You may use the MUD's auction system to buy or sell rares/sentients. When 
you put an item up for auction, other players may bid on the item for the 
next 48 hours, and the highest bidder gets the item (you may set a 
minimum price for the item). When putting an auction up for sale, the
seller may set a bidout price (type 'auction sell' for a syntax). This
bidout price is the maximum price the seller wants for the item, and the
auction will end the instant anyone reaches this price.

Should an item not be sold, it will be returned to your character, but 
should it be sold, the gold (-5% which is taken by the auction system) 
will be placed in your account.

By using the 'auction list' command, a list of items will be displayed. 
The price will be highlighted in yellow if the auction is active (ie. 
someone has already bid on the item). If no one has submitted a bid, the 
price will simply be listed in normal grey/white. It should be noted that
an auction where you own the item or have the highest current bid will
be coloured red (ie. you cannot bid on it).

Putting up an item for auction will cost you 5 goldcrowns.

A note is posted to both the seller and the buyer about the transaction.

Syntax: auction [list|id|buy|sell|remove|mybids]