This quick helpfile will help to answer some of your questions regarding the
MUD Calim's Cradle.

Q. Why are there only 4 classes on this MUD?
A. We are trying to create a series of very different classes, each having a
   unique playing style, and more depth than classes normally found in a
   GodWars MUD. As the MUD progresses, more classes will be added, and we
   hope to follow the same standard as the 4 original classes.

Q. Why is the experience at such a low level compared to other Dystopia MUDs?
A. We don't consider the experience level to be low, rather we are trying to
   avoid the number inflation found in many MUDs, where you gain billions of
   experience, but has to spend several billions gaining powers. The numbers
   have simply been lowered all around.

Q. When I cast the identify spell on my weapon, it tells me that it has an
   average damage of above 1000, how can that be true?
A. There was a slight misinterpretation of how average damage was calculated,
   and in fact, the old identify spell would report the damage of a weapon
   incorrectly. The new spell just reports the actual damage dealt by the