Compiler is 'gcc', then it is Ansi C, and you don't need to know
anything about traditional C.

If you are on a Sun workstation and your compiler is Sun's 'cc', you have
traditional C.

If you get dozens of errors at compile time on 'merc.h' function declarations
with 'DO_FUN' and 'SPELL_FUN', you probably have a traditional C compiler.

Note that 'traditional C' refers to just about anything that's pre-Ansi C.
We've tested Merc 2.0 with 'mktrad' on several machines, but that's no
guarantee it will work on yours.  You can do everything in this document and
STILL be unable to compile, link, or execute.  Well, you said you were getting
a mud to 'learn about programming' ...

=== How to compile with traditional C

(1) Start with a clean copy of the release in an experimental directory.  Step
    (3) of this procedure will *irreversibly* change the source.

(2) Select the 'traditional C' makefile.

	cp makefile.tra makefile

    This makefile uses the command 'cc -c -O -DTRADITIONAL' to compile and the
    command 'cc -O -o merc' to link.  If you need different command lines, edit
    the file.  The file 'merc.h' checks the 'TRADITIONAL' symbol.

(3) Run 'mktrad'.

	csh mktrad >& mktrad.out

    'Mktrad' will invoke the 'ed' editor on *.c and rewrite all of the function
    definition lines from Ansi C style to Traditional C style.  After running
    'mktrad', you cannot recover the original files.  Also, if you run 'mktrad'
    a second time on the same files, you will probably ruin them.

    The file 'mktrad.out' will be about 80k long.  You can ignore this
    file if everything works.

    If your system doesn't have 'ed', try changing mktrad to invoke 'ex'
    instead.  If you have neither 'ed' nor 'ex', you're on your own.

(4) Run 'make' as usual:

	make -k >&! make.out

(5) If all goes well, then the one-time conversion has succeeded.  You can now
    develop the code as you like, and compile normally.  NEVER run mktrad again
    or you'll hose your source!

(6) If things go wrong and you need help, e-mail us.  We'll need 'mktrad.out'
    and 'make.out' files, as well as the model of your computer.