As a kingdom grows in might (and members), it's rank will increase
as well. This rank is based on the character strength of the five
most powerful members of the kingdom, and the titles are as follows.

  Empire            - average playerrank of #9Almighty#n
  Dynasty           - average playerrank of #oSupreme#n
  Civilization      - average playerrank of #RBaron#n
  Nation            - average playerrank of #gGeneral#n
  Monarchy          - average playerrank of #RMaster#n
  City State        - average playerrank of #GHero#n
  Chiefdom          - average playerrank of #rVeteran#n
  Weenies           - playerrank to low to notice

A kingdom with less than five players will have their rank severely
lowered (kingdoms with less than 5 members are given a one week
warning, after which they are deleted if their membership hasn't
risen above the count of 5). A kingdom does not gain anything from a
high rank, except of course the bragging rights.