This is the README file for the Dystopia 2.0 codebase.

Read through the other files found in this directory,
they will explain how many parts of the code is used, and
why certain things work as they do.

Once you start, it would be a good idea to grep for stuff that
needs fixing - type the following in the shell

$ grep "FIX ME" *.c

The output will show what files contains comments about stuff
that needs to be fixed - nothing serious, just bits of code that
I never got around to fixing.

Also, the four classes has unfinished level 3 evolves. If you
just keep the experience level at its current setting, you can
expect a month or so before one of your players will start
complaining about missing level 3 evolves. So perhaps that is
a good place to get started :o)

Check the HTML files (in a browser) for the current layout of
the class evolve trees. Also, it is a good idea to read all the
helpfiles in the help directory - almost all of them have been
updated, and contain useful information about the class powers.

Kind regards

Brian Graversen, author of the codebase (jobo@daimi.au.dk)